Пример #1
def generate_attr_defaults(builder: IRBuilder, cdef: ClassDef) -> None:
    """Generate an initialization method for default attr values (from class vars)."""
    cls = builder.mapper.type_to_ir[cdef.info]
    if cls.builtin_base:

    # Pull out all assignments in classes in the mro so we can initialize them
    # TODO: Support nested statements
    default_assignments = []
    for info in reversed(cdef.info.mro):
        if info not in builder.mapper.type_to_ir:
        for stmt in info.defn.defs.body:
            if (isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt)
                    and isinstance(stmt.lvalues[0], NameExpr)
                    and not is_class_var(stmt.lvalues[0])
                    and not isinstance(stmt.rvalue, TempNode)):
                name = stmt.lvalues[0].name
                if name == '__slots__':

                if name == '__deletable__':
                    check_deletable_declaration(builder, cls, stmt.line)

                # Skip type annotated assignments in dataclasses
                if is_dataclass(cdef) and stmt.type:


    if not default_assignments:

    builder.enter_method(cls, '__mypyc_defaults_setup', bool_rprimitive)

    self_var = builder.self()
    for stmt in default_assignments:
        lvalue = stmt.lvalues[0]
        assert isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr)
        if not stmt.is_final_def and not is_constant(stmt.rvalue):
            builder.warning('Unsupported default attribute value',

        # If the attribute is initialized to None and type isn't optional,
        # don't initialize it to anything.
        attr_type = cls.attr_type(lvalue.name)
        if isinstance(stmt.rvalue,
                      RefExpr) and stmt.rvalue.fullname == 'builtins.None':
            if (not is_optional_type(attr_type)
                    and not is_object_rprimitive(attr_type)
                    and not is_none_rprimitive(attr_type)):
        val = builder.coerce(builder.accept(stmt.rvalue), attr_type, stmt.line)
        builder.add(SetAttr(self_var, lvalue.name, val, -1))


Пример #2
def dataclass_non_ext_info(builder: IRBuilder, cdef: ClassDef) -> Optional[NonExtClassInfo]:
    """Set up a NonExtClassInfo to track dataclass attributes.

    In addition to setting up a normal extension class for dataclasses,
    we also collect its class attributes like a non-extension class so
    that we can hand them to the dataclass decorator.
    if is_dataclass(cdef):
        return NonExtClassInfo(
            builder.call_c(dict_new_op, [], cdef.line),
            builder.add(TupleSet([], cdef.line)),
            builder.call_c(dict_new_op, [], cdef.line),
            builder.add(LoadAddress(type_object_op.type, type_object_op.src, cdef.line))
        return None
Пример #3
def prepare_class_def(path: str, module_name: str, cdef: ClassDef,
                      errors: Errors, mapper: Mapper) -> None:

    ir = mapper.type_to_ir[cdef.info]
    info = cdef.info

    attrs = get_mypyc_attrs(cdef)
    if attrs.get("allow_interpreted_subclasses") is True:
        ir.allow_interpreted_subclasses = True
    if attrs.get("serializable") is True:
        # Supports copy.copy and pickle (including subclasses)
        ir._serializable = True

    # We sort the table for determinism here on Python 3.5
    for name, node in sorted(info.names.items()):
        # Currently all plugin generated methods are dummies and not included.
        if node.plugin_generated:

        if isinstance(node.node, Var):
            assert node.node.type, "Class member %s missing type" % name
            if not node.node.is_classvar and name not in ('__slots__', '__deletable__'):
                ir.attributes[name] = mapper.type_to_rtype(node.node.type)
        elif isinstance(node.node, (FuncDef, Decorator)):
            prepare_method_def(ir, module_name, cdef, mapper, node.node)
        elif isinstance(node.node, OverloadedFuncDef):
            # Handle case for property with both a getter and a setter
            if node.node.is_property:
                if is_valid_multipart_property_def(node.node):
                    for item in node.node.items:
                        prepare_method_def(ir, module_name, cdef, mapper, item)
                    errors.error("Unsupported property decorator semantics", path, cdef.line)

            # Handle case for regular function overload
                assert node.node.impl
                prepare_method_def(ir, module_name, cdef, mapper, node.node.impl)

    # Check for subclassing from builtin types
    for cls in info.mro:
        # Special case exceptions and dicts
        # XXX: How do we handle *other* things??
        if cls.fullname == 'builtins.BaseException':
            ir.builtin_base = 'PyBaseExceptionObject'
        elif cls.fullname == 'builtins.dict':
            ir.builtin_base = 'PyDictObject'
        elif cls.fullname.startswith('builtins.'):
            if not can_subclass_builtin(cls.fullname):
                # Note that if we try to subclass a C extension class that
                # isn't in builtins, bad things will happen and we won't
                # catch it here! But this should catch a lot of the most
                # common pitfalls.
                errors.error("Inheriting from most builtin types is unimplemented",
                             path, cdef.line)

    if ir.builtin_base:

    # Set up a constructor decl
    init_node = cdef.info['__init__'].node
    if not ir.is_trait and not ir.builtin_base and isinstance(init_node, FuncDef):
        init_sig = mapper.fdef_to_sig(init_node)

        defining_ir = mapper.type_to_ir.get(init_node.info)
        # If there is a nontrivial __init__ that wasn't defined in an
        # extension class, we need to make the constructor take *args,
        # **kwargs so it can call tp_init.
        if ((defining_ir is None or not defining_ir.is_ext_class
             or cdef.info['__init__'].plugin_generated)
                and init_node.info.fullname != 'builtins.object'):
            init_sig = FuncSignature(
                 RuntimeArg("args", tuple_rprimitive, ARG_STAR),
                 RuntimeArg("kwargs", dict_rprimitive, ARG_STAR2)],

        ctor_sig = FuncSignature(init_sig.args[1:], RInstance(ir))
        ir.ctor = FuncDecl(cdef.name, None, module_name, ctor_sig)
        mapper.func_to_decl[cdef.info] = ir.ctor

    # Set up the parent class
    bases = [mapper.type_to_ir[base.type] for base in info.bases
             if base.type in mapper.type_to_ir]
    if not all(c.is_trait for c in bases[1:]):
        errors.error("Non-trait bases must appear first in parent list", path, cdef.line)
    ir.traits = [c for c in bases if c.is_trait]

    mro = []
    base_mro = []
    for cls in info.mro:
        if cls not in mapper.type_to_ir:
            if cls.fullname != 'builtins.object':
                ir.inherits_python = True
        base_ir = mapper.type_to_ir[cls]
        if not base_ir.is_trait:

        if cls.defn.removed_base_type_exprs or not base_ir.is_ext_class:
            ir.inherits_python = True

    base_idx = 1 if not ir.is_trait else 0
    if len(base_mro) > base_idx:
        ir.base = base_mro[base_idx]
    ir.mro = mro
    ir.base_mro = base_mro

    for base in bases:
        if base.children is not None:

    if is_dataclass(cdef):
        ir.is_augmented = True
Пример #4
def generate_attr_defaults(builder: IRBuilder, cdef: ClassDef) -> None:
    """Generate an initialization method for default attr values (from class vars)."""
    cls = builder.mapper.type_to_ir[cdef.info]
    if cls.builtin_base:

    # Pull out all assignments in classes in the mro so we can initialize them
    # TODO: Support nested statements
    default_assignments = []
    for info in reversed(cdef.info.mro):
        if info not in builder.mapper.type_to_ir:
        for stmt in info.defn.defs.body:
            if (isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt)
                    and isinstance(stmt.lvalues[0], NameExpr)
                    and not is_class_var(stmt.lvalues[0])
                    and not isinstance(stmt.rvalue, TempNode)):
                if stmt.lvalues[0].name == '__slots__':

                # Skip type annotated assignments in dataclasses
                if is_dataclass(cdef) and stmt.type:


    if not default_assignments:

    builder.ret_types[-1] = bool_rprimitive

    rt_args = (RuntimeArg(SELF_NAME, RInstance(cls)), )
    self_var = builder.read(add_self_to_env(builder.environment, cls), -1)

    for stmt in default_assignments:
        lvalue = stmt.lvalues[0]
        assert isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr)
        if not stmt.is_final_def and not is_constant(stmt.rvalue):
            builder.warning('Unsupported default attribute value',

        # If the attribute is initialized to None and type isn't optional,
        # don't initialize it to anything.
        attr_type = cls.attr_type(lvalue.name)
        if isinstance(stmt.rvalue,
                      RefExpr) and stmt.rvalue.fullname == 'builtins.None':
            if (not is_optional_type(attr_type)
                    and not is_object_rprimitive(attr_type)
                    and not is_none_rprimitive(attr_type)):
        val = builder.coerce(builder.accept(stmt.rvalue), attr_type, stmt.line)
        builder.add(SetAttr(self_var, lvalue.name, val, -1))


    blocks, env, ret_type, _ = builder.leave()
    ir = FuncIR(
        FuncDecl('__mypyc_defaults_setup', cls.name, builder.module_name,
                 FuncSignature(rt_args, ret_type)), blocks, env)
    cls.methods[ir.name] = ir