try: firstid = None arcyear = None fid = len ( arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id') ) fi = 0 while (fi < fid): if arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].parentNode.nodeName == 'first_appeared_in_issue': if not arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText == xmlid: logger.fdebug('hit it.') firstid = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText break # - dont' break out here as we want to gather ALL the issue ID's since it's here fi+=1 logger.fdebug('firstid: ' + str(firstid)) if firstid is not None: firstdom = cv.pulldetails(comicid=None, type='firstissue', issueid=firstid) logger.fdebug('success') arcyear = cv.GetFirstIssue(firstid,firstdom) except: logger.fdebug('Unable to retrieve first issue details. Not caclulating at this time.') if (arcdom.getElementsByTagName('image')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue) is None: xmlimage = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" try: xmldesc = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('desc')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None"
def storyarcinfo(xmlid): comicLibrary = listStoryArcs() arcinfo = {} if mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API == 'None' or mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API is None: logger.warn( 'You have not specified your own ComicVine API key - this is a requirement. Get your own @' ) return else: comicapi = mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API #respawn to the exact id for the story arc and count the # of issues present. ARCPULL_URL = mylar.CVURL + 'story_arc/4045-' + str( xmlid ) + '/?api_key=' + str( comicapi ) + '&field_list=issues,publisher,name,first_appeared_in_issue,deck,image&format=xml&offset=0' #logger.fdebug('arcpull_url:' + str(ARCPULL_URL)) #new CV API restriction - one api request / second. if mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE is None or mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE < 2: time.sleep(2) else: time.sleep(mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE) #download the file: payload = None try: r = requests.get(ARCPULL_URL, params=payload, verify=mylar.CONFIG.CV_VERIFY, headers=mylar.CV_HEADERS) except Exception as e: logger.warn('While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s' % e) return try: arcdom = parseString(r.content) except ExpatError: if '<title>Abnormal Traffic Detected' in r.content: logger.error( 'ComicVine has banned this server\'s IP address because it exceeded the API rate limit.' ) else: logger.warn( 'While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s for data: %s' % (e, r.content)) return except Exception as e: logger.warn( 'While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s for data: %s' % (e, r.content)) return try: logger.fdebug('story_arc ascension') issuedom = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') issuecount = len(issuedom) #arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') ) isc = 0 arclist = '' ordernum = 1 for isd in issuedom: zeline = isd.getElementsByTagName('id') isdlen = len(zeline) isb = 0 while (isb < isdlen): if isc == 0: arclist = str(zeline[isb].firstChild.wholeText).strip( ) + ',' + str(ordernum) else: arclist += '|' + str(zeline[isb].firstChild.wholeText ).strip() + ',' + str(ordernum) ordernum += 1 isb += 1 isc += 1 except: logger.fdebug('unable to retrive issue count - nullifying value.') issuecount = 0 try: firstid = None arcyear = None fid = len(arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')) fi = 0 while (fi < fid): if arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'id')[fi].parentNode.nodeName == 'first_appeared_in_issue': if not arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText == xmlid: logger.fdebug('hit it.') firstid = arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText break # - dont' break out here as we want to gather ALL the issue ID's since it's here fi += 1 logger.fdebug('firstid: ' + str(firstid)) if firstid is not None: firstdom = cv.pulldetails(comicid=None, type='firstissue', issueid=firstid) logger.fdebug('success') arcyear = cv.Getissue(firstid, firstdom, 'firstissue') except: logger.fdebug( 'Unable to retrieve first issue details. Not caclulating at this time.' ) try: xmlimage = arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" try: xmldesc = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('desc')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None" try: xmlpub = arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'publisher')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmlpub = "None" try: xmldeck = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('deck')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldeck = "None" if xmlid in comicLibrary: haveit = comicLibrary[xmlid] else: haveit = "No" arcinfo = { #'name': xmlTag, #theese four are passed into it only when it's a new add #'url': xmlurl, #needs to be modified for refreshing to work completely. #'publisher': xmlpub, 'comicyear': arcyear, 'comicid': xmlid, 'issues': issuecount, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'arclist': arclist, 'haveit': haveit, 'publisher': xmlpub } return arcinfo
def findComic(name, mode, issue, limityear=None, explicit=None, type=None): #with mb_lock: comiclist = [] comicResults = None comicLibrary = listLibrary() chars = set('!?*') if any((c in chars) for c in name): name = '"'+name+'"' #print ("limityear: " + str(limityear)) if limityear is None: limityear = 'None' comicquery = name #comicquery=name.replace(" ", "%20") if explicit is None: #logger.fdebug('explicit is None. Setting to Default mode of ALL search words.') #comicquery=name.replace(" ", " AND ") explicit = 'all' #OR if explicit == 'loose': logger.fdebug('Changing to loose mode - this will match ANY of the search words') comicquery = name.replace(" ", " OR ") elif explicit == 'explicit': logger.fdebug('Changing to explicit mode - this will match explicitly on the EXACT words') comicquery=name.replace(" ", " AND ") else: logger.fdebug('Default search mode - this will match on ALL search words') comicquery = name.replace(" ", " AND ") explicit = 'all' if mylar.COMICVINE_API == 'None' or mylar.COMICVINE_API is None or mylar.COMICVINE_API == mylar.DEFAULT_CVAPI: logger.warn('You have not specified your own ComicVine API key - alot of things will be limited. Get your own @') comicapi = mylar.DEFAULT_CVAPI else: comicapi = mylar.COMICVINE_API if type is None: type = 'volume' #let's find out how many results we get from the query... searched = pullsearch(comicapi,comicquery,0,explicit,type) if searched is None: return False totalResults = searched.getElementsByTagName('number_of_total_results')[0].firstChild.wholeText logger.fdebug("there are " + str(totalResults) + " search results...") if not totalResults: return False countResults = 0 while (countResults < int(totalResults)): #logger.fdebug("querying " + str(countResults)) if countResults > 0: #2012/22/02 - CV API flipped back to offset usage instead of page if explicit == 'all' or explicit == 'loose': #all / loose uses page for offset offsetcount = (countResults/100) + 1 else: #explicit uses offset offsetcount = countResults searched = pullsearch(comicapi,comicquery,offsetcount,explicit,type) comicResults = searched.getElementsByTagName(type) #('volume') body = '' n = 0 if not comicResults: break for result in comicResults: #retrieve the first xml tag (<tag>data</tag>) #that the parser finds with name tagName: arclist = [] if type == 'story_arc': #call here to find out issue count in story arc try: logger.fdebug('story_arc ascension') names = len( result.getElementsByTagName('name') ) n = 0 logger.fdebug('length: ' + str(names)) xmlpub = None #set this incase the publisher field isn't populated in the xml while ( n < names ): logger.fdebug(result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].parentNode.nodeName) if result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].parentNode.nodeName == 'story_arc': logger.fdebug('yes') try: xmlTag = result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].firstChild.wholeText xmlTag = xmlTag.rstrip() logger.fdebug('name: ' + str(xmlTag)) except: logger.error('There was a problem retrieving the given data from ComicVine. Ensure that is accessible.') return elif result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].parentNode.nodeName == 'publisher': logger.fdebug('publisher check.') xmlpub = result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].firstChild.wholeText n+=1 except: logger.warn('error retrieving