def visualize(): global points_flat global leg if points_flat == None: points_flat = [] for l in points: for n in l: points_flat.append(n) if path_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: frame_id = 'map' pa = Path() pa.header = Utils.make_header(frame_id) pa.poses = [] for n in points_flat: n2 = [ n[0] * PIXELS_TO_METERS + map_x, n[1] * PIXELS_TO_METERS + map_y, 0 ] pa.poses.append(Utils.particle_to_posestamped(n2, str(frame_id))) path_pub.publish(pa) if leg_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: frame_id = 'map' pa = Path() pa.header = Utils.make_header(frame_id) pa.poses = [] for n in points[leg]: n2 = [ n[0] * PIXELS_TO_METERS + map_x, n[1] * PIXELS_TO_METERS + map_y, 0 ] pa.poses.append(Utils.particle_to_posestamped(n2, str(frame_id))) leg_pub.publish(pa)
def Lvbo(path,D): mPath=Path() mPath.header.frame_id=path.header.frame_id poses=path.poses P=len(poses) newPoses=[] newPoses.append(poses[0]) print '---------------------------' #如果只有或者小于三个点 if P<4: for i in range(1,P): newPoses.append(poses[i]) mPath.poses=newPoses[:] return mPath #从第三个点开始计算 i=2 FLAG=0 while i<(P-1): d=canculateDistance(poses[i],poses[i-1]) if (d<D) : if d<0.25 and ((abs(poses[i-1].pose.position.x-poses[i].pose.position.x)<0.05) or (abs(poses[i-1].pose.position.y-poses[i].pose.position.y)<0.05)): newPoses.append(poses[i-1]) i+=2 FLAG=3 else: #直线角度若相差过小 可能产生尖端 k1=canculate_G_C_Angle(poses[i-2],poses[i-1]) k2=canculate_G_C_Angle(poses[i],poses[i+1]) #30度以内 if abs(normalize_angle(k1-k2))<0.5: newPoses.append(poses[i-1]) i+=2 FLAG=2 else: result=CrossPoint(poses[i-2],poses[i-1],poses[i],poses[i+1]) poses[i-1].pose.position.x=result[0] poses[i-1].pose.position.y=result[1] newPoses.append(poses[i-1]) i+=2 FLAG=1 else: newPoses.append(poses[i-1]) i+=1 FLAG=2 if i==(P-1): newPoses.append(poses[P-2]) newPoses.append(poses[P-1]) mPath.poses=newPoses[:] return mPath if i==P : newPoses.append(poses[P-1]) mPath.poses=newPoses[:] return mPath
def on_send_char(self): #<hyin/Apr-12th-2016> add timestamp for each way point. This is desired by the NAOqi SDK t0 = 2.5 dt = 0.1 #first try to send perturbed data if self.char_mdl: msg = MultiPaths() for curr_idx in range(len(self.char_mdl)): mdl, t_array, opt_parms, traj_opt, vel_vec_opt, theta_opt = self.get_perturbed_trajectory_and_parms(curr_idx) tmp_path = Path() tmp_path.header.frame_id = 'writing_surface' # tmp_path.header.stamp = tmp_path.poses = [None] * len(traj_opt) for idx, pnt in enumerate(traj_opt): tmp_path.poses[idx] = PoseStamped() tmp_path.poses[idx].pose.position.x = pnt[0] tmp_path.poses[idx].pose.position.y = -pnt[1] tmp_path.poses[idx].header.frame_id = 'writing_surface'; tmp_path.poses[idx].header.stamp = rospy.Time(t0+idx*dt); #assume constant time between points for now msg.paths.append(tmp_path) #send this msg.header.frame_id = 'writing_surface' msg.header.stamp = self.ros_publisher.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo('GAIPS_PYTK_VIEWER: Sent perturbed character data...') return #send original data if the perturbed data is not available curr_data = self.get_current_data() if curr_data is not None: msg = MultiPaths() for strk in curr_data: tmp_path = Path() tmp_path.header.frame_id = 'writing_surface' tmp_path.poses = [None] * len(strk) for idx, pnt in enumerate(strk): tmp_path.poses[idx] = PoseStamped() tmp_path.poses[idx].pose.position.x = pnt[0] tmp_path.poses[idx].pose.position.y = -pnt[1] tmp_path.poses[idx].header.frame_id = 'writing_surface'; tmp_path.poses[idx].header.stamp = rospy.Time(t0+idx*dt); #assume constant time between points for now msg.paths.append(tmp_path) #send this msg.header.frame_id = 'writing_surface' msg.header.stamp = self.ros_publisher.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo('GAIPS_PYTK_VIEWER: Sent character data...') return
def publish_via_points_msg(): pub = rospy.Publisher('/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/via_points', Path, queue_size=1) rospy.init_node("test_via_points_msg") via_points_msg = Path() via_points_msg.header.stamp = via_points_msg.header.frame_id = "map" # CHANGE HERE: odom/map # Add via-points point1 = PoseStamped() point1.pose.position.x = 4.0; point1.pose.position.y = 1.0; point2 = PoseStamped() point2.pose.position.x = 5.0; point2.pose.position.y = 0.0; via_points_msg.poses = [point1, point2] r = rospy.Rate(5) # 10hz t = 0.0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(via_points_msg) r.sleep()
def path_Callback(self): out = Path() out.poses = self.path out.header.frame_id = 'world' out.header.stamp = self.pub_path.publish(out) # def trueMarkerCallback(self): # markerArray = MarkerArray() # sphere_rad = .2 # marker1 = Marker() # marker1.header.stamp = # marker1.header.frame_id = "/world" # = detect.object_id # marker1.type = marker1.SQUARE # marker1.action = marker1.ADD # marker1.pose.position.x = self.pos[0] # marker1.pose.position.y = self.pos[1] # marker1.pose.position.z = self.pos[2] # marker1.pose.orientation.w = 1 # marker1.scale.x = sphere_rad*2 # marker1.scale.y = sphere_rad*2 # marker1.scale.z = sphere_rad*2 # marker1.color.r = 1.0 # marker1.color.g = 0 # marker1.color.b = 1.0 # marker1.color.a = 0.7 # marker1.lifetime = rospy.Duration.from_sec(0) # marker1.frame_locked = 0 # markerArray.markers.append(marker1)
def talker(): path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/ardrone/path_pub', Path, queue_size=10) pos_pub = rospy.Publisher('/ardrone/pos_pub', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('path_generator', anonymous=True) freq = 100; round_min = 0.1; path_msg = Path(); path_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime(); path_msg.poses = []; path_msg.header.frame_id = "nav"; radius = 2.0; rate = rospy.Rate(freq) # 100hz count = 0; while not rospy.is_shutdown(): count += 1; pos_msg = PoseStamped(); pos_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime(); pos_msg.header.frame_id = "nav"; pos_msg.pose.position.x = radius * np.cos((np.pi * 2) / freq * round_min * count); pos_msg.pose.position.y = radius * np.sin((np.pi * 2) / freq * round_min * count); pos_msg.pose.position.z = 1.5; if count > (freq / round_min): path_msg.poses.pop(0) path_msg.poses.append(pos_msg); path_pub.publish(path_msg) pos_pub.publish(pos_msg) rate.sleep()
