Пример #1
    def test_invalid(self):
        """Test parsing invalid versions of connection strings.

        If the connection string is invalid, a FormatError should be thrown.
        for spec in self.invalid_specificers:
            except FormatError:
                self.fail("Unexpected exception thrown.")
                self.fail("Exception not thrown for: '%s'." % spec)
Пример #2
    def test_invalid(self):
        """Test parsing invalid versions of connection strings.

        If the connection string is invalid, a FormatError should be thrown.
        for spec in self.invalid_specificers:
            except FormatError:
                self.fail("Unexpected exception thrown.")
                self.fail("Exception not thrown for: '%s'." % spec)
Пример #3
def get_connection_dictionary(conn_info):
    """Get the connection dictionary.

    The method accepts one of the following types for conn_info:
        - dictionary containing connection information including:
          (user, passwd, host, port, socket)
        - connection string in the form: user:pass@host:port:socket or 
        - an instance of the Server class
    conn_info[in]          Connection information

    Returns dict - dictionary for connection (user, passwd, host, port, socket)
    if conn_info is None:
        return conn_info
    conn_val = {}
    if isinstance(conn_info, dict):
        conn_val = conn_info
    elif isinstance(conn_info, Server):
        # get server's dictionary
        conn_val = conn_info.get_connection_values()
    elif isinstance(conn_info, basestring):
        # parse the string
        conn_val = parse_connection(conn_info, None)
        raise UtilError("Cannot determine connection information type.")

    return conn_val
Пример #4
 def test_valid(self):
     """Test parsing valid versions of connection strings.
     for source, expected in self.valid_specifiers:
         result = _spec(parse_connection(source))
         frm = "{0}: was {1}, expected {2}"
         msg = frm.format(source, result, expected)
         self.assertEqual(expected, result, msg)
Пример #5
 def test_valid(self):
     """Test parsing valid versions of connection strings.
     for source, expected in self.valid_specifiers:
         result = _spec(parse_connection(source))
         frm = "{0}: was {1}, expected {2}"
         msg = frm.format(source, result, expected)
         self.assertEqual(expected, result, msg)
Пример #6
 def test_connection(self, test_num, test_data):
     if self.debug:
       print "\nTest case %s - %s" % (test_num+1, test_data[0])
         self.conn_vals = parse_connection("root@%s:3306" % test_data[1])
     except FormatError, e:
         if test_data[3]:
             # This expected. 
             raise MUTLibError("Test Case %s: Parse failed! Error: %s" % \
                                (test_num+1, e))
Пример #7
    def test_connection(self, test_num, test_data):

        if self.debug:
            print "\nTest case %s - %s" % (test_num + 1, test_data[0])

            self.conn_vals = parse_connection("root@%s:3306" % test_data[1])
        except FormatError, e:
            if test_data[3]:
                # This expected.
                raise MUTLibError("Test Case %s: Parse failed! Error: %s" % \
                                   (test_num+1, e))
Пример #8
    def execute(self, connections, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for processes, queries, or connections
        This method searches for processes, queriers, or connections to
        either kill or display the matches for one or more servers.
        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          output           file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
          connector        connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID

        output = kwrds.get('output', sys.stdout)
        connector = kwrds.get('connector', mysql.connector)
        format = kwrds.get('format', "grid")

        headers = ("Connection", "Id", "User", "Host", "Db",
                   "Command", "Time", "State", "Info")
        entries = []
        # Build SQL statement
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            for row in cursor:
                if KILL_QUERY in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if KILL_CONNECTION in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
                    entries.append(tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)))
        # If output is None, nothing is printed
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            entries.sort(key = lambda fifth:fifth[5]) 
            print_list(output, format, headers, entries)
        elif PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
            raise EmptyResultError("No matches found")
Пример #9
    def execute(self, connections, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for processes, queries, or connections
        This method searches for processes, queriers, or connections to
        either kill or display the matches for one or more servers.
        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          output           file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
          connector        connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID

        output = kwrds.get('output', sys.stdout)
        connector = kwrds.get('connector', mysql.connector)
        format = kwrds.get('format', "grid")

        headers = ("Connection", "Id", "User", "Host", "Db", "Command", "Time",
                   "State", "Info")
        entries = []
        # Build SQL statement
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info, )
                raise FormatError(msg)
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            for row in cursor:
                if KILL_QUERY in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if KILL_CONNECTION in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
                    entries.append(tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)))

