def DISABLED_test_natlink_timer(self): return callback_occurred = False def callback(): callback_occurred = True ticks = 200 import time import natlink natlink.natConnect() try: natlink.setTimerCallback(callback, ticks) # time.sleep(1) import sys import time import win32gui timeout = time.time() + 3 while time.time() < timeout: print("Luke") sys.stdout.flush() if win32gui.PumpWaitingMessages(): raise RuntimeError("We got an unexpected WM_QUIT message!") time.sleep(1) natlink.setTimerCallback(None, 0) print("callback occurred:", callback_occurred) finally: natlink.natDisconnect()
def cancelMode(self): self.curMode = None if self.haveCallback: natlink.setTimerCallback(None,0) self.haveCallback = 0 self.activateSet(['start'],exclusive=0) natlink.setTrayIcon()
def gotResults_nowMousing(self,words,fullResults): direction = findKeyWord(words,self.listDefn['direction']) if direction: self.curDirection = direction elif 'stop' in words: self.cancelMode() elif 'faster' in words: speed = int(self.curSpeed / moveRateChange) pixels = self.curPixels while speed < 50: speed = speed * 2 pixels = pixels * 2 if pixels > 10: pixels = 10 self.curSpeed = speed self.curPixels = pixels natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer,speed) elif 'slower' in words: speed = int(self.curSpeed * moveRateChange) pixels = self.curPixels while pixels > defaultMousePixels and speed >= 2*50: speed = speed / 2 pixels = pixels / 2 if speed > 2000: speed = 2000 self.curSpeed = speed self.curPixels = pixels natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer,speed)
def cancelMode(self): debugPrint('cancelMode') natlink.setTrayIcon() if self.inTimer: natlink.setTimerCallback(None,0) self.inTimer = 0 if self.drag: debugPrint('switch of dragging') xPos,yPos = natlink.getCursorPos() if self.drag == 2: natlink.playEvents([(natut.wm_rbuttonup,xPos,yPos)]) else: natlink.playEvents([(natut.wm_lbuttonup,xPos,yPos)]) self.drag = 0 elif self.state == 'searching': self.stopSearch() self.state = '' self.minorState = '' self.curDir = '' self.Count = 0 self. mouseSteps = 10 self.inside = 0 self.insideCommand = 0 self.waiting = 0 self.drag = 0 self.repeatFlag = 0 self.hadRepeat = 0 self.repeatStuff = None self.lastResults = [] self.activateSet(normalSet, exclusive=0)
def DisplayTextToCorrect(): if getattr(_globals, "lastSavedResults", None) is None: print "No results to correct..." if hasattr(_globals, "lastSavedResults") and _globals.lastSavedResults is not None: results = _globals.lastSavedResults words = results.getWords(0) recognized_phrase = " ".join(words) glib.LaunchExeAsyncWithArgList("C:\\Python27_32bit\\python.exe", ["C:\\NatLink\\NatLink\\MacroSystem\\", recognized_phrase]) natlink.setTimerCallback(check_for_correction_response, 1000)
def rule_newcard(self, words): "'new card'|next|continue" self.moveTo(firstrowpos(1)) natqh.buttonClick() self.moveTo(firstrowpos(2)) if self.hasCommon(words, 'continue'): timeEachMilliseconds = max(1, self.pauseTime) * 500 print 'set the timer to %s' % timeEachMilliseconds natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer, timeEachMilliseconds) self.inTimer = 1
def rule_newcard(self, words): "'new card'|next|continue" self.moveTo(firstrowpos(1)) natqh.buttonClick() self.moveTo(firstrowpos(2)) if self.hasCommon(words, 'continue'): timeEachMilliseconds = max(1, self.pauseTime)*500 print 'set the timer to %s'% timeEachMilliseconds natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer, timeEachMilliseconds) self.inTimer = 1
def gotResults_startMousing(self,words,fullResults): self.cancelMode() direction = findKeyWord(words,self.listDefn['direction']) self.curMode = 2 self.curDirection = direction self.curSpeed = defaultMouseSpeed self.curPixels = defaultMousePixels self.lastClock = time.clock() natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer,defaultMouseSpeed) self.haveCallback = 1 self.activateSet(['nowMousing'],exclusive=1)
def gotResults_startMousing(self,words,fullResults): self.cancelMode() direction = findKeyWord(words,self.listDefn['direction']) self.curMode = 2 self.curDirection = direction self.curSpeed = defaultMouseSpeed self.curPixels = defaultMousePixels self.lastClock = time.time() natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer,defaultMouseSpeed) self.haveCallback = 1 self.activateSet(['nowMousing'],exclusive=1)
def gotResults_startMoving(self,words,fullResults): self.cancelMode() direction = findKeyWord(words,self.listDefn['direction']) self.curMode = 1 self.curDirection = direction self.setTrayIcon(0) self.moduleInfo = natlink.getCurrentModule() self.curSpeed = defaultMoveSpeed self.lastClock = time.clock() natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer,defaultMoveSpeed) self.haveCallback = 1 self.activateSet(['nowMoving'],exclusive=1)
def __init__(self, engine_type): EngineBase.__init__(self) self.__loaded_grammars = [] if engine_type == "natlink": from dragonfire.engines.backend_natlink import get_engine self._wrapped_engine = get_engine() natlink.setTimerCallback(self.client_work, int(0.025 * 1000)) if engine_type == "sapi5": from dragonfire.engines.backend_sapi5 import get_engine self._wrapped_engine = get_engine() threading.Timer(self.client_work, 0.025 * 1000).start() ClientEngine.DictationContainer = self._wrapped_engine.DictationContainer
