Пример #1
def findStringOrderbyAttributes(queryobj):
    orderbyAttr = ""
    if(queryobj is not None):
        orderbyIdent = queryobj.getOrderbyIdent()
        if (orderbyIdent is  not None):
            for oid in orderbyIdent:
#                print oid
                if (myhelper.isAggregate(oid)):
#                    print"agg"
                    orderbyAttr+= str(oid)
                elif (myhelper.isOrderbyOperator(oid)):
#                    print "ops"
                    orderbyAttr = orderbyAttr.strip(", ")
                    orderbyAttr+= " " + myhelper.remAggregate(str(oid)) + ", "
#                    print "myops %s" %oid
#                    print "else"
                    orderbyAttr+= str(oid) + ", "
        orderbyAttr = orderbyAttr.strip("_")
        orderbyAttr = orderbyAttr.strip(", ")
#    print "orderbyAttr: %s" %orderbyAttr
    return orderbyAttr
Пример #2
def constructSubSelects (queryobj, groupobj, orderobj, selectAttr, distinctValues):
    if (queryobj and selectAttr and distinctValues):
        #Temporary data structures required
        queryList = {}
        selectList = {}
#        selectIntoList = {}
        whereList = {}
        addBigWhere = ""
        insertClause = " INSERT INTO finalOutputTable (" + selectAttr + ")"        
        selectAttrList = selectAttr.split(",")#contains list of attributes in the select clause of sub-queries
        containsAggregate = queryobj.getSelectContainsAggregate() or orderobj.getOrderbyContainsAggregate()
        orgWhere = queryobj.getWhereIdent()
    #        if (orgWhere is None): # the original query has no where clause
    #            orgWhere = ""
        numAttr = len(selectAttrList)
        numRows = len(distinctValues)
        fromClause = " FROM " + myqueryconstructor.findStringFromAttributes(queryobj)
            #To be used when order by has an aggregate in it
        groupbyClause = " "
        for attr in selectAttrList:
            if("(" in attr):
                addBigWhere += myhelper.remAggregate(attr) + " IS NOT NULL AND "
                insertClause += myhelper.remAggregate(attr)
                groupbyClause += str(attr) + ", "
                insertClause += str(attr) + ", "
        insertClause = insertClause.rstrip(", ")
        insertClause += ")"
        addBigWhere = addBigWhere.rstrip(" AND ")
        addBigWhere = " WHERE " + addBigWhere
        #if the user entered an orderby attribute with an aggregate then you have a group by
        if (orderobj.getOrderbyContainsAggregate()):
            groupbyClause = " GROUP BY " + groupbyClause
            groupbyClause = groupbyClause.rstrip(", ")
            groupbyClause = " "
        iterations = 0
        for tuple in distinctValues:
            selectList[iterations] = " SELECT "
            if(orgWhere is None):
                whereList[iterations] = " WHERE "
                whereList [iterations] = " " + str(orgWhere) + " AND "
            num = 0
            while (num < numAttr):
                attrName = str(selectAttrList[num])
                if ("(" not in attrName):
                    attrValue = str(tuple[num])
                if (containsAggregate):
                    if ("(" not in attrName):
                        selectList[iterations] += "'" + attrValue + "'::Text AS " + myhelper.remAggregate(attrName) + ", "
                        whereList[iterations] += attrName + " = '" + attrValue + "' AND " 
                        selectList[iterations] += attrName + " AS " + myhelper.remAggregate(attrName) + ", "
                else:#select contains no aggregate
                    selectList[iterations] += attrName + ", "
                    if("(" not in attrName):
                        whereList[iterations] += attrName + " = '" + attrValue + "' AND "
                num += 1
            selectList[iterations] = selectList[iterations].rstrip(", ")
            whereList[iterations] = whereList[iterations].rstrip(" AND ")
            queryList[iterations] = selectList[iterations] + fromClause + whereList[iterations] + groupbyClause
            print "Executing Sub-query: %s" % str(iterations + 1)
#            print queryList[iterations]
            iterations += 1
#        print "Done with typles"

#        return (queryList, numRows, addBigWhere)
    print "Error in creating subqueries"
    return None