Пример #1
def test_construct_cint():
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    y = CInt(0, min=-8, max=8)

    # Elaboration definitions, the results are evaluated
    # in simulation not the explicit code below - the
    # following *constructs* the HDL (generators) that are
    # simulated and converted.
    with clock_domain(clock) as ctx:
        # Create a new CInt: `x`, create generators for
        # the addition operations.
        x = CInt(2) + CInt(4)
        # Assign to the CInt: `y`, create a generator for
        # the assignment.
        y.next = x + 1
    inst = ctx.blocks()

    # Get a reference ot the output of the construct context
    yy = y.sig

    tbclk = clock.process()

    def tbstim():
        print("[{:8d}] 1a: ".format(hdl.now()), x, y, yy)
        yield hdl.delay(10)
        yield clock.posedge
        yield clock.posedge
        print("[{:8d}] 2a: ".format(hdl.now()), x, y, yy)
        assert yy == 7
        raise hdl.StopSimulation

    # Run a simulation of the above myhdl.generators
    hdl.Simulation([tbclk, tbstim, inst]).run()
Пример #2
def test_initial_state():
        É importante deixarmos claro qual o objetivo do teste. Isso nos ajuda a
        recordar ou descobrir o que motivou as escolhas do desenvolvedor no

        Esse primeiro teste valida que no início o display mostrará o valor

    # Nessa declaração inicial temos os parâmetros do circuito sob teste
    circuit_param = design.Parameters(nleds=8)

    def stimulus(signals):
            Dado que o processo de inicialização é interno não precisamos de
            estímulo ao circuito digital nesse ponto.abs
        yield mhd.delay(1)

    def verification(signals):
        assert signals.leds == 0, 'The display must show Zero'
        yield mhd.delay(1)

    simulator = mhd.Simulation(bench(stimulus, verification, circuit_param))
Пример #3
        def block(self):
            def run_and_stop():
                yield from func(self)
                raise myhdl.StopSimulation

            insts = [x(self, func) for x in blocks] + [run_and_stop()]
            sim = myhdl.Simulation(insts)
Пример #4
    def simFixPoint(self):
        Simulate filter in fix-point description
        # Setup the Testbench and run

        dlg = QFD(self)  # instantiate file dialog object

        plt_types = "png (*.png);;svg (*.svg)"

        plt_file, plt_type = dlg.getSaveFileName_(caption="Save plots as",
        plt_file = str(plt_file)

        if plt_file != "":
            plt_file = os.path.normpath(plt_file)
            plt_type = str(plt_type)

            logger.info('Using plot filename "%s"', plt_file)

            plt_dir_name = os.path.dirname(
                plt_file)  # extract the directory path
            if not os.path.isdir(
                    plt_dir_name):  # create directory if it doesn't exist
            dirs.save_dir = plt_dir_name  # make this directory the new default / base dir

            #            plt_file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(plt_file))[0] # filename without suffix
            plt_file_name = os.path.basename(plt_file)

            logger.info('Creating plot file "{0}"'.format(
                os.path.join(plt_dir_name, plt_file_name)))

            self.setupHDL(file_name=plt_file_name, dir_name=plt_dir_name)

            logger.info("Fixpoint simulation setup")
            tb = self.flt.simulate_freqz(num_loops=3, Nfft=1024)
            clk = myhdl.Signal(False)
            ts = myhdl.Signal(False)
            x = myhdl.Signal(
                myhdl.intbv(0, min=-2**(self.W[0] - 1),
                            max=2**(self.W[0] - 1)))
            y = myhdl.Signal(
                myhdl.intbv(0, min=-2**(self.W[0] - 1),
                            max=2**(self.W[0] - 1)))