story arc search results.') return siteurl = len( result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url') ) s = 0 logger.fdebug('length: ' + str(names)) xmlurl = None while ( s < siteurl ): logger.fdebug(result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[s].parentNode.nodeName) if result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[s].parentNode.nodeName == 'story_arc': try: xmlurl = result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[s].firstChild.wholeText except: logger.error('There was a problem retrieving the given data from ComicVine. Ensure that is accessible.') return s+=1 xmlid = result.getElementsByTagName('id')[0].firstChild.wholeText if xmlid is not None: #respawn to the exact id for the story arc and count the # of issues present. ARCPULL_URL = mylar.CVURL + 'story_arc/4045-' + str(xmlid) + '/?api_key=' + str(comicapi) + '&field_list=issues,name,first_appeared_in_issue,deck,image&format=xml&offset=0' logger.fdebug('arcpull_url:' + str(ARCPULL_URL)) if mylar.CVAPI_COUNT == 0 or mylar.CVAPI_COUNT >= mylar.CVAPI_MAX: cvapi_check() try: file = urllib2.urlopen(ARCPULL_URL) except urllib2.HTTPError, err: logger.error('err : ' + str(err)) logger.error('There was a major problem retrieving data from ComicVine - on their end.') return mylar.CVAPI_COUNT +=1 arcdata = file.close() arcdom = parseString(arcdata) try: logger.fdebug('story_arc ascension') issuecount = len( arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') ) issuedom = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') isc = 0 arclist = '' for isd in issuedom: zeline = isd.getElementsByTagName('id') isdlen = len( zeline ) isb = 0 while ( isb < isdlen): if isc == 0: arclist = str(zeline[isb].firstChild.wholeText).strip() else: arclist += '|' + str(zeline[isb].firstChild.wholeText).strip() isb+=1 isc+=1 except: logger.fdebug('unable to retrive issue count - nullifying value.') issuecount = 0 try: firstid = None arcyear = None fid = len ( arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id') ) fi = 0 while (fi < fid): if arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].parentNode.nodeName == 'first_appeared_in_issue': if not arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText == xmlid: logger.fdebug('hit it.') firstid = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText break # - dont' break out here as we want to gather ALL the issue ID's since it's here fi+=1 logger.fdebug('firstid: ' + str(firstid)) if firstid is not None: firstdom = cv.pulldetails(comicid=None, type='firstissue', issueid=firstid) logger.fdebug('success') arcyear = cv.GetFirstIssue(firstid,firstdom) except: logger.fdebug('Unable to retrieve first issue details. Not caclulating at this time.') if (arcdom.getElementsByTagName('image')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue) is None: xmlimage = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" try: xmldesc = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('desc')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None" try: xmldeck = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('deck')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldeck = "None" if xmlid in comicLibrary: haveit = comicLibrary[xmlid] else: haveit = "No" comiclist.append({ 'name': xmlTag, 'comicyear': arcyear, 'comicid': xmlid, 'url': xmlurl, 'issues': issuecount, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'publisher': xmlpub, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'arclist': arclist, 'haveit': haveit }) logger.fdebug('IssueID\'s that are a part of ' + xmlTag + ' : ' + str(arclist)) else: xmlcnt = result.getElementsByTagName('count_of_issues')[0].firstChild.wholeText #here we can determine what called us, and either start gathering all issues or just limited ones. if issue is not None and str(issue).isdigit(): #this gets buggered up with NEW/ONGOING series because the db hasn't been updated #to reflect the proper count. Drop it by 1 to make sure. limiter = int(issue) - 1 else: limiter = 0 #get the first issue # (for auto-magick calcs) try: xmlfirst = result.getElementsByTagName('issue_number')[0].firstChild.wholeText if '\xbd' in xmlfirst: xmlfirst = "1" #if the first issue is 1/2, just assume 1 for logistics except: xmlfirst = '1''There are : ' + str(xmlcnt) + ' issues