Пример #1
def _check_auto_increment(source, db_list, options):
    """Check auto increment values for 0

    If any tables are found to have 0 in the list of databases,
    the code prints a warning along with a sample statement
    that can be used should the user decide she needs it when
    she does the import.

    source[in]      Source connection
    db_list[in]     List of databases to export
    options[in[     Global option list
    for db in db_list:
        db_obj = Database(source, db, options)
        # print warning if any tables have 0 as auto_increment value
        if db_obj.check_auto_increment():
            sql_mode = source.show_server_variable("sql_mode")
            sql_mode_str = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"
            if sql_mode[0]:
                sql_mode_str = sql_mode[0][1]
                if 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' not in sql_mode[0][1]:
                    sql_mode_str = ("'{0}',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"
            print("# SET SQL_MODE = '{0}'\n#".format(sql_mode_str))
Пример #2
def copy_db(src_val, dest_val, db_list, options):
    """Copy a database

    This method will copy a database and all of its objects and data from
    one server (source) to another (destination). Options are available to
    selectively ignore each type of object. The do_drop parameter is
    used to permit the copy to overwrite an existing destination database
    (default is to not overwrite).

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    dest_val[in]       a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       destination including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    options[in]        a dictionary containing the options for the copy:
                       (skip_tables, skip_views, skip_triggers, skip_procs,
                       skip_funcs, skip_events, skip_grants, skip_create,
                       skip_data, verbose, do_drop, quiet,
                       connections, debug, exclude_names, exclude_patterns)

        do_drop  - if True, the database on the destination will be dropped
                   if it exists (default is False)
        quiet    - do not print any information during operation
                   (default is False)

    Returns bool True = success, False = error
    verbose = options.get("verbose", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    do_drop = options.get("do_drop", False)
    skip_views = options.get("skip_views", False)
    skip_procs = options.get("skip_procs", False)
    skip_funcs = options.get("skip_funcs", False)
    skip_events = options.get("skip_events", False)
    skip_grants = options.get("skip_grants", False)
    skip_data = options.get("skip_data", False)
    skip_triggers = options.get("skip_triggers", False)
    skip_tables = options.get("skip_tables", False)
    skip_gtid = options.get("skip_gtid", False)
    locking = options.get("locking", "snapshot")

    conn_options = {
        'quiet': quiet,
        'version': "5.1.30",
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, dest_val, conn_options)
    cloning = (src_val == dest_val) or dest_val is None

    source = servers[0]
    if cloning:
        destination = servers[0]
        destination = servers[1]
        # Test if SQL_MODE is 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES' in the destination server
        if destination.select_variable("SQL_MODE") == "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES":
                "# WARNING: The SQL_MODE in the destination server is "
                "'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES', it will be changed temporarily "
                "for data insertion.")

    src_gtid = source.supports_gtid() == 'ON'
    dest_gtid = destination.supports_gtid() == 'ON' if destination else False

    # Get list of all databases from source if --all is specified.
    # Ignore system databases.
    if options.get("all", False):
        # The --all option is valid only if not cloning.
        if not cloning:
            if not quiet:
                print "# Including all databases."
            rows = source.get_all_databases()
            for row in rows:
                db_list.append((row[0], None))  # Keep same name
            raise UtilError("Cannot copy all databases on the same server.")
    elif not skip_gtid and src_gtid:
        # Check to see if this is a full copy (complete backup)
        all_dbs = source.exec_query("SHOW DATABASES")
        dbs = [db[0] for db in db_list]
        for db in all_dbs:
            if db[0].upper() in [
            if db[0] not in dbs:
                print _GTID_BACKUP_WARNING

    # Do error checking and preliminary work:
    #  - Check user permissions on source and destination for all databases
    #  - Check to see if executing on same server but same db name (error)
    #  - Build list of tables to lock for copying data (if no skipping data)
    #  - Check storage engine compatibility
    auto_increment_zero = False
    for db_name in db_list:
        source_db = Database(source, db_name[0])
        if destination is None:
            destination = source
        if db_name[1] is None:
            db = db_name[0]
            db = db_name[1]
        dest_db = Database(destination, db)

        # Make a dictionary of the options
        access_options = {
            'skip_views': skip_views,
            'skip_procs': skip_procs,
            'skip_funcs': skip_funcs,
            'skip_grants': skip_grants,
            'skip_events': skip_events,
            'skip_triggers': skip_triggers,

        source_db.check_read_access(src_val["user"], src_val["host"],

        # Make a dictionary containing the list of objects from source db
        source_objects = {
            "views": source_db.get_db_objects("VIEW", columns="full"),
            "procs": source_db.get_db_objects("PROCEDURE", columns="full"),
            "funcs": source_db.get_db_objects("FUNCTION", columns="full"),
            "events": source_db.get_db_objects("EVENT", columns="full"),
            "triggers": source_db.get_db_objects("TRIGGER", columns="full"),

        dest_db.check_write_access(dest_val['user'], dest_val['host'],
                                   access_options, source_objects, do_drop)