                sim = myhdl.Simulation(tb)
                logger.info("Fixpoint simulation started")
                logger.info("Fixpoint plotting started")
                logger.info("Fixpoint plotting finished")
            except myhdl.SimulationError as e:
                logger.warning("Simulation failed:\n{0}".format(e))
Пример #5
 def configure_simulation(self, max_time=None, add_generators=[]):
     Configure MyHDL simulation.
     * max_time: optional max time to simulate. None means simulation 
       without time limit.
     * add_generators: external MyHDL generators to add to the simulation
     # myhdl simulation: extract all generators and prepare
     # arguments
     for obj in self.noc_ref.all_list():
         prevcount = len(add_generators)
         #self.debug("configure_simulation: adding %d generators from object %s" % (len(add_generators)-prevcount, repr(obj)))
         if isinstance(obj, ipcore):
             #self.debug("configure_simulation: plus ipcore channel: adding %d generators from object %s" % (len(add_generators)-prevcount, repr(obj.channel_ref)))
     # --------------------------------
     # debug info
     # TODO: try to get info about generators, particularly obtain origin
     # info about @always and @always_comb generators
     #self.debug("configure_simulation: list of generators: (count = %d)" % len(add_generators))
     #for genl in add_generators:
     #if not isinstance(genl, list):
     #gen2 = [genl]
     #gen2 = genl
     #self.debug("configure_simulation:   generator list '%s'" % repr(genl))
     #for gen in gen2:
     #self.debug("configure_simulation:   generator '%s'" % repr(gen))
     #self.debug("configure_simulation:   inspect info name '%s'" % gen.gen.__name__)
     #self.debug("configure_simulation:   inspect info locals '%s'" % repr(gen.gen.gi_frame.f_locals.keys()))
     #for k, v in gen.gen.gi_frame.f_locals.iteritems():
     #self.debug("configure_simulation:   inspect info locals[%s] '%s'" % (k, repr(v)))
     #if gen.gen.__name__ == "genfunc":
     #self.debug("configure_simulation:   inspect info deep name '%s'" % gen.func.__name__)
     # --------------------------------
     self.sim_object = myhdl.Simulation(*add_generators)
     self.sim_duration = max_time
         "configure_simulation: will run until simulation time '%d'" %
Пример #6
    def run(self):
        # can now either generate or simulate/convert/generateTcl
        if self.args.QsysGenerate and not self.args.ignoreQsys:
            if self.args.verbose:
                print('Generating {} for Qsys' .format(self.args.targetHDL))
            # force std_logic_vectors instead of unsigned in Interface as Qsys wants this
            myhdl.toVHDL.std_logic_ports = True
            self.convert(self, 'vhdl')  # override self.args.targetHDL as this is 'always'verilog?
            # rename the entity and architecture identifiers to match the name given by Qsys
            generate.updateEntity("{}" .format(self.modulename), self.args.QsysGenerate[1])
            # delete existing target
            target = "{}{}.vhd" .format(self.args.QsysGenerate[0], self.args.QsysGenerate[1])
            if os.path.exists(target):
            os.rename("{}.vhd".format(self.modulename), target)
            if self.args.verbose:
                print('Simulate, Convert, Generate _hw.tcl')
            if self.testbench:
                # remove 'old' .vcd file
                filename = self.testbench[1].__name__ + ".vcd"
                if os.access(filename, os.F_OK):

                # Run Simulation
                testbench = myhdl.traceSignals(self.testbench[1], self)

                sim = myhdl.Simulation(testbench)

            if self.convert:
                if self.args.targetHDL is not None:
                    self.convert(self, self.args.targetHDL)
                    # do both languages
                    self.convert(self, 'vhdl')
                    self.convert(self, 'verilog')

            if self.gentcl:
                generate.writeHwTcl(self.generics, self.connectionpointlist, self.modulename,
Пример #7
    def test_simulate(self):
        import myhdl
        duration = 1

        def _sim():
            bus = Apb3Bus(duration=duration)
            bus_presetn = bus.presetn
            bus_pclk = bus.pclk
            bus_paddr = bus.paddr
            bus_psel = bus.psel
            bus_penable = bus.penable
            bus_pwrite = bus.pwrite
            bus_pwdata = bus.pwdata
            bus_pready = bus.pready
            bus_prdata = bus.prdata
            bus_pslverr = bus.pslverr

            status_led = Signal(bool(False))

            slave = apb3_simple_slave(bus, status_led)

