Пример #1
def test_format_date_datetime():
    d = datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles'))

    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='full') == 'dimanche 1 avril 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='long') == '1 avril 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='medium') == '1 avr. 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d) == '1 avr. 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='short') == '01/04/07'
Пример #2
def test_format_date_date():
    d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='full') == 'dimanche 1 avril 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='long') == '1 avril 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='medium') == '1 avr. 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d) == '1 avr. 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='short') == '01/04/07'
Пример #3
    def test_format_date_date(self):
        d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='full'), 'dimanche 1 avril 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='long'), '1 avril 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='medium'), '1 avr. 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d), '1 avr. 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='short'), '01/04/2007')
Пример #4
    def test_format_date_date(self):
        d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='full'),
                         'dimanche 1 avril 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='long'), '1 avril 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='medium'), '1 avr. 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d), '1 avr. 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='short'), '01/04/2007')
Пример #5
    def test_format_date_datetime(self):
        tz = pytz.timezone('Pacific/Pitcairn')
        d = tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30))

        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='full'), 'dimanche 1 avril 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='long'), '1 avril 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='medium'), '1 avr. 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d), '1 avr. 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='short'), '01/04/2007')
Пример #6
def render_challenge_period(self, h, comp, *args):
    one_day = timedelta(days=1)
    start_date = format_date(self.challenge.starting_date, format='long')
    end_date = format_date(self.challenge.ending_date - one_day, format='long')  # ending_date is not included
    with h.span(class_="period"):
        h << _(u'from %(start_date)s') % dict(start_date=start_date)
        h << " "
        h << _(u'to %(end_date)s') % dict(end_date=end_date)
    return h.root
Пример #7
def render_challenge_period(self, h, comp, *args):
    one_day = timedelta(days=1)
    start_date = format_date(self.challenge.starting_date, format='long')
    end_date = format_date(self.challenge.ending_date - one_day,
                           format='long')  # ending_date is not included
    with h.span(class_="period"):
        h << _(u'from %(start_date)s') % dict(start_date=start_date)
        h << " "
        h << _(u'to %(end_date)s') % dict(end_date=end_date)
    return h.root
Пример #8
def test_format_date_date():
    i18n.set_locale(i18n.Locale('fr', 'FR'))

    d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='full') == 'dimanche 1 avril 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='long') == '1 avril 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='medium') == '1 avr. 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d) == '1 avr. 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='short') == '01/04/2007'
Пример #9
    def test_format_date_datetime(self):
        tz = pytz.timezone('Pacific/Pitcairn')
        d = tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30))

        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='full'),
                         'dimanche 1 avril 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='long'), '1 avril 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='medium'), '1 avr. 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d), '1 avr. 2007')
        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, format='short'), '01/04/2007')
Пример #10
def render_challenges_admin_menu(self, h, comp, *args):
    ChallengeStatusMappings = {  # labels and CSS class for each status
        ChallengeStatus.NotStarted: (_(u'Not started'), 'status-not-started'),
        ChallengeStatus.InProgress: (_(u'In progress'), 'status-in-progress'),
        ChallengeStatus.Finished: (_(u'Finished'), 'status-finished')

    h << render_title(h, _(u'Challenges management'))
    ref_date = datetime.now()
    with h.table(class_='datatable'):
        with h.thead:
            with h.tr:
                h << h.th(_(u'Challenge name'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Status'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Actions'), class_='actions')

        with h.tbody:
            for challenge in self.challenges:
                with h.tr:
                    with h.td:
                        h << h.a(
                            title=_(u'Edit the challenge')
                        ).action(lambda id=challenge.id: self.content.call(ChallengeEditor(challenge=id, mobile_access=self.mobile_access)))

                    with h.td:
                        # status
                        status = challenge.status(ref_date)
                        label, css_class = ChallengeStatusMappings[status]

                        # dates
                        one_day = timedelta(days=1)
                        start_date = format_date(challenge.starting_date)
                        end_date = format_date(challenge.ending_date - one_day)
                        title = _(u'From %(start_date)s to %(end_date)s') % dict(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)

