Пример #1
def postfocality_to_dendrogram_coloring(
    x: pd.DataFrame,
    p_val: float,
    neuron: navis.TreeNeuron

    Function to take the results of synaptic focality tests and create colour dict for plotting

    x_thresh = x[x.p_val < p_val].copy()
    partner_dict = dict(zip(x_thresh.partner_neuron, x_thresh.partner_type))

    # fetching synapse connections
    conn = nvneu.fetch_synapse_connections(target_criteria=neuron.id,

    # filtering for highly probably synapses
    conn_thresh = conn[(conn.confidence_pre > 0.9) & (conn.confidence_post > 0.9)].copy()

    pal = sns.color_palette('turbo', len(partner_dict))
    pal_dict = dict(zip(partner_dict.keys(), pal))

    nodes_matched = nbm.match_connectors_to_nodes(conn_thresh, neuron, synapse_type='post')

    c2n = dict(zip(nodes_matched.connector, nodes_matched.bodyId_pre))
    c2color = {i: pal_dict[c2n[i]] for i in c2n.keys()}

    return(c2color, c2n, conn_thresh, partner_dict)
Пример #2
def aba_postsyn_focality(
    neuron: navis.TreeNeuron,
    confidence_threshold: Tuple = (0.0, 0.0),
    n_iter: int = 100,
    syn_thresh: int = 1

    print('Fetching synaptic connections...')
    syn = nvneu.fetch_synapse_connections(target_criteria=neuron.id)

    print('Thresholding synapses by confidences...')
    syn = syn[(syn.confidence_pre > confidence_threshold[0]) & (syn.confidence_post > confidence_threshold[1])].copy()

    print('Thresholding synapses by synapse count...')
    count_dict = dict(Counter(syn.bodyId_pre).most_common())
    syn = syn[[count_dict[i] > syn_thresh for i in syn.bodyId_pre]].copy()

    print('Matching connections to nodes...')
    # syn_wmc = synaptic connections with connectors matched
    syn_wmc = nbm.match_connectors_to_nodes(syn, neuron, synapse_type='post')

    connector2node = dict(zip(neuron.connectors.connector_id, neuron.connectors.node_id))

    syn_wmc['node'] = syn_wmc.connector.map(connector2node).to_numpy()

    unique_usns = syn_wmc.bodyId_pre.unique()

    neuron_to_uNodes = {i: syn_wmc[syn_wmc.bodyId_pre == i].node.unique() for i in unique_usns}

    print('Calculating all by all geodesic matrix for nodes...')
    g_mat = navis.geodesic_matrix(neuron)

    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df['unique_ids'] = unique_usns
    T_obs_list = []
    An_list = []
    Bn_list = []
    rdsd_list = []

    print('Calculating T obs and drawing from random samples...')
    for i in unique_usns:

        T_obs, An, Bn = calculate_T_obs(neuron_id=i,

        rdsd = random_draw_sample_dist(n_iter, g_mat, T_obs, An, Bn)


    df['T_obs'] = T_obs_list
    df['An'] = An_list
    df['Bn'] = Bn_list
    df['rdsd'] = rdsd_list

Пример #3
def matching_inputs_to_compartments(
        neuron_id: int,
        roi: navis.Volume,
        Ra: float,
        Rm: float,
        Cm: float):

    # Fetch the healed skeleton
    full_skeleton = nvneu.fetch_skeletons(neuron_id, heal=True)[0]
    # which of the whole neuron's nodes are in the roi
    skeleton_in_roi = navis.in_volume(full_skeleton.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']], roi, mode='IN')

    # Fetch the neurons synapses
    postsyn = nvneu.fetch_synapse_connections(target_criteria=neuron_id)
    # match the connectors to nodes
    syn_to_node = match_connectors_to_nodes(postsyn, full_skeleton, synapse_type='post')
    # which of these are in the roi
    roi_syn_con = syn_to_node[syn_to_node.node.isin(full_skeleton.nodes[skeleton_in_roi].node_id.tolist())].copy()