in this series.')'The first issue started at # ' + str(xmlfirst)) cnt_numerical = int(xmlcnt) + int(xmlfirst) # (of issues + start of first issue = numerical range)'The maximum issue number should be roughly # ' + str(cnt_numerical))'The limiter (issue max that we know of) is # ' + str(limiter)) if cnt_numerical >= limiter: cnl = len ( result.getElementsByTagName('name') ) cl = 0 xmlTag = 'None' xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" while (cl < cnl): if result.getElementsByTagName('name')[cl].parentNode.nodeName == 'volume': xmlTag = result.getElementsByTagName('name')[cl].firstChild.wholeText #break if result.getElementsByTagName('name')[cl].parentNode.nodeName == 'image': xmlimage = result.getElementsByTagName('super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText cl+=1 if (result.getElementsByTagName('start_year')[0].firstChild) is not None: xmlYr = result.getElementsByTagName('start_year')[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlYr = "0000"'name:' + str(xmlTag) + ' -- ' + str(xmlYr)) if xmlYr in limityear or limityear == 'None': xmlurl = result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText idl = len ( result.getElementsByTagName('id') ) idt = 0 xmlid = None while (idt < idl): if result.getElementsByTagName('id')[idt].parentNode.nodeName == 'volume': xmlid = result.getElementsByTagName('id')[idt].firstChild.wholeText break idt+=1 if xmlid is None: logger.error('Unable to figure out the comicid - skipping this : ' + str(xmlurl)) continue'xmlid: ' + str(xmlid)) publishers = result.getElementsByTagName('publisher') if len(publishers) > 0: pubnames = publishers[0].getElementsByTagName('name') if len(pubnames) >0: xmlpub = pubnames[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlpub = "Unknown" else: xmlpub = "Unknown" try: xmldesc = result.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None" #this is needed to display brief synopsis for each series on search results page. try: xmldeck = result.getElementsByTagName('deck')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldeck = "None" if xmlid in comicLibrary: haveit = comicLibrary[xmlid] else: haveit = "No" comiclist.append({ 'name': xmlTag, 'comicyear': xmlYr, 'comicid': xmlid, 'url': xmlurl, 'issues': xmlcnt, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'publisher': xmlpub, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'haveit': haveit }) #logger.fdebug('year: ' + str(xmlYr) + ' - constraint met: ' + str(xmlTag) + '[' + str(xmlYr) + '] --- 4050-' + str(xmlid)) else: pass #logger.fdebug('year: ' + str(xmlYr) + ' - contraint not met. Has to be within ' + str(limityear)) n+=1 #search results are limited to 100 and by pagination now...let's account for this. countResults = countResults + 100
def findComic(name, mode, issue, limityear=None, explicit=None, type=None): #with mb_lock: comiclist = [] comicResults = None comicLibrary = listLibrary() chars = set('!?*') if any((c in chars) for c in name): name = '"' + name + '"' #print ("limityear: " + str(limityear)) if limityear is None: limityear = 'None' comicquery = name #comicquery=name.replace(" ", "%20") if explicit is None: #logger.fdebug('explicit is None. Setting to Default mode of ALL search words.') #comicquery=name.replace(" ", " AND ") explicit = 'all' #OR if explicit == 'loose': logger.fdebug( 'Changing to loose mode - this will match ANY of the search words') comicquery = name.replace(" ", " OR ") elif explicit == 'explicit': logger.fdebug( 'Changing to explicit mode - this will match explicitly on the EXACT words' ) comicquery = name.replace(" ", " AND ") else: logger.fdebug( 'Default search mode - this will match on ALL search words') comicquery = name.replace(" ", " AND ") explicit = 'all' if mylar.COMICVINE_API == 'None' or mylar.COMICVINE_API is None or mylar.COMICVINE_API == mylar.DEFAULT_CVAPI: logger.warn( 'You have not specified your own ComicVine API key - alot of things will be limited. Get your own @' ) comicapi = mylar.DEFAULT_CVAPI else: comicapi = mylar.COMICVINE_API if type is None: type = 'volume' #let's find out how many results we get from the query... searched = pullsearch(comicapi, comicquery, 0, explicit, type) if searched is None: return False totalResults = searched.getElementsByTagName( 'number_of_total_results')[0].firstChild.wholeText