                        h << h.span(label,

                    with h.td(class_='actions'):
                        if challenge.is_deletable:
                            title = _(u'Confirm delete?')
                            message = _(u'The challenge will be deleted. Are you sure?')
                            js = 'return yuiConfirm(this.href, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (title, message, _(u'Delete'), _(u'Cancel'))
                            h << h.a(_(u'Delete the challenge'),
                                     title=_(u'Delete the challenge'),
                                     onclick=js).action(lambda id=challenge.id: self.delete_challenge(id))

    with h.div(class_='buttons'):
        h << h.a(_(u'Add a challenge'),
                 class_='confirm-button').action(lambda: self.content.call(ChallengeEditor(mobile_access=self.mobile_access)))

    return h.root
Пример #11
def test_format_date():
    d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

    set_locale(Locale('en', 'US'))
    assert i18n.format_date(d) == 'Apr 1, 2007'

    set_locale(Locale('de', 'DE'))
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='full') == 'Sonntag, 1. April 2007'

    assert i18n.format_date(d, "EEE, MMM d, ''yy") == "Sun, Apr 1, '07"
Пример #12
def test_format_date_datetime():
    i18n.set_locale(i18n.Locale('fr', 'FR'))

    tz = pytz.timezone('Pacific/Pitcairn')
    d = tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30))

    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='full') == 'dimanche 1 avril 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='long') == '1 avril 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='medium') == '1 avr. 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d) == '1 avr. 2007'
    assert i18n.format_date(d, format='short') == '01/04/2007'
Пример #13
    def get_2weeks_chart(self, width, height):
        start_date = datetime.today().date() - timedelta(days=14)

        ideas = {}
        for item in self.get_ideas_count_day_by_day(start_date):
            ideas[item.formatted_date] = item.count

        connections = {}
        for item in self.get_connection_count_day_by_day(start_date):
            connections[item.formatted_date] = item.count

        labels = [
            format_date(start_date + timedelta(days=days), format="short")
            for days in range(0, 14)

        data = [(ideas.get(item, 0), connections.get(item, 0))
                for item in labels]

        legend_labels = [_(u'Ideas count'), _(u'Connections count')]
        chart = DoubleHorizontalLineChart(labels,

        return chart.get_png()
Пример #14
    def get_2weeks_chart(self, width, height):
        start_date = datetime.today().date() - timedelta(days=14)

        ideas = {}
        for item in self.get_ideas_count_day_by_day(start_date):
            ideas[item.formatted_date] = item.count

        connections = {}
        for item in self.get_connection_count_day_by_day(start_date):
            connections[item.formatted_date] = item.count

        labels = [
            format_date(start_date + timedelta(days=days), format="short")
            for days in range(0, 14)]

        data = [(ideas.get(item, 0), connections.get(item, 0))
                for item in labels]

        legend_labels = [_(u'Ideas count'), _(u'Connections count')]
        chart = DoubleHorizontalLineChart(labels, zip(*data),
                                          width=width, height=height,

        return chart.get_png()
Пример #15
def render_polls_admin_form(self, h, comp, *args):
    with h.h1(class_="tab active big"):
        h << h.span(h.a(_(u'Polls management')))

    with h.table(class_='datatable'):
        with h.thead:
            with h.tr:
                h << h.th(_(u'Title'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Question'))
                h << h.th(_(u'End date (included)'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Enabled'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Actions'), class_='actions')

        with h.tbody:
            for poll in self.polls:
                with h.tr:
                    with h.td:
                        h << h.a(poll.title, title=_(u'Edit the poll')).action(
                            lambda id=poll.id: self.content.call(PollEditor(id)

                    with h.td:
                        h << h.a(poll.question, title=_(u'Edit the poll')
                                 ).action(lambda id=poll.id: self.content.call(

                    with h.td:
                        one_day = timedelta(days=1)
                        end_date = format_date(poll.end_date - one_day)
                        h << end_date

                    with h.td:
                        if poll.enabled:
                            h << h.a(
                                _(u'Yes'), title=_(u'Disable'),
                                class_='yes').action(lambda id=poll.id: self.
                                                     set_enabled(id, False))
                            h << h.a(
                                _(u'No'), title=_(u'Enable'),
                                class_='no').action(lambda id=poll.id: self.
                                                    set_enabled(id, True))

