Пример #1
def get_routine_privs(server, db_name, routine_name):
    """ Get the list of grantees and their privileges for a routine.

    server[in]          Instance of Server class, where the query will be
    db_name[in]         Name of the database where the table belongs to.
    routine_name[in]    Name of the routine to check.

    Returns list of tuples (<GRANTEE>, <SET OF GRANTS>).
    tpl_lst = []
    # remove backticks if necesssary
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name):
        db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(db_name)
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(routine_name):
        routine_name = remove_backtick_quoting(routine_name)

    # Build query
    query = _PROCS_PRIV_QUERY.format(db_name, routine_name)
    res = server.exec_query(query)
    for user, host, grants in res:
        grants = set((grant.upper() for grant in grants.split(',')))
        # remove USAGE privilege since it does nothing.
        if grants:
            tpl_lst.append(("'{0}'@'{1}'".format(user, host), grants))
    return tpl_lst
Пример #2
def get_routine_privs(server, db_name, routine_name):
    """ Get the list of grantees and their privileges for a routine.

    server[in]          Instance of Server class, where the query will be
    db_name[in]         Name of the database where the table belongs to.
    routine_name[in]    Name of the routine to check.

    Returns list of tuples (<GRANTEE>, <SET OF GRANTS>).
    tpl_lst = []
    # Get sql_mode in server
    sql_mode = server.select_variable("SQL_MODE")
    # remove backticks if necesssary
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name, sql_mode):
        db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(db_name, sql_mode)
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(routine_name, sql_mode):
        routine_name = remove_backtick_quoting(routine_name, sql_mode)

    # Build query
    query = _PROCS_PRIV_QUERY.format(db_name, routine_name)
    res = server.exec_query(query)
    for user, host, grants in res:
        grants = set((grant.upper() for grant in grants.split(',')))
        # remove USAGE privilege since it does nothing.
        if grants:
            tpl_lst.append(("'{0}'@'{1}'".format(user, host), grants))
    return tpl_lst
Пример #3
def get_table_privs(server, db_name, table_name):
    """ Get the list of grantees and their privileges for a specific table.

    server[in]          Instance of Server class, where the query will be
    db_name[in]     Name of the database where the table belongs to.
    table_name[in]  Name of the table to check.

    Returns list of tuples (<Grantee>, <SET OF GRANTS>).
    tpl_lst = []
    # Get sql_mode in server
    sql_mode = server.select_variable("SQL_MODE")
    # Remove backticks if necessary
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name, sql_mode):
        db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(db_name, sql_mode)
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(table_name, sql_mode):
        table_name = remove_backtick_quoting(table_name, sql_mode)

    # Build query
    query = _TABLE_PRIV_QUERY.format(db_name, table_name)
    res = server.exec_query(query)
    for grantee, grant_option, grants in res:
        grants = set((grant.upper() for grant in grants.split(',')))
        # remove USAGE privilege since it does nothing.
        if grants:
            if 'Y' in grant_option.upper():
                grants.add('GRANT OPTION')
            tpl_lst.append((grantee, grants))

    return tpl_lst
Пример #4
def get_table_privs(server, db_name, table_name):
    """ Get the list of grantees and their privileges for a specific table.

    server[in]          Instance of Server class, where the query will be
    db_name[in]     Name of the database where the table belongs to.
    table_name[in]  Name of the table to check.

    Returns list of tuples (<Grantee>, <SET OF GRANTS>).
    tpl_lst = []
    # Remove backticks if necessary
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name):
        db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(db_name)
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(table_name):
        table_name = remove_backtick_quoting(table_name)

    # Build query
    query = _TABLE_PRIV_QUERY.format(db_name, table_name)
    res = server.exec_query(query)
    for grantee, grant_option, grants in res:
        grants = set((grant.upper() for grant in grants.split(',')))
        # remove USAGE privilege since it does nothing.
        if grants:
            if 'Y' in grant_option.upper():
                grants.add('GRANT OPTION')
            tpl_lst.append((grantee, grants))

    return tpl_lst
Пример #5
    def get_object_type(self, object_name):
        """Return the object type of an object
        This method attempts to locate the object name among the objects
        in the database. It returns the object type if found or None
        if not found.
        object_name[in]    Name of the object to find
        Returns (string) object type or None if not found
        object_type = None

        # Remove object backticks if needed
        obj_name = remove_backtick_quoting(object_name) \
                    if is_quoted_with_backticks(object_name) else object_name

        res = self.source.exec_query(_OBJTYPE_QUERY %
                                     { 'db_name'  : self.db_name,
                                       'obj_name' : obj_name })
        if res != [] and res is not None and len(res) > 0:
            object_type = res[0][0]
            if object_type == 'BASE TABLE':
                object_type = 'TABLE'
        return object_type
Пример #6
def get_db_privs(server, db_name):
    """ Get the list of grantees and their privileges for a database.

    server[in]          Instance of Server class, where the query will be
    db_name[in]  Name of the database to check.

