Пример #1
def test_average_notebook_score(assignment: Gradebook) -> None:
    assert assignment.average_notebook_score('p1', 'foo') == 0
    assert assignment.average_notebook_code_score('p1', 'foo') == 0
    assert assignment.average_notebook_written_score('p1', 'foo') == 0

    assignment.add_submission('foo', 'hacker123')
    assignment.add_submission('foo', 'bitdiddle')

    assert assignment.average_notebook_score('p1', 'foo') == 0.0
    assert assignment.average_notebook_code_score('p1', 'foo') == 0.0
    assert assignment.average_notebook_written_score('p1', 'foo') == 0.0

    g1 = assignment.find_grade("test1", "p1", "foo", "hacker123")
    g2 = assignment.find_grade("test2", "p1", "foo", "hacker123")
    g3 = assignment.find_grade("test1", "p1", "foo", "bitdiddle")
    g4 = assignment.find_grade("test2", "p1", "foo", "bitdiddle")

    g1.manual_score = 0.5
    g2.manual_score = 2
    g3.manual_score = 1
    g4.manual_score = 1

    assert assignment.average_notebook_score('p1', 'foo') == 2.25
    assert assignment.average_notebook_code_score('p1', 'foo') == 0.75
    assert assignment.average_notebook_written_score('p1', 'foo') == 1.5
Пример #2
class GetGrades(NbGraderPreprocessor):
    """Preprocessor for saving grades from the database to the notebook"""
    def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
        # pull information from the resources
        self.notebook_id = resources['nbgrader']['notebook']
        self.assignment_id = resources['nbgrader']['assignment']
        self.student_id = resources['nbgrader']['student']
        self.db_url = resources['nbgrader']['db_url']

        # connect to the database
        self.gradebook = Gradebook(self.db_url)

        # process the cells
        nb, resources = super(GetGrades, self).preprocess(nb, resources)

        submission = self.gradebook.find_submission_notebook(
            self.notebook_id, self.assignment_id, self.student_id)
        resources['nbgrader']['score'] = submission.score
        resources['nbgrader']['max_score'] = submission.max_score

        return nb, resources

    def _get_comment(self, cell, resources):
        """Graders can optionally add comments to the student's solutions, so
        add the comment information into the database if it doesn't
        already exist. It should NOT overwrite existing comments that
        might have been added by a grader already.


        # retrieve or create the comment object from the database
        comment = self.gradebook.find_comment(
            cell.metadata['nbgrader']['grade_id'], self.notebook_id,
            self.assignment_id, self.student_id)

        # save it in the notebook
        cell.metadata.nbgrader['comment'] = comment.comment

    def _get_score(self, cell, resources):
        grade = self.gradebook.find_grade(
            cell.metadata['nbgrader']['grade_id'], self.notebook_id,
            self.assignment_id, self.student_id)

        cell.metadata.nbgrader['score'] = grade.score
        cell.metadata.nbgrader['points'] = grade.max_score

    def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
        # if it's a solution cell, then add a comment
        if utils.is_solution(cell):
            self._get_comment(cell, resources)

        # if it's a grade cell, the add a grade
        if utils.is_grade(cell):
            self._get_score(cell, resources)

        return cell, resources
Пример #3
class SaveAutoGrades(NbGraderPreprocessor):
    """Preprocessor for saving out the autograder grades into a database"""
    def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
        # pull information from the resources
        self.notebook_id = resources['nbgrader']['notebook']
        self.assignment_id = resources['nbgrader']['assignment']
        self.student_id = resources['nbgrader']['student']
        self.db_url = resources['nbgrader']['db_url']

        # connect to the database
        self.gradebook = Gradebook(self.db_url)

        # process the cells
        nb, resources = super(SaveAutoGrades, self).preprocess(nb, resources)

        return nb, resources

    def _add_score(self, cell, resources):
        """Graders can override the autograder grades, and may need to
        manually grade written solutions anyway. This function adds
        score information to the database if it doesn't exist. It does
        NOT override the 'score' field, as this is the manual score
        that might have been provided by a grader.