                    with h.td(class_='actions'):
                        title = _(u'Confirm delete?')
                        message = _(u'The poll will be deleted. Are you sure?')
                        js = 'return yuiConfirm(this.href, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (
                            title, message, _(u'Delete'), _(u'Cancel'))
                        h << h.a(_(u'Delete the poll'),
                                 title=_(u'Delete the poll'),
                                     lambda id=poll.id: self.delete_poll(id))

    with h.div(class_='buttons'):
        h << h.a(_(u'Add a poll'), class_='confirm-button').action(
            lambda: self.content.call(PollEditor()))

    return h.root
Пример #16
    def export(self):
        sheet_name = fname = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',
                                                       'ascii', 'ignore')
        fname = re.sub('\W+', '_', fname.lower())
        sheet_name = re.sub('\W+', ' ', sheet_name)
        f = StringIO()
        wb = xlwt.Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet(sheet_name[:31])
        sty = ''
        header_sty = xlwt.easyxf(
            sty + 'font: bold on; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
        sty = xlwt.easyxf(sty)
        titles = [_(u'Column'), _(u'Title'), _(u'Description'), _(u'Due date')]

        if self.weighting_cards:

        for col, title in enumerate(titles):
            ws.write(0, col, title, style=header_sty)
        row = 1
        max_len = len(titles)
        for col in self.columns:
            col = col().data
            for card in col.cards:
                colnumber = 0
                ws.write(row, colnumber,
                         _('Archived cards') if col.archive else col.title,
                colnumber += 1
                ws.write(row, colnumber, card.title, sty)
                colnumber += 1
                ws.write(row, colnumber, card.description, sty)
                colnumber += 1
                ws.write(row, colnumber,
                         format_date(card.due_date) if card.due_date else u'',
                colnumber += 1
                if self.weighting_cards:
                    ws.write(row, colnumber, card.weight, sty)
                    colnumber += 1

                for colno, comment in enumerate(card.comments, colnumber):
                    ws.write(row, colno, comment.comment, sty)
                    max_len = max(max_len, 4 + colno)
                row += 1
        for col in xrange(len(titles)):
            ws.col(col).width = 0x3000
        e = exc.HTTPOk()
        e.content_type = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'
        e.content_disposition = u'attachment;filename=%s.xls' % fname
        e.body = f.getvalue()
        raise e
Пример #17
def render_polls_admin_form(self, h, comp, *args):
    with h.h1(class_="tab active big"):
        h << h.span(h.a(_(u'Polls management')))

    with h.table(class_='datatable'):
        with h.thead:
            with h.tr:
                h << h.th(_(u'Title'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Question'))
                h << h.th(_(u'End date (included)'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Enabled'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Actions'), class_='actions')

        with h.tbody:
            for poll in self.polls:
                with h.tr:
                    with h.td:
                        h << h.a(
                            title=_(u'Edit the poll')
                        ).action(lambda id=poll.id: self.content.call(PollEditor(id)))

                    with h.td:
                        h << h.a(
                            title=_(u'Edit the poll')
                        ).action(lambda id=poll.id: self.content.call(PollEditor(id)))

                    with h.td:
                        one_day = timedelta(days=1)
                        end_date = format_date(poll.end_date - one_day)
                        h << end_date

                    with h.td:
                        if poll.enabled:
                            h << h.a(_(u'Yes'),
                                     class_='yes').action(lambda id=poll.id: self.set_enabled(id, False))
                            h << h.a(_(u'No'),
                                     class_='no').action(lambda id=poll.id: self.set_enabled(id, True))

                    with h.td(class_='actions'):
                        title = _(u'Confirm delete?')
                        message = _(u'The poll will be deleted. Are you sure?')
                        js = 'return yuiConfirm(this.href, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (title, message, _(u'Delete'), _(u'Cancel'))
                        h << h.a(_(u'Delete the poll'),
                                 title=_(u'Delete the poll'),
                                 onclick=js).action(lambda id=poll.id: self.delete_poll(id))