    Returns list of tuples (<Grantee>, <SET OF GRANTS>).
    tpl_lst = []
    # remove backticks if necessary
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name):
        db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(db_name)

    # Build query
    query = _DB_PRIVS_QUERY.format(db_name)
    res = server.exec_query(query)
    for grantee, grant_option, grants in res:
        grants = set((grant.upper() for grant in grants.split(',')))
        # remove USAGE privilege since it does nothing.
        if grants:
            if 'Y' in grant_option.upper():
                grants.add('GRANT OPTION')
            tpl_lst.append((grantee, grants))

    return tpl_lst
Пример #7
    def get_column_metadata(self, columns=None):
        """Get information about the table for the bulk insert operation.

        This method builds lists that describe the metadata of the table. This
        includes lists for:

          column names
          column format for building VALUES clause
          blob fields - for use in generating INSERT/UPDATE for blobs
          text fields - for use in checking for single quotes

        columns[in]        if None, use EXPLAIN else use column list.

        if columns is None:
            columns = self.server.exec_query("explain %s" % self.q_table)
        stop = len(columns)
        self.column_names = []
        self.q_column_names = []
        col_format_values = [''] * stop
        if columns is not None:
            for col in range(0, stop):
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(columns[col][0]):
                col_type_prefix = columns[col][1][0:4].lower()
                if col_type_prefix in ('varc', 'char', 'enum', 'set('):
                    col_format_values[col] = "'%s'"
                elif col_type_prefix in ("blob", "text"):
                    col_format_values[col] = "%s"
                elif col_type_prefix in ("date", "time"):
                    col_format_values[col] = "'%s'"
                    col_format_values[col] = "%s"
        self.column_format = "%s%s%s" % \
                             (" (", ', '.join(col_format_values), ")")
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, source, name, options={}):

        source[in]         A Server object
        name[in]           Name of database
        verbose[in]        print extra data during operations (optional)
                           default value = False
        options[in]        Array of options for controlling what is included
                           and how operations perform (e.g., verbose)
        self.source = source
        # Keep database identifier considering backtick quotes
        if is_quoted_with_backticks(name):
            self.q_db_name = name
            self.db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(self.q_db_name)
            self.db_name = name
            self.q_db_name = quote_with_backticks(self.db_name)
        self.verbose = options.get("verbose", False)
        self.skip_tables = options.get("skip_tables", False)
        self.skip_views = options.get("skip_views", False)
        self.skip_triggers = options.get("skip_triggers", False)
        self.skip_procs = options.get("skip_procs", False)
        self.skip_funcs = options.get("skip_funcs", False)
        self.skip_events = options.get("skip_events", False)
        self.skip_grants = options.get("skip_grants", False)
        self.skip_create = options.get("skip_create", False)
        self.skip_data = options.get("skip_data", False)
        self.exclude_patterns = options.get("exclude_patterns", None)
        self.use_regexp = options.get("use_regexp", False)
        self.new_db = None
        self.q_new_db = None
        self.init_called = False
        self.destination = None # Used for copy mode
        self.cloning = False    # Used for clone mode
        self.query_options = {  # Used for skipping fetch of rows
            'fetch' : False

        self.objects = []
        self.new_objects = []
Пример #9
def _drop_compare_object(server, db_name, tbl_name):
    """Drop the compare object table
    server[in]             Server instance
    db_name[in]            database name
    tbl_name[in]           table name
    # Quote compare table appropriately with backticks
    q_db_name = db_name if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name) \
                        else quote_with_backticks(db_name)
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(tbl_name):
        q_tbl_name = remove_backtick_quoting(tbl_name)
        q_tbl_name = tbl_name
    q_tbl_name = quote_with_backticks(

            _COMPARE_TABLE_DROP.format(db=q_db_name, compare_tbl=q_tbl_name))
Пример #10
def _drop_compare_object(server, db_name, tbl_name):
    """Drop the compare object table
    server[in]             Server instance
    db_name[in]            database name
    tbl_name[in]           table name
    # Quote compare table appropriately with backticks
    q_db_name = db_name if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name) \
                        else quote_with_backticks(db_name)
    if is_quoted_with_backticks(tbl_name):
        q_tbl_name = remove_backtick_quoting(tbl_name)
        q_tbl_name = tbl_name
    q_tbl_name = quote_with_backticks(

