Пример #1
def copy_db(src_val, dest_val, db_list, options):
    """Copy a database

    This method will copy a database and all of its objects and data from
    one server (source) to another (destination). Options are available to
    selectively ignore each type of object. The do_drop parameter is
    used to permit the copy to overwrite an existing destination database
    (default is to not overwrite).

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    dest_val[in]       a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       destination including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the copy:
                       (skip_tables, skip_views, skip_triggers, skip_procs,
                       skip_funcs, skip_events, skip_grants, skip_create,
                       skip_data, verbose, do_drop, quiet,
                       connections, debug, exclude_names, exclude_patterns)

        do_drop  - if True, the database on the destination will be dropped
                   if it exists (default is False)
        quiet    - do not print any information during operation
                   (default is False)

    Returns bool True = success, False = error
    verbose = options.get("verbose", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    do_drop = options.get("do_drop", False)
    skip_views = options.get("skip_views", False)
    skip_procs = options.get("skip_procs", False)
    skip_funcs = options.get("skip_funcs", False)
    skip_events = options.get("skip_events", False)
    skip_grants = options.get("skip_grants", False)
    skip_data = options.get("skip_data", False)
    skip_triggers = options.get("skip_triggers", False)
    skip_tables = options.get("skip_tables", False)
    skip_gtid = options.get("skip_gtid", False)
    locking = options.get("locking", "snapshot")

    conn_options = {
        'quiet': quiet,
        'version': "5.1.30",
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, dest_val, conn_options)
    cloning = (src_val == dest_val) or dest_val is None

    source = servers[0]
    if cloning:
        destination = servers[0]
        destination = servers[1]
        # Test if SQL_MODE is 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES' in the destination server
        if destination.select_variable("SQL_MODE") == "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES":
                "# WARNING: The SQL_MODE in the destination server is "
                "'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES', it will be changed temporarily "
                "for data insertion.")

    src_gtid = source.supports_gtid() == 'ON'
    dest_gtid = destination.supports_gtid() == 'ON' if destination else False

    # Get list of all databases from source if --all is specified.
    # Ignore system databases.
    if options.get("all", False):
        # The --all option is valid only if not cloning.
        if not cloning:
            if not quiet:
                print "# Including all databases."
            rows = source.get_all_databases()
            for row in rows:
                db_list.append((row[0], None))  # Keep same name
            raise UtilError("Cannot copy all databases on the same server.")
    elif not skip_gtid and src_gtid:
        # Check to see if this is a full copy (complete backup)
        all_dbs = source.exec_query("SHOW DATABASES")
        dbs = [db[0] for db in db_list]
        for db in all_dbs:
            if db[0].upper() in [
            if not db[0] in dbs:
                print _GTID_BACKUP_WARNING

    # Do error checking and preliminary work:
    #  - Check user permissions on source and destination for all databases
    #  - Check to see if executing on same server but same db name (error)
    #  - Build list of tables to lock for copying data (if no skipping data)
    #  - Check storage engine compatibility
    for db_name in db_list:
        source_db = Database(source, db_name[0])
        if destination is None:
            destination = source
        if db_name[1] is None:
            db = db_name[0]
            db = db_name[1]
        dest_db = Database(destination, db)

        # Make a dictionary of the options
        access_options = {
            'skip_views': skip_views,
            'skip_procs': skip_procs,
            'skip_funcs': skip_funcs,
            'skip_grants': skip_grants,
            'skip_events': skip_events,
            'skip_triggers': skip_triggers,

        source_db.check_read_access(src_val["user"], src_val["host"],

        # Make a dictionary containing the list of objects from source db
        source_objects = {
            "views": source_db.get_db_objects("VIEW", columns="full"),
            "procs": source_db.get_db_objects("PROCEDURE", columns="full"),
            "funcs": source_db.get_db_objects("FUNCTION", columns="full"),
            "events": source_db.get_db_objects("EVENT", columns="full"),
            "triggers": source_db.get_db_objects("TRIGGER", columns="full"),

        dest_db.check_write_access(dest_val['user'], dest_val['host'],
                                   access_options, source_objects, do_drop)

        # Error is source db and destination db are the same and we're cloning
        if destination == source and db_name[0] == db_name[1]:
            raise UtilError("Destination database name is same as "
                            "source - source = %s, destination = %s" %
                            (db_name[0], db_name[1]))

        # Error is source database does not exist
        if not source_db.exists():
            raise UtilError("Source database does not exist - %s" % db_name[0])

        # Check storage engines
        check_engine_options(destination, options.get("new_engine", None),
                             options.get("def_engine", None), False,
                             options.get("quiet", False))

    # Get replication commands if rpl_mode specified.
    # if --rpl specified, dump replication initial commands
    rpl_info = None

    # Turn off foreign keys if they were on at the start

    # Get GTID commands
    if not skip_gtid:
        gtid_info = get_gtid_commands(source)
        if src_gtid and not dest_gtid:
            print _NON_GTID_WARNING % ("destination", "source", "to")
        elif not src_gtid and dest_gtid:
            print _NON_GTID_WARNING % ("source", "destination", "from")
        gtid_info = None
        if src_gtid and not cloning:
            print _GTID_WARNING