    with h.div(class_='buttons'):
        h << h.a(_(u'Add a poll'),
                 class_='confirm-button').action(lambda: self.content.call(PollEditor()))

    return h.root
Пример #18
def render_idea_wf_context_last_comment(self, h, comp, *args):
    comments = self.comments
    if len(comments) > 0:
        with h.div(class_="warning"):
            date = format_date(comments[-1].data.submission_date)
            h << h.h1(_(u'This idea has been refused on %s') % date)
            h << h.h2(_(u"The expert opinion:"))

            h << h.div(comments[-1].content)
    return h.root
Пример #19
def render_DueDate_badge(self, h, *args):
    """Gallery badge for the card"""
    if self.due_date:
        with h.span(class_='badge'):
            h << h.span(h.i(class_='icon-alarm'),
                        ' ',
                        class_='label due-date ' + self.get_class(),
                        title=format_date(self.due_date, 'full'))
    return h.root
Пример #20
def render_idea_wf_context_last_comment(self, h, comp, *args):
    comments = self.comments
    if len(comments) > 0:
        with h.div(class_="warning"):
            date = format_date(comments[-1].data.submission_date)
            h << h.h1(_(u'This idea has been refused on %s') % date)
            h << h.h2(_(u"The expert opinion:"))

            h << h.div(comments[-1].content)
    return h.root
Пример #21
    def export(self):
        sheet_name = fname = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', self.data.title).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        fname = re.sub('\W+', '_', fname.lower())
        sheet_name = re.sub('\W+', ' ', sheet_name)
        f = StringIO()
        wb = xlwt.Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet(sheet_name[:31])
        sty = ''
        header_sty = xlwt.easyxf(sty + 'font: bold on; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
        sty = xlwt.easyxf(sty)
        titles = [_(u'Column'), _(u'Title'), _(u'Description'), _(u'Due date')]

        if self.weighting_cards:

        for col, title in enumerate(titles):
            ws.write(0, col, title, style=header_sty)
        row = 1
        max_len = len(titles)
        for col in self.columns:
            col = col().data
            for card in col.cards:
                colnumber = 0
                ws.write(row, colnumber, _('Archived cards') if col.archive else col.title, sty)
                colnumber += 1
                ws.write(row, colnumber, card.title, sty)
                colnumber += 1
                ws.write(row, colnumber, card.description, sty)
                colnumber += 1
                ws.write(row, colnumber, format_date(card.due_date) if card.due_date else u'', sty)
                colnumber += 1
                if self.weighting_cards:
                    ws.write(row, colnumber, card.weight, sty)
                    colnumber += 1

                for colno, comment in enumerate(card.comments, colnumber):
                    ws.write(row, colno, comment.comment, sty)
                    max_len = max(max_len, 4 + colno)
                row += 1
        for col in xrange(len(titles)):
            ws.col(col).width = 0x3000
        e = exc.HTTPOk()
        e.content_type = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'
        e.content_disposition = u'attachment;filename=%s.xls' % fname
        e.body = f.getvalue()
        raise e
Пример #22
def _get_substitutions(to, comment=None, idea=None, fi=None, previous_di=None, comment_author=None, **kw):

    # initialize useful values for substitutions
    base_url = get_url_service().base_url
    shop_url = get_url_service().expand_url(['shop'], relative=False)
    idea_url = get_url_service().expand_url(['idea', idea.id], relative=False) if idea else u''

    fi = fi or (idea.wf_context.assignated_fi if idea else None)
    di = idea.wf_context.assignated_di if idea else None

    mailer = mail.get_mailer()