        # these are the fields by which we will identify the score
        # information
        grade = self.gradebook.find_grade(
            cell.metadata['nbgrader']['grade_id'], self.notebook_id,
            self.assignment_id, self.student_id)

        # determine what the grade is
        auto_score, _ = utils.determine_grade(cell)
        grade.auto_score = auto_score

        # if there was previously a manual grade, or if there is no autograder
        # score, then we should mark this as needing review
        if (grade.manual_score is not None) or (grade.auto_score is None):
            grade.needs_manual_grade = True
            grade.needs_manual_grade = False


    def _add_comment(self, cell, resources):
        comment = self.gradebook.find_comment(
            cell.metadata['nbgrader']['grade_id'], self.notebook_id,
            self.assignment_id, self.student_id)

        if cell.metadata.nbgrader.get("checksum",
                                      None) == utils.compute_checksum(cell):
            comment.auto_comment = "No response."
            comment.auto_comment = None


    def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
        # if it's a grade cell, the add a grade
        if utils.is_grade(cell):
            self._add_score(cell, resources)

        if utils.is_solution(cell):
            self._add_comment(cell, resources)

        return cell, resources
Пример #4
class TestSaveAutoGrades(TestBase):

    def setup(self):
        super(TestSaveAutoGrades, self).setup()
        db_url = self._init_db()
        self.gb = Gradebook(db_url)

        self.preprocessor1 = SaveCells()
        self.preprocessor2 = SaveAutoGrades()
        self.resources = {
            "nbgrader": {
                "db_url": db_url,
                "assignment": "ps0",
                "notebook": "test",
                "student": "bar"

    def test_grade_correct_code(self):
        """Is a passing code cell correctly graded?"""
        cell = self._create_grade_cell("hello", "code", "foo", 1)
        nb = new_notebook()
        self.preprocessor1.preprocess(nb, self.resources)
        self.gb.add_submission("ps0", "bar")
        self.preprocessor2.preprocess(nb, self.resources)

        grade_cell = self.gb.find_grade("foo", "test", "ps0", "bar")
        assert_equal(grade_cell.score, 1)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.max_score, 1)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.auto_score, 1)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.manual_score, None)
        assert not grade_cell.needs_manual_grade

    def test_grade_incorrect_code(self):
        """Is a failing code cell correctly graded?"""
        cell = self._create_grade_cell("hello", "code", "foo", 1)
        cell.outputs = [new_output('error', ename="NotImplementedError", evalue="", traceback=["error"])]
        nb = new_notebook()
        self.preprocessor1.preprocess(nb, self.resources)
        self.gb.add_submission("ps0", "bar")
        self.preprocessor2.preprocess(nb, self.resources)

        grade_cell = self.gb.find_grade("foo", "test", "ps0", "bar")
        assert_equal(grade_cell.score, 0)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.max_score, 1)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.auto_score, 0)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.manual_score, None)
        assert not grade_cell.needs_manual_grade

    def test_grade_unchanged_markdown(self):
        """Is an unchanged markdown cell correctly graded?"""
        cell = self._create_grade_and_solution_cell("hello", "markdown", "foo", 1)
        nb = new_notebook()
        self.preprocessor1.preprocess(nb, self.resources)
        self.gb.add_submission("ps0", "bar")
        self.preprocessor2.preprocess(nb, self.resources)

        grade_cell = self.gb.find_grade("foo", "test", "ps0", "bar")
        assert_equal(grade_cell.score, 0)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.max_score, 1)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.auto_score, 0)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.manual_score, None)
        assert not grade_cell.needs_manual_grade

    def test_grade_changed_markdown(self):
        """Is a changed markdown cell correctly graded?"""
        cell = self._create_grade_and_solution_cell("hello", "markdown", "foo", 1)
        nb = new_notebook()
        self.preprocessor1.preprocess(nb, self.resources)
        self.gb.add_submission("ps0", "bar")
        cell.source = "hello!"
        self.preprocessor2.preprocess(nb, self.resources)

        grade_cell = self.gb.find_grade("foo", "test", "ps0", "bar")
        assert_equal(grade_cell.score, 0)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.max_score, 1)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.auto_score, None)
        assert_equal(grade_cell.manual_score, None)
        assert grade_cell.needs_manual_grade

    def test_comment_unchanged_code(self):
        """Is an unchanged code cell given the correct comment?"""
        cell = self._create_solution_cell("hello", "code")
        nb = new_notebook()
        self.preprocessor1.preprocess(nb, self.resources)
        self.gb.add_submission("ps0", "bar")
        self.preprocessor2.preprocess(nb, self.resources)

        comment = self.gb.find_comment(0, "test", "ps0", "bar")
        assert_equal(comment.comment, "No response.")

