def setUp(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect(("", 443)) sslClient = SslClient(sock=sock, sslVerify=SSL_VERIFY_NONE) sslClient.do_handshake() self.x509ext = sslClient.get_peer_certificate()._x509.get_extensions()[0];
def setUp(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect(("", 443)) sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=SSLV23, sock=sock, sslVerify=SSL_VERIFY_NONE) sslClient.do_handshake() self.sslClient = sslClient
def process_task(self, target, command, args): MAX_THREADS = 30 sslVersionDict = {'sslv2': SSLV2, 'sslv3': SSLV3, 'tlsv1': TLSV1, 'tlsv1_1': TLSV1_1, 'tlsv1_2': TLSV1_2} try: sslVersion = sslVersionDict[command] except KeyError: raise Exception("PluginOpenSSLCipherSuites: Unknown command.") # Get the list of available cipher suites for the given ssl version sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=sslVersion) sslClient.set_cipher_list('ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL') cipher_list = sslClient.get_cipher_list() # Create a thread pool NB_THREADS = min(len(cipher_list), MAX_THREADS) # One thread per cipher thread_pool = ThreadPool() # Scan for every available cipher suite for cipher in cipher_list: thread_pool.add_job((self._test_ciphersuite, (target, sslVersion, cipher))) # Scan for the preferred cipher suite thread_pool.add_job((self._pref_ciphersuite, (target, sslVersion))) # Start processing the jobs thread_pool.start(NB_THREADS) result_dicts = {'preferredCipherSuite':{}, 'acceptedCipherSuites':{}, 'rejectedCipherSuites':{}, 'errors':{}} # Store the results as they come for completed_job in thread_pool.get_result(): (job, result) = completed_job if result is not None: (result_type, ssl_cipher, keysize, msg) = result (result_dicts[result_type])[ssl_cipher] = (msg, keysize) # Store thread pool errors for failed_job in thread_pool.get_error(): (job, exception) = failed_job ssl_cipher = str(job[1][2]) error_msg = str(exception.__class__.__module__) + '.' \ + str(exception.__class__.__name__) + ' - ' + str(exception) result_dicts['errors'][ssl_cipher] = (error_msg, None) thread_pool.join() # Generate results return PluginBase.PluginResult(self._generate_text_output(result_dicts, command), self._generate_xml_output(result_dicts, command))
def setUp(self): # Requires being online :( sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect(("", 443)) sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=SSLV23, sock=sock, sslVerify=SSL_VERIFY_NONE) sslClient.do_handshake() self.sslClient = sslClient self.cert = sslClient.get_peer_certificate()
def setUp(self): self.sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=SSLV23, sslVerify=SSL_VERIFY_NONE) testFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) testFile.write("""-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,7D15D836EE9E1B77 fzTe/7+BUBBpW7rFqfffSMeNTNwjVT8uT6+aQFkv1sazU295heEWcvnqYPQ2suDS dqud4pxLizkSRZpAIoKZV/E0z3iM1zsrGiyNXZ3mouRjSZdESEBnPEbtIdsyHLkL 9arhA/kvuMqXMjgun+tPD0+ETlaFf5GCKgfFQzbF2W4WpeEXii43ZLZ9UmObUUql 5Y65K/07+ga/dj3E+l1dLtA7VhVV5CK+8TTmVdqOr85pEZ/BC3U09vnwovDWJ+l0 sV7GhzsDFSpwxeArZy7wSMkSOTe71O1gvjOxWlupznFcZvirhRtI+5k1/btcn7hx 8b7dp36pTb/GfwaeUVsAvJBqwdSun3NOWX7zJxIDGU6LxA80eiV4z3SxAykS52gl rlb2e+F6dV+tRuREfaDaeS1DSlDMp1mQjPSD2ix6nSypv19FHdh01OoCd0OFxM6D xs5RQnUeu4J9g45Wdp6lmXM62EhUqYLKRbjXnZbFMlVMq81UwpMazwAruTEOCxl4 iQk3rNzfREONa9HeshiMlkeRAQpyB1qLZwhoTwTl6xKaMkt6nFEE6qX1KrrACHkH CFJVbuWVJCyoRFv+0Gypi7zn1ZZGkE4inDHxqIzUa0sSmbShEWooTxCyGUSoosaY u2ozh8ESQCy03JFR9DY6mo3YekbIcCEjgdmE35nK4lJQFbo3A8YlHunEdVK0tb8Z Wxf7cJ6J55bG5/Kft65kJnXAHrV9LnM1tPiRkB8umZkj/ou5NpDKiuLjR+WBfwi0 tqXk90NdSqJtMMGgrtVM84TYFPXP58QCBnE9oAI7XYM1rusuVBOXZw== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- """) testFile.close() self.testFile = testFile testFile2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) testFile2.write("""-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDCjCCAnOgAwIBAgIBAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBgDELMAkGA1UEBhMCRlIx DjAMBgNVBAgMBVBhcmlzMQ4wDAYDVQQHDAVQYXJpczEWMBQGA1UECgwNRGFzdGFy ZGx5IEluYzEMMAoGA1UECwwDMTIzMQ8wDQYDVQQDDAZBbCBCYW4xGjAYBgkqhkiG 9w0BCQEWC2xvbEBsb2wuY29tMB4XDTEzMDEyNzAwMDM1OFoXDTE0MDEyNzAwMDM1 OFowgZcxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkZSMQwwCgYDVQQIDAMxMjMxDTALBgNVBAcMBFRlc3Qx IjAgBgNVBAoMGUludHJvc3B5IFRlc3QgQ2xpZW50IENlcnQxCzAJBgNVBAsMAjEy MRUwEwYDVQQDDAxBbGJhbiBEaXF1ZXQxIzAhBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWFG5hYmxhLWMw ZDNAZ21haWwuY29tMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDlnvP1ltVO 8JDNT3AA99QqtiqCi/7BeEcFDm2al46mv7looz6CmB84osrusNVFsS5ICLbrCmeo w5sxW7VVveGueBQyWynngl2PmmufA5Mhwq0ZY8CvwV+O7m0hEXxzwbyGa23ai16O zIiaNlBAb0mC2vwJbsc3MTMovE6dHUgmzQIDAQABo3sweTAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMCwG CWCGSAGG+EIBDQQfFh1PcGVuU1NMIEdlbmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNV HQ4EFgQUYR45okpFsqTYB1wlQQblLH9cRdgwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUP0X2HQlaca7D NBzVbsjsdhzOqUQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEAWEOxpRjvKvTurDXK/sEUw2KY gmbbGP3tF+fQ/6JS1VdCdtLxxJAHHTW62ugVTlmJZtpsEGlg49BXAEMblLY/K7nm dWN8oZL+754GaBlJ+wK6/Nz4YcuByJAnN8OeTY4Acxjhks8PrAbZgcf0FdpJaAlk Pd2eQ9+DkopOz3UGU7c= -----END CERTIFICATE----- """) testFile2.close() self.testFile2 = testFile2
def setUp(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect(("", 443)) sslClient = SslClient(sock=sock, sslVerify=SSL_VERIFY_NONE) sslClient.set_tlsext_status_ocsp() sslClient.do_handshake() self.ocspResp = sslClient.get_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp()._ocspResp
def test_cipher_list_for_differences(): from nassl.SslClient import SslClient from nassl import SSLV2, SSLV3, TLSV1, TLSV1_1, TLSV1_2 set2 = set(MAPPING2) set3 = set(MAPPING3) for sslVersion in (SSLV2, SSLV3, TLSV1, TLSV1_1, TLSV1_2):"Starting test for SSLV2") ssl_client = SslClient(sslVersion=sslVersion) ssl_client.set_cipher_list('ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL') current = set(ssl_client.get_cipher_list()) if sslVersion == SSLV2: statset = set2 else: statset = set3"SSLv/TLSv (%d)" % sslVersion)"Only in currentVersion %s" % (current - statset))"Only in statisticVersion %s" % (statset - current))"In both versions %s" % (current & statset))"-----")
def setUp(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect(("", 443)) sslClient = SslClient(sock=sock, sslVerify=SSL_VERIFY_NONE) sslClient.set_tlsext_status_ocsp() sslClient.do_handshake() self.ocspResp = sslClient.get_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp()._ocspResp;
def process_task(self, target, command, args): MAX_THREADS = 15 sslVersionDict = { 'sslv2': SSLV2, 'sslv3': SSLV3, 'tlsv1': TLSV1, 'tlsv1_1': TLSV1_1, 'tlsv1_2': TLSV1_2 } try: sslVersion = sslVersionDict[command] except KeyError: raise Exception("PluginOpenSSLCipherSuites: Unknown command.") # Get the list of available cipher suites for the given ssl version sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=sslVersion) sslClient.set_cipher_list('ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL') cipher_list = sslClient.get_cipher_list() # Create a thread pool NB_THREADS = min(len(cipher_list), MAX_THREADS) # One thread per cipher thread_pool = ThreadPool() # Scan for every available cipher suite for cipher in cipher_list: thread_pool.add_job( (self._test_ciphersuite, (target, sslVersion, cipher))) # Scan for the preferred cipher suite thread_pool.add_job((self._pref_ciphersuite, (target, sslVersion))) # Start processing the jobs thread_pool.start(NB_THREADS) result_dicts = { 'preferredCipherSuite': {}, 'acceptedCipherSuites': {}, 'rejectedCipherSuites': {}, 'errors': {} } # Store the results as they come for completed_job in thread_pool.get_result(): (job, result) = completed_job if result is not None: (result_type, ssl_cipher, keysize, dh_infos, msg) = result (result_dicts[result_type])[ssl_cipher] = (msg, keysize, dh_infos) # Store thread pool errors for failed_job in thread_pool.get_error(): (job, exception) = failed_job ssl_cipher = str(job[1][2]) error_msg = str( exception.__class__.__name__) + ' - ' + str(exception) result_dicts['errors'][ssl_cipher] = (error_msg, None, None) thread_pool.join() # Generate results return PluginBase.PluginResult( self._generate_text_output(result_dicts, command), self._generate_xml_output(result_dicts, command))