        # If output is None, nothing is printed
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            entries.sort(key=lambda fifth: fifth[5])
            print_list(output, format, headers, entries)
        elif PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
            raise EmptyResultError("No matches found")
Пример #10
    def execute(self,
        """Execute the search for objects
        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.
        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        from mysql.utilities.exception import FormatError, EmptyResultError

        format = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info, )
                raise FormatError(msg)
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
                [tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)) for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, format, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % (
                self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)
Пример #11
    def run(self):
        # Test parse_connection with login-paths
        con_tests = ["test_user@localhost", "test_mylogin",
                     "test_user@localhost:1000", "test_mylogin:1000",
        for test in con_tests:
            con_dic = parse_connection(test)

        # Test parse_user_password with login-paths
        user_pass_tests = ["test_user", "test_mylogin",
                           "test_user:"******"user_x:", "user_x:pass_y"]
        for test in user_pass_tests:
            user_pass = parse_user_password(test)
        return True
Пример #12
    def run(self):
        # Test parse_connection with login-paths
        con_tests = [
            "test_user@localhost", "test_mylogin", "test_user@localhost:1000",
            "test_mylogin:1000", "test_user@localhost:1000:/my.socket",
            "test_mylogin:1000:/my.socket", "test_user@localhost:/my.socket",
        for test in con_tests:
            con_dic = parse_connection(test)

        # Test parse_user_password with login-paths
        user_pass_tests = [
            "test_user", "test_mylogin", "test_user:"******"user_x:",
        for test in user_pass_tests:
            user_pass = parse_user_password(test)
        return True
Пример #13
    def execute(self, connections, output=sys.stdout, connector=mysql.connector,
        """Execute the search for objects
        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.
        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        from mysql.utilities.exception import FormatError, EmptyResultError

        format = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            entries.extend([tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)) for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, format, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % (self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)
Пример #14
    print("WARNING: The --candidates option is used only with the "
          "failover and elect commands.")
    opt.candidates = None

if (opt.candidates or opt.new_master) and command in ['stop', 'start', 'reset']:
    print("WARNING: The --new-master and --candidates options are not "
          "used with the stop, start, and reset commands.")
    opt.candidates = None
if opt.format and command not in ['health', 'gtid']:
    print("WARNING: The --format option is used only with the health "
          "and gtid commands.")
if opt.new_master:
        new_master_val = parse_connection(opt.new_master, None, opt)
    except FormatError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("New master connection values invalid: %s." % err)
    except UtilError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("New master connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)
    new_master_val = None

# Parse the master, slaves, and candidates connection parameters
    master_val, slaves_val, candidates_val = parse_failover_connections(opt)
except UtilRplError:
    _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
    print("ERROR: %s" % e.errmsg)
Пример #15
    "run_all_tests": opt.run_all_tests,
    "width": opt.width,
    "no_object_check": opt.no_object_check,
    "no_diff": opt.no_diff,
    "no_row_count": opt.no_row_count,
    "no_data": opt.no_data,
    "format": opt.format,
    "toggle_binlog": opt.toggle_binlog,
    "changes-for": opt.changes_for,
    "reverse": opt.reverse,

# Parse server connection values
server2_values = None
    server1_values = parse_connection(opt.server1, None, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server1 connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server1 connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

if opt.server2:
        server2_values = parse_connection(opt.server2, None, options)
    except FormatError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server2 connection values invalid: %s." % err)
    except UtilError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
Пример #16
# Warn if quiet and verbosity are both specified

# Set options for database operations.
options = {
    "quiet": opt.quiet,
    "verbosity": opt.verbosity,
    "difftype": opt.difftype,
    "force": opt.force,
    "width": opt.width

# Parse server connection values
    server1_values = parse_connection(opt.server1)
    parser.error("Server1 connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")
if opt.server2 is not None:
        server2_values = parse_connection(opt.server2)
        parser.error("Server2 connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")
    server2_values = None

# run the diff
diff_failed = False
for argument in args:
    m_obj = re.match("(\w+)(?:\.(\w+))?:(\w+)(?:\.(\w+))?", argument)
    if not m_obj:
Пример #17
    "debug": opt.verbosity >= 3,
    "file_per_tbl": opt.file_per_tbl,
    "exclude_patterns": opt.exclude,
    "all": opt.all,
    "use_regexp": opt.use_regexp,
    "locking": opt.locking,
    "rpl_user": opt.rpl_user,
    "rpl_mode": opt.rpl_mode,
    "rpl_file": opt.rpl_file,
    "comment_rpl": opt.comment_rpl,
    "export": opt.export,

# Parse server connection values
    server_values = parse_connection(opt.server)
    parser.error("Server connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Build list of databases to copy
db_list = []
for db in args:

    # record start time
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:
        start_test = time.time()

    # Export all databases specified
    export_databases(server_values, db_list, options)
Пример #18
def show_server_info(servers, options):
    """Show server information for a list of servers
    This method will gather information about a running server. If the
    show_defaults option is specified, the method will also read the
    configuration file and return a list of the server default settings.
    If the format option is set, the output will be in the format specified.
    If the no_headers option is set, the output will not have a header row (no
    column names) except for format = vertical.
    If the basedir and start options are set, the method will attempt to start
    the server in read only mode to get the information. Specifying only
    basedir will not start the server. The extra start option is designed to
    make sure the user wants to start the offline server. The user may not wish
    to do this if there are certain error conditions and/or logs in place that
    may be overwritten.
    servers[in]       list of server connections in the form
    options[in]       dictionary of options (no_headers, format, basedir,
                      start, show_defaults)
    Returns tuple ((server information), defaults) 
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import test_connect
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    show_defaults = options.get("show_defaults", False)
    basedir = options.get("basedir", None)
    datadir = options.get("datadir", None)
    start = options.get("start", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    show_servers = options.get("show_servers", 0)
    if show_servers:
        if os.name == 'nt':
            ports = options.get("ports", "3306:3333")
            start, end = ports.split(":")
            _show_running_servers(start, end)

    defaults_rows = []
    rows = []
    server_val = {}
    get_defaults = True
    for server in servers:
        server_alive = True
        server_started = False
        if not test_connect(server):
            if basedir is None or datadir is None:
                raise UtilError("Server is offline. To connection, "
                                     "you must provide basedir, datadir, "
                                     "and the start option")
                if start:
                        server_val = parse_connection(server)
                        raise UtilError("Source connection values in"
                                             "valid or cannot be parsed.")
                    res = _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir, options)
                    server_started = True                    
                    server_alive = False
        if server_alive:
            info, defaults = _server_info(server, get_defaults, options)
            if info is not None:
            if defaults is not None and len(defaults_rows) == 0:
                defaults_rows = defaults
                get_defaults = False
        if server_started:
            # Need to stop the server!
            res = _stop_server(server_val, basedir, options)

    print_list(sys.stdout, format, _COLUMNS, rows, no_headers)

    if show_defaults and len(defaults_rows) > 0:
        for row in defaults_rows:
            print "  %s" % row
Пример #19
    "run_all_tests": opt.run_all_tests,
    "width": opt.width,
    "no_object_check": opt.no_object_check,
    "no_diff": opt.no_diff,
    "no_row_count": opt.no_row_count,
    "no_data": opt.no_data,
    "format": opt.format,
    "toggle_binlog": opt.toggle_binlog,
    "changes-for": opt.changes_for,
    "reverse": opt.reverse,

# Parse server connection values
server2_values = None
    server1_values = parse_connection(opt.server1)
    if opt.server2 is not None:
        server2_values = parse_connection(opt.server2)
except FormatError as details:

# Operations to perform:
# 1) databases exist
# 2) check object counts
# 3) check object differences
# 4) check row counts among the tables
# 5) check table data consistency

res = True
check_failed = False
for db in args:
Пример #20

# Expand user paths and resolve relative paths
if opt.new_data and opt.new_data[0] == '~':
    options['new_data'] = os.path.expanduser(opt.new_data)
if opt.basedir and opt.basedir[0] == '~':
    options['basedir'] = os.path.expanduser(opt.basedir)
if opt.new_data and opt.new_data[0] == '.':
    options['new_data'] = os.path.abspath(opt.new_data)
if opt.basedir and opt.basedir[0] == '.':
    options['basedir'] = os.path.abspath(opt.basedir)

# Parse source connection values if we have a running server
if opt.basedir is None:
        conn = parse_connection(opt.server)
    except exception.FormatError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err)
    except exception.UtilError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)
    conn = None

    res = serverclone.clone_server(conn, options)
except exception.UtilError:
    _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
    print("ERROR: %s" % e.errmsg)
Пример #21
    "all": opt.all,
    "locking": opt.locking,
    "use_regexp": opt.use_regexp,
    "rpl_user": opt.rpl_user,
    "rpl_mode": opt.rpl_mode,
    "verbosity": opt.verbosity,
    "skip_gtid": opt.skip_gtid,

# Parse source connection values
    # Create a basic configuration reader first for optimization purposes.
    # I.e., to avoid repeating the execution of some methods in further
    # parse_connection methods (like, searching my_print_defaults tool).
    config_reader = MyDefaultsReader(options, False)
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.source, config_reader, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

# Parse destination connection values
    dest_values = parse_connection(opt.destination, config_reader, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Destination connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
Пример #22
    "threads"          : opt.threads,
    "debug"            : opt.verbosity == 3,
    "exclude_patterns" : opt.exclude,
    "new_engine"       : opt.new_engine,
    "def_engine"       : opt.def_engine,
    "all"              : opt.all,
    "locking"          : opt.locking,
    "use_regexp"       : opt.use_regexp,
    "rpl_user"         : opt.rpl_user,
    "rpl_mode"         : opt.rpl_mode,
    "verbosity"        : opt.verbosity,

# Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.source)
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Parse destination connection values
    dest_values = parse_connection(opt.destination)
    parser.error("Destination connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Check to see if attempting to use --rpl on the same server
if (opt.rpl_mode or opt.rpl_user) and source_values == dest_values:
    parser.error("You cannot use the --rpl option for copying on the "
                 "same server.")