Пример #11
    def __init__(self, source, name, options={}):

        source[in]         A Server object
        name[in]           Name of database
        verbose[in]        print extra data during operations (optional)
                           default value = False
        options[in]        Array of options for controlling what is included
                           and how operations perform (e.g., verbose)
        self.source = source
        # Keep database identifier considering backtick quotes
        if is_quoted_with_backticks(name):
            self.q_db_name = name
            self.db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(self.q_db_name)
            self.db_name = name
            self.q_db_name = quote_with_backticks(self.db_name)
        self.verbose = options.get("verbose", False)
        self.skip_tables = options.get("skip_tables", False)
        self.skip_views = options.get("skip_views", False)
        self.skip_triggers = options.get("skip_triggers", False)
        self.skip_procs = options.get("skip_procs", False)
        self.skip_funcs = options.get("skip_funcs", False)
        self.skip_events = options.get("skip_events", False)
        self.skip_grants = options.get("skip_grants", False)
        self.skip_create = options.get("skip_create", False)
        self.skip_data = options.get("skip_data", False)
        self.exclude_patterns = options.get("exclude_patterns", None)
        self.use_regexp = options.get("use_regexp", False)
        self.new_db = None
        self.q_new_db = None
        self.init_called = False
        self.destination = None  # Used for copy mode
        self.cloning = False  # Used for clone mode
        self.query_options = {"fetch": False}  # Used for skipping fetch of rows

        self.objects = []
        self.new_objects = []
Пример #12
    def get_object_type(self, object_name):
        """Return the object type of an object
        This method attempts to locate the object name among the objects
        in the database. It returns the object type if found or None
        if not found.
        object_name[in]    Name of the object to find
        Returns (string) object type or None if not found
        object_type = None

        # Remove object backticks if needed
        obj_name = remove_backtick_quoting(object_name) if is_quoted_with_backticks(object_name) else object_name

        res = self.source.exec_query(_OBJTYPE_QUERY % {"db_name": self.db_name, "obj_name": obj_name})

        if res != [] and res is not None and len(res) > 0:
            object_type = res[0][0]
            if object_type == "BASE TABLE":
                object_type = "TABLE"

        return object_type
Пример #13
    # Get the sql_mode set on source and destination server
    conn_opts = {
        'quiet': True,
        'version': "5.1.30",
        servers = connect_servers(server_values, None, conn_opts)
        server_sql_mode = servers[0].select_variable("SQL_MODE")
    except UtilError:
        server_sql_mode = ''

    # Build list of databases to copy
    db_list = []
    for db in args:
        # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
        db = remove_backtick_quoting(db, server_sql_mode) \
            if is_quoted_with_backticks(db, server_sql_mode) else db

        # record start time
        if opt.verbosity >= 3:
            start_export_time = time.time()

        # Export databases concurrently for non posix systems (windows).
        if options['multiprocess'] > 1 and os.name != 'posix':
            # Create export databases tasks.
            export_db_tasks = []
            for db in db_list:
                export_task = {
                    'srv_con': server_values,
Пример #14
        server_values = parse_connection(opt.server, None, options)
    except FormatError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server connection values invalid: {0}.".format(err))
    except UtilError:
        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
        parser.error("Server connection values invalid: "

    # Build list of databases to copy
    db_list = []
    for db in args:
        # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
        db = remove_backtick_quoting(db) \
            if is_quoted_with_backticks(db) else db

        # record start time
        if opt.verbosity >= 3:
            start_export_time = time.time()

        # Export databases concurrently for non posix systems (windows).
        if options['multiprocess'] > 1 and os.name != 'posix':
            # Create export databases tasks.
            export_db_tasks = []
            for db in db_list:
                export_task = {
                    'srv_con': server_values,
Пример #15
        # the initial specified string. In general, this identifies the missing
        # use of backticks.
        matched_size = len(orig_db)
        if new_db:
            # add 1 for the separator ':'
            matched_size += 1
            matched_size += len(new_db)
        if matched_size != len(db):
                    db_pair=db, db1_label="orig_db", db2_label="new_db", db1_value=orig_db, db2_value=new_db

        # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
        orig_db = remove_backtick_quoting(orig_db) if is_quoted_with_backticks(orig_db) else orig_db
        new_db = remove_backtick_quoting(new_db) if new_db and is_quoted_with_backticks(new_db) else new_db
        db_entry = (orig_db, new_db)

        # Record start time.
        if opt.verbosity >= 3:
            start_copy_time = time.time()

        # Copy databases concurrently for non posix systems (windows).
        if options["multiprocess"] > 1 and os.name != "posix":
            # Create copy databases tasks.
            copy_db_tasks = []
            for db in db_list:
                copy_task = {"source_srv": source_values, "dest_srv": dest_values, "db_list": [db], "options": options}
Пример #16
# Parse server connection values
    server_values = parse_connection(opt.server, None, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