def _process_parsing_results(self, args_command_list): """ Performs various sanity checks on the command line that was used to launch SSLyze. Returns the shared_settings object to be fed to plugins. """ shared_settings = {} # Sanity checks on the client cert options if bool(args_command_list.cert) ^ bool(args_command_list.key): raise CommandLineParsingError('No private key or certificate file were given. See --cert and --key.') # Private key and cert formats if args_command_list.certform == 'DER': args_command_list.certform = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 elif args_command_list.certform == 'PEM': args_command_list.certform = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM else: raise CommandLineParsingError('--certform should be DER or PEM.') if args_command_list.keyform == 'DER': args_command_list.keyform = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 elif args_command_list.keyform == 'PEM': args_command_list.keyform = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM else: raise CommandLineParsingError('--keyform should be DER or PEM.') # Let's try to open the cert and key files if args_command_list.cert: try: open(args_command_list.cert,"r") except: raise CommandLineParsingError('Could not open the client certificate file "' + str(args_command_list.cert) + '".') if args_command_list.key: try: open(args_command_list.key,"r") except: raise CommandLineParsingError('Could not open the client private key file "' + str(args_command_list.key) + '"') # Try to load the cert and key in OpenSSL try: sslClient = SslClient() sslClient.use_private_key(args_command_list.cert, args_command_list.certform, args_command_list.key, args_command_list.keyform, args_command_list.keypass) except _nassl.OpenSSLError as e: if 'bad decrypt' in str(e.args): raise CommandLineParsingError('Could not decrypt the private key. Wrong passphrase ?') raise CommandLineParsingError('Could not load the certificate or the private key. Passphrase needed ?') # HTTP CONNECT proxy shared_settings['https_tunnel_host'] = None if args_command_list.https_tunnel: # Parse the proxy URL parsedUrl = urlparse(args_command_list.https_tunnel) if not parsedUrl.netloc: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Invalid Proxy URL for --https_tunnel, discarding all tasks.') if parsedUrl.scheme in 'http': defaultPort = 80 elif parsedUrl.scheme in 'https': defaultPort = 443 else: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Invalid URL scheme for --https_tunnel, discarding all tasks.') if not parsedUrl.hostname: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Invalid Proxy URL for --https_tunnel, discarding all tasks.') try : shared_settings['https_tunnel_port'] = parsedUrl.port if parsedUrl.port else defaultPort except ValueError: # The supplied port was not a number raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Invalid Proxy URL for --https_tunnel, discarding all tasks.') shared_settings['https_tunnel_host'] = parsedUrl.hostname shared_settings['https_tunnel_user'] = parsedUrl.username shared_settings['https_tunnel_password'] = parsedUrl.password # STARTTLS if args_command_list.starttls: if args_command_list.starttls not in self.START_TLS_PROTS: raise CommandLineParsingError(self.START_TLS_USAGE) if args_command_list.starttls and args_command_list.https_tunnel: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Cannot have --https_tunnel and --starttls at the same time.') # Number of connection retries if args_command_list.nb_retries < 1: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Cannot have a number smaller than 1 for --nb_retries.') # All good, let's save the data for key, value in args_command_list.__dict__.iteritems(): shared_settings[key] = value return shared_settings