            def __sim():
                yield bus.reset()
                assert not status_led
                yield bus.transmit(0x40, 0x0001)
                assert status_led
                yield bus.receive(0x40)
                assert bus.rdata == 0x0001
                assert not status_led
                yield bus.receive(0x40)
                assert bus.rdata == 0x0002
                assert status_led
                raise StopSimulation

            return __sim, slave

        s = myhdl.Simulation(myhdl.traceSignals(_sim))
Пример #8
        clock.next = not clock

    def check_equality():
        yield clock.posedge
        reset.next = False

        yield clock.posedge

        # Simply check the initial value and the first couple of transitions
        for i in range(10):
            ref_state = reference.state[::-1]

            for s, ref in zip(state, ref_state):
                assert s == ref

            yield clock.posedge

        raise myhdl.StopSimulation()

    # Use all instances for simulation
    return myhdl.instances()

s = myhdl.Simulation(test_rule30())


print "Everything seems good!"
Пример #9
    def simulation_thread(self):
        params = copy.copy(self.params)

        clock = myhdl.Signal(bool())
        reset = myhdl.ResetSignal(bool(True), True, True)
        phase_step = myhdl.Signal(myhdl.intbv(0)[self.params.phase_acc_bits:])
        BITS = self.params.out_bits
        cos_out = myhdl.Signal(myhdl.intbv(0, -2**(BITS - 1), 2**(BITS - 1)))
        sin_out = myhdl.Signal(myhdl.intbv(0, -2**(BITS - 1), 2**(BITS - 1)))

        # Constants
        samples = self.params.fft_samples

        dut = nco.NCOCordic(clock,

        output = []

        def clockgen():
            clock.next = not clock

        def simulate():
            # A couple of cycles to reset the circuit
            reset.next = True
            phase_step.next = 0
            yield clock.negedge
            yield clock.negedge

            reset.next = False
            phase_step.next = self.params.phase_step

            # Flush the pipeline once
            for i in range(0, self.params.pipeline_length):
                yield clock.negedge

            # Now the first correct sample is at the output
            for sample in range(0, samples):
                time = sample / self.params.frequency
                theoretical_phase = (sample / self.params.frequency *
                                     self.params.actual_tone % 1.0) * 2 * np.pi

                # Save the result
                output.append((time, theoretical_phase, int(cos_out.val),

                self.emit('simulation_progress', sample / float(samples))

                if self._thread_abort:
                    raise myhdl.StopSimulation("Simulation Aborted")

                yield clock.negedge

            raise myhdl.StopSimulation

        myhdl.Simulation(dut, clockgen, simulate).run(None)

        simulation_result = np.array(output, dtype=np.float64)

        self.emit('simulation_done', simulation_result, params)
Пример #10
def test_mdct(args=None):
    """ A simple test to exercise the MDCT block

    clock = Signal(bool(0))
    reset = ResetSignal(1, active=1, async=True)

    datai = DataBus(w=8)
    datao = DataBus(w=12)
    fini = Signal(bool(0))

    tbdut = prep_cosim(clock, reset, datai, datao, args=args)

    def tbclk():
        clock.next = not clock

    def bench_mdct():
        numin_s = Signal(0)
        numout_s = Signal(0)

        def pulse_reset():
            reset.next = reset.active
            yield delay(13)
            reset.next = reset.active
            yield delay(113)
            reset.next = not reset.active
            yield delay(13)
            yield clock.posedge

        def tbmon():
            numin, numout = 0, 0
            while True:
                yield clock.posedge
                if datao.dv:
                    numout += 1

                if datai.dv:
                    numin += 1

                if numin == (80 * 80 * 4) - 1:
                    print("input finished")

                if numout == (80 * 80 * 4) - 1:
                    print("output finished")
                    fini.next = True

                numin_s.next = numin
                numout_s.next = numout

        def tbstim():
            yield pulse_reset()

            # @todo: use or remove
            # stream data in at max rate, 80x80x4 (4 components)
            # for row in range(80):
            #     for col in range(80):
            #         for cmp in range(4):
            #             datai.data.next = randint(0, 255)
            #             datai.dv.next = True
            #             yield clock.posedge

