def GetFunctionPrototype(scope, obj): """Gets the string needed to declare a function prototype. Args: scope: the scope of the prototype. obj: the function to declare. Returns: a string that is the prototype. """ # For creator functions matching class name, should be capitalized if not obj.type_defn: func_name = naming.Normalize(, naming.Capitalized) else: func_name = naming.Normalize(, naming.Java) param_strings = [] for p in obj.params: param_string = GetFunctionParamPrototype(scope, p) param_strings += [param_string] param_string = ', '.join(param_strings) static = '' if 'static' in obj.attributes: static = 'static' if obj.type_defn: bm = obj.type_defn.binding_model return_value = bm.JavaMemberString(scope, obj.type_defn) prototype = '%s %s %s(%s)' % (static, return_value, func_name, param_string) else: prototype = '%s %s(%s)' % (static, func_name, param_string) return prototype
def Variable(self, parent_section, scope, obj): """Generates the code for a Variable definition. This function will generate the member/global variable declaration, as well as the setter/getter functions if specified in the attributes. Args: parent_section: the main section of the parent scope. scope: the parent scope. obj: the Variable definition. """ member_section = self.GetSectionFromAttributes(parent_section, obj) bm = obj.type_defn.binding_model id_prefix = js_utils.GetFullyQualifiedScopePrefix(scope) proto = 'prototype.' # Note: There is no static in javascript field_name = naming.Normalize(, naming.Java) extra = '' if 'getter' in obj.attributes and 'setter' not in obj.attributes: extra = '\n\nThis property is read-only.' elif 'getter' not in obj.attributes and 'setter' in obj.attributes: extra = '\n\nThis property is write-only.' type_string = '\n@type {%s}' % js_utils.GetFullyQualifiedTypeName( obj.type_defn) self.Documentation(member_section, obj, extra + type_string) undef = '' if gflags.FLAGS['properties-equal-undefined'].value: undef = ' = undefined' member_section.EmitCode('%s%s%s%s;' % (id_prefix, proto, field_name, undef))
def Variable(self, parent_section, scope, obj): """Generates the code for a Variable definition. This function will generate the member/global variable declaration, as well as the setter/getter functions if specified in the attributes. Args: parent_section: the main section of the parent scope. scope: the parent scope. obj: the Variable definition. """ member_section = self.GetSectionFromAttributes(parent_section, obj) bm = obj.type_defn.binding_model type_string = bm.JavaMemberString(scope, obj.type_defn) # Note: There is no static in javascript field_name = naming.Normalize(, naming.Java) if 'getter' in obj.attributes and 'setter' not in obj.attributes: self.Documentation(member_section, obj, 'This property is read-only.') elif 'getter' not in obj.attributes and 'setter' in obj.attributes: self.Documentation(member_section, obj, 'This property is write-only.') else: self.Documentation(member_section, obj, '') member_section.EmitCode('%s %s;' % (type_string, field_name))
def Function(self, parent_section, scope, obj): """Generates the code for a Function definition. Args: parent_section: the main section of the parent scope. scope: the parent scope. obj: the Function definition. Returns: a list of (boolean, Definition) pairs, of all the types that need to be declared (boolean is False) or defined (boolean is True) before this definition. """ section = self.GetSectionFromAttributes(parent_section, obj) self.Documentation(section, scope, obj) # create temporary function for generating Java syntax func_name = naming.Normalize(, naming.Java) function = syntax_tree.Function(obj.source, obj.attributes, func_name, None, []) function.type_defn = obj.type_defn function.parent = obj.parent function.params = obj.params prototype, check_types = cpp_utils.GetFunctionPrototype( scope, function, '') section.EmitCode(prototype + ';') return check_types
def Variable(self, parent_section, scope, obj): """Generates the code for a Variable definition. This function will generate the member/global variable declaration, as well as the setter/getter functions if specified in the attributes. Args: parent_section: the main section of the parent scope. scope: the parent scope. obj: the Variable definition. Returns: a list of (boolean, Definition) pairs, of all the types that need to be declared (boolean is False) or defined (boolean is True) before this definition. """ if obj.parent.defn_type == 'Class': if 'field_access' in obj.attributes: member_section = parent_section.GetSection( obj.attributes['field_access'] + ':') else: member_section = parent_section.GetSection('private:') else: member_section = parent_section getter_section = self.GetSectionFromAttributes(parent_section, obj) bm = obj.type_defn.binding_model type_string, need_defn = bm.CppMemberString(scope, obj.type_defn) check_types = [(need_defn, obj.type_defn)] if 'static' in obj.attributes: static = 'static ' else: static = '' field_name = naming.Normalize(, naming.Java) self.Documentation(member_section, scope, obj) member_section.EmitCode('%s%s %s;' % (static, type_string, field_name)) if 'getter' in obj.attributes: return_type, need_defn = bm.CppReturnValueString( scope, obj.type_defn) check_types += [(need_defn, obj.type_defn)] getter_name = cpp_utils.GetGetterName(obj) self.FieldFunctionDocumentation(getter_section, 'Accessor', type_string, field_name) getter_section.EmitCode( '%s%s %s() const { return %s; }' % (static, return_type, getter_name, field_name)) if 'setter' in obj.attributes: param_type, need_defn = bm.CppParameterString(scope, obj.type_defn) check_types += [(need_defn, obj.type_defn)] setter_name = cpp_utils.GetSetterName(obj) self.FieldFunctionDocumentation(getter_section, 'Mutator', type_string, field_name) getter_section.EmitCode('%svoid %s(%s %s) { %s = %s; }' % (static, setter_name, param_type,, field_name, return check_types