def get_path_message(self): path_msg = Path() try: path_msg.header.stamp = self.node.get_clock().now().to_msg() set_timestamps = True except: set_timestamps = False self._logger.warning('ROS node was not initialized, no timestamp ' 'can be assigned to path message') path_msg.header.frame_id = 'world' path_msg.poses = list() for point in self._local_planner.points: pose = PoseStamped() if set_timestamps: (secs, nsecs) = float_sec_to_int_sec_nano(point.t) pose.header.stamp = rclpy.time.Time(seconds=secs, nanoseconds=nsecs) pose.pose.position = Vector3(x=point.p[0], y=point.p[1], z=point.p[2]) pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(x=point.q[0], y=point.q[1], z=point.q[2], w=point.q[3]) path_msg.poses.append(pose)
def talk(body_id): loop_rate=rospy.Rate(30) position=rospy.Publisher('rviz/quad_position',Marker,queue_size=10) trajectory=rospy.Publisher('rviz/quad_trajectory',Path,queue_size=10) #wait for the mocap services to be up and running try: rospy.loginfo('Connecting to the mocap system...') rospy.wait_for_service('mocap_get_data',10) except: rospy.logerr('[RVIZ] No connection to the mocap system') sys.exit() rospy.loginfo('[RVIZ] Connection established') path=Path() path.header.stamp=rospy.get_rostime() path.header.frame_id='map' posestamped=PoseStamped() posestamped.header.stamp=rospy.get_rostime() posestamped.header.frame_id='map' posestamped.pose.position.x=0.0 posestamped.pose.position.y=0.0 posestamped.pose.position.z=0.0 list_posestamped=[posestamped] del list_posestamped[0] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #try to contact the mocap service, exit the program if there is no connection try: body_info=rospy.ServiceProxy('mocap_get_data',BodyData) body=body_info(body_id) except: rospy.logerr('[RVIZ] No connection to the mocap system') sys.exit() #distinguish between the case where a body has been found, and when it hasn't if body.pos.found_body: data_to_rviz=draw_body_found(body) #add the current point to the trajectory line current_point=PoseStamped() current_point.pose.position.x=data_to_rviz.pose.position.x current_point.pose.position.y=data_to_rviz.pose.position.y current_point.pose.position.z=data_to_rviz.pose.position.z list_posestamped.append(current_point) else: rospy.logerr('[RVIZ] The requested body is not available') data_to_rviz=draw_body_error(body) #publish the data to rviz path.poses=list_posestamped #position and orientation of the quad position.publish(data_to_rviz) #trajectory of the quad trajectory.publish(path) loop_rate.sleep()
def publish_path(self, plan, stamp, pub): """ Broadcast our waypoints """ if not rospy.is_shutdown() and pub.get_num_connections() > 0: path_msg = PathRosMsg() path_msg.header.stamp = stamp path_msg.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id if plan: path_msg.poses = [ PoseStamped() for i in range(len(plan.nodes)) ] for i in range(len(plan.nodes)): pose = PoseStamped() node = plan.nodes[i] pose.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id pose.header.stamp = node.stamp pose.pose.position.x = node.x pose.pose.position.y = node.y pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 # TODO(marcus): extend to 3D pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # TODO(marcus): include orientation info path_msg.poses[i] = pose try: pub.publish(path_msg) except rospy.ROSException: pass
def ros_path_from_map_path(map_path, start_pose, end_pose, resolution, frame_id): ros_path = RosPath() ros_path.header.seq = 1 ros_path.header.stamp = ros_path.header.frame_id = frame_id poses = [] # If path is not empty, add poses, otherwise ros path stays empty if map_path: start_pose.header.seq = 1 poses = [start_pose] id_counter = 2 previous_pose = start_pose for point in map_path[1:len(map_path) - 1]: new_pose = Utils.ros_pose_from_map_coord_yaw( point[0], point[1], 0.0, resolution, id_counter, frame_id) direction_vector = (new_pose.pose.position.x - previous_pose.pose.position.x, new_pose.pose.position.y - previous_pose.pose.position.y) new_pose.pose.orientation = Utils.geom_quat_from_yaw( Utils.yaw_from_direction(direction_vector)) id_counter = id_counter + 1 previous_pose = new_pose poses.append(new_pose) end_pose.header.seq = id_counter poses.append(end_pose) ros_path.poses = poses return ros_path
def ros_path_from_poses(start_pose, end_pose, frame_id, push_pose_unit_direction_vector, push_unit_distance): start_pose.header.seq = 1 ros_path = RosPath() ros_path.header.seq = 1 ros_path.header.stamp = ros_path.header.frame_id = frame_id ros_path.poses = [start_pose] distance_between_poses = Utils.euclidean_distance_ros_poses( start_pose, end_pose) current_distance = push_unit_distance new_pose = copy.deepcopy(start_pose) while current_distance <= distance_between_poses: new_pose = copy.deepcopy(new_pose) new_pose.header.seq = new_pose.header.seq + 1 new_pose.pose.position.x = new_pose.pose.position.x + push_pose_unit_direction_vector[ 0] * push_unit_distance new_pose.pose.position.y = new_pose.pose.position.y + push_pose_unit_direction_vector[ 1] * push_unit_distance ros_path.poses.append(new_pose) current_distance = current_distance + push_unit_distance end_pose.header.seq = new_pose.header.seq + 1 ros_path.poses.append(end_pose) return ros_path
def path_reader(directory): global subscribed_path posestamp_list = [] seq = 0 header_msg = Header() header_msg.seq = seq header_msg.stamp = header_msg.frame_id = global_frame_id loaded_path = np.load(directory).get('path') for point in loaded_path: path_msg = Path() posestamp_msg = PoseStamped() pose_msg = Pose() pose_msg.position.x = -point[1] pose_msg.position.y = point[0] pose_msg.position.z = 0 posestamp_msg.pose = pose_msg posestamp_msg.header = header_msg posestamp_list.append(posestamp_msg) header_msg.seq = seq header_msg.stamp = header_msg.frame_id = global_frame_id path_msg.header = header_msg path_msg.poses = posestamp_list path_pub.publish(path_msg) seq += 1 subscribed_path = path_msg