def _process_parsing_results(self, args_command_list): """ Performs various sanity checks on the command line that was used to launch SSLyze. Returns the shared_settings object to be fed to plugins. """ shared_settings = {} # Sanity checks on the client cert options if bool(args_command_list.cert) ^ bool(args_command_list.key): raise CommandLineParsingError( 'No private key or certificate file were given. See --cert and --key.' ) # Private key and cert formats if args_command_list.certform is 'DER': args_command_list.certform = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 elif args_command_list.certform is 'PEM': args_command_list.certform = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM else: raise CommandLineParsingError('--certform should be DER or PEM.') if args_command_list.keyform is 'DER': args_command_list.keyform = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 elif args_command_list.keyform is 'PEM': args_command_list.keyform = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM else: raise CommandLineParsingError('--keyform should be DER or PEM.') # Let's try to open the cert and key files if args_command_list.cert: try: open(args_command_list.cert, "r") except: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Could not open the client certificate file "' + str(args_command_list.cert) + '".') if args_command_list.key: try: open(args_command_list.key, "r") except: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Could not open the client private key file "' + str(args_command_list.key) + '"') # Try to load the cert and key in OpenSSL try: sslClient = SslClient() sslClient.use_certificate_file(args_command_list.cert, args_command_list.certform) sslClient.use_privateKey_file(args_command_list.key, args_command_list.keyform, args_command_list.keypass) sslClient.check_private_key() except _nassl.OpenSSLError as e: if 'bad decrypt' in str(e.args): raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Could not decrypt the private key. Wrong passphrase ?' ) raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Could not load the certificate or the private key. Passphrase needed ?' ) # HTTP CONNECT proxy if args_command_list.https_tunnel: if '2.7.' not in platform.python_version(): # Python 2.7 only raise CommandLineParsingError( '--https_tunnel requires Python 2.7.X. ' 'Current version is ' + platform.python_version() + '.') try: # Need to parse the proxy host:port string now (host, port) = TargetStringParser.parse_target_str( args_command_list.https_tunnel, 443) shared_settings['https_tunnel_host'] = host shared_settings['https_tunnel_port'] = port except InvalidTargetError: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Not a valid host/port for --https_tunnel' ', discarding all tasks.') else: shared_settings['https_tunnel_host'] = None shared_settings['https_tunnel_port'] = None # STARTTLS if args_command_list.starttls: if args_command_list.starttls not in self.START_TLS_PROTS: raise CommandLineParsingError(self.START_TLS_USAGE) if args_command_list.starttls and args_command_list.https_tunnel: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Cannot have --https_tunnel and --starttls at the same time.') # Number of processes if args_command_list.nb_processes < 1: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Cannot have a number smaller than 1 for --processes.') # All good, let's save the data for key, value in args_command_list.__dict__.iteritems(): shared_settings[key] = value return shared_settings
def process_task(self, target, command, args): if 'algorithm' in self._shared_settings and self._shared_settings[ 'algorithm']: algorithm = self._shared_settings['algorithm'] else: algorithm = 'naive'"SUBSTART\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (datetime.utcnow(), self._shared_settings['targets_in'], target[0], command, algorithm)) MAX_THREADS = 15 sslVersionDict = { 'sslv2': SSLV2, 'sslv3': SSLV3, 'tlsv1': TLSV1, 'tlsv1_1': TLSV1_1, 'tlsv1_2': TLSV1_2 } result_dicts = { 'preferredCipherSuite': {}, 'acceptedCipherSuites': {}, 'rejectedCipherSuites': {}, 'errors': {} } try: sslVersion = sslVersionDict[command] except KeyError: raise Exception("PluginOpenSSLCipherSuites: Unknown command.") # Get the list of available cipher suites for the given ssl version sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=sslVersion) sslClient.set_cipher_list('ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL') cipher_list = sslClient.get_cipher_list() NB_THREADS = min(len(cipher_list), MAX_THREADS) # One thread per cipher # Create a