# Build list of databases to copy
db_list = []
for db in args:
    # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
    db = remove_backtick_quoting(db) if is_quoted_with_backticks(db) else db

    # record start time
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:
        start_test = time.time()
    # Export all databases specified
    export_databases(server_values, db_list, options)
    # record elapsed time
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:

except UtilError:
Пример #17
    # initial specified string. In general, this identifies the missing use
    # of backticks.
    matched_size = len(orig_db)
    if new_db:
        # add 1 for the separator ':'
        matched_size = matched_size + 1
        matched_size = matched_size + len(new_db)
    if matched_size != len(db):

    # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
    orig_db = remove_backtick_quoting(orig_db) \
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(orig_db) else orig_db
    new_db = remove_backtick_quoting(new_db) \
                if new_db and is_quoted_with_backticks(new_db) else new_db
    db_entry = (orig_db, new_db)

    # record start time
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:
        start_test = time.time()
    dbcopy.copy_db(source_values, dest_values, db_list, options)
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:
except UtilError:
    _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
Пример #18
    def copy_objects(self, new_db, options, new_server=None,
                     connections=1, check_exists=True):
        """Copy the database objects.

        This method will copy a database and all of its objects and data
        to another, new database. Options set at instantiation will determine
        if there are objects that are excluded from the copy. Likewise,
        the method will also skip data if that option was set and process
        an input file with INSERT statements if that option was set.

        The method can also be used to copy a database to another server
        by providing the new server object (new_server). Copy to the same
        name by setting new_db = old_db or as a new database.
        new_db[in]         Name of the new database
        options[in]        Options for copy e.g. force, etc.
        new_server[in]     Connection to another server for copying the db
                           Default is None (copy to same server - clone)
        connections[in]    Number of threads(connections) to use for insert
        check_exists[in]   If True, check for database existance before copy
                           Default is True

        from mysql.utilities.common.table import Table

        # Must call init() first!
        # Guard for init() prerequisite
        assert self.init_called, "You must call db.init() before " + \

        grant_msg_displayed = False

        if new_db:
            # Assign new database identifier considering backtick quotes.
            if is_quoted_with_backticks(new_db):
                self.q_new_db = new_db
                self.new_db = remove_backtick_quoting(new_db)
                self.new_db = new_db
                self.q_new_db = quote_with_backticks(new_db)
            # If new_db is not defined use the same as source database.
            self.new_db = self.db_name
            self.q_new_db = self.q_db_name

        self.destination = new_server

        # We know we're cloning if there is no new connection.
        self.cloning = (new_server == self.source)

        if self.cloning:
            self.destination = self.source

        # Check to see if database exists
        if check_exists:
            exists = False
            drop_server = None
            if self.cloning:
                exists = self.exists(self.source, new_db)
                drop_server = self.source
                exists = self.exists(self.destination, new_db)
                drop_server = self.destination
            if exists:
                if options.get("force", False):
                    self.drop(drop_server, True, new_db)
                elif not self.skip_create:
                    raise UtilDBError("destination database exists. Use "
                                      "--force to overwrite existing "
                                      "database.", -1, new_db)

        # Create new database first
        if not self.skip_create:
            if self.cloning:
                self.create(self.source, new_db)
                self.create(self.destination, new_db)

        # Create the objects in the new database
        for obj in self.objects:

            # Drop object if --force specified and database not dropped
            # Grants do not need to be dropped for overwriting
            if options.get("force", False) and obj[0] != _GRANT:
                self.__drop_object(obj[0], obj[1][0])

            # Create the object
            self.__create_object(obj[0], obj[1], not grant_msg_displayed,
                                 options.get("quiet", False),
                                 options.get("new_engine", None),
                                 options.get("def_engine", None))

            if obj[0] == _GRANT and not grant_msg_displayed:
                grant_msg_displayed = True
Пример #19
def check_index(src_val, table_args, options):
    """Check for duplicate or redundant indexes for one or more tables

    This method will examine the indexes for one or more tables and identify
    any indexes that are potential duplicates or redundant. It prints the
    equivalent DROP statements if selected.