def publishCollFreeTraj(self, time_stamp_current): if (self.obstacle_avoidance.flag_set_robot_traj_coll_free_ref == True): coll_free_robot_traj_msg = Path() coll_free_robot_traj_msg.header.stamp = time_stamp_current coll_free_robot_traj_msg.header.frame_id = self.world_frame coll_free_robot_traj_msg.poses = [] for pose_i in self.obstacle_avoidance.robot_traj_coll_free_ref: pose_i_msg = PoseStamped() pose_i_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time() pose_i_msg.header.frame_id = self.world_frame pose_i_msg.pose.position.x = pose_i.position[0] pose_i_msg.pose.position.y = pose_i.position[1] pose_i_msg.pose.position.z = pose_i.position[2] pose_i_msg.pose.orientation.w = pose_i.attitude_quat_simp[0] pose_i_msg.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 pose_i_msg.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 pose_i_msg.pose.orientation.z = pose_i.attitude_quat_simp[1] coll_free_robot_traj_msg.poses.append(pose_i_msg) # self.coll_free_robot_traj_pub.publish(coll_free_robot_traj_msg) # return
def plan_callback(msg): global first_planner_flag if first_planner_flag: global nav_path nav_path = Path() nav_path.poses = msg.poses first_planner_flag = False
def target_path(self, fname): poses = [] points = [] with open(fname) as wfile: reader = csv.DictReader(wfile, delimiter=' ', fieldnames=CSV_HEADER) for index, wp in enumerate(reader): pose_stamped = PoseStamped() pose = Pose() pose.position.x = float(wp['x']) pose.position.y = float(wp['y']) pose.position.z = 0.0 pose_stamped.header.frame_id = self.frame_id pose_stamped.header.seq = index pose_stamped.pose = pose poses.append(pose_stamped) path = Path() path.header.frame_id = self.frame_id path.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) path.poses = poses return path
def random_path_publisher(): pub = rospy.Publisher('path_to_follow', Path, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('random_planner', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz rate.sleep() #hello_str = "hello world %s" % rospy.get_time() myPath = Path() myPath.header.frame_id="odom" myPath.header.stamp = myPoses = [] for i in range(POINTS): newPose = PoseStamped() newPose.header.frame_id="odom" newPose.header.stamp = newPose.pose.position = Point(random.uniform(-SPREAD,SPREAD), random.uniform(-SPREAD,SPREAD), 0) myPoses.append(newPose) myPath.poses = myPoses #pub2.publish(myPoses[0]) rospy.loginfo(myPath) pub.publish(myPath) rate.sleep() rospy.spin()
def as_path(self, dt, start_time, frame='odom'): if self.trajectory is None: return None ts = np.arange(0, self.trajectory.end_time(), dt) poses = [] for t in ts: pos = self.val(t) vel = self.val(t, order=1) pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = frame pose.header.stamp = start_time + rospy.Duration(t) pose.pose.position.x = pos[0] pose.pose.position.y = pos[1] pose.pose.position.z = pos[2] vel = np.array(vel) / np.linalg.norm(np.array(vel)) psi = atan2(vel[1], vel[0]) theta = asin(-vel[2]) q = Rotation.from_euler('ZYX', [psi, theta, 0]).as_quat() pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(x=q[0], y=q[1], z=q[2], w=q[3]) poses.append(pose) path = Path() path.header.frame_id = frame path.header.stamp = start_time path.poses = poses return path
def direction_callback(self, msg): direction = possibities = {"L":-1, "S":0, "R":+1} if not direction in possibities.keys(): rospy.logfatal("Invalid intersection type !") return False # Determine path points. self.path_points = path_generate(possibities[direction], self.n_path_points) # Set direction dependent parameters. if(direction=='S'): la_dis=self.la_dis_straight target_vel = self.target_vel_straight if(direction=='L'): la_dis=self.la_dis_left target_vel = self.target_vel_left if(direction=='R'): la_dis=self.la_dis_right target_vel = self.target_vel_right self.controller = Controller(direction,self.path_points,self.wheel_distance, self.adm_error, la_dis, self.min_radius, target_vel, self.n_hist) # Publish path. path = Path() path.header.frame_id = self.world_frame path.poses = [] for point in self.path_points: pose_stamped = PoseStamped() pose_stamped.header.frame_id = self.world_frame pose_stamped.pose.position.x = point[0] pose_stamped.pose.position.y = point[1] path.poses.append(pose_stamped) self.path_pub.publish(path) self.direction_sub.unregister() return True
def waypoints(): pub = rospy.Publisher('waypoints_out', Path, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('waypoints', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz pose = PoseStamped() pose1 = PoseStamped() path = Path() path.poses = [] h = std_msgs.msg.Header() pose.pose.position.x = 0 pose.pose.position.y = 0 pose.pose.position.z = 0 pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 h.stamp = pose.header = h path.poses.append(pose) pose1.pose.position.x = 0 pose1.pose.position.y = 1 pose1.pose.position.z = 0 pose1.pose.orientation.x = 0 h.stamp = pose1.header = h path.poses.append(pose1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(path) rate.sleep()
def get_plan(data): start = PoseStamped() start.header.frame_id = 'map' rospy.wait_for_message('elektron/mobile_base_controller/odom', Odometry) start.pose.position.x = current_pos[0] start.pose.position.y = current_pos[1] goal = PoseStamped() goal.header.frame_id = 'map' goal.pose.position.x = data[0] goal.pose.position.y = data[1] make_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/global_planner/planner/make_plan', GetPlan) path = make_path_srv(start=start, goal=goal, tolerance=0.0).plan new_path = Path() new_path.header = path.header new_path.poses = [ path.poses[i] for i in range( len(path.poses) / 10, len(path.poses), len(path.poses) / 10) ] new_path.poses.append(path.poses[-1]) path_follower_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('path_follower', PathFollower) resp1 = path_follower_srv(new_path)
