Пример #1
 def reverseBetween(self, head, m, n):
     #edge case
     mnDiff = n - m
     if mnDiff == 0:
         return head
     #find H and T
     dummyHead = mylist.ListNode(0)
     dummyHead.next = head
     h = head
     t = head
     i = 0
     while i < mnDiff:
         t = t.next
         i += 1
     i = 1
     pre = dummyHead
     while i < m:
         h = h.next
         t = t.next
         pre = pre.next
         i += 1
     pre.next = t
     one = h
     two = h.next
     three = two.next
     h.next = t.next
     while two != t:
         two.next = one
         one = two
         two = three
         if three != None:
             three = three.next
     two.next = one
     return dummyHead.next
Пример #2
 def partition(self, head, x):
     #edge case
     if head == None or head.next == None:
         return head
     dummyHead = mylist.ListNode(0)
     dummyHead.next = None
     bigTail = None
     smallTail = dummyHead
     smallTail.next = None
     cursor = head
     while cursor != None:
         newCur = cursor.next
         if cursor.val < x:
             #append to small
             cursor.next = smallTail.next
             smallTail.next = cursor
             smallTail = cursor
             #append to big
             if smallTail.next == None:
                 smallTail.next = cursor
                 bigTail = cursor
                 bigTail.next = cursor
                 bigTail = cursor
             bigTail.next = None
         cursor = newCur
     return dummyHead.next
Пример #3
 def addTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2):
     c = 0
     rvH = l1
     if l1 == None:
         return l2
     elif l2 == None:
         return l1
     while True:
         tmpRes = l1.val + l2.val + c
         if tmpRes >= 10:
             l1.val = tmpRes % 10
             c = 1
             l1.val = tmpRes
             c = 0
         if l1.next != None and l2.next != None:
             l1 = l1.next
             l2 = l2.next
     if l2.next != None:
         l1.next = l2.next
         l2.next.val += c
         l2 = l2.next
         while l2.val == 10:
             l2.val %= 10
             if l2.next != None:
                 l2.next.val += 1
                 l2 = l2.next
                 newNode = mylist.ListNode(1)
                 l2.next = newNode
     elif l1.next != None:
         l1.next.val += c
         l1 = l1.next
         while l1.val == 10:
             l1.val %= 10
             if l1.next != None:
                 l1.next.val += 1
                 l1 = l1.next
                 newNode = mylist.ListNode(1)
                 l1.next = newNode
     elif c == 1:
         newNode = ListNode(1)
         l1.next = newNode
     return rvH
Пример #4
 def swapPairs(self, head):
     if head == None or head.next == None:
         return head
     dummyHead = mylist.ListNode(0)
     pre = dummyHead
     oneNode = head
     while oneNode != None and oneNode.next != None:
         twoNode = oneNode.next
         #store next
         newOne = twoNode.next
         pre.next = twoNode
         twoNode.next = oneNode
         oneNode.next = None
         #prepare for next
         pre = oneNode
         oneNode = newOne
     if oneNode != None:
         pre.next = oneNode
     return dummyHead.next
Пример #5
 def deleteDuplicates(self, head):
     #edge case
     if head == None or head.next == None:
         return head
     dummyHead = mylist.ListNode(0)
     dummyHead.next = head
     pre = dummyHead
     anchor = head
     cursor = head.next
     while cursor != None:
         if cursor.val != anchor.val:
             if anchor.next == cursor:
                 pre = pre.next
                 pre.next = cursor
                 anchor = cursor
                 pre.next = cursor
                 anchor = cursor
         cursor = cursor.next
     if anchor.next != None:
         pre.next = None
     return dummyHead.next