# Check replication options
Пример #23
    "all"              : opt.all,
    "locking"          : opt.locking,
    "use_regexp"       : opt.use_regexp,
    "rpl_user"         : opt.rpl_user,
    "rpl_mode"         : opt.rpl_mode,
    "verbosity"        : opt.verbosity,
    "skip_gtid"        : opt.skip_gtid,

# Parse source connection values
    # Create a basic configuration reader first for optimization purposes.
    # I.e., to avoid repeating the execution of some methods in further
    # parse_connection methods (like, searching my_print_defaults tool).
    config_reader = MyDefaultsReader(options, False)
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.source, config_reader, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

# Parse destination connection values
    dest_values = parse_connection(opt.destination, config_reader, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Destination connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
Пример #24
# all option
parser.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true", dest="do_all",
                  default=False, help="show all usage including empty "

# Add verbosity mode
add_verbosity(parser, True)

# Now we process the rest of the arguments.
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.server, None, opt)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

    conn_options = {
        'version'   : "5.1.30",
    servers = connect_servers(source_values, None)
except UtilError:
    _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
Пример #25
if opt.stop_test:
    print("  Stop test           = '%s%%'" % opt.stop_test)

server_list = Server_list([], opt.start_port, opt.utildir, verbose_mode)
basedir = None

# Print status of connections
if not opt.servers:
    print("  No servers specified.")
    i = 0
    for server in opt.servers:
            conn_val = parse_connection(server)
            parser.error("Problem parsing server connection '%s'" % server)

        i += 1
        # Fail if port and socket are both None
        if conn_val["port"] is None and conn_val["unix_socket"] is None:
            parser.error("You must specify either a port or a socket " \
                  "in the server string: \n       %s" % server)

        sys.stdout.write("  Connecting to %s as user %s on port %s: " %
                         (conn_val["host"], conn_val["user"],

        if conn_val["port"] is not None:
Пример #26
# Now we process the rest of the arguments.
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Fail is --discover-slaves-login not specified
if opt.discover is None:
    parser.error("The --discover-slaves-login is required to test slave "

# Fail if recurse specified and max-depth is invalid
if opt.recurse and opt.max_depth is not None:
    if opt.max_depth < 0:
        parser.error("The --max-depth option needs to be >= 0.")

# Parse master connection values
    m_values = parse_connection(opt.master, None, opt)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Master connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Master connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

# Create dictionary of options
options = {
    'quiet'          : opt.quiet,
    'prompt'         : opt.prompt,
    'num_retries'    : opt.num_retries,
    'recurse'        : opt.recurse,
    'show_list'      : opt.show_list,
    'format'         : opt.format,
Пример #27
                  help="start replication from the first event recorded in "
                  "the binary logging of the master."
                  "Not valid with --master-log-file or --master-log-pos.")

# Add verbosity

# Now we process the rest of the arguments.
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Parse source connection values
    m_values = parse_connection(opt.master, None, opt)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Master connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Master connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

# Parse source connection values
    s_values = parse_connection(opt.slave, None, opt)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Slave connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
Пример #28
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Fail if dump and quiet set
if opt.quiet and opt.dump:
    parser.error("You cannot use --quiet and --dump together.")

# Warn if quiet and verbosity are both specified

# Fail if no arguments and no options.
if (len(args) == 0 or opt is None) and not opt.list_users:
    parser.error("No arguments found. Use --help for available options.")

# Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.source)
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

if opt.list_users:

    if opt.list_format.upper() not in PERMITTED_FORMATS:
        print "WARNING : '%s' is not a valid list format. Using default." % \
        opt.list_format = "GRID"
        opt.list_format = opt.list_format.upper()

    userclone.show_users(source_values, opt.verbosity, opt.list_format)
Пример #29
add_verbosity(parser, True)

# Now we process the rest of the arguments.
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Fail if format specified is invalid
    opt.format = check_format_option(opt.format).upper()
except UtilError, e:

from mysql.utilities.common.server import connect_servers

# Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.server)
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

    conn_options = {
        'version'   : "5.1.30",
    servers = connect_servers(source_values, None, conn_options)
except UtilError, e:

    res = servers[0].show_server_variable("datadir")
    datadir = res[0][1]
except UtilError, e:
Пример #30
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Fail if dump and quiet set
if opt.quiet and opt.dump:
    parser.error("You cannot use --quiet and --dump together.")