    def test_comment_changed_code(self):
        """Is a changed code cell given the correct comment?"""
        cell = self._create_solution_cell("hello", "code")
        nb = new_notebook()
        self.preprocessor1.preprocess(nb, self.resources)
        self.gb.add_submission("ps0", "bar")
        cell.source = "hello!"
        self.preprocessor2.preprocess(nb, self.resources)

        comment = self.gb.find_comment(0, "test", "ps0", "bar")
        assert_equal(comment.comment, None)

    def test_comment_unchanged_markdown(self):
        """Is an unchanged markdown cell given the correct comment?"""
        cell = self._create_grade_and_solution_cell("hello", "markdown", "foo", 1)
        nb = new_notebook()
        self.preprocessor1.preprocess(nb, self.resources)
        self.gb.add_submission("ps0", "bar")
        self.preprocessor2.preprocess(nb, self.resources)

        comment = self.gb.find_comment(0, "test", "ps0", "bar")
        assert_equal(comment.comment, "No response.")

    def test_comment_changed_markdown(self):
        """Is a changed markdown cell given the correct comment?"""
        cell = self._create_grade_and_solution_cell("hello", "markdown", "foo", 1)
        nb = new_notebook()
        self.preprocessor1.preprocess(nb, self.resources)
        self.gb.add_submission("ps0", "bar")
        cell.source = "hello!"
        self.preprocessor2.preprocess(nb, self.resources)

        comment = self.gb.find_comment(0, "test", "ps0", "bar")
        assert_equal(comment.comment, None)
Пример #5
class GetGrades(NbGraderPreprocessor):
    """Preprocessor for saving grades from the database to the notebook"""

    def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
        # pull information from the resources
        self.notebook_id = resources['nbgrader']['notebook']
        self.assignment_id = resources['nbgrader']['assignment']
        self.student_id = resources['nbgrader']['student']
        self.db_url = resources['nbgrader']['db_url']

        # connect to the database
        self.gradebook = Gradebook(self.db_url)

        self.comment_index = 0

        # process the cells
        nb, resources = super(GetGrades, self).preprocess(nb, resources)

        submission = self.gradebook.find_submission_notebook(
            self.notebook_id, self.assignment_id, self.student_id)
        resources['nbgrader']['score'] = submission.score
        resources['nbgrader']['max_score'] = submission.max_score

        return nb, resources

    def _get_comment(self, cell, resources):
        """Graders can optionally add comments to the student's solutions, so
        add the comment information into the database if it doesn't
        already exist. It should NOT overwrite existing comments that
        might have been added by a grader already.


        # retrieve or create the comment object from the database
        comment = self.gradebook.find_comment(

        # save it in the notebook
        cell.metadata.nbgrader['comment'] = comment.to_dict()

        # update the number of comments we have inserted
        self.comment_index += 1

    def _get_score(self, cell, resources):
        grade = self.gradebook.find_grade(

        cell.metadata.nbgrader['score'] = grade.score
        cell.metadata.nbgrader['points'] = grade.max_score

    def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
        # if it's a solution cell, then add a comment
        if utils.is_solution(cell):
            self._get_comment(cell, resources)

        # if it's a grade cell, the add a grade
        if utils.is_grade(cell):
            self._get_score(cell, resources)

        return cell, resources
Пример #6
class SaveAutoGrades(NbGraderPreprocessor):
    """Preprocessor for saving out the autograder grades into a database"""

    def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
        # pull information from the resources
        self.notebook_id = resources['nbgrader']['notebook']
        self.assignment_id = resources['nbgrader']['assignment']
        self.student_id = resources['nbgrader']['student']
        self.db_url = resources['nbgrader']['db_url']

        # connect to the database
        self.gradebook = Gradebook(self.db_url)
        self.comment_index = 0

        # process the cells
        nb, resources = super(SaveAutoGrades, self).preprocess(nb, resources)

        return nb, resources

    def _add_score(self, cell, resources):
        """Graders can override the autograder grades, and may need to
        manually grade written solutions anyway. This function adds
        score information to the database if it doesn't exist. It does
        NOT override the 'score' field, as this is the manual score
        that might have been provided by a grader.

        # these are the fields by which we will identify the score
        # information
        grade = self.gradebook.find_grade(

        # determine what the grade is
        auto_score, max_score = utils.determine_grade(cell)
        grade.auto_score = auto_score

    def _add_comment(self, cell, resources):
        comment = self.gradebook.find_comment(

        if comment.comment:
        elif cell.metadata.nbgrader.get("checksum", None) == utils.compute_checksum(cell):
            comment.comment = "No response."

    def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
        # if it's a grade cell, the add a grade
        if utils.is_grade(cell):
            self._add_score(cell, resources)

        if utils.is_solution(cell):
            self._add_comment(cell, resources)
            self.comment_index += 1

        return cell, resources