def startNow(self): self.moduleInfo = natlink.getCurrentModule() k = self.state + self.minorState s = self.curSpeed + 2 # very slow =2 -->> 0 if self.waiting: natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer, waitingSpeed) elif k == 'mousing' or self.state == 'dragging': speed = SPEED[k][s] steps = defaultMousePixels print 'mousing/dragging, speed: %s, steps: %s'% (speed, steps) if s < minSpeed: steps = (minSpeed//speed) + 1 speed = steps*speed if steps < defaultMousePixels: steps = defaultMousePixels speed = speed*defaultMousePixels/steps print 'enlarge steps: %s, new speed: %s'% (steps, speed) else: speed = s debugPrint('mouse starting with speed: %s, steps: %s'% (speed, steps)) natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer, speed) self.mouseSteps = steps elif SPEED.has_key(k): debugPrint('starting with speed: %s'% SPEED[k][s]) natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer, SPEED[k][s]) else: debugPrint("timer starting with unknown speed for state/minorstate: %s"%k) natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer, defaultSpeed) self.inTimer = 1
def gotResults_trayicon(self, words, fullResults): #iconDir = r'D:\natlink\unimacro\icons' #for name in ['repeat', 'repeat2', 'waiting', 'waiting2']: # iconPath = os.path.join(iconDir, name+'.ico') # print 'iconPath', iconPath # natlink.setTrayIcon(iconPath) # time.sleep(0.5) # ## remove the icon: #natlink.setTrayIcon() self.stopShowing = 0 # can be used for interrupt by clicking on the tray icon... self.directions = ['right', 'down', 'up', 'left'] self.loops = 12 self.currentLoop = 0 self.currentDirection = 0 natlink.setTimerCallback(self.doNextIcon, 500) # each 500 milliseconds
def doNextIcon(self): if self.stopShowing: print 'caught callback, stop the looping' natlink.setTrayIcon() natlink.setTimerCallback(None) return if self.currentLoop >= self.loops: self.currentLoop = 0 self.currentDirection += 1 if self.currentDirection >= len(self.directions): print 'ready all done, remove the icon and stop the timercallback' natlink.setTrayIcon() natlink.setTimerCallback(None) if self.currentLoop % 2: iconName = '%s2' % self.directions[self.currentDirection] else: iconName = '%s' % self.directions[self.currentDirection] print 'set trayIcon: %s' % iconName natlink.setTrayIcon(iconName, 'test also click on icon %s' % iconName, self.onTrayIcon)
def gotResults_nowMoving(self,words,fullResults): direction = findKeyWord(words,self.listDefn['direction']) if direction: self.curDirection = direction self.setTrayIcon(0) elif 'stop' in words: self.cancelMode() elif 'faster' in words: speed = int(self.curSpeed / moveRateChange) if 'much' in words: speed = int(speed / (moveRateChange*moveRateChange)) if speed < 50: speed = 50 self.curSpeed = speed natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer,speed) elif 'slower' in words: speed = int(self.curSpeed * moveRateChange) if 'much' in words: speed = int(speed * (moveRateChange*moveRateChange)) if speed > 4000: speed = 4000 self.curSpeed = speed natlink.setTimerCallback(self.onTimer,speed)
def check_for_correction_response(): global TRIES correction = "-1" try: correction = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("" + str(1338)).get_message() print "xmlprclib correction =", correction except: print "xmlrpclib exception" TRIES+=1 if TRIES>29: TRIES=0 #TIMER_MANAGER.remove_callback(check_for_correction_response) natlink.setTimerCallback(None, 0) return if correction == "-1": return if hasattr(_globals, "lastSavedResults") and _globals.lastSavedResults is not None: results = _globals.lastSavedResults corrected_words = correction.split() status = results.correction(corrected_words) print "Correction status is", status natlink.setTimerCallback(None, 0) else: #TIMER_MANAGER.remove_callback(check_for_correction_response) natlink.setTimerCallback(None, 0) return
def remove_callback(self, function): for c in self.callbacks: if c.function == function: self.callbacks.remove(c) if len(self.callbacks) == 0: natlink.setTimerCallback(None, 0)
def add_callback(self, function, interval): self.callbacks.append(self.Callback(function, interval)) if len(self.callbacks) == 1: natlink.setTimerCallback(self.callback, int(self.interval * 1000))
def unload(self): if self.haveCallback: natlink.setTimerCallback(None,0) self.haveCallback = 0 GrammarBase.unload(self)
def cancelMode(self): #self.setExclusive(0) if self.inTimer: print 'cancel timer' natlink.setTimerCallback(None, 0) self.inTimer = 0
def shutdown(): print "shutting down" natlink.setTimerCallback(None) for g in grammars: grammars[g].unload() natlink.natDisconnect()
grammars[grammar_name].setExclusive(exclusive) return "done" @rpc def activate(grammar_name, rule_name): grammars[grammar_name].activate(rule_name, 0) return "done" @rpc def deactivate(grammar_name, rule_name): grammars[grammar_name].deactivate(rule_name) return "done" #@rpc #def updateList(grammar_name, list_name, elements): Pass try: print "loading" natlink.natConnect(1) natlink.openUser("Michael") natlink.setMicState("on") natlink.setTimerCallback(drainRequests, 100) natlink.waitForSpeech(0) except Exception as e: print e finally: shutdown()
def cancelMode(self): #self.setExclusive(0) if self.inTimer: print 'cancel timer' natlink.setTimerCallback(None,0) self.inTimer = 0