Пример #1
 def trade_krw_withdrawal(self, bank, account, price):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/trade/krw_withdrawal'
         params = {'bank': bank, 'account': account, 'price': price}
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('trade_krw_withdrawal() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #2
 def trade_krw_deposit(self):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/trade/krw_deposit'
         params = {}
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('trade_krw_deposit() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #3
def downloadPicture(url, filepath, sleep=0.2, headers={}):
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
        mylogger.info('skip', filepath)
        writePicture(url, filepath, sleep, headers)
    except Exception as e:
        mylogger.error('error skip', filepath)
Пример #4
 def _delete(self, url, headers, data, result_code=200):
     resp = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, data=data)
     if resp.status_code != result_code:
         mylogger.error('delete(%s) failed(%d)' % (url, resp.status_code))
         if resp.text is not None:
             raise Exception('request.delete() failed(%s)' % resp.text)
         raise Exception('request.delete() failed(status_code:%d)' %
     return json.loads(resp.text)
Пример #5
 def _get(self, url, params=None):
     resp = requests.get(url, params=params)
     if resp.status_code != 200:
         mylogger.error('get(%s) failed(%d)' % (url, resp.status_code))
         if len(resp.text) > 0:
             mylogger.error('resp: %s' % resp.text)
             raise Exception('requests.get() failed(%s)' % resp.text)
         raise Exception('requests.get() failed(status_code:%d)' % resp.status_code)
     return json.loads(resp.text)
Пример #6
 def _get(self, url, headers=None, data=None, params=None, result_code=200):
     resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=data, params=params)
     if resp.status_code != result_code:
         mylogger.error('get(%s) failed(%d)' % (url, resp.status_code))
         if resp.text is not None:
             mylogger.error('resp: %s' % resp.text)
             raise Exception('request.get() failed(%s)' % resp.text)
         raise Exception('request.get() failed(status_code:%d)' %
     return json.loads(resp.text)
Пример #7
 def ticker(self, currency):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/public/ticker/'
         if currency != 'ALL' and currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         return self._get(URL + currency)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('ticker() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #8
 def trade_market_sell(self, currency, units):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/trade/market_sell'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         params = {'currency': currency, 'units': units}
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('trade_market_sell() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #9
 def info_ticker(self, currency):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/info/ticker'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         params = {'order_currency': currency, 'payment_currency': 'KRW'}
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('info_ticker() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #10
 def info_wallet_address(self, currency):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/info/wallet_address'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         params = {'currency': currency}
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('info_wallet_address() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #11
 def _load_markets(self):
         market_all = self.get_market_all()
         if market_all is None:
         markets = []
         for market in market_all:
         return markets
     except Exception as e:
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #12
 def get_chance(self, market):
     주문 가능 정보
     마켓별 주문 가능 정보를 확인한다.
     :param str market: Market ID
     :return: json object
     URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/orders/chance'
     if market not in self.markets:
         mylogger.error('invalid market: %s' % market)
         raise Exception('invalid market: %s' % market)
     data = {'market': market}
     return self._get(URL, self._get_headers(data), data)
Пример #13
 def get_order(self, uuid):
     개별 주문 조회
     주문 UUID 를 통해 개별 주문건을 조회한다.
     :param str uuid: 주문 UUID
     :return: json object
     URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/order'
         data = {'uuid': uuid}
         return self._get(URL, self._get_headers(data), data)
     except Exception as e:
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #14
 def trade_btc_withdrawal(self, currency, units, address, destination):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/trade/btc_withdrawal'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         params = {
             'currency': currency,
             'address': address,
             'destination': destination,
             'units': units
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('trade_btc_withdrawal() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #15
 def _post(self, url, params):
     BASE_URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com'
     path = url[len(BASE_URL):]
     nonce = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
     headers = {
         'Api-Key': self.api_key,
         'Api-Sign': self._get_sign(path, params, nonce),
         'Api-Nonce': nonce
     resp = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=params)
     if resp.status_code != 200:
         mylogger.error('_post(%s) failed(%d)' % (url, resp.status_code))
         if resp.text is not None:
             raise Exception('requests.post() failed(%s)' % resp.text)
         raise Exception('requests.post() failed(status_code:%d)' %
     return json.loads(resp.text)
Пример #16
    def _load_all_currency(self):
            ticker = self.ticker('ALL')

            if ticker == None:
                raise Exception('self.ticker() failed')

            if int(ticker['status']) != 0:
                mylogger.error('invalid status: %d' % int(ticker['status']))
                raise Exception('invalid status: %d' % int(ticker['status']))