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    table_args[in]     list of tables in the form 'db.table' or 'db'
    options[in]        dictionary of options to include:
                         show-drops   : show drop statements for dupe indexes
                         skip         : skip non-existent tables
                         verbosity    : print extra information
                         show-indexes : show all indexes for each table
                         index-format : index format = sql, table, tab, csv
                         worst        : show worst performing indexes
                         best         : show best performing indexes
                         report-indexes : reports tables without PK or UK

    Returns bool True = success, raises UtilError if error

    # Get options
    show_drops = options.get("show-drops", False)
    skip = options.get("skip", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", False)
    show_indexes = options.get("show-indexes", False)
    index_format = options.get("index-format", False)
    stats = options.get("stats", False)
    first_indexes = options.get("best", None)
    last_indexes = options.get("worst", None)
    report_indexes = options.get("report-indexes", False)

    # Try to connect to the MySQL database server.
    conn_options = {
        'quiet': verbosity == 1,
        'version': "5.0.0",
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, None, conn_options)

    source = servers[0]

    db_list = []  # list of databases
    table_list = []  # list of all tables to process

    # Build a list of objects to process
    # 1. start with db_list if no objects present on command line
    # 2. process command line options.
    # 3. loop through database list and add all tables
    # 4. check indexes

    # Get sql_mode value set on servers
    sql_mode = source.select_variable("SQL_MODE")

    # Perform the options check here. Loop through objects presented.
    for obj in table_args:
        m_obj = parse_object_name(obj, sql_mode)
        # Check if a valid database/table name is specified.
        if m_obj[0] is None:
            raise UtilError(
                    obj_name=obj, option="the database/table arguments"))
            db_name, obj_name = m_obj
            if obj_name:
                # Table specified
            # Else we are operating on a specific database.
                # Remove backtick quotes.
                db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(db_name, sql_mode) \
                    if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name, sql_mode) else db_name

    # Loop through database list adding tables
    for db in db_list:
        db_source = Database(source, db)
        tables = db_source.get_db_objects("TABLE")
        if not tables and verbosity >= 1:
            print("# Warning: database %s does not exist. Skipping." % (db))
        for table in tables:
                quote_with_backticks(db, sql_mode),
                quote_with_backticks(table[0], sql_mode)))

    # Fail if no tables to check
    if not table_list:
        raise UtilError("No tables to check.")

    if verbosity > 1:
        print("# Checking indexes...")
    # Check indexes for each table in the list
    # pylint: disable=R0101
    for table_name in table_list:
        tbl_options = {
            'verbose': verbosity >= 1,
            'get_cols': False,
            'quiet': verbosity is None or verbosity < 1
        tbl = Table(source, table_name, tbl_options)
        exists = tbl.exists()
        if not exists and not skip:
            raise UtilError("Table %s does not exist. Use --skip "
                            "to skip missing tables." % table_name)
        if exists:
            if not tbl.get_indexes():
                if verbosity > 1 or report_indexes:
                    print("# Table %s is not indexed." % (table_name))
                if show_indexes:
                    tbl.print_indexes(index_format, verbosity)
                    # Show if table has primary key
                if verbosity > 1 or report_indexes:
                    if not tbl.has_primary_key():
                        if not tbl.has_unique_key():
                            print("# Table {0} does not contain neither a "
                                  "PRIMARY nor UNIQUE key.".format(table_name))
                            print("# Table {0} does not contain a PRIMARY key."

            # Show best and/or worst indexes
            if stats:
                if first_indexes is not None:
                    tbl.show_special_indexes(index_format, first_indexes, True)
                if last_indexes is not None:
                    tbl.show_special_indexes(index_format, last_indexes)

        if verbosity > 1:

    if verbosity > 1:
        print("# ...done.")
Пример #20
        # use of backticks.
        matched_size = len(orig_db)
        if new_db:
            # add 1 for the separator ':'
            matched_size += 1
            matched_size += len(new_db)
        if matched_size != len(db):

        # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
        orig_db = remove_backtick_quoting(orig_db) \
            if is_quoted_with_backticks(orig_db) else orig_db
        new_db = remove_backtick_quoting(new_db) \
            if new_db and is_quoted_with_backticks(new_db) else new_db
        db_entry = (orig_db, new_db)

        # Record start time.
        if opt.verbosity >= 3:
            start_copy_time = time.time()

        # Copy databases concurrently for non posix systems (windows).
        if options['multiprocess'] > 1 and os.name != 'posix':
            # Create copy databases tasks.
            copy_db_tasks = []
Пример #21
        # add 1 for the separator ':'
        matched_size = matched_size + 1
        matched_size = matched_size + len(parts[1])
    # Verify if the size of the databases matched by the REGEX is equal to the
    # initial specified string. In general, this identifies the missing use
    # of backticks.
    if matched_size != len(db):

    # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
    db1 = remove_backtick_quoting(parts[0]) \
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(parts[0]) else parts[0]
    db2 = remove_backtick_quoting(parts[1]) \
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(parts[1]) else parts[1]

        res = database_compare(server1_values, server2_values, db1, db2,
    except UtilError:
        _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
        print("ERROR: %s" % e.errmsg)
        check_failed = True
        if not opt.run_all_tests:
    if not res:
Пример #22
    def __init__(self, server1, name, options=None):

        server[in]         A Server object
        name[in]           Name of table in the form (db.table)
        options[in]        options for class: verbose, quiet, get_cols,
            quiet     If True, do not print information messages
            verbose   print extra data during operations (optional)
                      (default is False)
            get_cols  If True, get the column metadata on construction
                      (default is False)
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        self.verbose = options.get('verbose', False)
        self.quiet = options.get('quiet', False)
        self.server = server1

        # Keep table identifier considering backtick quotes
        if is_quoted_with_backticks(name):
            self.q_table = name
            self.q_db_name, self.q_tbl_name = Database.parse_object_name(name)
            self.db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(self.q_db_name)
            self.tbl_name = remove_backtick_quoting(self.q_tbl_name)
            self.table = ".".join([self.db_name, self.tbl_name])
            self.table = name
            self.db_name, self.tbl_name = Database.parse_object_name(name)
            self.q_db_name = quote_with_backticks(self.db_name)
            self.q_tbl_name = quote_with_backticks(self.tbl_name)
            self.q_table = ".".join([self.q_db_name, self.q_tbl_name])
        self.obj_type = "TABLE"
        self.pri_idx = None

        # We store each type of index in a separate list to make it easier
        # to manipulate
        self.btree_indexes = []
        self.hash_indexes = []
        self.rtree_indexes = []
        self.fulltext_indexes = []
        self.text_columns = []
        self.blob_columns = []
        self.column_format = None
        self.column_names = []
        self.q_column_names = []
        if options.get('get_cols', False):
        self.dest_vals = None
        self.storage_engine = None

        # Get max allowed packet
        res = self.server.exec_query("SELECT @@session.max_allowed_packet")
        if res:
            self.max_packet_size = res[0][0]
            self.max_packet_size = _MAXPACKET_SIZE
        # Watch for invalid values
        if self.max_packet_size > _MAXPACKET_SIZE:
            self.max_packet_size = _MAXPACKET_SIZE

        self._insert = "INSERT INTO %s.%s VALUES "
        self.query_options = {  # Used for skipping fetch of rows
            'fetch': False
Пример #23
    def copy_objects(self, new_db, options, new_server=None, connections=1, check_exists=True):
        """Copy the database objects.

        This method will copy a database and all of its objects and data
        to another, new database. Options set at instantiation will determine
        if there are objects that are excluded from the copy. Likewise,
        the method will also skip data if that option was set and process
        an input file with INSERT statements if that option was set.

        The method can also be used to copy a database to another server
        by providing the new server object (new_server). Copy to the same
        name by setting new_db = old_db or as a new database.
        new_db[in]         Name of the new database
        options[in]        Options for copy e.g. force, etc.
        new_server[in]     Connection to another server for copying the db
                           Default is None (copy to same server - clone)
        connections[in]    Number of threads(connections) to use for insert
        check_exists[in]   If True, check for database existance before copy
                           Default is True

        from mysql.utilities.common.table import Table

        # Must call init() first!
        # Guard for init() prerequisite
        assert self.init_called, "You must call db.init() before " + "db.copy_objects()."

        grant_msg_displayed = False

        if new_db:
            # Assign new database identifier considering backtick quotes.
            if is_quoted_with_backticks(new_db):
                self.q_new_db = new_db
                self.new_db = remove_backtick_quoting(new_db)
                self.new_db = new_db
                self.q_new_db = quote_with_backticks(new_db)
            # If new_db is not defined use the same as source database.
            self.new_db = self.db_name
            self.q_new_db = self.q_db_name

        self.destination = new_server

        # We know we're cloning if there is no new connection.
        self.cloning = new_server == self.source

        if self.cloning:
            self.destination = self.source

        # Check to see if database exists
        if check_exists:
            exists = False
            drop_server = None
            if self.cloning:
                exists = self.exists(self.source, new_db)
                drop_server = self.source
                exists = self.exists(self.destination, new_db)
                drop_server = self.destination
            if exists:
                if options.get("force", False):
                    self.drop(drop_server, True, new_db)
                elif not self.skip_create:
                    raise UtilDBError(
                        "destination database exists. Use " "--force to overwrite existing " "database.", -1, new_db

        # Create new database first
        if not self.skip_create:
            if self.cloning:
                self.create(self.source, new_db)
                self.create(self.destination, new_db)

        # Create the objects in the new database
        for obj in self.objects:

            # Drop object if --force specified and database not dropped
            # Grants do not need to be dropped for overwriting
            if options.get("force", False) and obj[0] != _GRANT:
                self.__drop_object(obj[0], obj[1][0])