    # If cloning, turn off gtid generation
    if gtid_info and cloning:
        gtid_info = None
    # if GTIDs enabled, write the GTID commands
    if gtid_info and dest_gtid:
        # Check GTID version for complete feature support
        # Check the gtid_purged value too
        for cmd in gtid_info[0]:
            print "# GTID operation:", cmd
            destination.exec_query(cmd, {'fetch': False, 'commit': False})

    if options.get("rpl_mode", None):
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['multiline'] = False
        new_opts['strict'] = True
        rpl_info = get_change_master_command(src_val, new_opts)
        destination.exec_query("STOP SLAVE", {'fetch': False, 'commit': False})

    # Copy (create) objects.
    # We need to delay trigger and events to after data is loaded
    new_opts = options.copy()
    new_opts['skip_triggers'] = True
    new_opts['skip_events'] = True

    # Get the table locks unless we are cloning with lock-all
    if not (cloning and locking == 'lock-all'):
        my_lock = get_copy_lock(source, db_list, options, True)

    _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts)

    # If we are cloning, take the write locks prior to copying data
    if cloning and locking == 'lock-all':
        my_lock = get_copy_lock(source, db_list, options, True, cloning)

    # Copy tables data
    if not skip_data and not skip_tables:

        # Copy tables
        for db_name in db_list:

            # Get a Database class instance
            db = Database(source, db_name[0], options)

            # Perform the copy
            # Note: No longer use threads, use multiprocessing instead.

    # if cloning with lock-all unlock here to avoid system table lock conflicts
    if cloning and locking == 'lock-all':

    # Create triggers for all databases
    if not skip_triggers:
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['skip_tables'] = True
        new_opts['skip_views'] = True
        new_opts['skip_procs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_funcs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_events'] = True
        new_opts['skip_grants'] = True
        new_opts['skip_create'] = True
        _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts, False, False)

    # Create events for all databases
    if not skip_events:
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['skip_tables'] = True
        new_opts['skip_views'] = True
        new_opts['skip_procs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_funcs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_triggers'] = True
        new_opts['skip_grants'] = True
        new_opts['skip_create'] = True
        _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts, False, False)

    if not (cloning and locking == 'lock-all'):

    # if GTIDs enabled, write the GTID-related commands
    if gtid_info and dest_gtid:
        print "# GTID operation:", gtid_info[1]

    if options.get("rpl_mode", None):
        for cmd in rpl_info[_RPL_COMMANDS]:
            if cmd[0] == '#' and not quiet:
                print cmd
                if verbose:
                    print cmd
        destination.exec_query("START SLAVE;")

    # Turn on foreign keys if they were on at the start

    if not quiet:
        print "#...done."
    return True
Пример #2
def copy_db(src_val, dest_val, db_list, options):
    """Copy a database

    This method will copy a database and all of its objects and data from
    one server (source) to another (destination). Options are available to
    selectively ignore each type of object. The force parameter is
    used to permit the copy to overwrite an existing destination database
    (default is to not overwrite).

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    dest_val[in]       a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       destination including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the copy:
                       (skip_tables, skip_views, skip_triggers, skip_procs,
                       skip_funcs, skip_events, skip_grants, skip_create,
                       skip_data, verbose, force, quiet,
                       connections, debug, exclude_names, exclude_patterns)

        force    - if True, the database on the destination will be dropped
                   if it exists (default is False)
        quiet    - do not print any information during operation
                   (default is False)

    Returns bool True = success, False = error
    verbose = options.get("verbose", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    skip_views = options.get("skip_views", False)
    skip_procs = options.get("skip_procs", False)
    skip_funcs = options.get("skip_funcs", False)
    skip_events = options.get("skip_events", False)
    skip_grants = options.get("skip_grants", False)
    skip_data = options.get("skip_data", False)
    skip_triggers = options.get("skip_triggers", False)
    skip_tables = options.get("skip_tables", False)
    skip_gtid = options.get("skip_gtid", False)
    locking = options.get("locking", "snapshot")

    conn_options = {
        'quiet': quiet,
        'version': "5.1.30",
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, dest_val, conn_options)
    cloning = (src_val == dest_val) or dest_val is None

    source = servers[0]
    if cloning:
        destination = servers[0]
        destination = servers[1]

    src_gtid = source.supports_gtid() == 'ON'
    dest_gtid = destination.supports_gtid() == 'ON'if destination else False

    # Get list of all databases from source if --all is specified.
    # Ignore system databases.
    if options.get("all", False):
        # The --all option is valid only if not cloning.
        if not cloning:
            if not quiet:
                print "# Including all databases."
            rows = source.get_all_databases()
            for row in rows:
                db_list.append((row[0], None))  # Keep same name
            raise UtilError("Cannot copy all databases on the same server.")
    elif not skip_gtid and src_gtid:
        # Check to see if this is a full copy (complete backup)
        all_dbs = source.exec_query("SHOW DATABASES")
        dbs = [db[0] for db in db_list]
        for db in all_dbs:
            if db[0].upper() in ["MYSQL", "INFORMATION_SCHEMA",
            if not db[0] in dbs:
                print _GTID_BACKUP_WARNING