            all_currency = []
            for key in ticker['data'].keys():
            return all_currency
        except Exception as e:
            mylogger.error('_load_all_currency failed(%s)' % str(e))
            raise Exception(e)
Пример #17
 def get_weeks_candles(self, market, to=None, count=None):
     주(Week) 캔들
     :param str market: 마켓 코드 (ex. KRW-BTC, BTC-BCC)
     :param str to: 마지막 캔들 시각 (exclusive). 포맷 : yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX. 비워서 요청시 가장 최근 캔들
     :param int count: 캔들 개수
     :return: json array
     URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/candles/weeks'
     if market not in self.markets:
         mylogger.error('invalid market: %s' % market)
         raise Exception('invalid market: %s' % market)
     params = {'market': market}
     if to is not None:
         params['to'] = to
     if count is not None:
         params['count'] = count
     return self._get(URL, params=params)
Пример #18
    def get_orderbook(self, markets):
        호가 정보 조회
        :param str[] markets: 마켓 코드 목록 리스트 (ex. KRW-BTC,KRW-ADA)
        :return: json array
        URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/orderbook?'
        if not isinstance(markets, list):
            mylogger.error('invalid parameter: markets should be list')
            raise Exception('invalid parameter: markets should be list')

        if len(markets) == 0:
            mylogger.error('invalid parameter: no markets')
            raise Exception('invalid parameter: no markets')

        for market in markets:
            if market not in self.markets:
                mylogger.error('invalid market: %s' % market)
                raise Exception('invalid market: %s' % market)

        markets_data = markets[0]
        for market in markets[1:]:
            markets_data += ',%s' % market
        params = {'markets': markets_data}
        return self._get(URL, params=params)
Пример #19
    def get_ticker(self, markets):
        현재가 정보
        요청 당시 종목의 스냅샷을 반환한다.
        :param str[] markets: 마켓 코드 리스트 (ex. KRW-BTC, BTC-BCC)
        :return: json array
        URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/ticker'
        if not isinstance(markets, list):
            mylogger.error('invalid parameter: markets should be list')
            raise Exception('invalid parameter: markets should be list')

        if len(markets) == 0:
            mylogger.error('invalid parameter: no markets')
            raise Exception('invalid parameter: no markets')

        for market in markets:
            if market not in self.markets:
                mylogger.error('invalid market: %s' % market)
                raise Exception('invalid market: %s' % market)

        markets_data = markets[0]
        for market in markets[1:]:
            markets_data += ',%s' % market
        params = {'markets': markets_data}
        return self._get(URL, params=params)
Пример #20
    def order(self, market, side, volume, price):
        주문 요청을 한다.
        :param str market: 마켓 ID (필수)
        :param str side: 주문 종류 (필수)
            bid : 매수
            ask : 매도
        :param str volume: 주문량 (필수)
        :param str price: 유닛당 주문 가격. (필수)
            ex) KRW-BTC 마켓에서 1BTC당 1,000 KRW로 거래할 경우, 값은 1000 이 된다.
        :return: json object
        URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/orders'
        if market not in self.markets:
            mylogger.error('invalid market: %s' % market)
            raise Exception('invalid market: %s' % market)

        if side not in ['bid', 'ask']:
            mylogger.error('invalid side: %s' % side)
            raise Exception('invalid side: %s' % side)

        if not self._is_valid_price(price):
            mylogger.error('invalid price: %.2f' % price)
            raise Exception('invalid price: %.2f' % price)

