def delete_words(input): natlink.natConnect(0) try: for line in input.readlines(): delete_word(line.rstrip()) finally: natlink.natDisconnect()
def dump_words(input, include_pronunciations, verbose_level): natlink.natConnect(0) try: for line in input.readlines(): dump_word(line.rstrip(), include_pronunciations, verbose_level) finally: natlink.natDisconnect()
def DISABLED_test_natlink_timer(self): return callback_occurred = False def callback(): callback_occurred = True ticks = 200 import time import natlink natlink.natConnect() try: natlink.setTimerCallback(callback, ticks) # time.sleep(1) import sys import time import win32gui timeout = time.time() + 3 while time.time() < timeout: print("Luke") sys.stdout.flush() if win32gui.PumpWaitingMessages(): raise RuntimeError("We got an unexpected WM_QUIT message!") time.sleep(1) natlink.setTimerCallback(None, 0) print("callback occurred:", callback_occurred) finally: natlink.natDisconnect()
def run(): try: natlink.natConnect(1) TestDialog(MakeDlgTemplate()).DoModal() natlink.natDisconnect() except: natlink.natDisconnect() raise
def run(): if not natlink.isNatSpeakRunning(): raise TranscribeError,'NatSpeak should be running before transcribing files' try: natlink.natConnect() doTranscription() finally: natlink.natDisconnect()
def demodlg(): Title = 'Train Phrases' p = [('word 1'), ('word 2'), ('word 3')] dlg = TrainDialog(Title, p, 1) try: natlink.natConnect(1) except: return dlg.DoModal() natlink.natDisconnect()
def demodlg (): Title='Train Phrases' p=[('word 1'),('word 2'),('word 3')] dlg=TrainDialog(Title, p, 1) try: natlink.natConnect(1) except: return dlg.DoModal() natlink.natDisconnect()
def load_words(input): natlink.natConnect(0) try: for line in input.readlines(): fields = parse_word_definition(line) if fields == None: continue written, spoken, properties, pronunciations = fields load_word(written, spoken, properties) finally: natlink.natDisconnect()
def run(args): fileSpecs,userName,baseModel,baseTopic = parseArgs(args) if not fileSpecs: return try: natlink.natConnect() doTraining(fileSpecs,userName,baseModel,baseTopic) natlink.natDisconnect() except TrainingError,message: natlink.natDisconnect() print '' print 'TrainingError:',message
def run(args): fileSpecs, userName, baseModel, baseTopic = parseArgs(args) if not fileSpecs: return try: natlink.natConnect() doTraining(fileSpecs, userName, baseModel, baseTopic) natlink.natDisconnect() except TrainingError, message: natlink.natDisconnect() print '' print 'TrainingError:', message
def goTrain(self, ToTrain): Title = 'Train Phrases' Phrases = [] for p in ToTrain: Phrases.append((p)) try: natlink.natConnect(1) except: return MicState = natlink.getMicState() dlg = TrainDialog.TrainDialog(Title, Phrases, MicState) SetMic('off') dlg.DoModal() natlink.natDisconnect()
def goTrain(self,ToTrain): Title='Train Phrases' Phrases=[] for p in ToTrain: Phrases.append((p)) try: natlink.natConnect(1) except: return MicState=natlink.getMicState() dlg=TrainDialog.TrainDialog(Title,Phrases,MicState) SetMic('off') dlg.DoModal() natlink.natDisconnect()
def run(): global logFile, natconnectOption logFile = open(logFileName, "w") log("log messages to file: %s" % logFileName) log('starting UnittestMouse') # trick: if you only want one or two tests to perform, change # the test names to her example def tttest.... # and change the word 'test' into 'tttest'... # do not forget to change back and do all the tests when you are done. suite = unittest.makeSuite(UnittestMouse, 'test') ## natconnectOption = 0 # no threading has most chances to pass... log('\nstarting tests with threading: %s\n' % natconnectOption) natlink.natConnect(natconnectOption) result = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite) dumpResult(result, logFile=logFile) natlink.natDisconnect() logFile.close()
def disconnect(): """Dicsconnects from SR system. **INPUTS** *none* -- **OUTPUTS** *none* -- """ global sr_is_connected, sr_mic_change_callback if sr_mic_change_callback: natlink.setChangeCallback(None) sr_mic_change_callback = None natlink.natDisconnect() sr_is_connected = 0