def publish_path(self, msg): """ Record the path taken, but only at a certain rate. Parameters: msg -- The Odometry message data. """ publishRate = 0.2 currentTime = rospy.get_rostime() if self.lastPathPublishTime.to_sec( ) + publishRate <= currentTime.to_sec(): # Add to raw path with a timestamped pose from odometers. poseStamped = PoseStamped() poseStamped.header.frame_id = rospy.get_param( rospy.search_param('sub_kobuki_odom')) poseStamped.header.stamp = currentTime poseStamped.pose = msg.pose.pose self.rawPath += [poseStamped] # Create and publish the path. path = Path() path.header.frame_id = rospy.get_param( rospy.search_param('sub_kobuki_odom')) path.header.stamp = currentTime path.poses = self.rawPath self.pubPath.publish(path) self.lastPathPublishTime = currentTime
def construct_path_object(frame_id, waypoints): """ Path object contains the list of final paths ahead with velocity""" path = Path() path.header.frame_id = frame_id path.poses = waypoints path.header.stamp = return path
def cb(data): print("RECEIVED GEO PATH MESSAGE") global pub global lastSatPos global listener print(data) if lastSatPos is None: print("NO SAT DATA, FAIL") return print(lastSatPos) path = Path() path.header = data.header path.header.frame_id = "map" # not sure why this isnt published :3 poses = [] ps = PoseStamped() ps.header = data.header ps.pose.orientation = data.pose.orientation transformCoordinates(data.pose.position, ps.pose.position) # move into map frame ps.header.frame_id = 'map' poses.append(ps) path.poses = poses pub.publish(path) print(path)
def to_path(self, x, start_time, frame='odom'): assert x.shape[0] == self.xdim assert x.shape[0] == 8 num_poses = x.shape[1] poses = [] for i in range(num_poses): t = start_time + rospy.Duration(self.dt * i) p = PoseStamped() p.pose.position = Point(x=x[0, i], y=x[1, i], z=x[2, i]) vel = np.array([x[4, i], x[5, i], x[6, i]]) if abs(linalg.norm(vel)) > 1e-8: vel = vel / linalg.norm(vel) psi = atan2(vel[1], vel[0]) theta = asin(-vel[2]) q = Rotation.from_euler('ZYX', [psi, theta, 0]).as_quat() p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(x=q[0], y=q[1], z=q[2], w=q[3]) p.header.frame_id = frame p.header.stamp = t poses.append(p) path = Path() path.header.frame_id = frame path.header.stamp = start_time path.poses = poses return path
def getWaypoints(self, list_of_gridpos, goal_pose, publisher=None): resolution = width = height = offsetX = offsetY = wp = Path() wp.header.frame_id = self.og.header.frame_id poses = [] lastdirection = -999 for i in range(0, len(list_of_gridpos) - 1): direction = getDirection(list_of_gridpos[i], list_of_gridpos[i + 1]) if direction != lastdirection: lastdirection = copy.deepcopy(direction) newPose = PoseStamped() newPose.header.frame_id = self.og.header.frame_id newPose.pose = Pose() newPose.pose.position = getPoint(list_of_gridpos[i], resolution, offsetX, offsetY) quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, direction) newPose.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] newPose.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] newPose.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] newPose.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] poses.append(newPose) newPose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.og.header.frame_id, fuck_the_time(goal_pose)) poses.append(newPose) wp.poses = poses if publisher is not None: publisher.publish(wp) return wp.poses
def publishWaypoints(list_of_gridpos): global goal_pose global pubrealpath wp = Path() wp.header.frame_id = 'map' poses = [] lastdirection = -999 for i in range(0, len(list_of_gridpos) - 1): direction = getDirection(list_of_gridpos[i], list_of_gridpos[i + 1]) if direction != lastdirection: lastdirection = copy.deepcopy(direction) newPose = PoseStamped() newPose.header.frame_id = 'map' newPose.pose = Pose() newPose.pose.position = getPoint(list_of_gridpos[i]) quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, direction) newPose.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] newPose.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] newPose.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] newPose.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] poses.append(newPose) newPose = PoseStamped() newPose.header.frame_id = 'map' newPose.pose = goal_pose poses.append(newPose) wp.poses = poses pubrealpath.publish(wp) return wp
def publish_via_points_msg(): pub = rospy.Publisher('/test_optim_node/via_points', Path, queue_size=1) rospy.init_node("test_via_points_msg") via_points_msg = Path() via_points_msg.header.stamp = via_points_msg.header.frame_id = "map" # CHANGE HERE: odom/map # Add via-points point1 = PoseStamped() point1.pose.position.x = 0.0 point1.pose.position.y = 1.5 point2 = PoseStamped() point2.pose.position.x = 2.0 point2.pose.position.y = -0.5 via_points_msg.poses = [point1, point2] r = rospy.Rate(5) # 10hz t = 0.0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(via_points_msg) r.sleep()
def path_callback(self, map): = map if self.firstCall == False: rospy.loginfo("+++++++++++++++++initX: " + str(self.initx) + " initY: " + str(self.inity) + " goalX: " + str(self.goalx) + " goalY: " + str(self.goaly)) self.firstCall = True if != 0: dijkstra = Dijkstra( self.path = dijkstra.planning(self.initx, self.inity, self.goalx, self.goaly) self.save_as_yaml(self.path) x, y = self.path x = x[::-1] y = y[::-1] my_path = Path() my_path.header.frame_id = "map" my_path.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() size = range(len(self.path[0])) poses = [] for i in size: p_stamp = PoseStamped() p_stamp.pose.position.x = x[i] p_stamp.pose.position.y = y[i] p_stamp.pose.position.z = 0 p_stamp.header.frame_id = "map" p_stamp.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() poses.append(p_stamp) my_path.poses = poses self.pathPublisher.publish(my_path) else: poses = [] self.path = [(self.goalx, self.goaly)] my_path = Path() my_path.header.frame_id = "map" my_path.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() for i in range(2): p_stamp = PoseStamped() p_stamp.pose.position.x = self.goalx p_stamp.pose.position.y = self.goaly p_stamp.pose.position.z = 0 p_stamp.header.frame_id = "map" p_stamp.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() poses.append(p_stamp) my_path.poses = poses self.pathPublisher.publish(my_path)
