Пример #1
    def embedIpynb(ipynbPath, cells=None):
        # 引数のipynbをmarkdownに変換して返す
        path = os.getcwd() + "/" + ipynbPath  # root以下からのPathで指定
        if os.path.exists(path):
                with codecs.open(path, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
                    lines = f.readlines()
                f = nbformat.reads("".join(lines), as_version=4)
                if cells:
                    # 表示したいCellが指定されてる場合
                    showCells = cells
                    # 指定がなければ全部表示
                    showCells = [
                        int(x['execution_count']) for x in f.cells
                        if 'execution_count' in x
                        and x['execution_count'] is not None

                buff = []
                for i in f.cells:
                    if 'execution_count' in i and i['execution_count']:
                        if int(i['execution_count']) in showCells:
                f.cells = buff
                exporter = TemplateExporter(
                (body, reources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(f)

                buff = ["    " + x for x in body.split("\n") if x != ""]

                text = [
                    f"!!! example \"\"", *buff,
                    f"    :fa-bookmark: [{os.path.basename(ipynbPath)}]({getGithubRoot()}/tree/master/{ipynbPath})"
                return "\n".join(text)
            except Exception as f:
                import traceback
                return f"ConvertEerror!! ->{ipynbPath}\n{traceback.format_exc()}"
            return f"Not Found -> {ipynbPath}"
Пример #2
class MarkdownWriter(NotebookWriter):
    """Write a notebook into markdown."""
    def __init__(self,
        """template_file - location of jinja template to use for export
        strip_outputs - whether to remove output cells from the output
        filters = [('string2json', self.string2json),
                   ('create_input_codeblock', self.create_input_codeblock),
                   ('create_output_codeblock', self.create_output_codeblock),
                   ('create_output_block', self.create_output_block),
                   ('create_attributes', self.create_attributes),
                   ('dequote', self.dequote), ('data2uri', self.data2uri)]

        import jinja2

        # need to create a jinja loader that looks in whatever
        # arbitrary path we have passed in for the template_file
        direct_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(template_file))

        self.exporter = TemplateExporter(extra_loaders=[direct_loader])
        self.exporter.output_mimetype = 'text/markdown'
        self.exporter.file_extension = '.md'

        # have to register filters before setting template file for
        # ipython 3 compatibility
        for name, filter in filters:
            self.exporter.register_filter(name, filter)

        self.exporter.template_file = os.path.basename(template_file)

        logging.debug("Creating MarkdownWriter")
        logging.debug(("MarkdownWriter: template_file = %s" % template_file))
        logging.debug(("MarkdownWriter.exporter.template_file = %s" %
        logging.debug(("MarkdownWriter.exporter.filters = %s" %

        self.strip_outputs = strip_outputs
        self.write_outputs = write_outputs
        self.output_dir = output_dir

    def write_from_json(self, notebook_json):
        notebook = v4.reads_json(notebook_json)
        return self.write(notebook)

    def writes(self, notebook):
        body, resources = self.exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        self.resources = resources

        if self.write_outputs:

        # remove any blank lines added at start and end by template
        text = re.sub(r'\A\s*\n|^\s*\Z', '', body)

        return cast_unicode(text, 'utf-8')

    def write_resources(self, resources):
        """Write the output data in resources returned by exporter
        to files.
        for filename, data in list(resources.get('outputs', {}).items()):
            # Determine where to write the file to
            dest = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename)
            path = os.path.dirname(dest)
            if path and not os.path.isdir(path):

            # Write file
            with open(dest, 'wb') as f:

    # --- filter functions to be used in the output template --- #
    def string2json(self, string):
        """Convert json into its string representation.
        Used for writing outputs to markdown."""
        kwargs = {
            'cls': BytesEncoder,  # use the IPython bytes encoder
            'indent': 1,
            'sort_keys': True,
            'separators': (',', ': '),
        return cast_unicode(json.dumps(string, **kwargs), 'utf-8')

    def create_input_codeblock(self, cell):
        codeblock = ('{fence}{attributes}\n' '{cell.source}\n' '{fence}')
        attrs = self.create_attributes(cell, cell_type='input')
        return codeblock.format(attributes=attrs, fence='```', cell=cell)

    def create_output_block(self, cell):
        if self.strip_outputs:
            return ''
            return self.create_output_codeblock(cell)

    def create_output_codeblock(self, cell):
        codeblock = ('{fence}{{.json .output n={execution_count}}}\n'
        return codeblock.format(fence='```',

    def create_attributes(self, cell, cell_type=None):
        """Turn the attribute dict into an attribute string
        for the code block.
        if self.strip_outputs or not hasattr(cell, 'execution_count'):
            return 'python'

        attrs = cell.metadata.get('attributes')
        attr = PandocAttributes(attrs, 'dict')

        if 'python' in attr.classes:
        if 'input' in attr.classes:

        if cell_type == 'figure':
            attr.kvs.pop('caption', '')
            return attr.to_html()

        elif cell_type == 'input':
            # ensure python goes first so that github highlights it
            attr.classes.insert(0, 'python')
            attr.classes.insert(1, 'input')
            if cell.execution_count:
                attr.kvs['n'] = cell.execution_count
            return attr.to_markdown(format='{classes} {id} {kvs}')

            return attr.to_markdown()

    def dequote(s):
        """Remove excess quotes from a string."""
        if len(s) < 2:
            return s
        elif (s[0] == s[-1]) and s.startswith(('"', "'")):
            return s[1:-1]
            return s