logger.fdebug("there are " + str(totalResults) + " search results...") if not totalResults: return False countResults = 0 while (countResults < int(totalResults)): #logger.fdebug("querying " + str(countResults)) if countResults > 0: #2012/22/02 - CV API flipped back to offset usage instead of page if explicit == 'all' or explicit == 'loose': #all / loose uses page for offset offsetcount = (countResults / 100) + 1 else: #explicit uses offset offsetcount = countResults searched = pullsearch(comicapi, comicquery, offsetcount, explicit, type) comicResults = searched.getElementsByTagName(type) #('volume') body = '' n = 0 if not comicResults: break for result in comicResults: #retrieve the first xml tag (<tag>data</tag>) #that the parser finds with name tagName: arclist = [] if type == 'story_arc': #call here to find out issue count in story arc try: logger.fdebug('story_arc ascension') names = len(result.getElementsByTagName('name')) n = 0 logger.fdebug('length: ' + str(names)) xmlpub = None #set this incase the publisher field isn't populated in the xml while (n < names): logger.fdebug( result.getElementsByTagName('name') [n].parentNode.nodeName) if result.getElementsByTagName( 'name')[n].parentNode.nodeName == 'story_arc': logger.fdebug('yes') try: xmlTag = result.getElementsByTagName( 'name')[n].firstChild.wholeText xmlTag = xmlTag.rstrip() logger.fdebug('name: ' + str(xmlTag)) except: logger.error( 'There was a problem retrieving the given data from ComicVine. Ensure that is accessible.' ) return elif result.getElementsByTagName( 'name')[n].parentNode.nodeName == 'publisher': logger.fdebug('publisher check.') xmlpub = result.getElementsByTagName( 'name')[n].firstChild.wholeText n += 1 except: logger.warn('error retrieving story arc search results.') return siteurl = len(result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')) s = 0 logger.fdebug('length: ' + str(names)) xmlurl = None while (s < siteurl): logger.fdebug( result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url') [s].parentNode.nodeName) if result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[ s].parentNode.nodeName == 'story_arc': try: xmlurl = result.getElementsByTagName( 'site_detail_url')[s].firstChild.wholeText except: logger.error( 'There was a problem retrieving the given data from ComicVine. Ensure that is accessible.' ) return s += 1 xmlid = result.getElementsByTagName( 'id')[0].firstChild.wholeText if xmlid is not None: #respawn to the exact id for the story arc and count the # of issues present. ARCPULL_URL = mylar.CVURL + 'story_arc/4045-' + str( xmlid ) + '/?api_key=' + str( comicapi ) + '&field_list=issues,name,first_appeared_in_issue,deck,image&format=xml&offset=0' logger.fdebug('arcpull_url:' + str(ARCPULL_URL)) if mylar.CVAPI_COUNT == 0 or mylar.CVAPI_COUNT >= mylar.CVAPI_MAX: cvapi_check() try: file = urllib2.urlopen(ARCPULL_URL) except urllib2.HTTPError, err: logger.error('err : ' + str(err)) logger.error( 'There was a major problem retrieving data from ComicVine - on their end.' ) return mylar.CVAPI_COUNT += 1 arcdata = file.close() arcdom = parseString(arcdata) try: logger.fdebug('story_arc ascension') issuecount = len(arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue')) issuedom = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') isc = 0 arclist = '' for isd in issuedom: zeline = isd.getElementsByTagName('id') isdlen = len(zeline) isb = 0 while (isb < isdlen): if isc == 0: arclist = str(zeline[isb].firstChild. wholeText).strip() else: arclist += '|' + str(zeline[isb].firstChild .wholeText).strip() isb += 1 isc += 1 except: logger.fdebug( 'unable to retrive issue count - nullifying value.' ) issuecount = 0 try: firstid = None arcyear = None fid = len(arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')) fi = 0 while (fi < fid): if arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'id' )[fi].parentNode.nodeName == 'first_appeared_in_issue': if not arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[ fi].firstChild.wholeText == xmlid: logger.fdebug('hit it.') firstid = arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText break # - dont' break out here as we want to gather ALL the issue ID's since it's here fi += 1 logger.fdebug('firstid: ' + str(firstid)) if firstid is not None: firstdom = cv.pulldetails(comicid=None, type='firstissue', issueid=firstid) logger.fdebug('success') arcyear = cv.GetFirstIssue(firstid, firstdom) except: logger.fdebug( 'Unable to retrieve first issue details. Not caclulating at this time.' ) if (arcdom.getElementsByTagName('image') [0].childNodes[0].nodeValue) is None: xmlimage = arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" try: xmldesc = arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'desc')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None" try: xmldeck = arcdom.getElementsByTagName( 'deck')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldeck = "None" if xmlid in comicLibrary: haveit = comicLibrary[xmlid] else: haveit = "No" comiclist.append({ 'name': xmlTag, 'comicyear': arcyear, 'comicid': xmlid, 'url': xmlurl, 'issues': issuecount, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'publisher': xmlpub, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'arclist': arclist, 'haveit': haveit }) else: xmlcnt = result.getElementsByTagName( 'count_of_issues')[0].firstChild.wholeText #here we can determine what called us, and either start gathering all issues or just limited ones. if issue is not None and str(issue).isdigit(): #this gets buggered up with NEW/ONGOING series because the db hasn't been updated #to reflect the proper count. Drop it by 1 to make sure. limiter = int(issue) - 1 else: limiter = 0 #get the first issue # (for auto-magick calcs) try: xmlfirst = result.getElementsByTagName( 'issue_number')[0].firstChild.wholeText if '\xbd' in xmlfirst: xmlfirst = "1" #if the first issue is 1/2, just assume 1 for logistics except: xmlfirst = '1''There are : ' + str(xmlcnt) + ' issues in this series.')'The first issue started at # ' + str(xmlfirst)) cnt_numerical = int(xmlcnt) + int( xmlfirst ) # (of issues + start of first issue = numerical range)'The maximum issue number should be roughly # ' + str(cnt_numerical))'The limiter (issue max that we know of) is # ' + str(limiter)) if cnt_numerical >= limiter: cnl = len(result.getElementsByTagName('name')) cl = 0 xmlTag = 'None' xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" while (cl < cnl): if result.getElementsByTagName( 'name')[cl].parentNode.nodeName == 'volume': xmlTag = result.getElementsByTagName( 'name')[cl].firstChild.wholeText #break if result.getElementsByTagName( 'name')[cl].parentNode.nodeName == 'image': xmlimage = result.getElementsByTagName( 'super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText cl += 1 if (result.getElementsByTagName('start_year')[0].firstChild ) is not None: xmlYr = result.getElementsByTagName( 'start_year')[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlYr = "0000"'name:' + str(xmlTag) + ' -- ' + str(xmlYr)) if xmlYr in limityear or limityear == 'None': xmlurl = result.getElementsByTagName( 'site_detail_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText idl = len(result.getElementsByTagName('id')) idt = 0 xmlid = None while (idt < idl): if result.getElementsByTagName( 'id')[idt].parentNode.nodeName == 'volume': xmlid = result.getElementsByTagName( 'id')[idt].firstChild.wholeText break idt += 1 if xmlid is None: logger.error( 'Unable to figure out the comicid - skipping this : ' + str(xmlurl)) continue'xmlid: ' + str(xmlid)) publishers = result.getElementsByTagName('publisher') if len(publishers) > 0: pubnames = publishers[0].getElementsByTagName( 'name') if len(pubnames) > 0: xmlpub = pubnames[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlpub = "Unknown" else: xmlpub = "Unknown" try: xmldesc = result.getElementsByTagName( 'description')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None" #this is needed to display brief synopsis for each series on search results page. try: xmldeck = result.getElementsByTagName( 'deck')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldeck = "None" if xmlid in comicLibrary: haveit = comicLibrary[xmlid] else: haveit = "No" comiclist.append({ 'name': xmlTag, 'comicyear': xmlYr, 'comicid': xmlid, 'url': xmlurl, 'issues': xmlcnt, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'publisher': xmlpub, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'haveit': haveit }) #logger.fdebug('year: ' + str(xmlYr) + ' - constraint met: ' + str(xmlTag) + '[' + str(xmlYr) + '] --- 4050-' + str(xmlid)) else: logger.fdebug( 'year: ' + str(xmlYr) + ' - contraint not met. Has to be within ' + str(limityear)) n += 1 #search results are limited to 100 and by pagination now...let's account for this. countResults = countResults + 100