def talk(body_id): loop_rate = rospy.Rate(30) position = rospy.Publisher('rviz/quad_position', Marker, queue_size=10) trajectory = rospy.Publisher('rviz/quad_trajectory', Path, queue_size=10) #wait for the mocap services to be up and running try: rospy.loginfo('Connecting to the mocap system...') rospy.wait_for_service('mocap_get_data', 10) except: rospy.logerr('[RVIZ] No connection to the mocap system') sys.exit() rospy.loginfo('[RVIZ] Connection established') path = Path() path.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() path.header.frame_id = 'map' posestamped = PoseStamped() posestamped.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() posestamped.header.frame_id = 'map' posestamped.pose.position.x = 0.0 posestamped.pose.position.y = 0.0 posestamped.pose.position.z = 0.0 list_posestamped = [posestamped] del list_posestamped[0] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #try to contact the mocap service, exit the program if there is no connection try: body_info = rospy.ServiceProxy('mocap_get_data', BodyData) body = body_info(body_id) except: rospy.logerr('[RVIZ] No connection to the mocap system') sys.exit() #distinguish between the case where a body has been found, and when it hasn't if body.pos.found_body: data_to_rviz = draw_body_found(body) #add the current point to the trajectory line current_point = PoseStamped() current_point.pose.position.x = data_to_rviz.pose.position.x current_point.pose.position.y = data_to_rviz.pose.position.y current_point.pose.position.z = data_to_rviz.pose.position.z list_posestamped.append(current_point) else: rospy.logerr('[RVIZ] The requested body is not available') data_to_rviz = draw_body_error(body) #publish the data to rviz path.poses = list_posestamped #position and orientation of the quad position.publish(data_to_rviz) #trajectory of the quad trajectory.publish(path) loop_rate.sleep()
def visualize_plan(self, grand_plan): # grand_plan [array, array, ..] path = Path() path.header = Utils.make_header('map') # plan: N x 3 # grand_plan: [ Nx3, Mx3, Kx3, ...] -> (N+M+K)x3 path.poses = map(Utils.config_to_posestamped, np.vstack(grand_plan)) self.viz_plan_pub.publish(path)
def find_new_path(self, start, goal): path_plan = Path(Header(0, rospy.Time(0), "/map"), []) while (len(path_plan.poses) is 0): if '/amcl' in self.nodes: self.reset_amcl(start.pose) self.srv_clear_costmaps() path_plan.poses = self.srv_make_plan(start, goal, 0.1).plan.poses return path_plan
def publish_path(self, ps): path = Path() path.header.frame_id = self.camera_frame_id path.header.stamp = ps.header.stamp self.path_list.append(ps) path.poses = self.path_list self.path_pub.publish(path) return
def __find_new_path__(self,start,goal): path_plan = Path(Header(0,,"map"),[]) while(len(path_plan.poses) is 0): self.scl_clear_costmaps() ps_start = PoseStamped(Header(0,,"map"), start) ps_goal = PoseStamped(Header(0,,"map"), goal) path_plan.poses = self.scl_make_plan(ps_start, ps_goal, 0.1).plan.poses return path_plan
def path_timercb(self, time_dat): if len(self.mass_ref_vec) > 0: # send reference path ref_path = Path() ref_path.header.stamp = time_dat.current_real ref_path.header.frame_id = self.mass_ref_vec[-1].header.frame_id ref_path.poses = list(self.mass_ref_vec) self.ref_path_pub.publish(ref_path) if len(self.mass_filt_vec) > 0: # send filtered path filt_path = Path() filt_path.header.stamp = time_dat.current_real filt_path.header.frame_id = self.mass_filt_vec[-1].header.frame_id filt_path.poses = list(self.mass_filt_vec) self.filt_path_pub.publish(filt_path) return
def broadcast(self, msg): if len(self.currentPath): # Publish the path cmd = Path() cmd.poses = self.currentPath cmd.header.frame_id = 'map' self.pub_path.publish(cmd) # Prep the next path portion self.currentPath = self.nextPathSegment self.nextPathSegment = []
def get_path_message(self): path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.stamp = path_msg.header.frame_id = 'world' path_msg.poses = list() for point in self._local_planner.points: pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(point.t) pose.pose.position = Vector3(*point.p) pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*point.q) path_msg.poses.append(pose)
def callback(odometry): stampedPose = PoseStamped() stampedPose.pose = odometry.pose.pose __poses__.append(stampedPose) msg = Path() msg.header.frame_id = 'odom' msg.header.stamp = msg.poses = __poses__ __path_publisher__.publish(msg) if __enable_logs__: rospy.loginfo('Sent PATH: \n{}'.format(odometry.pose.pose))
def publishPath(self): msg = Path() msg.header.frame_id = self.frame_id poses = [] for node in self.path: x,y = self.convert_node_to_point(node) pose_msg = PoseStamped() pose_msg.header.frame_id = self.frame_id pose_msg.pose.position.x = x pose_msg.pose.position.y = y poses += [pose_msg] msg.poses = poses self.pub_path.publish(msg)
def publish_path(self, edges): # Send the path to the path_follower node cmd = Path() poses = np.concatenate([ edge.interpolate(step=0.2)[:-1] for edge in edges ] + [[edges[-1].dest]]) cmd.poses = [ rrtutils.pose_for_node(pose) for pose in poses ] cmd.header.frame_id = #rospy.loginfo("New Poses {}.".format(cmd.poses)) self.pub_path.publish(cmd)
def timer_callback(self, event): if self.path is None: rospy.logwarn("rrt planner: No goal") return if not self.goal_changed: return self.goal_changed = False path = Path() path.header.frame_id = 'map' path.poses = self.path self.pub_path.publish(path) rospy.loginfo('Planned!')