    # Do error checking and preliminary work:
    #  - Check user permissions on source and destination for all databases
    #  - Check to see if executing on same server but same db name (error)
    #  - Build list of tables to lock for copying data (if no skipping data)
    #  - Check storage engine compatibility
    for db_name in db_list:
        source_db = Database(source, db_name[0])
        if destination is None:
            destination = source
        if db_name[1] is None:
            db = db_name[0]
            db = db_name[1]
        dest_db = Database(destination, db)

        # Make a dictionary of the options
        access_options = {
            'skip_views': skip_views,
            'skip_procs': skip_procs,
            'skip_funcs': skip_funcs,
            'skip_grants': skip_grants,
            'skip_events': skip_events,

        source_db.check_read_access(src_val["user"], src_val["host"],

        dest_db.check_write_access(dest_val['user'], dest_val['host'],

        # Error is source db and destination db are the same and we're cloning
        if destination == source and db_name[0] == db_name[1]:
            raise UtilError("Destination database name is same as "
                            "source - source = %s, destination = %s" %
                            (db_name[0], db_name[1]))

        # Error is source database does not exist
        if not source_db.exists():
            raise UtilError("Source database does not exist - %s" % db_name[0])

        # Check storage engines
                             options.get("new_engine", None),
                             options.get("def_engine", None),
                             False, options.get("quiet", False))

    # Get replication commands if rpl_mode specified.
    # if --rpl specified, dump replication initial commands
    rpl_info = None

    # Turn off foreign keys if they were on at the start

    # Get GTID commands
    if not skip_gtid:
        gtid_info = get_gtid_commands(source)
        if src_gtid and not dest_gtid:
            print _NON_GTID_WARNING % ("destination", "source", "to")
        elif not src_gtid and dest_gtid:
            print _NON_GTID_WARNING % ("source", "destination", "from")
        gtid_info = None
        if src_gtid and not cloning:
            print _GTID_WARNING

    # If cloning, turn off gtid generation
    if gtid_info and cloning:
        gtid_info = None
    # if GTIDs enabled, write the GTID commands
    if gtid_info and dest_gtid:
        # Check GTID version for complete feature support
        # Check the gtid_purged value too
        for cmd in gtid_info[0]:
            print "# GTID operation:", cmd
            destination.exec_query(cmd, {'fetch': False, 'commit': False})

    if options.get("rpl_mode", None):
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['multiline'] = False
        new_opts['strict'] = True
        rpl_info = get_change_master_command(src_val, new_opts)
        destination.exec_query("STOP SLAVE", {'fetch': False, 'commit': False})

    # Copy (create) objects.
    # We need to delay trigger and events to after data is loaded
    new_opts = options.copy()
    new_opts['skip_triggers'] = True
    new_opts['skip_events'] = True

    # Get the table locks unless we are cloning with lock-all
    if not (cloning and locking == 'lock-all'):
        my_lock = get_copy_lock(source, db_list, options, True)

    _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts)

    # If we are cloning, take the write locks prior to copying data
    if cloning and locking == 'lock-all':
        my_lock = get_copy_lock(source, db_list, options, True, cloning)

    # Copy tables data
    if not skip_data and not skip_tables:

        # Copy tables
        for db_name in db_list:

            # Get a Database class instance
            db = Database(source, db_name[0], options)

            # Perform the copy
            # Note: No longer use threads, use multiprocessing instead.
            db.copy_data(db_name[1], options, destination, connections=1,
                         src_con_val=src_val, dest_con_val=dest_val)

    # if cloning with lock-all unlock here to avoid system table lock conflicts
    if cloning and locking == 'lock-all':

    # Create triggers for all databases
    if not skip_triggers:
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['skip_tables'] = True
        new_opts['skip_views'] = True
        new_opts['skip_procs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_funcs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_events'] = True
        new_opts['skip_grants'] = True
        new_opts['skip_create'] = True
        _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts, False, False)

    # Create events for all databases
    if not skip_events:
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['skip_tables'] = True
        new_opts['skip_views'] = True
        new_opts['skip_procs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_funcs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_triggers'] = True
        new_opts['skip_grants'] = True
        new_opts['skip_create'] = True
        _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts, False, False)

    if not (cloning and locking == 'lock-all'):

    # if GTIDs enabled, write the GTID-related commands
    if gtid_info and dest_gtid:
        print "# GTID operation:", gtid_info[1]

    if options.get("rpl_mode", None):
        for cmd in rpl_info[_RPL_COMMANDS]:
            if cmd[0] == '#' and not quiet:
                print cmd
                if verbose:
                    print cmd
        destination.exec_query("START SLAVE;")

    # Turn on foreign keys if they were on at the start

    if not quiet:
        print "#...done."
    return True