def main(): # Define required and optional command-line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="Script for safely using Natlink's inputFromFile() " "function.\n\n" "This script is intended to be run in a dedicated process in " "order to work around potential page faults." ) parser.add_argument( "file", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="Name of the wave file to take input from." ) parser.add_argument( "--no-utt-detect", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not perform utterance detection (i.e. don't split speech " "at pauses) when processing the specified wave file. Use this if " "the file contains only one utterance." ) # Parse command-line arguments. args = parser.parse_args() # Get the filename and uttdetect arguments. f = args.file filename = f.close() # Close the file object created by argparse uttdetect = 0 if args.no_utt_detect else 1 # Instruct Windows to suppress the error reporting window if this script # causes a page fault. win32api.SetErrorMode(win32con.SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX) # Connect to NatSpeak. natlink.natConnect() try: # Process the specified wave file using the specified options. natlink.inputFromFile(filename, 0, [], uttdetect) finally: # Disconnect from NatSpeak. natlink.natDisconnect()
def run(): global s global g natlink.natConnect(1) #if natlink.isNatSpeakRunning() else wait try: print 'MicState:', natlink.getMicState() natlink.setBeginCallback(beginCallback) natlink.setChangeCallback(changeCallback) updateGrammarFromClient() natlink.setMicState('on') natlink.waitForSpeech(300) #data = client_socket.recv(512) #data = raw_input ( "SEND( TYPE q or Q to Quit):" ) except: #print sys.exc_info() print traceback.format_exc() finally: g.unload() natlink.natDisconnect() print 'iDisconnected.' s.close() print 'all closed'
def run(): natlink.natConnect(1) TestDialog(MakeDlgTemplate()).DoModal() natlink.natDisconnect()
def PostDoModal(self): natlink.natDisconnect()
def tearDown(self): natlink.natDisconnect() pass
def natDisconnect(): natlink.natDisconnect() if debugLoad: print 'after natDisconnect'
def tearDown(self): self.folders.unload() natlink.natDisconnect()
try: natlink.natDisconnect() natlink.natConnect(1) except: pass def PostDoModal(self): natlink.natDisconnect() def CheckCreateApp(): if sys.modules.has_key("pywin.framework.startup"): App=ServerApp() App.InitInstance() else: print 'does not have "pywin.framework.startup" imported' def demodlg (): dlg=MainWindow() dlg.DoModal() if __name__=='__main__': natlink.natConnect() demodlg() natlink.natDisconnect() #demomodeless() else: CheckCreateApp()
def PreDoModal(self): try: natlink.natDisconnect() natlink.natConnect(1) except: pass
def shutdown(): print "shutting down" natlink.setTimerCallback(None) for g in grammars: grammars[g].unload() natlink.natDisconnect()
def disconnect(self): natlink.natDisconnect()
return [nl_user_file, fallback_config_file] # choose between .natlink/natlink.ini in home or the fallback_directory: return [join(home, config_sub_dir, natlink_inifile), fallback_config_file] def run() -> None: logger = logging.getLogger('natlink') try: # TODO: remove this hack. As of October 2021, win32api does not load properly, except if # the package pywin32_system32 is explictly put on new dll_directory white-list pywin32_dir = os.path.join(sysconfig.get_path('platlib'), "pywin32_system32") if os.path.isdir(pywin32_dir): os.add_dll_directory(pywin32_dir) config = NatlinkConfig.from_first_found_file(config_locations()) main = NatlinkMain(logger, config) main.setup_logger() main.start() except Exception as exc: print(f'Exception: "{exc}" in', file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc()) raise Exception from exc if __name__ == "__main__": natlink.natConnect() run() natlink.natDisconnect()
def __exit__(self, exType, exValue, traceback): for g in self.grammars: g.unload() natlink.natDisconnect()
def tearDown(self): self.control.unload() natlink.natDisconnect()