            # Create the object
                not grant_msg_displayed,
                options.get("quiet", False),
                options.get("new_engine", None),
                options.get("def_engine", None),

            if obj[0] == _GRANT and not grant_msg_displayed:
                grant_msg_displayed = True
Пример #24
# Parse server connection values
    server_values = parse_connection(opt.server, None, options)
except FormatError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err)
except UtilError:
    _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
    parser.error("Server connection values invalid: %s." % err.errmsg)

# Build list of databases to copy
db_list = []
for db in args:
    # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
    db = remove_backtick_quoting(db) if is_quoted_with_backticks(db) else db

    # record start time
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:
        start_test = time.time()

    # Export all databases specified
    export_databases(server_values, db_list, options)

    # record elapsed time
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:

except UtilError:
Пример #25
def check_index(src_val, table_args, options):
    """Check for duplicate or redundant indexes for one or more tables

    This method will examine the indexes for one or more tables and identify
    any indexes that are potential duplicates or redundant. It prints the
    equivalent DROP statements if selected.

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    table_args[in]     list of tables in the form 'db.table' or 'db'
    options[in]        dictionary of options to include:
                         show-drops   : show drop statements for dupe indexes
                         skip         : skip non-existent tables
                         verbosity    : print extra information
                         show-indexes : show all indexes for each table
                         index-format : index format = sql, table, tab, csv
                         worst        : show worst performing indexes
                         best         : show best performing indexes
                         report-indexes : reports tables without PK or UK

    Returns bool True = success, raises UtilError if error

    # Get options
    show_drops = options.get("show-drops", False)
    skip = options.get("skip", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", False)
    show_indexes = options.get("show-indexes", False)
    index_format = options.get("index-format", False)
    stats = options.get("stats", False)
    first_indexes = options.get("best", None)
    last_indexes = options.get("worst", None)
    report_indexes = options.get("report-indexes", False)

    # Try to connect to the MySQL database server.
    conn_options = {
        'quiet': verbosity == 1,
        'version': "5.0.0",
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, None, conn_options)

    source = servers[0]

    db_list = []     # list of databases
    table_list = []  # list of all tables to process

    # Build a list of objects to process
    # 1. start with db_list if no objects present on command line
    # 2. process command line options.
    # 3. loop through database list and add all tables
    # 4. check indexes

    obj_name_regexp = re.compile(REGEXP_QUALIFIED_OBJ_NAME)

    # Perform the options check here. Loop through objects presented.
    for obj in table_args:
        m_obj = obj_name_regexp.match(obj)
        # Check if a valid database/table name is specified.
        if not m_obj:
            raise UtilError(PARSE_ERR_OBJ_NAME_FORMAT.format(
                obj_name=obj, option="the database/table arguments"))
            db_name, obj_name = m_obj.groups()
            if obj_name:
                # Table specified
            # Else we are operating on a specific database.
                # Remove backtick quotes.
                db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(db_name) \
                    if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name) else db_name

    # Loop through database list adding tables
    for db in db_list:
        db_source = Database(source, db)
        tables = db_source.get_db_objects("TABLE")
        if not tables and verbosity >= 1:
            print "# Warning: database %s does not exist. Skipping." % (db)
        for table in tables:

    # Fail if no tables to check
    if not table_list:
        raise UtilError("No tables to check.")

    if verbosity > 1:
        print "# Checking indexes..."
    # Check indexes for each table in the list
    for table_name in table_list:
        tbl_options = {
            'verbose': verbosity >= 1,
            'get_cols': False,
            'quiet': verbosity is None or verbosity < 1
        tbl = Table(source, table_name, tbl_options)
        exists = tbl.exists()
        if not exists and not skip:
            raise UtilError("Table %s does not exist. Use --skip "
                            "to skip missing tables." % table_name)
        if exists:
            if not tbl.get_indexes():
                if verbosity > 1 or report_indexes:
                    print "# Table %s is not indexed." % (table_name)
                if show_indexes:
                    tbl.print_indexes(index_format, verbosity)
                    # Show if table has primary key
                if verbosity > 1 or report_indexes:
                    if not tbl.has_primary_key():
                        if not tbl.has_unique_key():
                            print("# Table {0} does not contain neither a "
                                  "PRIMARY nor UNIQUE key.".format(table_name))
                            print("# Table {0} does not contain a PRIMARY key."