    def data2uri(data, data_type):
        """Convert base64 data into a data uri with the given data_type."""
        MIME_MAP = {
            'image/jpeg': 'jpeg',
            'image/png': 'png',
            'text/plain': 'text',
            'text/html': 'html',
            'text/latex': 'latex',
            'application/javascript': 'html',
            'image/svg+xml': 'svg',
        inverse_map = {v: k for k, v in list(MIME_MAP.items())}
        mime_type = inverse_map[data_type]
        uri = r"data:{mime};base64,{data}"
        return uri.format(mime=mime_type,
                          data=data[mime_type].replace('\n', ''))
Пример #3
class MarkdownWriter(NotebookWriter):
    """Write a notebook into markdown."""
    def __init__(self, template_file, strip_outputs=True,
                 write_outputs=False, output_dir='./figures'):
        """template_file - location of jinja template to use for export
        strip_outputs - whether to remove output cells from the output
        filters = [
            ('string2json', self.string2json),
            ('create_input_codeblock', self.create_input_codeblock),
            ('create_output_codeblock', self.create_output_codeblock),
            ('create_output_block', self.create_output_block),
            ('create_attributes', self.create_attributes),
            ('dequote', self.dequote),
            ('data2uri', self.data2uri)

        import jinja2

        # need to create a jinja loader that looks in whatever
        # arbitrary path we have passed in for the template_file
        direct_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(template_file))

        self.exporter = TemplateExporter(extra_loaders=[direct_loader])
        self.exporter.output_mimetype = 'text/markdown'
        self.exporter.file_extension = '.md'

        # have to register filters before setting template file for
        # ipython 3 compatibility
        for name, filter in filters:
            self.exporter.register_filter(name, filter)

        self.exporter.template_file = os.path.basename(template_file)

        logging.debug("Creating MarkdownWriter")
        logging.debug(("MarkdownWriter: template_file = %s"
                       % template_file))
        logging.debug(("MarkdownWriter.exporter.template_file = %s"
                       % self.exporter.template_file))
        logging.debug(("MarkdownWriter.exporter.filters = %s"
                       % self.exporter.environment.filters.keys()))

        self.strip_outputs = strip_outputs
        self.write_outputs = write_outputs
        self.output_dir = output_dir

    def write_from_json(self, notebook_json):
        notebook = v4.reads_json(notebook_json)
        return self.write(notebook)

    def writes(self, notebook):
        body, resources = self.exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        self.resources = resources

        if self.write_outputs:

        # remove any blank lines added at start and end by template
        text = re.sub(r'\A\s*\n|^\s*\Z', '', body)

        return cast_unicode(text, 'utf-8')

    def write_resources(self, resources):
        """Write the output data in resources returned by exporter
        to files.
        for filename, data in list(resources.get('outputs', {}).items()):
            # Determine where to write the file to
            dest = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename)
            path = os.path.dirname(dest)
            if path and not os.path.isdir(path):

            # Write file
            with open(dest, 'wb') as f:

    # --- filter functions to be used in the output template --- #
    def string2json(self, string):
        """Convert json into its string representation.
        Used for writing outputs to markdown."""
        kwargs = {
            'cls': BytesEncoder,  # use the IPython bytes encoder
            'indent': 1,
            'sort_keys': True,
            'separators': (',', ': '),
        return cast_unicode(json.dumps(string, **kwargs), 'utf-8')

    def create_input_codeblock(self, cell):
        codeblock = cast_unicode('{fence}{attributes}\n'
        attrs = self.create_attributes(cell, cell_type='input')
        return codeblock.format(attributes=attrs, fence='```', cell=cell)

    def create_output_block(self, cell):
        if self.strip_outputs:
            return ''
            return self.create_output_codeblock(cell)

    def create_output_codeblock(self, cell):
        codeblock = ('{fence}{{.json .output n={execution_count}}}\n'
        return codeblock.format(fence='```',

    def create_attributes(self, cell, cell_type=None):
        """Turn the attribute dict into an attribute string
        for the code block.
        if self.strip_outputs or not hasattr(cell, 'execution_count'):
            return 'python'

        attrs = cell.metadata.get('attributes')
        attr = PandocAttributes(attrs, 'dict')

        if 'python' in attr.classes:
        if 'input' in attr.classes:

        if cell_type == 'figure':
            attr.kvs.pop('caption', '')
            return attr.to_html()

        elif cell_type == 'input':
            # ensure python goes first so that github highlights it
            attr.classes.insert(0, 'python')
            attr.classes.insert(1, 'input')
            if cell.execution_count:
                attr.kvs['n'] = cell.execution_count
            return attr.to_markdown(format='{classes} {id} {kvs}')

            return attr.to_markdown()

    def dequote(s):
        """Remove excess quotes from a string."""
        if len(s) < 2:
            return s
        elif (s[0] == s[-1]) and s.startswith(('"', "'")):
            return s[1: -1]
            return s

    def data2uri(data, data_type):
        """Convert base64 data into a data uri with the given data_type."""
        MIME_MAP = {
            'image/jpeg': 'jpeg',
            'image/png': 'png',
            'text/plain': 'text',
            'text/html': 'html',
            'text/latex': 'latex',
            'application/javascript': 'html',
            'image/svg+xml': 'svg',
        inverse_map = {v: k for k, v in list(MIME_MAP.items())}
        mime_type = inverse_map[data_type]
        uri = r"data:{mime};base64,{data}"
        return uri.format(mime=mime_type,
                          data=data[mime_type].replace('\n', ''))