thread pool thread_pool = ThreadPool() # First add the "pref" job to only execute it once # Scan for the preferred cipher suite if algorithm != 'connopt': thread_pool.add_job((self._pref_ciphersuite, (target, sslVersion))) log_round_counter = 0 while (len(result_dicts['acceptedCipherSuites']) + len(result_dicts['rejectedCipherSuites']) + len(result_dicts['errors']) < len(cipher_list)): log_round_counter += 1 new_jobs = self._calculate_jobs(sslVersion, cipher_list, result_dicts, algorithm, target[2]) for job in new_jobs: thread_pool.add_job( (self._test_ciphersuite, (target, sslVersion, job))) # logging.debug("Adding following jobs:\n%s" % pprint.pformat(new_jobs)) # logging.debug("%s: round=%d, new_jobs=%d, algorithm=%s" % (sslVersion, # log_round_counter, # len(new_jobs), # algorithm)) # Start processing the jobs thread_pool.start(NB_THREADS) # Store the results as they come for completed_job in thread_pool.get_result(): (job, results) = completed_job for result in results: (result_type, ssl_cipher, keysize, dh_infos, msg) = result (result_dicts[result_type])[ssl_cipher] = (msg, keysize, dh_infos) # Store thread pool errors for failed_job in thread_pool.get_error(): (job, exception) = failed_job # job[1][2] is a list of cipher suites now ssl_ciphers = job[1][2] error_msg = str( exception.__class__.__name__) + ' - ' + str(exception) for ssl_cipher in ssl_ciphers: result_dicts['errors'][ssl_cipher] = (error_msg, None, None) thread_pool.join() # Reset thread pool thread_pool = ThreadPool() # logging.debug("ciphers total %d results a: %d, r: %d, e: %d after %d connections" % ( # len(cipher_list), # len(result_dicts['acceptedCipherSuites']), # len(result_dicts['rejectedCipherSuites']), # len(result_dicts['errors']), # self.log_connection_counter)) timedelta = - self.log_starttime"RESULT\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (target[0], command, ",".join( stats.get_pattern_for_result_dict(sslVersion, result_dicts))))"SUBEND\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (datetime.utcnow(), self._shared_settings['targets_in'], target[0], command, algorithm, timedelta.total_seconds(), self.log_connection_counter)) increment(self.log_connection_counter) # Generate results return PluginBase.PluginResult( self._generate_text_output(result_dicts, command), self._generate_xml_output(result_dicts, command))
def process_task(self, target, command, args): MAX_THREADS = 15 sslVersionDict = {"sslv2": SSLV2, "sslv3": SSLV3, "tlsv1": TLSV1, "tlsv1_1": TLSV1_1, "tlsv1_2": TLSV1_2} try: sslVersion = sslVersionDict[command] except KeyError: raise Exception("PluginOpenSSLCipherSuites: Unknown command.") # Get the list of available cipher suites for the given ssl version sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=sslVersion) sslClient.set_cipher_list("ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL") cipher_list = sslClient.get_cipher_list() # Create a thread pool NB_THREADS = min(len(cipher_list), MAX_THREADS) # One thread per cipher thread_pool = ThreadPool() cipher_whitelist = [ "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384", "DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "kEDH+AESGCM", "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256", "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA", "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384", "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA", "DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256", "DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA", "DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256", "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256", "DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA", "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA", ] cipher_blacklist = ["RC4", "EXPORT", "DES", "aNULL", "eNULL", "MD5"] version_whitelist = ["TLSV1_1", "TLSV1_2"] version_blacklist = ["SSLV2", "SSLV3"] cdict = {"whitelist": cipher_whitelist, "blacklist": cipher_blacklist} verdict = {"whitelist": version_whitelist, "blacklist": version_blacklist} # Scan for every available cipher suite for cipher in cipher_list: thread_pool.add_job((self._test_ciphersuite, (target, sslVersion, cipher, cdict))) # Scan for the preferred cipher suite thread_pool.add_job((self._pref_ciphersuite, (target, sslVersion, cdict))) # Start processing the jobs thread_pool.start(NB_THREADS) result_dicts = { "preferredCipherSuite": {}, "acceptedCipherSuites": {}, "rejectedCipherSuites": {}, "errors": {}, } # Store the results as they come for completed_job in thread_pool.get_result(): (job, result) = completed_job if result is not None: (result_type, ssl_cipher, keysize, dh_infos, msg) = result (result_dicts[result_type])[ssl_cipher] = (msg, keysize, dh_infos) # Store thread pool errors for failed_job in thread_pool.get_error(): (job, exception) = failed_job ssl_cipher = str(job[1][2]) error_msg = str(exception.__class__.__name__) + " - " + str(exception) result_dicts["errors"][ssl_cipher] = (error_msg, None, None) thread_pool.join() # Generate results return PluginBase.PluginResult( self._generate_text_output(result_dicts, command, verdict), self._generate_xml_output(result_dicts, command, verdict), )
def _process_parsing_results(self, args_command_list): """ Performs various sanity checks on the command line that was used to launch SSLyze. Returns the shared_settings object to be fed to plugins. """ shared_settings = {} # Sanity checks on the client cert options if bool(args_command_list.cert) ^ bool(args_command_list.key): raise CommandLineParsingError( 'No private key or certificate file were given. See --cert and --key.' ) # Private key and cert formats if args_command_list.certform == 'DER': args_command_list.certform = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 elif args_command_list.certform == 'PEM': args_command_list.certform = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM else: raise CommandLineParsingError('--certform should be DER or PEM.') if args_command_list.keyform == 'DER': args_command_list.keyform = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 elif args_command_list.keyform == 'PEM': args_command_list.keyform = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM else: raise CommandLineParsingError('--keyform should be DER or PEM.') # Let's try to open the cert and key files if args_command_list.cert: try: open(args_command_list.cert, "r") except: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Could not open the client certificate file "' + str(args_command_list.cert) + '".') if args_command_list.key: try: open(args_command_list.key, "r") except: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Could not open the client private key file "' + str(args_command_list.key) + '"') # Try to load the cert and key in OpenSSL try: sslClient = SslClient() sslClient.use_private_key(args_command_list.cert, args_command_list.certform, args_command_list.key, args_command_list.keyform, args_command_list.keypass) except _nassl.OpenSSLError as e: if 'bad decrypt' in str(e.args): raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Could not decrypt the private key. Wrong passphrase ?' ) raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Could not load the certificate or the private key. Passphrase needed ?' ) # HTTP CONNECT proxy shared_settings['https_tunnel_host'] = None if args_command_list.https_tunnel: # Parse the proxy URL parsedUrl = urlparse(args_command_list.https_tunnel) if not parsedUrl.netloc: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Invalid Proxy URL for --https_tunnel, discarding all tasks.' ) if parsedUrl.scheme in 'http': defaultPort = 80 elif parsedUrl.scheme in 'https': defaultPort = 443 else: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Invalid URL scheme for --https_tunnel, discarding all tasks.' ) if not parsedUrl.hostname: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Invalid Proxy URL for --https_tunnel, discarding all tasks.' ) try: shared_settings[ 'https_tunnel_port'] = parsedUrl.port if parsedUrl.port else defaultPort except ValueError: # The supplied port was not a number raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Invalid Proxy URL for --https_tunnel, discarding all tasks.' ) shared_settings['https_tunnel_host'] = parsedUrl.hostname shared_settings['https_tunnel_user'] = parsedUrl.username