        # Error is source db and destination db are the same and we're cloning
        if destination == source and db_name[0] == db_name[1]:
            raise UtilError("Destination database name is same as "
                            "source - source = %s, destination = %s" %
                            (db_name[0], db_name[1]))

        # Error is source database does not exist
        if not source_db.exists():
            raise UtilError("Source database does not exist - %s" % db_name[0])

        # Check storage engines
        check_engine_options(destination, options.get("new_engine", None),
                             options.get("def_engine", None), False,
                             options.get("quiet", False))

        # Checking auto increment. See if any tables have 0 in their auto
        # increment column.
        if source_db.check_auto_increment():
            auto_increment_zero = True

    # Get replication commands if rpl_mode specified.
    # if --rpl specified, dump replication initial commands
    rpl_info = None

    # Turn off foreign keys if they were on at the start

    # Get GTID commands
    if not skip_gtid:
        gtid_info = get_gtid_commands(source)
        if src_gtid and not dest_gtid:
            print _NON_GTID_WARNING % ("destination", "source", "to")
        elif not src_gtid and dest_gtid:
            print _NON_GTID_WARNING % ("source", "destination", "from")
        gtid_info = None
        if src_gtid and not cloning:
            print _GTID_WARNING

    # If cloning, turn off gtid generation
    if gtid_info and cloning:
        gtid_info = None
    # if GTIDs enabled, write the GTID commands
    if gtid_info and dest_gtid:
        # Check GTID version for complete feature support
        # Check the gtid_purged value too
        for cmd in gtid_info[0]:
            print "# GTID operation:", cmd
            destination.exec_query(cmd, {'fetch': False, 'commit': False})

    if options.get("rpl_mode", None):
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['multiline'] = False
        new_opts['strict'] = True
        rpl_info = get_change_master_command(src_val, new_opts)
        destination.exec_query("STOP SLAVE", {'fetch': False, 'commit': False})

    # Add sql_mode for copying 0 auto increment values
    if auto_increment_zero:
        sql_mode_str = destination.sql_mode("NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO", True)
        if sql_mode_str:
            if verbose:
                print("# {0}".format(sql_mode_str))

    # Copy (create) objects.
    # We need to delay trigger and events to after data is loaded
    new_opts = options.copy()
    new_opts['skip_triggers'] = True
    new_opts['skip_events'] = True

    # Get the table locks unless we are cloning with lock-all
    if not (cloning and locking == 'lock-all'):
        my_lock = get_copy_lock(source, db_list, options, True)

    _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts)

    # If we are cloning, take the write locks prior to copying data
    if cloning and locking == 'lock-all':
        my_lock = get_copy_lock(source, db_list, options, True, cloning)

    # Copy tables data
    if not skip_data and not skip_tables:

        # If there are statements to execute before the copy, execute them here
        before_stmts = options.get("before_alter", None)
        if before_stmts:
            for stmt in before_stmts:
                if not destination.exec_query(stmt):
                    print("WARNING: Statement did not execute: "

        # Copy tables
        for db_name in db_list:

            # Get a Database class instance
            db = Database(source, db_name[0], options)

            # Perform the copy
            # Note: No longer use threads, use multiprocessing instead.

        # If there are statements to execute after the copy, execute them here
        after_stmts = options.get("after_alter", None)
        if after_stmts:
            for stmt in after_stmts:
                if not destination.exec_query(stmt):
                    print("WARNING: Statement did not execute: "

    # if cloning with lock-all unlock here to avoid system table lock conflicts
    if cloning and locking == 'lock-all':

    # Create triggers for all databases
    if not skip_triggers:
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['skip_tables'] = True
        new_opts['skip_views'] = True
        new_opts['skip_procs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_funcs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_events'] = True
        new_opts['skip_grants'] = True
        new_opts['skip_create'] = True
        _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts, False, False)

    # Create events for all databases
    if not skip_events:
        new_opts = options.copy()
        new_opts['skip_tables'] = True
        new_opts['skip_views'] = True
        new_opts['skip_procs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_funcs'] = True
        new_opts['skip_triggers'] = True
        new_opts['skip_grants'] = True
        new_opts['skip_create'] = True
        _copy_objects(source, destination, db_list, new_opts, False, False)

    if not (cloning and locking == 'lock-all'):

    # if GTIDs enabled, write the GTID-related commands
    if gtid_info and dest_gtid:
        print "# GTID operation:", gtid_info[1]

    if options.get("rpl_mode", None):
        for cmd in rpl_info[_RPL_COMMANDS]:
            if cmd[0] == '#' and not quiet:
                print cmd
                if verbose:
                    print cmd
        destination.exec_query("START SLAVE;")

    # Turn on foreign keys if they were on at the start

    # Remove sql_mode for copying 0 auto increment values
    if auto_increment_zero:
        sql_mode_str = destination.sql_mode("NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO", False)
        if sql_mode_str and verbose:
            print("# {0}".format(sql_mode_str))

    if not quiet:
        print "#...done."
    return True