Пример #1
def test_bad_no_Ob0():

    from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
    c = FlatLambdaCDM(Om0=0.3, H0=70) # no Ob0

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(c)
Пример #2
def test_bad_astropy_class():

    from astropy.cosmology import w0wzCDM
    c = w0wzCDM(Om0=0.3, H0=70, Ode0=0.7) # no Ob0

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(c)
Пример #3
def test_bad_astropy_class():

    from astropy.cosmology import w0wzCDM
    c = w0wzCDM(Om0=0.3, H0=70, Ode0=0.7)  # no Ob0

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(c)
Пример #4
def test_bad_no_Ob0():

    from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
    c = FlatLambdaCDM(Om0=0.3, H0=70)  # no Ob0

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(c)
Пример #5
def test_from_astropy():

    from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM, LambdaCDM
    from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM, wCDM
    from astropy.cosmology import Flatw0waCDM, w0waCDM

    # LambdaCDM
    flat = {'H0':70, 'Om0':0.3, 'Ob0':0.04, 'Tcmb0':2.7}
    for cls in [FlatLambdaCDM, LambdaCDM]:
        if "Flat" in cls.__name__:
            x = cls(**flat)
            x = cls(Ode0=0.75, **flat)
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(x)
        assert_allclose(c.Ok0, x.Ok0)
        assert_allclose(c.Omega0_fld, 0.) # Omega0_lambda is nonzero
        assert_allclose(c.Odm0, x.Odm0)

    # w0 CDM
    for cls in [FlatwCDM, wCDM]:
        if "Flat" in cls.__name__:
            x = cls(w0=-0.9, **flat)
            x = cls(w0=-0.9, Ode0=0.75, **flat)
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(x)
        assert_allclose(c.Ok0, x.Ok0)
        assert_allclose(c.Odm0, x.Odm0)
        assert_allclose(c.w0, x.w0)
        assert_allclose(c.Omega0_lambda, 0.) # Omega_fld is nonzero

    # w0,wa CDM
    for cls in [Flatw0waCDM, w0waCDM]:
        if "Flat" in cls.__name__:
            x = cls(w0=-0.9, wa=0.01, **flat)
            x = cls(w0=-0.9, wa=0.01, Ode0=0.75, **flat)
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(x)
        assert_allclose(c.Ok0, x.Ok0)
        assert_allclose(c.Odm0, x.Odm0)
        assert_allclose(c.w0, x.w0)
        assert_allclose(c.wa, x.wa)
        assert_allclose(c.Omega0_lambda, 0.) # Omega_fld is nonzero
Пример #6
def test_from_astropy():

    from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM, LambdaCDM
    from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM, wCDM
    from astropy.cosmology import Flatw0waCDM, w0waCDM

    # LambdaCDM
    flat = {'H0': 70, 'Om0': 0.3, 'Ob0': 0.04, 'Tcmb0': 2.7}
    for cls in [FlatLambdaCDM, LambdaCDM]:
        if "Flat" in cls.__name__:
            x = cls(**flat)
            x = cls(Ode0=0.75, **flat)
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(x)
        assert_allclose(c.Ok0, x.Ok0)
        assert_allclose(c.Omega0_fld, 0.)  # Omega0_lambda is nonzero
        assert_allclose(c.Odm0, x.Odm0)

    # w0 CDM
    for cls in [FlatwCDM, wCDM]:
        if "Flat" in cls.__name__:
            x = cls(w0=-0.9, **flat)
            x = cls(w0=-0.9, Ode0=0.75, **flat)
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(x)
        assert_allclose(c.Ok0, x.Ok0)
        assert_allclose(c.Odm0, x.Odm0)
        assert_allclose(c.w0, x.w0)
        assert_allclose(c.Omega0_lambda, 0.)  # Omega_fld is nonzero

    # w0,wa CDM
    for cls in [Flatw0waCDM, w0waCDM]:
        if "Flat" in cls.__name__:
            x = cls(w0=-0.9, wa=0.01, **flat)
            x = cls(w0=-0.9, wa=0.01, Ode0=0.75, **flat)
        c = Cosmology.from_astropy(x)
        assert_allclose(c.Ok0, x.Ok0)
        assert_allclose(c.Odm0, x.Odm0)
        assert_allclose(c.w0, x.w0)
        assert_allclose(c.wa, x.wa)
        assert_allclose(c.Omega0_lambda, 0.)  # Omega_fld is nonzero
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, cosmo, redshift):
        from astropy.cosmology import FLRW

