Пример #1
def getDetectorClassConstructors(detectors):
  Takes in names of detectors. Collects class names that correspond to those
  detectors and returns them in a dict. The dict maps detector name to class
  names. Assumes the detectors have been imported.
  detectorConstructors = {
  d : globals()[detectorNameToClass(d)] for d in detectors}

  return detectorConstructors
Пример #2
def getDetectorClassConstructors(detectors):
  Takes in names of detectors. Collects class names that correspond to those
  detectors and returns them in a dict. The dict maps detector name to class
  names. Assumes the detectors have been imported.
  detectorConstructors = {
  d : globals()[detectorNameToClass(d)] for d in detectors}

  return detectorConstructors
Пример #3
def getDetectorClassConstructors(detectors):
  Takes in names of detectors. Collects class names that correspond to those
  detectors and returns them in a dict. The dict maps detector name to class
  names. Assumes the detectors have been imported.
    #handle py2 detectors separately:
    py2detectors = ",".join([
        d for d in detectors
        if (d == "numenta" or d == "numentaTM" or d == "htmjava")
    if py2detectors:
        ENV_PY2 = "./pyenv2/bin/python"
        argss = []
        #re-parsing the arguments, as we'll provide it to a new process (python2)
        if args.numCPUs is not None:
            argss.append(" --numCPUs=" + str(args.numCPUs))
        argss.append("--skipConfirmation")  #always skip confirmation here
        #     if args.detectors is not None:
        #       argss.append("--detectors="+py2detectors)
        if args.dataDir:
            argss.append("--dataDir=" + str(args.dataDir))
        if args.profilesFile:
            argss.append("--profilesFile=" + str(args.profilesFile))
        if args.resultsDir:
            argss.append("--resultsDir=" + str(args.resultsDir))
        if args.windowsFile:
            argss.append("--windowsFile=" + str(args.windowsFile))

    if "htmjava" in py2detectors:  # htm.java
        subprocess.call([ENV_PY2, "./nab/detectors/htmjava/run.py"] + argss)
    elif "numenta" in py2detectors or "numentaTM" in py2detectors:  # Numenta*
        argss.append("--detectors=" + py2detectors)
        subprocess.call([ENV_PY2, "./nab/detectors/numenta/run.py"] + argss)

    detectors = [d for d in detectors
                 if d not in py2detectors]  # rm numenta*, htmjava

    detectorConstructors = {
        d: globals()[detectorNameToClass(d)]
        for d in detectors
    return detectorConstructors
Пример #4
Файл: run.py Проект: breznak/NAB
def getDetectorClassConstructors(detectors):
  detectorConstructors = {
  d:globals()[detectorNameToClass(d)] for d in detectors}

  return detectorConstructors
Пример #5
    args.score = True
    args.normalize = True

  if len(args.detectors) == 1:
    # Handle comma-seperated list argument.
    args.detectors = args.detectors[0].split(',')

  # The following imports are necessary for getDetectorClassConstructors to
  # automatically figure out the detector classes.
  # Only import numenta detector if used so as to avoid unnecessary dependency
  if "numenta" in args.detectors:
    from nab.detectors.numenta.numenta_detector import NumentaDetector
  from nab.detectors.skyline.skyline_detector import SkylineDetector
  from nab.detectors.random.random_detector import RandomDetector
  from nab.detectors.null.null_detector import NullDetector
  detectors = []
  for detector in args.detectors:
      if ':' in detector:
        package, name = detector.split(':', 2)
        className = detectorNameToClass(name)
        imprt = __import__(package, fromlist=[className])
        globals().update({className: getattr(imprt, className)})
  args.detectors = detectors

  if args.skipConfirmation or checkInputs(args):