    # creates the substitutions
    substitutions = {
        u'RECIPIENT_LOGIN': to.uid if to else u'',
        u'RECIPIENT_FIRSTNAME': to.firstname if to else u'',
        u'RECIPIENT_LASTNAME': to.lastname if to else u'',
        u'RECIPIENT_EMAIL': to.email or u'' if to else u'',

        u'FI_FIRSTNAME': fi.firstname if fi else u'',
        u'FI_LASTNAME': fi.lastname if fi else u'',
        u'FI_EMAIL': fi.email if fi and fi.email else u'',

        u'DI_FIRSTNAME': di.firstname if di else u'',
        u'DI_LASTNAME': di.lastname if di else u'',
        u'DI_EMAIL': di.email if di and di.email else u'',

        u'IDEA_ID': str(idea.id) if idea else u'',
        u'IDEA_TITLE': text_to_html(idea.title) if idea else u'',
        u'IDEA_LINK_HERE': render_link(_(u'here'), idea_url),

        u'SUBMISSION_DATE': format_date(datetime.today(), format='medium'),
        u'COMMENT': text_to_html(comment or u''),

        u'COMMENT_AUTHOR_FIRSTNAME': comment_author.firstname if comment_author else '',
        u'COMMENT_AUTHOR_LASTNAME': comment_author.lastname if comment_author else '',

        u'EUREKA_LINK': render_link(_(u'Eurêka'), base_url),
        u'EUREKA_URL_LINK': render_link(base_url, base_url),
        u'SHOP_LINK': render_link(_(u'shop'), shop_url),

        u'PREVIOUS_DI_EMAIL': (previous_di.email if (previous_di and previous_di.email) else u''),
        u'PREVIOUS_DI_FIRSTNAME': (previous_di.firstname if (previous_di and previous_di.firstname) else u''),
        u'PREVIOUS_DI_LASTNAME': (previous_di.lastname if (previous_di and previous_di.lastname) else u''),


    substitutions.update({k.upper(): v for k, v in kw.iteritems()})

    return substitutions
Пример #23
def render_DueDate_button(self, h, comp, *args):
    if security.has_permissions('due_date', self.card):
        id_ = h.generate_id()
        if self.due_date:
            classes = ['btn', 'btn-due-date', self.get_class()]
            with h.a(class_=u' '.join(classes), id_=id_).action(self.calendar().toggle):
                h << h.i(class_='icon-alarm duedate-icon')
                h << format_date(self.due_date, 'short')
            with h.a(class_='btn', id_=id_).action(self.calendar().toggle):
                h << h.i(class_='icon-alarm')
                h << _('Due date')
        h << self.calendar.on_answer(self.set_value)
    return h.root
Пример #24
def render_DueDate_button(self, h, comp, *args):
    if security.has_permissions('due_date', self.card):
        id_ = h.generate_id()
        if self.due_date:
            classes = ['btn', 'btn-due-date', self.get_class()]
            with h.a(class_=u' '.join(classes),
                h << h.i(class_='icon-alarm duedate-icon')
                h << format_date(self.due_date, 'short')
            with h.a(class_='btn', id_=id_).action(self.calendar().toggle):
                h << h.i(class_='icon-alarm')
                h << _('Due date')
        h << self.calendar.on_answer(self.set_value)
    return h.root
Пример #25
def format_time_elapsed(date, format='medium'):
    now = datetime.now()
    elapsed = now - date
    if elapsed.days > 0:
        return _("On") + " " + format_date(date, format)
        hours = elapsed.seconds / 3600
        if hours > 0:
            return _("%d hours ago") % hours

        minutes = elapsed.seconds / 60
        if minutes > 0:
            return _("%d minutes ago") % minutes

        return _("%d seconds ago") % elapsed.seconds
Пример #26
def test_format_date_date_with_format():
    i18n.set_locale(i18n.Locale('fr', 'FR'))
    d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

    assert i18n.format_date(d, 'EEE, MMM d, yy') == 'dim., avr. 1, 07'
Пример #27
def render_DueDate_badge(self, h, *args):
    """Gallery badge for the card"""
    if self.value:
        h << h.span(h.i(class_='icon-time icon-grey'), ' ', self.get_days_count(), class_='label due-date ' + self.get_class(), data_tooltip=format_date(self.value, 'full'))
    return h.root
Пример #28
def test_format_date_date_with_format():
    d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

    assert i18n.format_date(d, "EEE, MMM d, yy") == 'dim., avr. 1, 07'
def render_administration_menu(self, h, comp, *args):
    with h.div(class_="admin-menu rounded"):

