def get_n_cut(energy, angle, two_events, cut_type): assert cut_type in ["min", "max", "diff"] if two_events is False: erg_str = "neutrons.coinc_hits[].erg" theta_str = "neutrons.coinc_hits[].coinc_theta*180/3.14" theta_abs_str = "180/3.14*neutrons.coinc_hits[].theta_abs" else: erg_str = "erg" theta_str = "theta_nn" theta_abs_str = "180/3.14*abs_theta" if cut_type in ["min", "max"]: final_cut = "{erg_str}[0]{gtlt}{0} && {erg_str}[1]{gtlt}{0}".\ format(energy, gtlt=">" if cut_type == "min" else "<", erg_str=erg_str) else: final_cut = "abs({erg_str}[0] - {erg_str}[1])>{0}".format(energy, erg_str=erg_str) if perp_cut_angle is not None: perp_cut = mt.cut_rangeOR([90-perp_cut_angle, 90+perp_cut_angle], "{0}[0]".format(theta_abs_str),"{0}[1]".format(theta_abs_str)) final_cut = "{0} && ({1})".format(final_cut, perp_cut) if hasattr(angle, "__iter__"): assert len(angle) == 2 theta_nn_cut = mt.cut_rangeAND(angle, theta_str) else: theta_nn_cut = "{0}>{1}".format(theta_str, angle) final_cut = "{0} && {1}".format(final_cut, theta_nn_cut) return final_cut
def get_draw(tree, theta_cut): if hasattr(tree, "neutrons"): E1 = "neutrons.coinc_hits[].erg[0]" E2 = "neutrons.coinc_hits[].erg[1]" theta = "neutrons.coinc_hits[].coinc_theta*180/3.14" print tree else: E1 = "erg[0]" E2 = "erg[1]" theta = "theta_nn" print tree if draw_type == "lowest": result = "{E1}*({E1}<{E2}) + {E2}*({E2}<{E1})".format(E1=E1, E2=E2) elif draw_type == "highest": result = "{E1}*({E1}>{E2}) + {E2}*({E2}>{E1})".format(E1=E1, E2=E2) elif draw_type == "divide": result = "{E1}/{E2}*({E1}<{E2}) + {E2}/{E1}*({E2}<{E1})".format(E1=E1, E2=E2) elif draw_type == "asym": result = "abs({E1}-{E2})/({E1} + {E2})".format(E1=E1, E2=E2) else: assert False cut = mt.cut_rangeAND(theta_cut, theta) print result, cut return result, cut
def get_cut(eneries, DP_coinc=False): _s_ = "" if DP_coinc else "neutrons.coinc_hits[0]." if cut_type == 1: E1, E2 = tuple(eneries) return mt.cut_rangeAND([E1,E2],"0.5*({0}erg[0] + {0}erg[1])".format(_s_)) elif cut_type == 0: assert isinstance(eneries, (float, int)), eneries eneries = round(eneries, 4) return "{1}erg[0]>{0} && {1}erg[1]>{0}".format(eneries,_s_) elif cut_type == 2: E1, E2 = tuple(map(lambda x:round(x,4),eneries)) return mt.cut_rangeAND([E1, E2], "{0}erg[0]".format(_s_),"{0}erg[1]".format(_s_)) elif cut_type == 3: E = eneries # return mt.cut_rangeAND([E1, E2],"abs({0}erg[0]-{0}erg[1])".format(_s_)) return "abs({0}erg[0]-{0}erg[1])>{1}".format(_s_,E) else: assert False, "Invalid cut type! must be '1' for avg neutron energy cut or 0 for threshold cut"
Smooth = [0.6, 0.73, 0.68, 0.5] method = 'pad' ################################# data_dict['theta_bin_width'] = np.mean(Smooth) * bin_width for i, (e0, e1) in enumerate(zip(erg_bins[0:-1], erg_bins[1:])): if isinstance(Smooth, list): smooth = Smooth[i] else: smooth = Smooth + 1) histSP = TH1F(24, 180, binwidths=bin_width / courseness) histDP = TH1F(24, 180, binwidths=bin_width / courseness) erg_cut = '0.5*(neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[0] + neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[1])' erg_cut = mt.cut_rangeAND( [e0, e1], erg_cut) + '&& neutrons.coinc_hits.ForwardTopBot == 0' if not forward: erg_cut += ' && ' + _cut_ drw = '180/3.1415*neutrons.coinc_hits.coinc_theta' n_coinc = histSP.Project(treeSP, drw, erg_cut, weight=1.0 / n_pulses_SP) n_accidentals = histDP.Project(treeDP, drw, erg_cut, weight=1.0 / n_pulses_DP) n_accidentals = int(0.5 * n_accidentals / n_pulses_DP * n_pulses_SP) if smooth: histSP.MySmooth(courseness * smooth / 2, edge_method=method) histDP.MySmooth(courseness * smooth / 2, edge_method=method)