        # convert astropy
        if isinstance(cosmo, FLRW):
            from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology
            cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(cosmo)

        # internal cosmology clone with nonlinear enabled
        self.cosmo = cosmo.clone(nonlinear=True)
        self.redshift = redshift
        self._sigma8 = self.cosmo.sigma8

        # store meta-data
        self._attrs = {}
        self._attrs['cosmo'] = dict(cosmo)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, cosmo, redshift, transfer='CLASS'):
        from astropy.cosmology import FLRW

        # convert astropy
        if isinstance(cosmo, FLRW):
            from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology
            cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(cosmo)

        # store a copy of the cosmology
        self.cosmo = cosmo.clone()

        # set sigma8 to the cosmology value
        self._sigma8 = self.cosmo.sigma8

        # setup the transfers
        if transfer not in transfers.available:
            raise ValueError("'transfer' should be one of %s" %
        self.transfer = transfer

        # initialize internal transfers
        c = self.cosmo.clone()  # transfers get an internal copy
        self._transfer = getattr(transfers, transfer)(c, redshift)
        self._fallback = transfers.EisensteinHu(
            c, redshift)  # fallback to analytic when out of range

        # normalize to proper sigma8
        self._norm = 1.
        self.redshift = 0
        self._norm = (self._sigma8 / self.sigma_r(8.))**2  # sigma_r(z=0, r=8)

        # set redshift
        self.redshift = redshift

        # store meta-data
        self._attrs = {}
        self._attrs['transfer'] = transfer
        self._attrs['cosmo'] = dict(cosmo)
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, cosmo, redshift, transfer='CLASS'):
        from astropy.cosmology import FLRW

        # convert astropy
        if isinstance(cosmo, FLRW):
            from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology
            cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(cosmo)

        # store a copy of the cosmology
        self.cosmo = cosmo.clone()

        # set sigma8 to the cosmology value
        self._sigma8 = self.cosmo.sigma8

        # setup the transfers
        if transfer not in transfers.available:
            raise ValueError("'transfer' should be one of %s" %str(transfers.available))
        self.transfer = transfer

        # initialize internal transfers
        c = self.cosmo.clone() # transfers get an internal copy
        self._transfer = getattr(transfers, transfer)(c, redshift)
        self._fallback = transfers.EisensteinHu(c, redshift) # fallback to analytic when out of range

        # normalize to proper sigma8
        self._norm = 1.
        self.redshift = 0;
        self._norm = (self._sigma8 / self.sigma_r(8.))**2 # sigma_r(z=0, r=8)

        # set redshift
        self.redshift = redshift

        # store meta-data
        self._attrs = {}
        self._attrs['transfer'] = transfer
        self._attrs['cosmo'] = dict(cosmo)
Пример #10
@author: Denise

import numpy as np
import flowpm
from flowpm.tfbackground import dchioverda, rad_comoving_distance, a_of_chi as a_of_chi_tf, transverse_comoving_distance as trans_comoving_distance, angular_diameter_distance as ang_diameter_distance
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from scipy import interpolate
from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15
import astropy.units as u

# Create a simple Planck15 cosmology without neutrinos, and makes sure sigma8
# is matched
ref_cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(Planck15.clone(m_nu=0 * u.eV))
ref_cosmo = ref_cosmo.match(sigma8=flowpm.cosmology.Planck15().sigma8.numpy())

def test_radial_comoving_distance():
    """ This function tests the function computing the radial comoving distance.
    cosmo_tf = flowpm.cosmology.Planck15()
    a = np.logspace(-2, 0.0)

    z = 1 / a - 1

    radial = rad_comoving_distance(cosmo_tf, a)

    radial_astr = ref_cosmo.comoving_distance(z)
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, simname, halo_finder, redshift, comm=None):

        from halotools.sim_manager import CachedHaloCatalog, DownloadManager
        from halotools.sim_manager.supported_sims import supported_sim_dict