            # Show best and/or worst indexes
            if stats:
                if first_indexes is not None:
                    tbl.show_special_indexes(index_format, first_indexes, True)
                if last_indexes is not None:
                    tbl.show_special_indexes(index_format, last_indexes)

        if verbosity > 1:
            print "#"

    if verbosity > 1:
        print "# ...done."
Пример #26
        # the initial specified string. In general, this identifies the missing
        # use of backticks.
        matched_size = len(orig_db)
        if new_db:
            # add 1 for the separator ':'
            matched_size += 1
            matched_size += len(new_db)
        if matched_size != len(db):

        # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
        orig_db = remove_backtick_quoting(orig_db, src_sql_mode) \
            if is_quoted_with_backticks(orig_db, src_sql_mode) else orig_db
        new_db = remove_backtick_quoting(new_db, dest_sql_mode) \
            if new_db and is_quoted_with_backticks(new_db, dest_sql_mode) \
            else new_db
        db_entry = (orig_db, new_db)

    # Check databases for blob fields set to NOT NULL
    if servers and dbcopy.check_blobs_not_null(servers[0], db_list):

        # Record start time.
        if opt.verbosity >= 3:
            start_copy_time = time.time()
Пример #27
        # add 1 for the separator ':'
        matched_size = matched_size + 1
        matched_size = matched_size + len(parts[1])
    # Verify if the size of the databases matched by the REGEX is equal to the
    # initial specified string. In general, this identifies the missing use
    # of backticks.
    if matched_size != len(db):

    # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
    db1 = remove_backtick_quoting(parts[0]) \
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(parts[0]) else parts[0]
    db2 = remove_backtick_quoting(parts[1]) \
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(parts[1]) else parts[1]

        res = database_compare(server1_values, server2_values,
                               db1, db2, options)
    except UtilError:
        _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
        print("ERROR: %s" % e.errmsg)
        check_failed = True
        if not opt.run_all_tests:
    if not res:
Пример #28
                # add 1 for the separator ':'
                matched_size += 1
                matched_size += len(parts[1])
            # Verify if the size of the databases matched by the REGEX is equal
            # to the initial specified string. In general, this identifies the
            # missing use of backticks.
            if matched_size != len(db):

            # Remove backtick quotes (handled later)
            db1 = remove_backtick_quoting(parts[0], server1_sql_mode) \
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(parts[0], server1_sql_mode) \
                else parts[0]
            db2 = remove_backtick_quoting(parts[1], server1_sql_mode) \
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(parts[1], server1_sql_mode) \
                else parts[1]

                res = database_compare(server1_values, server2_values,
                                       db1, db2, options)
                if not opt.quiet:
            except UtilError:
                _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
                print("ERROR: %s" % e.errmsg)
Пример #29
def db_objects_list_to_dictionary(parser,
    """Process database object list and convert to a dictionary.

    Check the qualified name format of the given database objects and convert
    the given list of object to a dictionary organized by database names and
    sets of specific objects.

    Note: It is assumed that the given object list is obtained from the
    arguments or an option returned by the parser.

    parser[in]            Instance of the used option/arguments parser
    obj_list[in]          List of objects to process.
    option_desc[in]       Short description of the option for the object list
                          (e.g., "the --exclude option", "the database/table
                          arguments") to refer appropriately in any parsing
    db_over_tables[in]    If True specifying a db alone overrides all
                          occurrences of table objects from that db (e.g.
                          if True and we have both db and db.table1, db.table1
                          is ignored).

    returns a dictionary with the objects grouped by database (without
    duplicates). None value associated to a database entry means that all
    objects are to be considered.
    E.g. {'db_name1': set(['table1','table2']), 'db_name2': None}.
    db_objs_dict = {}
    obj_name_regexp = re.compile(REGEXP_QUALIFIED_OBJ_NAME)
    for obj_name in obj_list:
        m_obj = obj_name_regexp.match(obj_name)
        if not m_obj:
            db_name, obj_name = m_obj.groups()
            # Remove backtick quotes.
            db_name = remove_backtick_quoting(db_name) \
                if is_quoted_with_backticks(db_name) else db_name
            obj_name = remove_backtick_quoting(obj_name) \
                if obj_name and is_quoted_with_backticks(obj_name) \
                else obj_name
            # Add database object to result dictionary.
            if not obj_name:
                # If only the database is specified and db_over_tables is True,
                # then add entry with db name and value None (to include all
                # objects) even if a previous specific object was already
                # added, else if db_over_tables is False, add None value to the
                #  list, so that we know db was specified without any
                # table/routine.
                if db_name in db_objs_dict:
                    if db_objs_dict[db_name] and not db_over_tables:
                        db_objs_dict[db_name] = None
                    if db_over_tables:
                        db_objs_dict[db_name] = None
                        db_objs_dict[db_name] = set([None])
                # If a specific object object is given add it to the set
                # associated to the database, except if the database entry
                # is None (meaning that all objects are included).
                if db_name in db_objs_dict:
                    if db_objs_dict[db_name]:
                    db_objs_dict[db_name] = set([obj_name])
    return db_objs_dict