# Warn if quiet and verbosity are both specified

# Fail if no arguments and no options.
if (len(args) == 0 or opt is None) and not opt.list_users:
    parser.error("No arguments found. Use --help for available options.")

# Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.source, None, opt)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

if opt.list_users:
    userclone.show_users(source_values, opt.verbosity, opt.format, opt.dump)
    # Make sure we have the base user plus at least one new user
    if len(args) < 2 and not opt.dump:
        parser.error("Wrong parameter combination or no new users.")

    base_user = args[0]
Пример #31
def _server_info(server_val, get_defaults=False, options={}):
    """Show information about a running server
    This method gathers information from a running server. This information is
    returned as a tuple to be displayed to the user in a format specified. The
    information returned includes the following:
    * server connection information
    * version number of the server
    * data directory path
    * base directory path
    * plugin directory path
    * configuration file location and name
    * current binary log file
    * current binary log position
    * current relay log file
    * current relay log position
    server_val[in]    the server connection values or a connected server
    get_defaults[in]  if True, get the default settings for the server
    options[in]       options for connecting to the server
    Return tuple - information about server
    import tempfile
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import connect_servers
    from mysql.utilities.common.tools import get_tool_path

    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)

    # Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(server_val, None, options)

    # Connect to the server
    conn_options = {
        'version'   : "5.1.30",
    servers = connect_servers(source_values, None, conn_options)
    server = servers[0]

    rows = server.exec_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'basedir'")
    if rows:
        basedir = rows[0][1]
        raise UtilError("Unable to determine basedir of running server.")

    my_def_search = []
    my_def_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "my_print_defaults")
    if os.name == "posix":
        my_def_search = ["/etc/my.cnf", "/etc/mysql/my.cnf",
                         os.path.join(basedir, "my.cnf"), "~/.my.cnf"]
        my_def_search = ["c:\windows\my.ini","c:\my.ini", "c:\my.cnf",
                         os.path.join(os.curdir, "my.ini")]
    my_def_search.append(os.path.join(os.curdir, "my.cnf"))

    # Make 'key' value
    server_id = source_values['host']
    # Use string mapping because port is an integer
    server_id += ":%s" % source_values['port']
    if source_values.get('socket', None) is not None:
        server_id += ":" + source_values.get('socket')

    defaults = []
    if get_defaults:
        if verbosity > 0:
            file = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
            file = open(os.devnull, "w+b")
        subprocess.call([my_def_path, "mysqld"], stdout=file)
        defaults.append("\nDefaults for server " + server_id)
        for line in file.readlines():

    # Get server version
    version = None
        res = server.show_server_variable('version')
        version = res[0][1]
        raise UtilError("Cannot get version for server " + server_id)

    # Find config file
    config_file = ""
    for search_path in my_def_search:
        if os.path.exists(search_path):
            if len(config_file) > 0:
                config_file += ", " + search_path
                config_file = search_path

    # Find datadir, basedir, plugin-dir, binary log, relay log
    res = server.show_server_variable("datadir")
    datadir = res[0][1]
    res = server.show_server_variable("basedir")
    basedir = res[0][1]
    res = server.show_server_variable("plugin_dir")
    plugin_dir = res[0][1]
    binlog, binlog_pos = _get_binlog(server)
    relay_log, relay_log_pos = _get_relay_log(server)

    return ((server_id, version, datadir, basedir, plugin_dir, config_file,
             binlog, binlog_pos, relay_log, relay_log_pos), defaults)
Пример #32
    "single": not opt.bulk_insert,
    "import_type": opt.import_type,
    "dryrun": opt.dryrun,
    "do_drop": opt.do_drop,
    "quiet": opt.quiet,
    "verbosity": opt.verbosity,
    "debug": opt.verbosity >= 3,
    "new_engine": opt.new_engine,
    "def_engine": opt.def_engine,
    "skip_rpl": opt.skip_rpl,
    "skip_gtid": opt.skip_gtid,

# Parse server connection values
    server_values = parse_connection(opt.server, None, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

# Build list of files to import
file_list = []
for file_name in args:

    # record start time
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:
Пример #33
                  type = "int", help="display width",

# Add suppress to suppress warning messages
parser.add_option("--suppress", action="store_true", dest="suppress",
                  default=False, help="suppress warning messages")