def GetPath (gridMap, start, goal): parents, costs = SearchForGoal(gridMap, start, goal) path = Path() path.poses = [PoseStamped()] currentIndex = 0 currentNode = goal while not IsSame(currentNode, start): path.poses[currentIndex].pose.position = currentNode currentNode = parents[currentNode] currentIndex += 1 path.poses[currentIndex].pose.position = start return path
def mapCallback(msg): global frontier_pub global viz_pub print "Got Map" time = rospy.get_time() res = width = height = data = frontiers = [] seen = [] for cell in range(width*height): p = denormalize(cell, width) if data[cell] > -1 and p not in seen: seen.append(p) val = isEdge(p, msg) if (val > 0): stack = [] front = [Point(p.x,p.y,val)] for n in getNeighbors(p, msg): if n not in seen: val = isEdge(n, msg) if (val > 0): stack.append(n) front.append(Point(n.x, n.y, val)) seen.append(n) while (len(stack) > 0): np = stack.pop() for n in getNeighbors(np, msg): if n not in seen: val = isEdge(n, msg) if (val > 0): stack.append(n) front.append(Point(n.x, n.y, val)) seen.append(n) frontiers.append(front) centroids = map(lambda x: centroid(msg, x), frontiers) resp = GridCells() resp.cell_width = res resp.cell_height = res resp.header.frame_id = 'map' resp.cells = map(lambda x: x.pose.position, centroids) viz_pub.publish(resp) path = Path() path.poses = centroids frontier_pub.publish(path) print "Time:", (rospy.get_time()-time)
def run(self): point1 = PoseStamped() point1.pose.position.x = POINT_1_X point1.pose.position.y = POINT_1_Y point2 = PoseStamped() point2.pose.position.x = POINT_2_X point2.pose.position.y = POINT_2_Y path = Path() path.poses = [] path.poses.append(point1) path.poses.append(point2) rate = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.path_pub.publish(path) rate.sleep() rospy.spin()
def emitPath(ident, pointList): pub = rospy.Publisher("path/"+str(ident), Path, queue_size=1) path = Path() path.header.frame_id = "map" def point2ps(point): ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = path.header.frame_id ps.pose.position = point return ps path.poses = [point2ps(p) for p in pointList] def path_publisher(): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(path) rospy.sleep(1) t = Thread(target=path_publisher) t.start()
def listener(): global poses # in ROS, nodes are unique named. If two nodes with the same # node are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique # name for our 'talker' node so that multiple talkers can # run simultaenously. rospy.init_node('mapper', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber("odom", PoseStamped, callback) pub = rospy.Publisher('trajectory', Path, queue_size = 10) r = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): path = Path() h = Header() h.stamp = h.frame_id = 'base_link' path.header = h path.poses = poses pub.publish(path) r.sleep()
def ChooseMainPath(path): mPath=Path() mPath.header.frame_id=path.header.frame_id poses=path.poses P=len(poses) if P<3: return path newPoses=[] newPoses.append(poses[0]) lastAngle=canculate_G_C_Angle(poses[1],poses[0]) for i in range(1,P-1): angle=canculate_G_C_Angle(poses[i+1],poses[i]) #print 'agnle-' errA=abs(angle-lastAngle) if errA>6: errA=6.283-errA #print errA if errA>0.1: newPoses.append(poses[i]) lastAngle=angle newPoses.append(poses[P-1]) mPath.poses=newPoses[:] return mPath
def getWaypoints(initPos, goalPos, grid): startCell = convertPointToCell(initPos, grid.origin, grid.resolution) goalCell = convertPointToCell(goalPos, grid.origin, grid.resolution) #Logic that gets the robot out of an obstacle (failure recovery) if grid.getCellValue(startCell) == CellType.Obstacle: print "The robot is inside the obstacle! Trying to find the shortest way out..." cellTypes = set() cellTypes.add(CellType.Empty) cellTypes.add(CellType.Unexplored) pathOutOfObstacle = PathFinder.findPathToCellWithValueClosestTo(grid, startCell, cellTypes, goalCell) startCell = pathOutOfObstacle.pop(len(pathOutOfObstacle) - 1) pathFinder = PathFinder(startCell, goalCell) if (startCell == goalCell): pathFinder.waypoints.append(goalCell) else: aStarDone = False while not aStarDone: aStarDone = pathFinder.runAStarIteration(grid) publishGridCells(expanded_cell_pub, pathFinder.expanded, grid.resolution, grid.cellOrigin) #Convert frontier queue to the frontier set frontierCells = set() for tuple in cell = tuple[1] if cell not in pathFinder.expanded and cell not in frontierCells: frontierCells.add(cell) publishGridCells(frontier_cell_pub, frontierCells, grid.resolution, grid.cellOrigin) pathFinder.findPath() #if robot was at an obstacle cell before, then prepend the path out of the obstacle try: pathOutOfObstacle except NameError: pass else: pathOutOfObstacle.extend(pathFinder.path) pathFinder.path = pathOutOfObstacle publishGridCells(path_cell_pub, pathFinder.path, grid.resolution, grid.cellOrigin) pathFinder.calculateWaypoints() #convert the waypoints to the trajectory offsets: waypoints = Path() waypoints.poses = [] for cell in pathFinder.waypoints: poseObj = PoseStamped() poseObj.pose.position = convertCellToPoint(cell, grid.cellOrigin, grid.resolution) waypoints.poses.append(poseObj) return waypoints