        data = {
            'market': market,
            'side': side,
            'volume': str(volume),
            'price': str(price),
            'ord_type': 'limit'
        return self._post(URL, self._get_headers(data), data, result_code=201)
Пример #21
def application(environ, set_response_header):
    set_response_header('200 OK',
                        [('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=utf-8')])
    file_name = environ['PATH_INFO']
    # if file_name == '/index.py':
    #     return index()
    # elif file_name == '/center.py':
    #     return center()
    # else:
    #     return '<h1>我爱你中国!</h1>'
    mylogger.info("访问的是%s" % file_name)
        for url, func in URL_FUNC_DICT.items():
            ret = re.match(url, file_name)
            if ret:
                return func(ret)
            mylogger.warning("请求的url(%s)没有对应的函数...." % file_name)
            return "请求的url(%s)没有对应的函数...." % file_name
    except Exception as ret:
        mylogger.error("产生了异常: %s" % str(ret))
        return "产生了异常: %s" % str(ret)
Пример #22
 def get_trades_ticks(self, market, to=None, count=None, cursor=None):
     당일 체결 내역
     :param str market: 마켓 코드 (ex. KRW-BTC, BTC-BCC)
     :param str to: 마지막 체결 시각. 형식 : [HHmmss 또는 HH:mm:ss]. 비워서 요청시 가장 최근 데이터
     :param int count: 체결 개수
     :param str cursor: 페이지네이션 커서 (sequentialId)
     :return: json array
     URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/trades/ticks'
     if market not in self.markets:
         mylogger.error('invalid market: %s' % market)
         raise Exception('invalid market: %s' % market)
     params = {'market': market}
     if to is not None:
         params['to'] = to
     if count is not None:
         params['count'] = count
     if cursor is not None:
         params['cursor'] = cursor
     return self._get(URL, params=params)
Пример #23
 def get_withraws(self, currency, state, limit):
     출금 리스트 조회
     :param str currency: Currency 코드
     :param str state: 출금 상태
         submitting : 처리 중
         submitted : 처리 완료
         almost_accepted : 출금대기중
         rejected : 거부
         accepted : 승인됨
         processing : 처리 중
         done : 완료
         canceled : 취소됨
     :param int limit: 갯수 제한
     :return: json array
     LIMIT_MAX = 100
     VALID_STATE = [
         'submitting', 'submitted', 'almost_accepted', 'rejected',
         'accepted', 'processing', 'done', 'canceled'
     URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/withdraws'
     data = {}
     if currency is not None:
         data['currency'] = currency
     if state is not None:
         if state not in VALID_STATE:
             mylogger.error('invalid state(%s)' % state)
             raise Exception('invalid state(%s)' % state)
         data['state'] = state
     if limit is not None:
         if limit <= 0 or limit > LIMIT_MAX:
             mylogger.error('invalid limit(%d)' % limit)
             raise Exception('invalid limit(%d)' % limit)
         data['limit'] = limit
     return self._get(URL, self._get_headers(data), data)
Пример #24
    def get_minutes_candles(self, unit, market, to=None, count=None):
        분(Minute) 캔들
        :param int unit: 분 단위. 가능한 값 : 1, 3, 5, 15, 10, 30, 60, 240
        :param str market: 마켓 코드 (ex. KRW-BTC, BTC-BCC)
        :param str to: 마지막 캔들 시각 (exclusive). 포맷 : yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX. 비워서 요청시 가장 최근 캔들
        :param int count: 캔들 개수(최대 200개까지 요청 가능)
        :return: json array
        URL = 'https://api.upbit.com/v1/candles/minutes/%s' % str(unit)
        if unit not in [1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 240]:
            mylogger.error('invalid unit: %s' % str(unit))
            raise Exception('invalid unit: %s' % str(unit))
        if market not in self.markets:
            mylogger.error('invalid market: %s' % market)
            raise Exception('invalid market: %s' % market)

        params = {'market': market}
        if to is not None:
            params['to'] = to
        if count is not None:
            params['count'] = count
        return self._get(URL, params=params)
Пример #25
 def orderbook(self, currency, group_orders=1, count=5):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/public/orderbook/'
         if currency != 'ALL' and currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         if group_orders not in [0, 1]:
             mylogger.error('invalid group_orders: %d' % group_orders)
             raise Exception('invalid group_orders: %d' % group_orders)
         if count < 1 or count > 50:
             mylogger.error('invalid count: %d' % count)
             raise Exception('invalid count: %d' % count)
         params = {'group_orders': group_orders, 'count': count}
         return self._get(URL + currency, params=params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('orderbook() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #26
 def trade_cancel(self, currency, order_id, type):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/trade/cancel'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         if type not in ['bid', 'ask']:
             mylogger.error('invalid type: %s' % type)
             raise Exception('invalid type: %s' % type)
         params = {'currency': currency, 'type': type, 'order_id': order_id}
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('trade_cancel() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #27
 def transaction_history(self, currency, cont_no=None, count=20):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/public/transaction_history/'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         if count < 1 or count > 100:
             mylogger.error('invalid count: %d' % count)
             raise Exception('invalid count: %d' % count)
         params = {'count': count}
         if cont_no != 0:
             params['cont_no'] = cont_no
         return self._get(URL + currency, params=params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('transaction_history() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #28
 def info_orders(self, currency, order_id, type, count=None, after=None):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/info/orders'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         if type not in ['bid', 'ask']:
             mylogger.error('invalid type: %s' % type)
             raise Exception('invalid type: %s' % type)
         params = {'currency': currency, 'order_id': order_id, 'type': type}
         if after is not None:
             params['after'] = after
         if count is not None:
             params['count'] = count
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('info_orders() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #29
 def trade_place(self, currency, units, price, type):
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/trade/place'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         if type not in ['bid', 'ask']:
             mylogger.error('invalid type: %s' % type)
             raise Exception('invalid type: %s' % type)
         params = {
             'order_currency': currency,
             'Payment_currency': 'KRW',
             'type': type,
             'price': price,
             'units': units
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('trade_place() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)
Пример #30
 def info_user_transactions(self,
     URL = 'https://api.bithumb.com/info/user_transactions'
         if currency not in self.all_currency:
             mylogger.error('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
             raise Exception('invalid currency: %s' % currency)
         if searchGb not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9]:
             mylogger.error('invalid searchGb: %d' % searchGb)
             raise Exception('invalid searchGb: %d' % searchGb)
         params = {'currency': currency, 'searchGb': searchGb}
         if offset is not None:
             params['offset'] = offset
         if count is not None:
             params['count'] = count
         return self._post(URL, params)
     except Exception as e:
         mylogger.error('info_user_transactions() failed(%s)' % str(e))
         raise Exception(e)