# Add verbosity
add_verbosity(parser, True)

# Now we process the rest of the arguments.
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Parse source connection values
    m_values = parse_connection(opt.master)
except FormatError, e:
    parser.error("Master connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Parse source connection values
    s_values = parse_connection(opt.slave)
except FormatError, e:
    parser.error("Slave connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Create dictionary of options
options = {
    'verbosity'    : opt.verbosity,
    'pedantic'     : False,
    'quiet'        : opt.quiet,
    'suppress'     : opt.suppress,
Пример #34
# Check to make sure at least one table specified.
if len(args) == 0:
    parser.error("You must specify at least one table or database to check.")


if opt.index_format.upper() not in PERMITTED_FORMATS:
    print "WARNING : '%s' is not a valid index format. Using default." % \
    opt.index_format = "GRID"
    opt.index_format = opt.index_format.upper()

# Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.server)
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Check best, worst for validity
best = None
if opt.best is not None:
        best = int(opt.best)
        best = -1
if best is not None and best < 0:
    parser.error("The --best parameter must be an integer > 1")

worst = None
if opt.worst is not None:
Пример #35
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Fail if dump and quiet set
if opt.quiet and opt.dump:
    parser.error("You cannot use --quiet and --dump together.")

# Warn if quiet and verbosity are both specified

# Fail if no arguments and no options.
if (len(args) == 0 or opt is None) and not opt.list_users:
    parser.error("No arguments found. Use --help for available options.")

# Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(opt.source, None, opt)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

if opt.list_users:
    userclone.show_users(source_values, opt.verbosity, opt.format, opt.dump)
    # Make sure we have the base user plus at least one new user
    if len(args) < 2 and not opt.dump:
        parser.error("Wrong parameter combination or no new users.")
Пример #36
# Add quiet
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet",
                  help="turn off all messages for quiet execution.")

# Now we process the rest of the arguments.
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Fail if recurse specified and max-depth is invalid
if opt.recurse and opt.max_depth is not None:
    if opt.max_depth < 0:
        parser.error("The --max-depth option needs to be >= 0.")

# Parse master connection values
    m_values = parse_connection(opt.master)
except FormatError, e:
    parser.error("Master connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Create dictionary of options
options = {
    'quiet'          : opt.quiet,
    'prompt'         : opt.prompt,
    'num_retries'    : opt.num_retries,
    'recurse'        : opt.recurse,
    'show_list'      : opt.show_list,
    'format'         : opt.format,
    'max_depth'      : opt.max_depth,
Пример #37
def _server_info(server_val, get_defaults=False, options={}):
    """Show information about a running server
    This method gathers information from a running server. This information is
    returned as a tuple to be displayed to the user in a format specified. The
    information returned includes the following:
    * server connection information
    * version number of the server
    * data directory path
    * base directory path
    * plugin directory path
    * configuration file location and name
    * current binary log file
    * current binary log position
    * current relay log file
    * current relay log position
    server_val[in]    the server connection values or a connected server
    get_defaults[in]  if True, get the default settings for the server
    options[in]       options for connecting to the server
    Return tuple - information about server
    import tempfile
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import connect_servers
    from mysql.utilities.common.tools import get_tool_path

    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)

    # Parse source connection values
    source_values = parse_connection(server_val)

    # Connect to the server
    conn_options = {
        'version'   : "5.1.30",
    servers = connect_servers(source_values, None, conn_options)
    server = servers[0]

    rows = server.exec_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'basedir'")
    if rows:
        basedir = rows[0][1]
        raise UtilError("Unable to determine basedir of running server.")

    my_def_search = []
    my_def_path = get_tool_path(basedir, "my_print_defaults")
    if os.name == "posix":
        my_def_search = ["/etc/my.cnf", "/etc/mysql/my.cnf",
                         os.path.join(basedir, "my.cnf"), "~/.my.cnf"]
        my_def_search = ["c:\windows\my.ini","c:\my.ini", "c:\my.cnf",
                         os.path.join(os.curdir, "my.ini")]
    my_def_search.append(os.path.join(os.curdir, "my.cnf"))

    # Make 'key' value
    server_id = source_values['host']
    # Use string mapping because port is an integer
    server_id += ":%s" % source_values['port']
    if source_values.get('socket', None) is not None:
        server_id += ":" + source_values.get('socket')

    defaults = []
    if get_defaults:
        if verbosity > 0:
            file = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
            file = open(os.devnull, "w+b")
        subprocess.call([my_def_path, "mysqld"], stdout=file)
        defaults.append("\nDefaults for server " + server_id)
        for line in file.readlines():

    # Get server version
    version = None
        res = server.show_server_variable('version')
        version = res[0][1]
        raise UtilError("Cannot get version for server " + server_id)

    # Find config file
    config_file = ""
    for search_path in my_def_search:
        if os.path.exists(search_path):
            if len(config_file) > 0:
                config_file += ", " + search_path
                config_file = search_path