# send it pub_steer.publish(v) # tell the world #rospy.loginfo('Got e = %f ctrl=%f', e, u) # start the feedback pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber('base_pose_ground_truth', Odometry, ctrl_callback) # and external speed control speed_sub = rospy.Subscriber('cmd_speed', Float64, speed_callback) # and laser stopping speed_sub = rospy.Subscriber('base_scan', LaserScan, laser_callback) # and the DMS planner dms_sub = rospy.Subscriber('dms_plan', DMSPlan, dms_callback) # local copy of current path for publishing my_current_path = Path() my_current_path.header.frame_id='world' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if dms_plan.path.poses: current_window = range(len(my_path.poses)) else: current_window = [kk % num_points for kk in range(last_index, last_index+window_len)] my_current_path.poses = [my_path.poses[kk] for kk in current_window] pub_path.publish(my_current_path) my_rate.sleep()
def move_robot(self): inp=[self.x0,self.y0,self.xf,self.yf,self.vx0,self.ax0,self.vxf,self.k0,self.kdot0,self.kddot0,self.kf,self.kdotf,self.t0,,self.xc,self.yc,]; [xo,x1,x2,x3,x4,xf,ko,k1,k2,k3,k4,kf ] = get_way_points(inp); print [xo,x1,x2,x3,x4,xf,ko,k1,k2,k3,k4,kf ] t=self.t0; i=0; i_pert=0; npath=21; perturbation_at_time=4.1; delt = self.planner_rate robot_end = 0; t_start_pert = 0; time = zeros(( + 1); xrobo = zeros(( + 1); yrobo = zeros(( + 1); wrobo = zeros(( + 1); krobo = zeros(( + 1); xrobodot =zeros(( + 1); yrobodot = zeros(( + 1); krobodot = zeros(( + 1); xroboddot = zeros(( + 1); kroboddot = zeros(( + 1); wrobo1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); vrobo1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); xrobo1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); yrobo1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); xrobodot1 = zeros((( perturbation_at_time)/delt + 1,npath)); xroboddot1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); yrobodot1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); krobo1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); krobodot1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); kroboddot1 = zeros((( + 1,npath)); time_perturb_duration = zeros(( + 1); l = [] print "NOW STARTED" while(t <= time[i] = t output_robo = get_robot_pose( self.t0,t,,xo,x1,x2,x3,x4,xf,ko,k1,k2,k3,k4,kf,self.y0); xrobo[i]=output_robo[0];yrobo[i]=output_robo[1];krobo[i]=output_robo[2];xrobodot[i]=output_robo[3];yrobodot[i]=output_robo[4];krobodot[i]=output_robo[5];xroboddot[i]=output_robo[6];kroboddot[i]=output_robo[7]; wrobo[i] = krobodot[i]/(1.0+krobo[i]**2) if(abs(t-perturbation_at_time)<0.00000111): t_start_pert=t; robo_end=i; bernp=pert_traj(t_start_pert,,xrobo[robo_end],yrobo[robo_end],self.xf,self.yf,xrobodot[robo_end],xroboddot[robo_end],yrobodot[robo_end],krobo[robo_end],krobodot[robo_end],kroboddot[robo_end],npath); if(t > perturbation_at_time ): time_perturb_duration[i_pert] = t output_robo_pert = numpy.zeros((npath,8)) for j in range(0,npath): # print "here" output_robo_pert[j] = get_robot_pose(t_start_pert,t,,bernp[0,j],bernp[1,j],bernp[2,j],bernp[3,j],bernp[4,j],bernp[5,j],bernp[6,j],bernp[7,j],bernp[8,j],bernp[9,j],bernp[10,j],bernp[11,j],yrobo[robo_end]); # print "done" xrobo1[i_pert]=output_robo_pert[:,0];yrobo1[i_pert]=output_robo_pert[:,1];krobo1[i_pert]=output_robo_pert[:,2];xrobodot1[i_pert]=output_robo_pert[:,3];yrobodot1[i_pert]=output_robo_pert[:,4];krobodot1[i_pert]=output_robo_pert[:,5];xroboddot1[i_pert]=output_robo_pert[:,6];kroboddot1[i_pert]=output_robo_pert[:,7]; # xrobo1[i_pert] = l[1] # yrobo1[i_pert] = l[2] # xrobodot1[i_pert] = l[3] # xroboddot1[i_pert] = l[4] # yrobodot1[i_pert] = l[5] # krobo1[i_pert] = l[6] # krobodot1[i_pert] = l[7] wrobo1[i_pert]= [krobodot1[i_pert,j]/(1.0+krobo1[i_pert,j]**2) for j in range(0,npath)] vrobo1[i_pert]=[math.sqrt(xrobodot1[i_pert,j]**2+yrobodot1[i_pert,j]**2) for j in