        # do seme setup
        self.comm = comm
        meta_cols = ['Lbox', 'redshift', 'particle_mass']

        # try to automatically load from the Halotools cache
        exception = None
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            kws = {'simname':simname, 'halo_finder':halo_finder, 'redshift':redshift}
                cached_halos = CachedHaloCatalog(dz_tol=0.1, **kws)
                fname = cached_halos.fname # the filename to load
                meta = {k:getattr(cached_halos, k) for k in meta_cols}
            except Exception as e:

                # try to download on the root rank
                    # download
                    dl = DownloadManager()
                    dl.download_processed_halo_table(dz_tol=0.1, **kws)

                    # access the cached halo catalog and get fname attribute
                    # NOTE: this does not read the data
                    cached_halos = CachedHaloCatalog(dz_tol=0.1, **kws)
                    fname = cached_halos.fname
                    meta = {k:getattr(cached_halos, k) for k in meta_cols}
                except Exception as e:
                    exception = e
            fname = None
            meta = None

        # re-raise a download error on all ranks if it occurred
        exception = self.comm.bcast(exception, root=0)
        if exception is not None:
            raise exception

        # broadcast the file we are loading
        fname = self.comm.bcast(fname, root=0)
        meta = self.comm.bcast(meta, root=0)

        # initialize an HDF catalog and add Position/Velocity
        cat = HDFCatalog(fname, comm=comm)
        cat['Position'] = transform.StackColumns(cat['halo_x'], cat['halo_y'], cat['halo_z'])
        cat['Velocity'] = transform.StackColumns(cat['halo_vx'], cat['halo_vy'], cat['halo_vz'])

        # get the cosmology from Halotools
        cosmo = supported_sim_dict[simname]().cosmology # this is astropy cosmology
        cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(cosmo)

        # initialize the HaloCatalog
        HaloCatalog.__init__(self, cat, cosmo, meta['redshift'], mdef='vir', mass='halo_mvir')

        # add some meta-data
        # NOTE: all Halotools catalogs have to these attributes
        self.attrs['BoxSize'] = meta['Lbox']
        self.attrs['redshift'] = meta['redshift']
        self.attrs['particle_mass'] = meta['particle_mass']

        # save the cosmology
        self.cosmo = cosmo
        self.attrs['cosmo'] = dict(self.cosmo)
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, halos, seed=None, use_cache=False, comm=None, **params):

        from halotools.empirical_models import model_defaults

        # check type
        from halotools.sim_manager import UserSuppliedHaloCatalog
        if not isinstance(halos, UserSuppliedHaloCatalog):
            raise TypeError("input halos catalog for HOD should be halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog")

        # try to extract meta-data from catalog
        mdef     = getattr(halos, 'mdef', 'vir')
        cosmo    = getattr(halos, 'cosmology', None)
        Lbox     = getattr(halos, 'Lbox', None)
        redshift = getattr(halos, 'redshift', None)

        # fail if we are missing any of these
        for name, attr in zip(['cosmology', 'Lbox', 'redshift'], [cosmo, Lbox, redshift]):
            if attr is None:
                raise AttributeError("input UserSuppliedHaloCatalog must have '%s attribute" %name)

        # promote astropy cosmology to nbodykit's Cosmology
        from astropy.cosmology import FLRW
        if isinstance(cosmo, FLRW):
            from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology
            cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(cosmo)

        # store the halotools catalog
        self._halos = halos
        self.cosmo  = cosmo
        self.comm   = comm

        # set the seed randomly if it is None
        if seed is None:
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                seed = numpy.random.randint(0, 4294967295)
            seed = self.comm.bcast(seed)

        # grab the BoxSize from the halotools catalog
        self.attrs['BoxSize'] = numpy.empty(3)
        self.attrs['BoxSize'][:] = Lbox

        # store mass and radius keys
        self.mass   = model_defaults.get_halo_mass_key(mdef)
        self.radius = model_defaults.get_halo_boundary_key(mdef)

        # check for any missing columns
        needed = ['halo_%s' %s for s in ['x','y','z','vx','vy','vz', 'id', 'upid']] + [self.mass, self.radius]
        missing = set(needed) - set(halos.halo_table.colnames)
        if len(missing):
            raise ValueError("missing columns from halotools UserSuppliedHaloCatalog: %s" %str(missing))