    # Find datadir, basedir, plugin-dir, binary log, relay log
    res = server.show_server_variable("datadir")
    datadir = res[0][1]
    res = server.show_server_variable("basedir")
    basedir = res[0][1]
    res = server.show_server_variable("plugin_dir")
    plugin_dir = res[0][1]
    binlog, binlog_pos = _get_binlog(server)
    relay_log, relay_log_pos = _get_relay_log(server)

    return ((server_id, version, datadir, basedir, plugin_dir, config_file,
             binlog, binlog_pos, relay_log, relay_log_pos), defaults)
Пример #38
    'basedir': opt.basedir,
    'delete': opt.delete,

# Expand user paths and resolve relative paths
if opt.new_data and opt.new_data[0] == '~':
    options['new_data'] = os.path.expanduser(opt.new_data)
if opt.basedir and opt.basedir[0] == '~':
    options['basedir'] = os.path.expanduser(opt.basedir)
if opt.new_data and opt.new_data[0] == '.':
    options['new_data'] = os.path.abspath(opt.new_data)
if opt.basedir and opt.basedir[0] == '.':
    options['basedir'] = os.path.abspath(opt.basedir)

# Parse source connection values if we have a running server
if opt.basedir is None:
        conn = parse_connection(opt.server)
        parser.error("Source connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")
    conn = None

    res = serverclone.clone_server(conn, options)
except exception.UtilError, e:
    print "ERROR:", e.errmsg

Пример #39

# Set options for database operations.
options = {
    "quiet"            : opt.quiet,
    "verbosity"        : opt.verbosity,
    "difftype"         : opt.difftype,
    "force"            : opt.force,
    "width"            : opt.width,
    "changes-for"      : opt.changes_for,
    "reverse"          : opt.reverse,

# Parse server connection values
    server1_values = parse_connection(opt.server1, None, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server1 connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server1 connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)
if opt.server2 is not None:
        server2_values = parse_connection(opt.server2, None, options)
    except FormatError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server2 connection values invalid: %s." % err)
    except UtilError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server2 connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)
Пример #40
def show_server_info(servers, options):
    """Show server information for a list of servers
    This method will gather information about a running server. If the
    show_defaults option is specified, the method will also read the
    configuration file and return a list of the server default settings.
    If the format option is set, the output will be in the format specified.
    If the no_headers option is set, the output will not have a header row (no
    column names) except for format = vertical.
    If the basedir and start options are set, the method will attempt to start
    the server in read only mode to get the information. Specifying only
    basedir will not start the server. The extra start option is designed to
    make sure the user wants to start the offline server. The user may not wish
    to do this if there are certain error conditions and/or logs in place that
    may be overwritten.
    servers[in]       list of server connections in the form
    options[in]       dictionary of options (no_headers, format, basedir,
                      start, show_defaults)
    Returns tuple ((server information), defaults) 
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import test_connect
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    show_defaults = options.get("show_defaults", False)
    basedir = options.get("basedir", None)
    datadir = options.get("datadir", None)
    start = options.get("start", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    show_servers = options.get("show_servers", 0)
    if show_servers:
        if os.name == 'nt':
            ports = options.get("ports", "3306:3333")
            start, end = ports.split(":")
            _show_running_servers(start, end)

    defaults_rows = []
    rows = []
    server_val = {}
    get_defaults = True
    for server in servers:
        new_server = None
            test_connect(server, True)
        except UtilError as util_error:
            if util_error.errmsg.startswith("Server connection values invalid:"):
                raise util_error
            # If we got an exception it may means that the server is offline
            # in that case we will try to turn a clone to extract the info
            # if the user passed the necessary parameters.
            pattern = ".*?: (.*?)\((.*)\)"
            res = re.match(pattern, util_error.errmsg, re.S)
            if not res:
                er = ["error: <%s>" % util_error.errmsg]
                er = res.groups()

            if (re.search("refused", "".join(er)) or 
                re.search("Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket",
                er = ["Server is offline. To connect, "
                      "you must also provide "]
                opts = ["basedir", "datadir", "start"]
                for opt in tuple(opts):
                        if locals()[opt] is not None:
                    except KeyError:
                if opts:
                    er.append(", ".join(opts[0:-1]))
                    if len(opts) > 1:
                        er.append(" and the ")
                    er.append(" option")
                    raise UtilError("".join(er))

            if not start:
                raise UtilError("".join(er))
                    server_val = parse_connection(server, None, options)
                    raise UtilError("Source connection values invalid"
                                    " or cannot be parsed.")
                new_server = _start_server(server_val, basedir,
                                           datadir, options)