range(0,npath)] i_pert=i_pert+1; i = i+1 t = t+delt r =rospy.Rate(self.rate) # print self.yc temp_c = 0; path_toBe_executed = 10; while not rospy.is_shutdown(): for j in range(0,21): if j != 10: continue; # if j != path_toBe_executed: # continue; # l = calc_scale_single(xrobo1[perturbation_at_time,j],yrobo1[perturbation_at_time,j],xrobodot1[perturbation_at_time,j],yrobodot1[perturbation_at_time,j],3,3,-1,0,2.0); if temp_c == 0: l = calc_scale_single(xrobo1[2,j],yrobo1[2,j],xrobodot1[2,j],yrobodot1[2,j],1,8,0,1,2.0); print l path = Path() path.header.frame_id ='map' path.poses = [PoseStamped]*int(( s=0 for k in range(0,int((perturbation_at_time-self.t0)/delt)+1): temp = PoseStamped() # temp.position.x = xrobo1[k,j]; # temp.position.y = yrobo1[k,j]; temp.header.frame_id ='map' temp.pose.position.x = xrobo[k]; temp.pose.position.y = yrobo[k]; temp.pose.position.z = 0.1 path.poses[k] = temp s=s+1 for k in range(0,i_pert): # print 'hi' temp = PoseStamped() # temp.position.x = xrobo1[k,j]; # temp.position.y = yrobo1[k,j]; temp.header.frame_id ='map' temp.pose.position.x = xrobo1[k,j]; temp.pose.position.y = yrobo1[k,j]; temp.pose.position.z = 0.1 path.poses[k+s] = temp self.paths_publisher[j].publish(path) temp_c = temp_c +1 break; r.sleep() r2 = rospy.Rate(1.0/delt) print for i in range (0,int((perturbation_at_time-self.t0)/delt)+1): vel_command = Twist() vel_command.linear.x = math.sqrt(xrobodot[i]**2+yrobodot[i]**2) # vel_command.linear.y = yrobodot[i] vel_command.linear.z = 0 vel_command.angular.x = 0 vel_command.angular.y = 0 vel_command.angular.z = wrobo[i] self.vel_publisher.publish(vel_command) r2.sleep() path_index = 5; path = Path() path.header.frame_id ='map' path.poses = [PoseStamped]*int(( s=0 for k in range(0,int((perturbation_at_time-self.t0)/delt)+1): temp = PoseStamped() # temp.position.x = xrobo1[k,j]; # temp.position.y = yrobo1[k,j]; temp.header.frame_id ='map' temp.pose.position.x = xrobo[k]; temp.pose.position.y = yrobo[k]; temp.pose.position.z = 0.1 path.poses[k] = temp s=s+1 for k in range(0,i_pert): # print 'hi' temp = PoseStamped() # temp.position.x = xrobo1[k,j]; # temp.position.y = yrobo1[k,j]; temp.header.frame_id ='map' temp.pose.position.x = xrobo1[k,path_index]; temp.pose.position.y = yrobo1[k,path_index]; temp.pose.position.z = 0.1 path.poses[k+s] = temp self.paths_publisher[path_index].publish(path) for i in range (0,i_pert): vel_command = Twist() vel_command.linear.x = math.sqrt(xrobodot1[i,path_index]**2+yrobodot1[i,path_index]**2) # vel_command.linear.y = yrobodot[i] vel_command.linear.z = 0 vel_command.angular.x = 0 vel_command.angular.y = 0 vel_command.angular.z = wrobo1[i,path_index] self.vel_publisher.publish(vel_command) r2.sleep() print
def newPathFromAStar(path): i=15 #每1米最少一个目标点 防止长距离角度过小的碰撞 poses=[] length=len(path.poses) if length>15: lastj=0 lastGD=quat_to_angle(path.poses[15].pose.orientation) poses.append(path.poses[15]) while (i<length-20) and (length>15): GD=quat_to_angle(path.poses[i].pose.orientation) errDirection=GD-lastGD if(errDirection>3.14): errDirection=2*3.1415-errDirection elif(errDirection<-3.14): errDirection=2*3.1415+errDirection #0.175 10du 0.35 20 0.524 30degree #遇到拐角的地方 向外进行扩展目标点 根据斜率进行扩展 if(abs(errDirection))>0.35: #向外部扩展目标点 x=path.poses[i].pose.position.x y=path.poses[i].pose.position.y x1=path.poses[i+10].pose.position.x y1=path.poses[i+10].pose.position.y x2=path.poses[i-10].pose.position.x y2=path.poses[i-10].pose.position.y k1=Slope(x1,x,y1,y) k2=Slope(x,x2,y,y2) if y1>y2: if x1>x2: if k1>k2: path.poses[i].pose.position.x=x1 path.poses[i].pose.position.y=y2 else: path.poses[i].pose.position.x=x2 path.poses[i].pose.position.y=y1 else: if k1>k2: path.poses[i].pose.position.x=x2 path.poses[i].pose.position.y=y1 else: path.poses[i].pose.position.x=x1 path.poses[i].pose.position.y=y2 else: if x1<x2: if k1>k2: path.poses[i].pose.position.x=x1 path.poses[i].pose.position.y=y2 else: path.poses[i].pose.position.x=x2 path.poses[i].pose.position.y=y1 else: if k1>k2: path.poses[i].pose.position.x=x2 path.poses[i].pose.position.y=y1 else: path.poses[i].pose.position.x=x1 path.poses[i].pose.position.y=y2 poses.append(path.poses[i]) lastGD=GD lastj=i if(i-lastj>50): lastj=i poses.append(path.poses[i]) i+=10 poses.append(path.poses[len(path.poses)-1]) mPath=Path() mPath.header.frame_id=path.header.frame_id mPath.poses=poses[:] return mPath
def path_pub_callback(self, event): if self.path: path = Path() path.header = self.path[-1].header path.poses = self.path[-30000::1] self.out_path_pub.publish(path)