        # this ensures that all columns in the halo catalog will propagate to the galaxy catalog
        model_defaults.default_haloprop_list_inherited_by_mock = halos.halo_table.colnames

        # store the attributes
        self.attrs['mdef'] = mdef
        self.attrs['redshift'] = redshift
        self.attrs['seed'] = seed

        # add cosmo attributes
        self.attrs['cosmo'] = dict(cosmo)

        # make the model!
        self._model = self.__makemodel__()

        # set the HOD params
        for param in self._model.param_dict:
            if param not in self.attrs:
                raise ValueError("missing '%s' parameter when initializing HOD" %param)
            self._model.param_dict[param] = self.attrs[param]

        # make the actual source
        ArrayCatalog.__init__(self, self.__makesource__(), comm=comm, use_cache=use_cache)

        # crash with no particles!
        if self.csize == 0:
            raise ValueError("no particles in catalog after populating HOD")
def fit_nbody(cosmo, state, stages, nc, pm_nc_factor=1, name="NBody"):
  Integrate the evolution of the state across the givent stages
  cosmo: cosmology
    Cosmological parameter object
  state: tensor (3, batch_size, npart, 3)
    Input state
  stages: array
    Array of scale factors
  nc: int, or list of ints
    Number of cells
  pm_nc_factor: int
    Upsampling factor for computing
  pgdparams: array
    list of pgdparameters [alpha, kl, ks] of size len(stages) - 1
  state: tensor (3, batch_size, npart, 3), or list of states
    Integrated state to final condition, or list of intermediate steps
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        state = tf.convert_to_tensor(state, name="state")

        # Create a simple Planck15 cosmology without neutrinos, and makes sure sigma8
        # is matched
        nbdykit_cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(Planck15.clone(m_nu=0 * u.eV))
        nbdykit_cosmo = nbdykit_cosmo.match(sigma8=cosmo.sigma8.numpy())

        if isinstance(nc, int):
            nc = [nc, nc, nc]

        # Unrolling leapfrog integration to make tf Autograph happy
        if len(stages) == 0:
            return state

        ai = stages[0]

        # first force calculation for jump starting
        state = tfpm.force(cosmo, state, nc, pm_nc_factor=pm_nc_factor)

        k, _ = flowpm.power_spectrum(tf.zeros([1] + [FLAGS.nc] * 3),
                                     boxsize=np.array([FLAGS.box_size] * 3),
                                     kmin=np.pi / FLAGS.box_size,
                                     dk=2 * np.pi / FLAGS.box_size)

        params = tf.Variable([FLAGS.alpha0, FLAGS.kl0, FLAGS.ks0],
        optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate)

        x, p, f = ai, ai, ai
        pgdparams = []
        scale_factors = []
        # Loop through the stages
        for i in range(len(stages) - 1):
            a0 = stages[i]
            a1 = stages[i + 1]
            ah = (a0 * a1)**0.5

            # Kick step
            state = tfpm.kick(cosmo, state, p, f, ah)
            p = ah

            # Drift step
            state = tfpm.drift(cosmo, state, x, p, a1)

            # Let's compute the target power spectrum at that scale factor
            target_pk = HalofitPower(nbdykit_cosmo,
                                     1. / a1 - 1.)(k).astype('float32')

            for j in range(FLAGS.niter if i == 0 else FLAGS.niter_refine):
                optimizer.minimize(partial(pgd_loss, params, state, target_pk),

                if j % 10 == 0:
                    loss, pk = pgd_loss(params,
                    if j == 0:
                        pk0 = pk
                    print("step %d, loss:" % j, loss)
            print("Sim step %d, fitted params (alpha, kl, ks)" % i,
            plt.loglog(k, target_pk, "k")
            plt.loglog(k, pk0, ':', label='starting')
            plt.loglog(k, pk, '--', label='after n steps')
            plt.savefig('PGD_fit_%0.2f.png' % a1)
            # Optional PGD correction step
            state = tfpm.pgd(state, params, nc, pm_nc_factor=pm_nc_factor)
            x = a1

