Пример #1
def query_go():
    """Query the GO data from MySQL"""
    conn = mu.get_conn()
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    query = "SELECT gene.gid, gene.symbol " "FROM gene " "WHERE gene.source = 'GO'"
    results = cursor.fetchall()
Пример #2
def map_gene_id(geneid, db=mu.get_conn()):
    """Maps the provided gene id to a gene symbol using the MySQL db"""
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cmd = ("SELECT gene.symbol "
           "FROM gene "
           "WHERE gene.source = 'EntrezGene' "
           "AND gene.gid = '" + geneid + "'")
    return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #3
def process_download(fl='../data/gene2pubmed'):
    """Counts all of the citations for each human gene in the gene2
    pubmed file and maps gene ids to gene symbols. Then writes the
    results to disk."""
    db = mu.get_conn()
    curr = ''
    count = 0
    scores = dict()
    with contextlib.nested(open(fl), open('../data/citations.tsv', 'w')) as \
        (infile, outfile):
        reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter='\t')
        writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter='\t')
        next(reader, None)
        for row in reader:
            (taxid, gid, pmid) = row
            if taxid != '9606': continue #if wrong species
            if curr == '': #if first time human is seen
                curr = gid
                count = 1
            elif gid != curr: #if switching to a new gene id
                slist = map_gene_id(curr, db)
                for tuple in slist:
                    symbol = tuple[0].decode()
                    if symbol not in scores:
                        scores[symbol] = count
                        scores[symbol] += count
                curr = gid
                count = 1
            else: #if another publication for the same gene id is seen
                count += 1

        slist = map_gene_id(curr, db) #for the last human gene
        for tuple in slist:
            symbol = tuple[0].decode()
            if symbol not in scores:
                scores[symbol] = count
                scores[symbol] += count

        for symbol in scores: #write out the results
                writer.writerow([symbol, str(scores[symbol])])