shared_settings['https_tunnel_password'] = parsedUrl.password # STARTTLS if args_command_list.starttls: if args_command_list.starttls not in self.START_TLS_PROTS: raise CommandLineParsingError(self.START_TLS_USAGE) if args_command_list.starttls and args_command_list.https_tunnel: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Cannot have --https_tunnel and --starttls at the same time.') # Number of connection retries if args_command_list.nb_retries < 1: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Cannot have a number smaller than 1 for --nb_retries.') # All good, let's save the data for key, value in args_command_list.__dict__.iteritems(): shared_settings[key] = value return shared_settings
def _process_parsing_results(self, args_command_list): """ Performs various sanity checks on the command line that was used to launch SSLyze. Returns the shared_settings object to be fed to plugins. """ shared_settings = {} # Sanity checks on the client cert options if bool(args_command_list.cert) ^ bool(args_command_list.key): raise CommandLineParsingError('No private key or certificate file were given. See --cert and --key.') # Private key and cert formats if args_command_list.certform is'DER': args_command_list.certform = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 elif args_command_list.certform is 'PEM': args_command_list.certform = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM else: raise CommandLineParsingError('--certform should be DER or PEM.') if args_command_list.keyform is'DER': args_command_list.keyform = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 elif args_command_list.keyform is 'PEM': args_command_list.keyform = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM else: raise CommandLineParsingError('--keyform should be DER or PEM.') # Let's try to open the cert and key files if args_command_list.cert: try: open(args_command_list.cert,"r") except: raise CommandLineParsingError('Could not open the client certificate file "' + str(args_command_list.cert) + '".') if args_command_list.key: try: open(args_command_list.key,"r") except: raise CommandLineParsingError('Could not open the client private key file "' + str(args_command_list.key) + '"') # Try to load the cert and key in OpenSSL try: sslClient = SslClient() sslClient.use_private_key(args_command_list.cert, args_command_list.certform, args_command_list.key, args_command_list.keyform, args_command_list.keypass) except _nassl.OpenSSLError as e: if 'bad decrypt' in str(e.args): raise CommandLineParsingError('Could not decrypt the private key. Wrong passphrase ?') raise CommandLineParsingError('Could not load the certificate or the private key. Passphrase needed ?') # HTTP CONNECT proxy if args_command_list.https_tunnel: if '2.7.' not in platform.python_version(): # Python 2.7 only raise CommandLineParsingError( '--https_tunnel requires Python 2.7.X. ' 'Current version is ' + platform.python_version() + '.') try: # Need to parse the proxy host:port string now (user,password),(host, port) = TargetStringParser.parse_proxy_target_str(args_command_list.https_tunnel) shared_settings['https_tunnel_host'] = host shared_settings['https_tunnel_port'] = port shared_settings['https_tunnel_user'] = user shared_settings['https_tunnel_password'] = password except InvalidTargetError: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Not a valid host/port for --https_tunnel' ', discarding all tasks.') else: shared_settings['https_tunnel_host'] = None shared_settings['https_tunnel_port'] = None # STARTTLS if args_command_list.starttls: if args_command_list.starttls not in self.START_TLS_PROTS: raise CommandLineParsingError(self.START_TLS_USAGE) if args_command_list.starttls and args_command_list.https_tunnel: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Cannot have --https_tunnel and --starttls at the same time.') # Number of connection retries if args_command_list.nb_retries < 1: raise CommandLineParsingError( 'Cannot have a number smaller than 1 for --nb_retries.') # All good, let's save the data for key, value in args_command_list.__dict__.iteritems(): shared_settings[key] = value return shared_settings