ToF_bins = np.linspace(30, 700, 40) bin_width = ToF_bins[1] - ToF_bins[0] print("bin width", bin_width) histSP = TH1F(binarrays=ToF_bins) histSP_n = TH1F(binarrays=ToF_bins) histDP = TH1F(binarrays=ToF_bins) histDP_n = TH1F(binarrays=ToF_bins) ToF_bins = list(zip(ToF_bins[:-1], ToF_bins[1:])) cuts = [] cuts_n = [] for e1, e2 in ToF_bins: for i, t in enumerate(["neutrons", "noise"]): cut = mt.cut_rangeAND([e1, e2], "{t}.coinc_hits[0].tof[1]".format(t=t), "{t}.coinc_hits[0].tof[0]".format(t=t)) [cuts, cuts_n][i].append(cut) cuts = "||".join(cuts) cuts_n = "||".join(cuts_n) n_coince = histSP.Project(treeSP, "0", "neutrons.ncoinc == 1") n_coince += 3 * histSP.Project(treeSP, "0", "neutrons.ncoinc == 3") # n_coince -= 0.5*n_pulsesSP/n_pulsesDP*( histSP.Project(treeDP, "0", "neutrons.ncoinc == 1") + 2*histDP.Project(treeSP, "0", "neutrons.ncoinc == 2")) print(n_coince) histSP.Project(treeSP, "neutrons.coinc_hits[0].tof[0]", cuts) histSP /= n_pulsesSP histSP_n.Project(treeSP_n, "noise.coinc_hits[0].tof[0]", cuts_n) histSP_n /= n_pulsesSP_n
def gen_plots(target, plot, smooth=1): FREYA = "FREYA" in target global binwidth, n_erg_bins, fig, c1, erg_bins, DP_max_events rebin_factor = 4 _min_bin = 0 nbins = int((180 - 24) / binwidth) if smooth: nbins *= rebin_factor print("getting trees") treeSP, n_pulsesSP = mt2.NCorrRun('SP', target).neutrons_doubles_tree treeDP, n_pulsesDP = mt2.NCorrRun('DP', target).neutrons_doubles_tree print("got trees") if DP_max_events is not None: treeDP.GetEntry(DP_max_events) _n_pulsesDP = treeDP.PulseNumber if _n_pulsesDP == 0: DP_max_events = None else: n_pulsesDP = _n_pulsesDP if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 11.5)) histos_new = [] _max_new = 0 drw = "180/3.1415*neutrons.coinc_hits[0].coinc_theta" if correction: cut_DP = get_weighted_cut(target, subtract_accidentals=False, max_events=1000000) # for index, (E1, E2) in enumerate(zip(erg_bins[0:-1], erg_bins[1:])): for index, cut_value in enumerate(cut_off_bins if not avg_cut else zip( erg_bins[0:-1], erg_bins[1:])): E1 = E2 = 0 if avg_cut: E1, E2 = cut_value cut = mt.cut_rangeAND([ E1, E2 ], "0.5*(neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[0] + neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[1])" ) else: E_cut = cut_value cut = "(neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[0]>{0} && neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[1]>{0})".format( E_cut) histSP = TH1F(_min_bin, 180, nbinss=nbins) histDP = TH1F(_min_bin, 180, nbinss=nbins) histDP_weighted = TH1F(_min_bin, 180, nbinss=nbins) histDP_weighted.Project( treeDP, drw, cut="{0}*({1})".format(cut, cut_DP), max_events=DP_max_events if not FREYA else None) histDP_weighted /= n_pulsesDP histSP.Project(treeSP, drw, cut=cut, weight=1.0 / n_pulsesSP) print("project 1 done for {}".format(target)) histDP.Project(treeDP, drw, cut=cut, weight=1.0 / n_pulsesDP, max_events=DP_max_events if not FREYA else None) print("project 2 done for {}\n".format(target)) histDP_weighted *= sum(histDP.binvalues) / sum( histDP_weighted.binvalues) if smooth: histSP = histSP.MySmooth(smooth * rebin_factor, int(rebin_factor)) histDP = histDP.MySmooth(smooth * rebin_factor, int(rebin_factor)) histDP_weighted = histDP_weighted.MySmooth(smooth * rebin_factor, int(rebin_factor)) histSP.SetMinimum(0) if correction: histSP /= (0.5 * histDP_weighted) else: histSP /= (0.5 * histDP) if not avg_cut: title_mpl = r" E>{0:.1f}$".format(E_cut) else: title_mpl = r"${0:.1f}<\overline{{ E_{{n}} }}<{1:.1f}$".format( E1, E2) if plot: # Note: Because this histogram is really a Kernal Density Estimte, the error bars are really a "fill