Пример #1
def SubmitAnswerHandler (request):

	params = {}
	if request.method == 'GET':
		params = request.GET
	elif request.method == 'POST':
		params = request.POST

	questionID = params ["qid"]
	question = Question.objects.get(qid = questionID)
	ans = Answer(userid = str(params["user"]), answer = str(params["answer"]), qid = question)

	args = dict(qid = questionID)
	t = loader.get_template('answerpost-submit.html')
	c = RequestContext(request, args)
	return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
Пример #2
def SubmitAnswerHandler (request):
	postParams = request.POST
	getParams = request.GET
	print postParams
	print getParams

	# Get the Question ID
	questionID = getParams["qid"]
	print questionID

	# Get the Question
	q = Question.objects.get(qid = questionID)
	print q

	# Create the Answer and Save it in the DB
	ans = Answer(qid = q, answer = postParams ["answer"], userid = request.user.id, username = request.user.username)
	args = dict(msg = "Answer Successfully Submitted!", qid = questionID)
	return	HttpResponseRedirect("showQuestion?qid=" + args["qid"] + "&submit=true")