    # Count how many synapses the upstream neurons have on your neuron of interest
    n_syn = dict(Counter(roi_syn_con.bodyId_pre.tolist()).most_common())

    # fetch these neurons
    a, b = nvneu.fetch_neurons(roi_syn_con.bodyId_pre.unique())
    a['n_syn'] = [n_syn[i] for i in a.bodyId.tolist()]

    # adding the instance names to the synapses in the roi
    bid_to_instance = dict(zip(a.bodyId.tolist(), a.instance.tolist()))
    roi_syn_con['instance'] = [bid_to_instance[i] for i in roi_syn_con.bodyId_pre]

    # compartmentalise the neuron and find the nodes in each compartment for the prepared neuron
    compartments_in_roi, nodes_in_roi = find_compartments_in_roi(full_skeleton, roi=roi, min_samples=6, Cm=Cm, Ra=Ra, Rm=Rm)
    clusters = compartments_in_roi.nodes.node_cluster.unique()

    cluster_dict = {}

    # find the nodes that make up each compartment in the full neuron
    for i in clusters:

        clust_nodes = cluster_to_all_nodes(full_skeleton, start_end_node_pairs=permute_start_end(compartments_in_roi, nodes_in_roi, cluster=i))
        cluster_dict[i] = clust_nodes

    # cluster_dict = {k : s for s, k in cluster_dict.items()}
    # roi_syn_con['compartment'] = [cluster_dict[i] for i in roi_syn_con.node.tolist()]

Пример #4
def synaptic_focality_KS_test(
    x: navis.TreeNeuron,
    synapse_type: str = 'pre',
    confidence_threshold: Tuple = (0.9, 0.9)

    if synapse_type == 'pre':

        g_mat = navis.geodesic_matrix(x)

        syn = nvneu.fetch_synapse_connections(source_criteria=x.id)
        syn = syn[(syn.confidence_pre > confidence_threshold[0]) & (syn.confidence_post > confidence_threshold[1])].copy()
        syn = nbm.match_connectors_to_nodes(syn, x, synapse_type=synapse_type)

        df = pd.DataFrame()
        df['partner_id'] = syn.bodyId_post.unique()
        partner_gt = {}
        partner_statistic = {}
        partner_pval = {}

        for i, j in enumerate(df.partner_id):

            nodes = syn[syn.bodyId_post == j].node.tolist()

            truth_array = np.isin(g_mat.index, nodes)

            partner_geo_dist_vals = g_mat[truth_array].values.mean(axis=1)

            total_geo_dist_vals = g_mat[~truth_array].values.mean(axis=1)

            partner_gt[j] = partner_geo_dist_vals

            KS_test = ks_2samp(partner_geo_dist_vals, total_geo_dist_vals)

            partner_statistic[j] = KS_test.statistic

            partner_pval[j] = KS_test.pvalue

        df['gT'] = df.partner_id.map(partner_gt)
        df['KS statistic'] = df.partner_id.map(partner_statistic)
        df['KS pval'] = df.partner_id.map(partner_pval)
        df['n_syn'] = [len(i) for i in df.gT]

    elif synapse_type == 'post':

        g_mat = navis.geodesic_matrix(x)

        syn = nvneu.fetch_synapse_connections(target_criteria=x.id)
        syn = syn[(syn.confidence_pre > confidence_threshold[0]) & (syn.confidence_post > confidence_threshold[1])].copy()
        syn = nbm.match_connectors_to_nodes(syn, x, synapse_type=synapse_type)

        df = pd.DataFrame()
        df['partner_id'] = syn.bodyId_pre.unique()
        partner_gt = {}
        partner_statistic = {}
        partner_pval = {}

        for i, j in enumerate(df.partner_id):

            nodes = syn[syn.bodyId_pre == j].node.tolist()

            truth_array = np.isin(g_mat.index, nodes)

            partner_geo_dist_vals = g_mat[truth_array].values.mean(axis=1)