def storyarcinfo(xmlid): comicLibrary = listStoryArcs() arcinfo = {} if mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API == 'None' or mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API is None: logger.warn('You have not specified your own ComicVine API key - this is a requirement. Get your own @') return else: comicapi = mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API #respawn to the exact id for the story arc and count the # of issues present. ARCPULL_URL = mylar.CVURL + 'story_arc/4045-' + str(xmlid) + '/?api_key=' + str(comicapi) + '&field_list=issues,publisher,name,first_appeared_in_issue,deck,image&format=xml&offset=0' #logger.fdebug('arcpull_url:' + str(ARCPULL_URL)) #new CV API restriction - one api request / second. if mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE is None or mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE < 2: time.sleep(2) else: time.sleep(mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE) #download the file: payload = None try: r = requests.get(ARCPULL_URL, params=payload, verify=mylar.CONFIG.CV_VERIFY, headers=mylar.CV_HEADERS) except Exception as e: logger.warn('While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s' % e) return try: arcdom = parseString(r.content) except ExpatError: if u'<title>Abnormal Traffic Detected' in r.content: logger.error('ComicVine has banned this server\'s IP address because it exceeded the API rate limit.') else: logger.warn('While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s for data: %s' % (e, r.content)) return except Exception as e: logger.warn('While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s for data: %s' % (e, r.content)) return try: logger.fdebug('story_arc ascension') issuedom = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') issuecount = len( issuedom ) #arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') ) isc = 0 arclist = '' ordernum = 1 for isd in issuedom: zeline = isd.getElementsByTagName('id') isdlen = len( zeline ) isb = 0 while ( isb < isdlen): if isc == 0: arclist = str(zeline[isb].firstChild.wholeText).strip() + ',' + str(ordernum) else: arclist += '|' + str(zeline[isb].firstChild.wholeText).strip() + ',' + str(ordernum) ordernum+=1 isb+=1 isc+=1 except: logger.fdebug('unable to retrive issue count - nullifying value.') issuecount = 0 try: firstid = None arcyear = None fid = len ( arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id') ) fi = 0 while (fi < fid): if arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].parentNode.nodeName == 'first_appeared_in_issue': if not arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText == xmlid: logger.fdebug('hit it.') firstid = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText break # - dont' break out here as we want to gather ALL the issue ID's since it's here fi+=1 logger.fdebug('firstid: ' + str(firstid)) if firstid is not None: firstdom = cv.pulldetails(comicid=None, type='firstissue', issueid=firstid) logger.fdebug('success') arcyear = cv.Getissue(firstid,firstdom,'firstissue') except: logger.fdebug('Unable to retrieve first issue details. Not caclulating at this time.') try: xmlimage = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" try: xmldesc = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('desc')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None" try: xmlpub = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('publisher')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmlpub = "None" try: xmldeck = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('deck')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldeck = "None" if xmlid in comicLibrary: haveit = comicLibrary[xmlid] else: haveit = "No" arcinfo = { #'name': xmlTag, #theese four are passed into it only when it's a new add #'url': xmlurl, #needs to be modified for refreshing to work completely. #'publisher': xmlpub, 'comicyear': arcyear, 'comicid': xmlid, 'issues': issuecount, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'arclist': arclist, 'haveit': haveit, 'publisher': xmlpub } return arcinfo