between" region) ax.errorbar(histSP.bincenters[0], histSP.binvalues, yerr=histSP.binerrors, linewidth=1, elinewidth=1., mec='black', capsize=2, c='black', drawstyle='steps-mid', label=title_mpl, marker=markers[index]) # drawstyle='steps-mid' ax.set_xlabel(r"$\theta_{nn}$") if index == 0: ax.set_ylabel(r"$nn_{corr}/nn_{uncorr}$") # test for highest value if max(histSP.binvalues) > _max_new: _max_new = max(histSP.binvalues) histos_new.append(histSP) if plot: _max = 0 for hist in histos_new: if max(hist.binvalues) > _max: _max = max(hist.binvalues) ax.grid() ax.minorticks_on() _ticks = map(lambda x: float("{:.1E}".format(x)), np.linspace(0, 1.2 * _max, 5)) ax.set_yticks(_ticks) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.2 * _max) ax.set_xlim(0, 190) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 180 + 30, 30)) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.98, bottom=.08, wspace=0.07, hspace=0.30, left=0.15, right=0.97) plt.minorticks_on() ROOT.gSystem.ProcessEvents() return histos_new, (ax if plot else None)
# theta_abs_bins = [] for angle in mt.angles: theta_abs_bins.extend([angle - 10, angle + 10]) if angle == 150: break # =============== theta_range = [150, 180] # ============= histSP = TH2F(binarrays=theta_abs_bins) histDP = TH2F(binarrays=theta_abs_bins) cut = mt.cut_rangeAND(theta_range, 'neutrons.coinc_hits[].coinc_theta*180/3.1415') histSP.Project( tree_SP, '180/3.141*neutrons.coinc_hits[0].theta_abs[0]:180/3.141*neutrons.coinc_hits[0].theta_abs[1]', cut=cut, weight=1.0 / n_pulses_SP) histDP.Project( tree_DP, '180/3.141*neutrons.coinc_hits[0].theta_abs[0]:180/3.141*neutrons.coinc_hits[0].theta_abs[1]', cut=cut, weight=1.0 / n_pulses_DP) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas('c1', 'c1', 700, 700) histSP -= 0.5 * histSP
Forward=True).neutrons_doubles_tree treeDP, pulses_DP = mt2.NCorrRun("DP", target, generate_dictionary=False, Forward=True).neutrons_doubles_tree n_bins = 20 histSP = TH1F(0, 6, n_bins) histDP = TH1F(0, 6, n_bins) drw = '0.5*(neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[0] + neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[1])' # drw = 'abs(neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[0] - neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[1])' # drw = 'neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[]' cut = '180/3.141*neutrons.coinc_hits.coinc_theta' cut = mt.cut_rangeAND([0, 180], cut) if not forward: cut += ' && neutrons.coinc_hits.ForwardDet == 0' print(histSP.Project(treeSP, drw, weight=1.0 / pulses_SP, cut=cut)) histDP.Project(treeDP, drw, weight=1.0 / pulses_DP, cut=cut) # histSP -= 0.5*histDP histDP.SetStats(0) histSP.SetStats(0) # ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat('mn') histSP.Draw() histDP.Draw('sames')
_hist = hist.__copy__() hist.transpose() hist += _hist hist.Multiply(0.5) for i in range(len(hist.binvalues)): hist.binvalues[i][i + 1:] = 0 return hist histos = [] n_erg_bins = 2 max_erg = 6 for i, thetas in enumerate(theta_cuts): cut = mt.cut_rangeAND(thetas, '180/3.1415*neutrons.coinc_hits[0].coinc_theta') if not forward: cut += '&& (neutrons.coinc_hits[0].ForwardDet[0]==0 && neutrons.coinc_hits[0].ForwardDet[1]==0)' histSP = TH2F(0, max_erg, n_erg_bins) histDP = TH2F(0, max_erg, n_erg_bins) drw = 'neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[0]:neutrons.coinc_hits[0].erg[1]' print('SP, {0}: {1} events'.format( thetas, histSP.Project(tree_SP, drw, cut, weight=1.0 / n_pulses_SP))) print('DP, {0}: {1} events\n'.format( thetas, histDP.Project(tree_DP, drw, cut, weight=1.0 / n_pulses_DP))) transpose(histSP) transpose(histDP) histSP -= 0.5 * histDP