        h << h.h2(_(u'Statistics'))
        with h.ul:
            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="dashboard").action(self.show_dashboard):
                    h << _(u'Dashboard')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="liked-comments").action(
                    h << _(u'Most Liked Comments')
                    with h.span(class_='download'):
                        h << _("Download")

            board_export_url, board_export_date = None, None
            if self.configuration['administration']['board_export']:
                board_export_url, board_export_date = self.last_board_export()

            if board_export_url:
                with h.li:
                    with h.a(class_='last-export', href=board_export_url):
                        h << _(u'Last Export: %s') % format_date(
                        with h.span(class_='download'):
                            h << _("Download")

            stats_url = self.configuration['administration']['stats_url']
            if stats_url:
                with h.li:
                    with h.a(class_='desktop-visits',
                             onclick=('window.open("%s"); '
                                      'return false') % stats_url):
                        h << _("Visits on the Desktop Platform")

        h << h.h2(_(u'Directories'))
        with h.ul:
            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="user-admin").action(self.show_users):
                    h << _(u'Users')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="fi-admin").action(self.show_fis):
                    h << _(u'Facilitators')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="di-admin").action(self.show_dis):
                    h << _(u'Developers')

        h << h.h2(_(u'Communication / Site activities'))
        with h.ul:
            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_='points-admin').action(self.show_points):
                    h << _(u'Points')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_='challenges-admin').action(
                    h << _(u'Challenges')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_='articles-admin').action(self.show_articles):
                    h << _(u'Articles')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_='polls-admin').action(self.show_polls):
                    h << _(u'Polls')

    return h.root
Пример #30
def render_suggestion(self, h, comp, *args):
    masked_class = '' if self.data.visible else ' masked'
    with h.li(class_='collapse suggestion' + masked_class):
        content = self.data.content
        shortcontent = limit_string(content, 85)[1:] if len(content) > 85 else content

        # expand/collapse button
        if len(shortcontent) != len(content):
            h << h.a(class_="toggle on",
                     title=_(u"Show the whole suggestion"))
            h << h.a(class_="toggle off",
                     title=_(u"Hide the whole suggestion"))

        # icon
        icon_info_by_state = {
            ImprovementState.TREATED: (_(u'Suggestion processed and deployed'), 'flag_green.png'),
            ImprovementState.RUNNING: (_(u'Suggestion in progress'), 'flag_yellow.png'),
            ImprovementState.REJECTED: (_(u'Suggestion rejected'), 'flag_red.png'),
        icon_info = icon_info_by_state.get(self.data.state, None)
        if icon_info:
            title, icon_name = icon_info
            icon_url = "%sstyle/desktop/icons/%s" % (h.head.static_url, icon_name)
            h << h.img(title=title,

        # short and full content blocks
        with h.p(class_='meta'):
            h << _(u"from").capitalize() << " "
            h << h.span(self.data.user.fullname, class_='author')
            h << " " << _(u'at') << ' '
            h << h.span(format_date(self.data.submission_date, format='short'),
                        lass_='submission date')
            h << " - "
            h << _(self.data.domain.label)

        h << h.p(shortcontent, class_='short content')
        h << h.p(content, class_='long content')

        # actions
        if security.has_permissions('edit', self):
            with h.div(class_='actions'):
                # visibility toggle
                visible = self.data.visible
                label = _(u'Hide') if visible else _(u'Show')
                title = _(u'Hide the suggestion') if visible else _(u'Show the suggestion')
                h << h.a(label, title=title).action(self.toggle_visibility)

                # change state actions
                title = _(u'Mark as rejected')
                rejected_action = h.a(title, title=title).action(lambda: self.change_state(ImprovementState.REJECTED))
                title = _(u'Mark as in progress')
                running_action = h.a(title, title=title).action(lambda: self.change_state(ImprovementState.RUNNING))
                title = _(u'Mark as processed')
                treated_action = h.a(title, title=title).action(lambda: self.change_state(ImprovementState.TREATED))

                actions_by_state = {
                    ImprovementState.NEW: (rejected_action, treated_action, running_action),
                    ImprovementState.RUNNING: (rejected_action, treated_action)

                actions = actions_by_state.get(self.data.state, None)
                if actions:
                    for action in actions:
                        h << h.a(u' | ')
                        h << action

    return h.root
Пример #31
def render_suggestion(self, h, comp, *args):
    masked_class = '' if self.data.visible else ' masked'
    with h.li(class_='collapse suggestion' + masked_class):
        content = self.data.content
        shortcontent = limit_string(content,
                                    85)[1:] if len(content) > 85 else content