            total_geo_dist_vals = g_mat[~truth_array].values.mean(axis=1)

            partner_gt[j] = partner_geo_dist_vals

            KS_test = ks_2samp(partner_geo_dist_vals, total_geo_dist_vals)

            partner_statistic[j] = KS_test.statistic

            partner_pval[j] = KS_test.pvalue

        df['gT'] = df.partner_id.map(partner_gt)
        df['KS statistic'] = df.partner_id.map(partner_statistic)
        df['KS pval'] = df.partner_id.map(partner_pval)
        df['n_syn'] = [len(i) for i in df.gT]

Пример #5
def compartmentalise_neuron(
        neuron_id: int,
        Rm: float,
        Ra: float,
        Cm: float,
        roi: navis.Volume,
        return_electromodel: bool):

    # Fetching the neuron
    ds_neuron = nvneu.fetch_skeletons(neuron_id, heal=True)[0]
    original_neuron = ds_neuron.copy()

    # Electrotonic model
    DS_NEURON = prepare_neuron(ds_neuron, change_units=True, factor=1e3)
    test_m, test_memcap = calculate_M_mat(DS_NEURON, Rm, Ra, Cm, solve=False)
    test_m_solved = np.linalg.inv(sparse.csr_matrix.todense(test_m))

    # running PHATE
    phate_operator = phate.PHATE(n_components=3, n_jobs=-2, verbose=False)

    mat_red, labels, n_clusters, n_noise = find_clusters(

    # index and labels
    index_to_label = dict(zip(range(0, len(labels)), labels))
    ds_neuron.nodes['node_cluster'] = ds_neuron.nodes.index.map(index_to_label)

    # node_to_compartment = dict(zip(ds_neuron.nodes.node_id.tolist(),
    #                                ds_neuron.nodes.node_cluster.tolist()))

    unique_compartments = ds_neuron.nodes.node_cluster.unique()

    # Finding the cluster of the nodes that were removed when downsampling the neuron
    whole_neuron_node_to_cluster = []

    for i in unique_compartments:

        nodes_to_permute = ds_neuron.nodes[ds_neuron.nodes.node_cluster == i].node_id.tolist()

        start_end = [i for i in itertools.permutations(nodes_to_permute, 2)]

        # start_end = [i for i in itertools.permutations(
        # ds_neuron.nodes[ds_neuron.nodes.node_cluster == i].node_id.tolist(), 2)]

        nodes_of_cluster = cluster_to_all_nodes(original_neuron, start_end)

        node_to_cluster_dictionary = dict(zip(nodes_of_cluster, [i] * len(nodes_of_cluster)))


    whole_neuron_node_to_cluster_dict = {k:v for d in whole_neuron_node_to_cluster for k, v in d.items()}

    # Fetching postsynapses
    ds_neuron_postsynapses = nvneu.fetch_synapse_connections(target_criteria=neuron_id)

    ds_neuron_synapse_to_node = match_connectors_to_nodes(ds_neuron_postsynapses,

    # Which nodes are in the CA?

    if roi is not None:

        skeleton_in_roi = navis.in_volume(original_neuron.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, roi, inplace=False)
        ds_isin = ds_neuron_synapse_to_node.node.isin(original_neuron.nodes[skeleton_in_roi].node_id.tolist())
        roi_syn_con = ds_neuron_synapse_to_node[ds_isin].copy()


        roi_syn_con = ds_neuron_synapse_to_node.copy()

