Пример #1
class PathFinder(object):
    PathFinder will search the map for a valid path to the goal.
        Map = ROS map file to be traversed
        start = Initial location
        goal = Desired location
        Path = An array of coordinates representing a path as a series of waypoints.
        Resolution is, as of yet, unspecified.
    map = None
    closed = None
    open = None
    start = None
    goal = None
    def __init__(start, goal, resolution, map):
        self.map = map
        self.start = start
        self.goal = goal
        self.closed = GridCells()
        self.closed.cell_height = resolution
        self.closed.cell_width = resolution
        self.closed.header.frame_id = "map"
        self.open = GridCells()
        self.open.cell_height = resolution
        self.open.cell_width = resolution
        self.open.header.frame_id = "map"
    def astar(self):
        closedset = [] #nodes already evaluated
        openset = [self.start] #nodes to be evaluated - contains start
        came_from = self.map #navigated nodes
        start.gscore = 0
        start.heuristic = calcHeur(self.start, self.goal) + start.gscore
        lastNode = start
        while len(self.openset) > 0:
            distance = 100000
            for node in self.open:
                if node.fscore < distance:
                    current = node
                    distance = node.fscore
                if node.isSame(self.goal):
                    distance = 0
                    current = node
            if current.isSame(self.goal):
                return make_path(current)
            currentDirection = direction(current, last)
            upPoint = Point(current.x, current.y+resolution, 0)
            leftPoint = Point(current.x - resolution, current.y,0)
            rightPoint = Point(current.x+resolution, current.y, 0)
            downPoint = Point(current.x, current.y-resolution, 0)
            upNode = Node(upPoint, current.score + resolution, current)
            leftNode = Node(leftPoint, current.score + resolution, current)
            rightNode = Node(rightPoint, current.score + resolution, current)
            downNode = Node(downPoint, current.score + resolution, current)
            if currentDirection is Direction.up:
                upNode.heuristic -= 2*resolution
            elif currentDirection is Direction.right:
                rightNode.heuristic -= 2*resolution
            elif currentDirection is Direction.left:
                leftNode.heuristic -= 2*resolution
            elif currentDirection is Direction.down:
                downNode.heuristic -= 2*resolution
            possibleneighbors = [upNode, rightNode, leftNode, downNode]
            validneighbors = []
            #remove neighbors that aren't in c-space
            for neighbor in possibleneighbors:
                for tiles in botWorld:
                    if neighbor.isSame(item):
             #remove neighbors that are already in the closedset           
            for neighbor in validneighbors:
                for closedTiles in closedset:
                    if neighbor.isSame(item):
            for neighbor in validneighbors:
                gscore = current.score + resolution
                fscore = gscore + neighbor.heuristic
                for object in openset:
                    if neighbor.isSame(object):
                        if neighbor.gscore < object.gscore:
            openset = validneighbors + openset
            closed = []
            for node in closedset:
            ClosedGC.cells = closed
            open = []
            for node in openset:
            OpenGC.cells = open
            last = current
    def direction(current, last):
        returns the last dirstion of motion for travel. Used to determine the value of the heuristic
        diffx = current.x-last.x
        diffy = current.y-last.y
        if diffy > 0:
            return Direction.up
        if diffy < 0:
            return Direction.down
        if diffx > 0:
            return Direction.right
        if diffx < 0:
            return Direction.left
            return Direction.invalid