        # expand/collapse button
        if len(shortcontent) != len(content):
            h << h.a(class_="toggle on",
                     title=_(u"Show the whole suggestion"))
            h << h.a(class_="toggle off",
                     title=_(u"Hide the whole suggestion"))

        # icon
        icon_info_by_state = {
            (_(u'Suggestion processed and deployed'), 'flag_green.png'),
            (_(u'Suggestion in progress'), 'flag_yellow.png'),
            (_(u'Suggestion rejected'), 'flag_red.png'),
        icon_info = icon_info_by_state.get(self.data.state, None)
        if icon_info:
            title, icon_name = icon_info
            icon_url = "%sstyle/desktop/icons/%s" % (h.head.static_url,
            h << h.img(title=title, alt=title, src=icon_url, class_="flag")

        # short and full content blocks
        with h.p(class_='meta'):
            h << _(u"from").capitalize() << " "
            h << h.span(self.data.user.fullname, class_='author')
            h << " " << _(u'at') << ' '
            h << h.span(format_date(self.data.submission_date, format='short'),
                        lass_='submission date')
            h << " - "
            h << _(self.data.domain.label)

        h << h.p(shortcontent, class_='short content')
        h << h.p(content, class_='long content')

        # actions
        if security.has_permissions('edit', self):
            with h.div(class_='actions'):
                # visibility toggle
                visible = self.data.visible
                label = _(u'Hide') if visible else _(u'Show')
                title = _(u'Hide the suggestion') if visible else _(
                    u'Show the suggestion')
                h << h.a(label, title=title).action(self.toggle_visibility)

                # change state actions
                title = _(u'Mark as rejected')
                rejected_action = h.a(title, title=title).action(
                    lambda: self.change_state(ImprovementState.REJECTED))
                title = _(u'Mark as in progress')
                running_action = h.a(title, title=title).action(
                    lambda: self.change_state(ImprovementState.RUNNING))
                title = _(u'Mark as processed')
                treated_action = h.a(title, title=title).action(
                    lambda: self.change_state(ImprovementState.TREATED))

                actions_by_state = {
                    (rejected_action, treated_action, running_action),
                    ImprovementState.RUNNING: (rejected_action, treated_action)

                actions = actions_by_state.get(self.data.state, None)
                if actions:
                    for action in actions:
                        h << h.a(u' | ')
                        h << action

    return h.root
Пример #32
def render_DueDate_badge(self, h, *args):
    """Gallery badge for the card"""
    if self.due_date:
        with h.span(class_='badge'):
            h << h.span(h.i(class_='icon-alarm'), ' ', self.get_days_count(), class_='label due-date ' + self.get_class(), title=format_date(self.due_date, 'full'))
    return h.root
Пример #33
def write_extension_data_DueDate(self, sheet, row, col, style):
    value = self.get_value()
    sheet.write(row, col, format_date(value) if value else u'', style)
Пример #34
 def str_date(self):
     if self.date is None:
         return u''
     return i18n.format_date(self.date, 'short')
Пример #35
def render_administration_menu(self, h, comp, *args):
    with h.div(class_="admin-menu rounded"):

        h << h.h2(_(u'Statistics'))
        with h.ul:
            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="dashboard").action(self.show_dashboard):
                    h << _(u'Dashboard')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="liked-comments").action(self.show_most_liked_comments):
                    h << _(u'Most Liked Comments')
                    with h.span(class_='download'):
                        h << _("Download")

            board_export_url, board_export_date = None, None
            if self.configuration['administration']['board_export']:
                board_export_url, board_export_date = self.last_board_export()

