Пример #1
def join_instances(t: Instance, s: Instance) -> Type:
    """Calculate the join of two instance types.

    If allow_interfaces is True, also consider interface-type results for
    non-interface types.

    Return ErrorType if the result is ambiguous.

    if t.type == s.type:
        # Simplest case: join two types with the same base type (but
        # potentially different arguments).
        if is_subtype(t, s) or is_subtype(s, t):
            # Compatible; combine type arguments.
            args = []  # type: List[Type]
            for i in range(len(t.args)):
                args.append(join_types(t.args[i], s.args[i]))
            return Instance(t.type, args)
            # Incompatible; return trivial result object.
            return object_from_instance(t)
    elif t.type.bases and is_subtype_ignoring_tvars(t, s):
        return join_instances_via_supertype(t, s)
        # Now t is not a subtype of s, and t != s. Now s could be a subtype
        # of t; alternatively, we need to find a common supertype. This works
        # in of the both cases.
        return join_instances_via_supertype(s, t)
Пример #2
def join_instances(t: Instance, s: Instance) -> Type:
    """Calculate the join of two instance types.

    If allow_interfaces is True, also consider interface-type results for
    non-interface types.

    Return ErrorType if the result is ambiguous.
    if t.type == s.type:
        # Simplest case: join two types with the same base type (but
        # potentially different arguments).
        if is_subtype(t, s) or is_subtype(s, t):
            # Compatible; combine type arguments.
            args = []  # type: List[Type]
            for i in range(len(t.args)):
                args.append(join_types(t.args[i], s.args[i]))
            return Instance(t.type, args)
            # Incompatible; return trivial result object.
            return object_from_instance(t)
    elif t.type.bases and is_subtype_ignoring_tvars(t, s):
        return join_instances_via_supertype(t, s)
        # Now t is not a subtype of s, and t != s. Now s could be a subtype
        # of t; alternatively, we need to find a common supertype. This works
        # in of the both cases.
        return join_instances_via_supertype(s, t)
Пример #3
    def join_instances(self, t: Instance, s: Instance) -> ProperType:
        if (t, s) in self.seen_instances or (s, t) in self.seen_instances:
            return object_from_instance(t)

        self.seen_instances.append((t, s))

        # Calculate the join of two instance types
        if t.type == s.type:
            # Simplest case: join two types with the same base type (but
            # potentially different arguments).

            # Combine type arguments.
            args: List[Type] = []
            # N.B: We use zip instead of indexing because the lengths might have
            # mismatches during daemon reprocessing.
            for ta, sa, type_var in zip(t.args, s.args, t.type.defn.type_vars):
                ta_proper = get_proper_type(ta)
                sa_proper = get_proper_type(sa)
                new_type: Optional[Type] = None
                if isinstance(ta_proper, AnyType):
                    new_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_another_any, ta_proper)
                elif isinstance(sa_proper, AnyType):
                    new_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_another_any, sa_proper)
                elif isinstance(type_var, TypeVarType):
                    if type_var.variance == COVARIANT:
                        new_type = join_types(ta, sa, self)
                        if len(type_var.values
                               ) != 0 and new_type not in type_var.values:
                            return object_from_instance(t)
                        if not is_subtype(new_type, type_var.upper_bound):
                            return object_from_instance(t)
                    # TODO: contravariant case should use meet but pass seen instances as
                    # an argument to keep track of recursive checks.
                    elif type_var.variance in (INVARIANT, CONTRAVARIANT):
                        if not is_equivalent(ta, sa):
                            return object_from_instance(t)
                        # If the types are different but equivalent, then an Any is involved
                        # so using a join in the contravariant case is also OK.
                        new_type = join_types(ta, sa, self)
                    # ParamSpec type variables behave the same, independent of variance
                    if not is_equivalent(ta, sa):
                        return get_proper_type(type_var.upper_bound)
                    new_type = join_types(ta, sa, self)
                assert new_type is not None
            result: ProperType = Instance(t.type, args)
        elif t.type.bases and is_subtype_ignoring_tvars(t, s):
            result = self.join_instances_via_supertype(t, s)
            # Now t is not a subtype of s, and t != s. Now s could be a subtype
            # of t; alternatively, we need to find a common supertype. This works
            # in of the both cases.
            result = self.join_instances_via_supertype(s, t)

        return result
Пример #4
    def join_instances(self, t: Instance, s: Instance) -> ProperType:
        if (t, s) in self.seen_instances or (s, t) in self.seen_instances:
            return object_from_instance(t)

        self.seen_instances.append((t, s))
        """Calculate the join of two instance types."""
        if t.type == s.type:
            # Simplest case: join two types with the same base type (but
            # potentially different arguments).

            # Combine type arguments.
            args: List[Type] = []
            # N.B: We use zip instead of indexing because the lengths might have
            # mismatches during daemon reprocessing.
            for ta, sa, type_var in zip(t.args, s.args, t.type.defn.type_vars):
                ta_proper = get_proper_type(ta)
                sa_proper = get_proper_type(sa)
                new_type: Optional[Type] = None
                if isinstance(ta_proper, AnyType):
                    new_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_another_any, ta_proper)
                elif isinstance(sa_proper, AnyType):
                    new_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_another_any, sa_proper)
                elif type_var.variance == COVARIANT:
                    new_type = join_types(ta, sa, self)
                    if len(type_var.values
                           ) != 0 and new_type not in type_var.values:
                        return object_from_instance(t)
                    if not is_subtype(new_type, type_var.upper_bound):
                        return object_from_instance(t)
                elif type_var.variance == CONTRAVARIANT:
                    new_type = meet.meet_types(ta, sa)
                    if len(type_var.values
                           ) != 0 and new_type not in type_var.values:
                        return object_from_instance(t)
                    # No need to check subtype, as ta and sa already have to be subtypes of
                    # upper_bound
                elif type_var.variance == INVARIANT:
                    new_type = join_types(ta, sa)
                    if not is_equivalent(ta, sa):
                        return object_from_instance(t)
                assert new_type is not None
            result: ProperType = Instance(t.type, args)
        elif t.type.bases and is_subtype_ignoring_tvars(t, s):
            result = self.join_instances_via_supertype(t, s)
            # Now t is not a subtype of s, and t != s. Now s could be a subtype
            # of t; alternatively, we need to find a common supertype. This works
            # in of the both cases.
            result = self.join_instances_via_supertype(s, t)

        return result
Пример #5
def join_instances(t: Instance, s: Instance) -> ProperType:
    """Calculate the join of two instance types."""
    if t.type == s.type:
        # Simplest case: join two types with the same base type (but
        # potentially different arguments).
        if is_subtype(t, s) or is_subtype(s, t):
            # Compatible; combine type arguments.
            args = []  # type: List[Type]
            # N.B: We use zip instead of indexing because the lengths might have
            # mismatches during daemon reprocessing.
            for ta, sa in zip(t.args, s.args):
                args.append(join_types(ta, sa))
            return Instance(t.type, args)
            # Incompatible; return trivial result object.
            return object_from_instance(t)
    elif t.type.bases and is_subtype_ignoring_tvars(t, s):
        return join_instances_via_supertype(t, s)
        # Now t is not a subtype of s, and t != s. Now s could be a subtype
        # of t; alternatively, we need to find a common supertype. This works
        # in of the both cases.
        return join_instances_via_supertype(s, t)