def Variable(self, context, obj): """Generates the code for a Variable definition. This function will generate the member/global variable declaration, as well as the setter/getter functions if specified in the attributes. Args: parent_section: the main section of the parent scope. obj: the Variable definition. """ bm = obj.type.binding_model type_string, need_defn = bm.CppMemberString(context.header_scope, obj.type) context.CheckType(need_defn, obj.type) need_glue = self.NeedsGlue(obj) or (obj.parent.is_type and self.NeedsGlue(obj.parent)); getter_attributes = {} if 'static' in obj.attributes: getter_attributes['static'] = obj.attributes['static'] static = 'static ' else: static = '' for attr in ['public', 'protected', 'private']: if attr in obj.attributes: getter_attributes[attr] = obj.attributes[attr] if not need_glue: if obj.parent.defn_type == 'Class': if 'field_access' in obj.attributes: member_section = context.header_section.GetSection( obj.attributes['field_access'] + ':') else: member_section = context.header_section.GetSection('private:') else: member_section = context.header_section field_name = naming.Normalize(, naming.LowerTrailing) member_section.EmitCode('%s%s %s;' % (static, type_string, field_name)) if 'getter' in obj.attributes: func = obj.MakeGetter(getter_attributes, cpp_utils.GetGetterName(obj)) if need_glue: self.FunctionGlue(context, func) impl = None else: impl = ' { return %s; }' % field_name self.FunctionDecl(context, func, impl) if 'setter' in obj.attributes: func = obj.MakeSetter(getter_attributes, cpp_utils.GetSetterName(obj)) if need_glue: self.FunctionGlue(context, func) impl = None else: impl = ' { %s = %s; }' % (field_name, self.FunctionDecl(context, func, impl)
def GetParamSpec(obj, param_name): """Gets the parameter specification string for a function parameter. Args: obj: The function. param_name: The name of the paramter. Returns: a string in JSDOC format for the parameter. """ type = GetFunctionParamType(obj, param_name) return '@param {%s} %s ' % (type, naming.Normalize(param_name, naming.Java))
def GetSetterName(field): """Gets the name of the setter function for a member field. Unless overridden by the 'setter' attribute in IDL, the default name for the setter function is 'set_' concatenated with the name of the field, normalized to the lower-case convention. Args: field: the Definition for the field. Returns: the name of the setter function. """ return (field.attributes['setter'] or 'set_%s' % naming.Normalize(, naming.Lower))
def GetFunctionPrototype(scope, obj, member): """Gets the string needed to declare a function prototype. Args: scope: the scope of the prototype. obj: the function to declare. member: True if member function Returns: A string prototype. """ id_prefix = GetFullyQualifiedScopePrefix(scope) proto = '' if member: proto = 'prototype.' param_strings = [GetFunctionParamPrototype(scope, p)[0] for p in obj.params] param_string = ', '.join(param_strings) prototype = '%s%s%s = function(%s) { };' % ( id_prefix, proto, naming.Normalize(, naming.Java), param_string) return prototype
def GetFunctionParamPrototype(scope, param): """Gets the string needed to declare a parameter in a function prototype. Args: scope: the scope of the prototype. param: the Function.Param to declare Returns: a (string, list) pair. The string is the declaration of the parameter in the prototype. The list contains (nam, Definition) pairs, describing the types that need to be forward-declared (bool is false) or defined (bool is true). """ bm = param.type_defn.binding_model if param.mutable: text, need_defn = bm.CppMutableParameterString(scope, param.type_defn) else: text, need_defn = bm.CppParameterString(scope, param.type_defn) name = naming.Normalize(, naming.Java) return name, [(name, param.type_defn)]
def OverloadedFunction(self, parent_section, scope, func_array): """Generates the code for an Overloaded Function. Args: parent_section: the main section of the parent scope. scope: the parent scope. func_array: an array of function definition objects. """ # merge the params. params = [] min_params = len(func_array[0].params) for func in func_array: if len(func.params) < min_params: min_params = len(func.params) index = 0 # we only take the comment from the first function that documents # a parameter at this position. comments, param_comments = js_utils.GetCommentsForParams(func) for param in func.params: if len(params) <= index: params.append({ 'orig_name':, 'new_name':, 'docs': param_comments[], 'params': [{ 'param': param, 'func': func }] }) else: params[index]['params'].append({ 'param': param, 'func': func }) index += 1 # rename the params. index = 0 opt = '' for param in params: if index >= min_params: opt = 'opt_' param['new_name'] = '%sparam%d' % (opt, index + 1) index += 1 # generate param comments. param_comments = [] for param in params: if len(param['params']) == 1: param_string = js_utils.GetFunctionParamType( param['params'][0]['func'], param['params'][0]['param'].name) else: union_strings = set() for option in param['params']: union_strings.add( js_utils.GetFunctionParamType(option['func'], option['param'].name)) param_string = '|'.join(union_strings) if len(union_strings) > 1: param_string = '(' + param_string + ')' param_comments += [ '@param {%s} %s %s' % (param_string, param['new_name'], param['docs']) ] first_func = func_array[0] # use just the first function's comments. func_comments = (js_utils.GetCommentsForParams(first_func)[0] + '\n'.join(param_comments)) first_func.attributes['__docs'] = func_comments section = self.GetSectionFromAttributes(parent_section, first_func) self.Documentation(section, first_func, '') param_strings = [] for param in params: param_strings += [param['new_name']] param_string = ', '.join(param_strings) id_prefix = js_utils.GetFullyQualifiedScopePrefix(scope) proto = 'prototype.' prototype = '%s%s%s = function(%s) { };' % ( id_prefix, proto, naming.Normalize(, naming.Java), param_string) section.EmitCode(prototype)