    # roi_syn_con = ds_neuron_synapse_to_node[ds_neuron_synapse_to_node.node.isin(
    #                    original_neuron.nodes[skeleton_in_roi].node_id.tolist())].copy()

    a, b = nvneu.fetch_neurons(roi_syn_con.bodyId_pre.unique())
    bid_to_instance = dict(zip(a.bodyId.tolist(), a.instance.tolist()))
    roi_syn_con['instance'] = [bid_to_instance[i] for i in roi_syn_con.bodyId_pre]

    nodes_to_query = roi_syn_con[~roi_syn_con.node.isin(whole_neuron_node_to_cluster_dict.keys())].node.tolist()
    comp_of_missing_nodes = find_compartments_of_missing_nodes(roi_syn_con,

    whole_neuron_node_to_cluster_dict = {**whole_neuron_node_to_cluster_dict, **comp_of_missing_nodes}

    roi_syn_con['compartment'] = [whole_neuron_node_to_cluster_dict[i] for i in roi_syn_con.node.tolist()]

    original_neuron = node_to_compartment_full_neuron(original_neuron, ds_neuron)

    if return_electromodel:

        return(original_neuron, ds_neuron, roi_syn_con, test_m, test_memcap)


        return(original_neuron, ds_neuron, roi_syn_con)
Пример #6
def adjx_from_syn_conn(
        x: List[int],
        presyn_postsyn: str = "pre",
        roi: Optional = None,
        ct: tuple = (0.0, 0.0),
        rename_index: bool = False,
    Creates an adjacency matrix from synapse connections

    x :                 list
                        a list of bodyIds of which you want to find their synaptic (pre/post) connections

    presyn_postsyn :    str
                        a string of either 'pre' or 'post'
                        If 'pre', the function will search for the
                        presynaptic connections / downstream neurons of x

                        If 'post', the function will search for the
                        postsynaptic connections / upstream neurons of x

    roi :               navis.Volume
                        A region of interest within which you are filtering the connections for

    ct :                tuple
                        Confidence threshold tuple containing the confidence value to filter above
                        The first value is presynaptic confidence and the second value postsynaptic confidence
                        e.g. (0.9, 0.8) will filter for connections where the presynaptic confidence > 0.9
                        and the postsynaptic confidence > 0.8

    rename_index :      bool
                        Whether to rename the index using the type of the connected neuron

    df :                a DataFrame where x are the columns, the connection type (pre/post) are the rows
                        and the values the number of connections

    partner_type_dict : a dictionary where the keys are bodyIds of the
                        upstream/downstream neurons and the values are their types


    if presyn_postsyn == "pre":

        con = nvneu.fetch_synapse_connections(source_criteria=x)

        if roi:

            tt = navis.in_volume(con[["x_pre", "y_pre", "z_pre"]].values, roi)
            con = con[tt].copy()

        if ct[0] or ct[1] > 0.0:

            con = con[(con.confidence_pre > ct[0])
                      & (con.confidence_post > ct[1])].copy()

        neurons = con.bodyId_post.unique()
        n, _ = nvneu.fetch_neurons(neurons)
        partner_type_dict = dict(zip(n.bodyId.tolist(), n.type.tolist()))

        count = Counter(con.bodyId_post)
        count = count.most_common()
        count_dict = dict(count)

        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[x],
                          index=[i for i, j in count],
                          data=[count_dict[i] for i, j in count])

    elif presyn_postsyn == "post":

        con = nvneu.fetch_synapse_connections(target_criteria=x)

        if roi:

            tt = navis.in_volume(con[["x_post", "y_post", "z_post"]].values,
            con = con[tt].copy()

        if ct[0] or ct[1] > 0.0:

            con = con[(con.confidence_pre > ct[0])
                      & (con.confidence_post > ct[1])].copy()

        neurons = con.bodyId_pre.unique()
        n, _ = nvneu.fetch_neurons(neurons)
        partner_type_dict = dict(zip(n.bodyId.tolist(), n.type.tolist()))

        count = Counter(con.bodyId_pre)
        count = count.most_common()
        count_dict = dict(count)

        df = pd.DataFrame(index=[i for i, j in count],
                          data=[count_dict[i] for i, j in count])
        df = df.T.copy()

    # df = pd.DataFrame(
    #     columns=[x], index=[i for i, j in count], data=[count_dict[i] for i, j in count])

    if rename_index:

        df.index = [partner_type_dict[i] for i in df.index]

    return (df, partner_type_dict)