# import mymodule
# mymodule.func_in_mymodule()

# Example Two:
# Uncomment this and comment everything else to run!

# import mymodule as mm
# mm.func_in_mymodule()

# Example Three:
# Uncomment this and comment everything else to run!

from mymodule import func_in_mymodule

# Example Four:
# Uncomment this and comment everything else to run!

# This is posisble but frowned upon, often causes poorly readable code because
# you don't know what functions come from mymodule

# from mymodule import *
# func_in_mymodule()
#Importing with alias name
import mymodule as mm

Пример #3
# Example Three:
# Uncomment this and comment everything else to run!

import mymodule

import red_mod

# Example Two:
# Uncomment this and comment everything else to run!

# import mymodule as mm
# mm.func_in_mymodule()

# Example Three:
# Uncomment this and comment everything else to run!

# from mymodule import func_in_mymodule
# func_in_mymodule()

# Example Four:
# Uncomment this and comment everything else to run!