            if board_export_url:
                with h.li:
                    with h.a(class_='last-export', href=board_export_url):
                        h << _(u'Last Export: %s') % format_date(board_export_date)
                        with h.span(class_='download'):
                            h << _("Download")

            stats_url = self.configuration['administration']['stats_url']
            if stats_url:
                with h.li:
                    with h.a(
                        class_='desktop-visits', href='#',
                        onclick=('window.open("%s"); '
                                 'return false') % stats_url):
                        h << _("Visits on the Desktop Platform")

        h << h.h2(_(u'Directories'))
        with h.ul:
            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="user-admin").action(self.show_users):
                    h << _(u'Users')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="fi-admin").action(self.show_fis):
                    h << _(u'Facilitators')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_="di-admin").action(self.show_dis):
                    h << _(u'Developers')

        h << h.h2(_(u'Communication / Site activities'))
        with h.ul:
            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_='points-admin').action(self.show_points):
                    h << _(u'Points')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_='challenges-admin').action(self.show_challenges):
                    h << _(u'Challenges')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_='articles-admin').action(self.show_articles):
                    h << _(u'Articles')

            with h.li:
                with h.a(class_='polls-admin').action(self.show_polls):
                    h << _(u'Polls')

    return h.root
Пример #36
    def test_format_date_date_with_format(self):
        d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, 'EEE, MMM d, yy'), 'dim., avr. 1, 07')
Пример #37
def render_challenges_admin_menu(self, h, comp, *args):
    ChallengeStatusMappings = {  # labels and CSS class for each status
        ChallengeStatus.NotStarted: (_(u'Not started'), 'status-not-started'),
        ChallengeStatus.InProgress: (_(u'In progress'), 'status-in-progress'),
        ChallengeStatus.Finished: (_(u'Finished'), 'status-finished')

    h << render_title(h, _(u'Challenges management'))
    ref_date = datetime.now()
    with h.table(class_='datatable'):
        with h.thead:
            with h.tr:
                h << h.th(_(u'Challenge name'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Status'))
                h << h.th(_(u'Actions'), class_='actions')

        with h.tbody:
            for challenge in self.challenges:
                with h.tr:
                    with h.td:
                        h << h.a(
                            challenge.title, title=_(u'Edit the challenge')
                        ).action(lambda id=challenge.id: self.content.call(

                    with h.td:
                        # status
                        status = challenge.status(ref_date)
                        label, css_class = ChallengeStatusMappings[status]

                        # dates
                        one_day = timedelta(days=1)
                        start_date = format_date(challenge.starting_date)
                        end_date = format_date(challenge.ending_date - one_day)
                        title = _(
                            u'From %(start_date)s to %(end_date)s') % dict(
                                start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)

                        h << h.span(label, title=title, class_=css_class)

                    with h.td(class_='actions'):
                        if challenge.is_deletable:
                            title = _(u'Confirm delete?')
                            message = _(
                                u'The challenge will be deleted. Are you sure?'
                            js = 'return yuiConfirm(this.href, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (
                                title, message, _(u'Delete'), _(u'Cancel'))
                            h << h.a(
                                _(u'Delete the challenge'),
                                title=_(u'Delete the challenge'),
                                onclick=js).action(lambda id=challenge.id: self

    with h.div(class_='buttons'):
        h << h.a(_(u'Add a challenge'),
                 class_='confirm-button').action(lambda: self.content.call(

    return h.root
Пример #38
def render_DueDate_badge(self, h, *args):
    """Gallery badge for the card"""
    if self.value:
        h << h.span(h.i(class_='icon-alarm'), ' ', self.get_days_count(), class_='label due-date ' + self.get_class(), data_tooltip=format_date(self.value, 'full'))
    return h.root
Пример #39
 def str_date(self):
     if self.date is None:
         return u''
     return i18n.format_date(self.date, 'short')
Пример #40
    def test_format_date_date_with_format(self):
        d = datetime.date(2007, 4, 1)

        self.assertEqual(i18n.format_date(d, 'EEE, MMM d, yy'),
                         'dim., avr. 1, 07')