            # @todo: use or remove
            # stream data in at a slow rate (does all the output come out)
            # for ii in range(100):
            #     for jj in range(64):
            #         for cmp in range(4):
            #             datai.data.next = randint(0, 255)
            #             datai.dv.next = True
            #             yield clock.posedge
            #     datai.dv.next = False
            #     yield delay(2000)

            # only do 64 sample blocks
            for ii in range(200):  # 400
                for nn in range(2):
                    for jj in range(64):  # 64
                        datai.data.next = randint(0, 255)
                        datai.dv.next = True
                        yield clock.posedge
                    # wait one clock
                    datai.dv.next = False
                    yield clock.posedge
                # wait a long time
                datai.dv.next = False
                yield delay(2000)

            # all done
            datai.dv.next = False
            yield clock.posedge

            # wait for all the outputs
            for ii in range(1000):
                yield delay(100)
                yield clock.posedge
                if fini: break

            yield delay(100)
            print(" %d in, %d out" % (
            raise StopSimulation

        return tbclk, tbmon, tbstim

    gt = bench_mdct()
Пример #11
import myhdl

def hello_world():
	interval = myhdl.delay(10)

	def say_hello():
		print(f'{myhdl.now()}: Hello!')

	return say_hello

instance = hello_world()
sim = myhdl.Simulation(instance)
Пример #12
    left = main(CLK, RST_X, left_rx, left_tx, 0)
    right = main(CLK, RST_X, right_rx, right_tx, 1)

    def assign():
        right_rx.next = left_tx
        left_rx.next = right_tx

    @myhdl.always(myhdl.delay(CLK_PERIOD / 2))
    def clkgen():
        CLK.next = not CLK

    def stimulus():
        RST_X.next = 0
        yield myhdl.delay(RST_TIME)
        RST_X.next = 1
        while (1):
            yield CLK.posedge

    return left, right, assign, clkgen, stimulus

test_uart = myhdl.traceSignals(tb_uart)  # enable to generate vcd file
sim = myhdl.Simulation(test_uart)

#**** Generate Verilog HDL
#myhdl.toVerilog(uartTx, CLK, RST_X, WE, DIN, TXD, READY)
Пример #13
        DIN.next = cycle

    def cyclegen():
        if not RST_X:
            cycle.next = 0
            cycle.next = cycle + 1

    def stimulus():
        RST_X.next = 0
        yield myhdl.delay(RST_TIME)
        RST_X.next = 1
        while (cycle < HALT_CYCLE):
            yield CLK.posedge
            print "cycle(DIN): %10d DOUT: %10d ENQ: %d DEQ: %d EMPTY %d FULL %d" % (
                cycle, DOUT, ENQ, DEQ, EMPTY, FULL)
        raise myhdl.StopSimulation

    return inst, clkgen, assign, cyclegen, stimulus

test_fifo = myhdl.traceSignals(tb_fifo)  # enable to generate vcd file
sim = myhdl.Simulation(test_fifo)

#**** Generate Verilog HDL
myhdl.toVerilog(fifo, CLK, RST_X, ENQ, DEQ, DIN, DOUT, EMPTY, FULL)
Пример #14
#**** Testbench
def tb_counter():
    inst = counter(CLK, RST_X, VALUE)

    @myhdl.always(myhdl.delay(CLK_PERIOD / 2))
    def clkgen():
        CLK.next = not CLK

    def stimulus():
        RST_X.next = 0
        yield myhdl.delay(RST_TIME)
        RST_X.next = 1
        while (1):
            yield CLK.posedge
            if (VALUE > HALT_VALUE): raise myhdl.StopSimulation
            print "VALUE is %d" % VALUE

    return inst, clkgen, stimulus

tb_cnt = myhdl.traceSignals(tb_counter)  # enable to generate vcd file
sim = myhdl.Simulation(tb_cnt)

#**** Generate Verilog HDL
myhdl.toVerilog(counter, CLK, RST_X, VALUE)