        info, defaults = _server_info(server, get_defaults, options)
        if info:
        if defaults and len(defaults_rows) == 0:
            defaults_rows = defaults
            get_defaults = False
        if new_server:
            # Need to stop the server!
            res = _stop_server(server_val, basedir, options)

    print_list(sys.stdout, format, _COLUMNS, rows, no_headers)

    if show_defaults and len(defaults_rows) > 0:
        for row in defaults_rows:
            print "  %s" % row
Пример #41
    print "WARNING: The --candidates option is used only with the " + \
          "failover and elect commands."
    opt.candidates = None

if (opt.candidates or opt.new_master) and command in ['stop', 'start', 'reset']:
    print "WARNING: The --new-master and --candidates options are not " + \
          "used with the stop, start, and reset commands."
    opt.candidates = None
if opt.format and command not in ['health', 'gtid']:
    print "WARNING: The --format option is used only with the health " + \
          "and gtid commands."
if opt.new_master:
        new_master_val = parse_connection(opt.new_master)
    except FormatError, e:
        parser.error("New master connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")
    new_master_val = None

# Parse the master, slaves, and candidates connection parameters
    master_val, slaves_val, candidates_val = parse_failover_connections(opt)
except UtilRplError, e:
    print "ERROR:", e.errmsg

# Create dictionary of options
options = {
    'new_master'   : new_master_val,
Пример #42
if opt.stop_test:
    print("  Stop test           = '%s%%'" % opt.stop_test)

server_list = Server_list([], opt.start_port, opt.utildir, verbose_mode)
basedir = None

# Print status of connections
if not opt.servers:
    print("  No servers specified.")
    i = 0
    for server in opt.servers:
            conn_val = parse_connection(server)
            parser.error("Problem parsing server connection '%s'" % server)

        i += 1
        # Fail if port and socket are both None
        if conn_val["port"] is None and conn_val["unix_socket"] is None:
            parser.error("You must specify either a port or a socket " \
                  "in the server string: \n       %s" % server)

            "  Connecting to %s as user %s on port %s: " %
            (conn_val["host"], conn_val["user"], conn_val["port"]))

        if conn_val["port"] is not None:
Пример #43
# Add start from beginning option
parser.add_option("-b", "--start-from-beginning", action="store_true",
                  default=False, dest="from_beginning",
                  help="start replication from the first event recorded in "
                  "the binary logging of the master."
                  "Not valid with --master-log-file or --master-log-pos.")

# Add verbosity

# Now we process the rest of the arguments.
opt, args = parser.parse_args()

# Parse source connection values
    m_values = parse_connection(opt.master)
    parser.error("Master connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Parse source connection values
    s_values = parse_connection(opt.slave)
    parser.error("Slave connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")
# Check required --master-log-file for --master-log-pos
if (opt.master_log_pos >= 0 and opt.master_log_file is None):
    parser.error("You must specify a master log file to use the master "
                 "log file position option.")
if ((opt.master_log_pos >= 0) or (opt.master_log_file is not None)) and \
Пример #44
# The --audit-log-name is required if a command specified.
if command_requires_log_name(command) and not opt.log_name:
    parser.error("The --audit-log-name option is required for the %s command."
                 % command)

if opt.log_name and (not opt.file_stats
                     and not command_requires_log_name(command)):
    parser.error("The --audit-log-name option requires --file-stats and/or "
                 "a valid command.")

# Attempt to parse the --server option
server_values = None
if opt.server:
        server_values = parse_connection(opt.server, None, opt)
    except FormatError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err)
    except UtilError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

# Check for copy prerequisites
if command and command == "COPY" and not opt.copy_location:
    parser.error("You must specify the --copy-to option for copying a log "

# The --copy-to option requires the command COPY
if opt.copy_location and not (command == "COPY"):
    parser.error("The --copy-to option can only be used with the COPY "
Пример #45
          "failover and elect commands.")
    opt.candidates = None

if (opt.candidates
        or opt.new_master) and command in ['stop', 'start', 'reset']:
    print("WARNING: The --new-master and --candidates options are not "
          "used with the stop, start, and reset commands.")
    opt.candidates = None

if opt.format and command not in ['health', 'gtid']:
    print("WARNING: The --format option is used only with the health "
          "and gtid commands.")

if opt.new_master:
        new_master_val = parse_connection(opt.new_master, None, opt)
    except FormatError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("New master connection values invalid: %s." % err)
    except UtilError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("New master connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)
    new_master_val = None

# Parse the master, slaves, and candidates connection parameters
    master_val, slaves_val, candidates_val = parse_failover_connections(opt)
except UtilRplError:
    _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
    print("ERROR: %s" % e.errmsg)