            # Force
            state = tfpm.force(cosmo, state, nc, pm_nc_factor=pm_nc_factor)
            f = a1

            # Kick again
            state = tfpm.kick(cosmo, state, p, f, a1)
            p = a1

        return state, scale_factors, pgdparams
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, simname, halo_finder, redshift, comm=None):

        from halotools.sim_manager import CachedHaloCatalog, DownloadManager
        from halotools.sim_manager.supported_sims import supported_sim_dict

        # do seme setup
        self.comm = comm
        meta_cols = ['Lbox', 'redshift', 'particle_mass']

        # try to automatically load from the Halotools cache
        exception = None
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            kws = {
                'simname': simname,
                'halo_finder': halo_finder,
                'redshift': redshift
                cached_halos = CachedHaloCatalog(dz_tol=0.1, **kws)
                fname = cached_halos.fname  # the filename to load
                meta = {k: getattr(cached_halos, k) for k in meta_cols}
            except Exception as e:

                # try to download on the root rank
                    # download
                    dl = DownloadManager()
                    dl.download_processed_halo_table(dz_tol=0.1, **kws)

                    # access the cached halo catalog and get fname attribute
                    # NOTE: this does not read the data
                    cached_halos = CachedHaloCatalog(dz_tol=0.1, **kws)
                    fname = cached_halos.fname
                    meta = {k: getattr(cached_halos, k) for k in meta_cols}
                except Exception as e:
                    exception = e
            fname = None
            meta = None

        # re-raise a download error on all ranks if it occurred
        exception = self.comm.bcast(exception, root=0)
        if exception is not None:
            raise exception

        # broadcast the file we are loading
        fname = self.comm.bcast(fname, root=0)
        meta = self.comm.bcast(meta, root=0)

        # initialize an HDF catalog and add Position/Velocity
        cat = HDFCatalog(fname, comm=comm)
        cat['Position'] = transform.StackColumns(cat['halo_x'], cat['halo_y'],
        cat['Velocity'] = transform.StackColumns(cat['halo_vx'],

        # get the cosmology from Halotools
        cosmo = supported_sim_dict[simname](
        ).cosmology  # this is astropy cosmology
        cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(cosmo)

        # initialize the HaloCatalog

        # add some meta-data
        # NOTE: all Halotools catalogs have to these attributes
        self.attrs['BoxSize'] = meta['Lbox']
        self.attrs['redshift'] = meta['redshift']
        self.attrs['particle_mass'] = meta['particle_mass']

        # save the cosmology
        self.cosmo = cosmo
        self.attrs['cosmo'] = dict(self.cosmo)
def main(_):
    cosmology = flowpm.cosmology.Planck15()
    # Create a simple Planck15 cosmology without neutrinos, and makes sure sigma8
    # is matched
    nbdykit_cosmo = Cosmology.from_astropy(Planck15.clone(m_nu=0 * u.eV))
    nbdykit_cosmo = nbdykit_cosmo.match(sigma8=cosmology.sigma8.numpy())

    # Compute the k vectora that will be needed in the PGD fit
    k, _ = flowpm.power_spectrum(tf.zeros([1] + [FLAGS.nc] * 3),
                                 boxsize=np.array([FLAGS.box_size] * 3),
                                 kmin=np.pi / FLAGS.box_size,
                                 dk=2 * np.pi / FLAGS.box_size)

    # Create some initial conditions
    klin = tf.constant(np.logspace(-4, 1, 512), dtype=tf.float32)
    pk = linear_matter_power(cosmology, klin)
    pk_fun = lambda x: tf.cast(
            interpolate.interp_tf(tf.reshape(tf.cast(x, tf.float32), [-1]),
                                  klin, pk), x.shape), tf.complex64)

    initial_conditions = flowpm.linear_field(
        [FLAGS.nc, FLAGS.nc, FLAGS.nc],
        [FLAGS.box_size, FLAGS.box_size, FLAGS.box_size],

    initial_state = flowpm.lpt_init(cosmology, initial_conditions,
    stages = np.linspace(FLAGS.a_init, 1., FLAGS.nsteps, endpoint=True)

    print('Starting simulation')
    # Run the Nbody
    states = flowpm.nbody(cosmology,
                          stages, [FLAGS.nc, FLAGS.nc, FLAGS.nc],
    print('Simulation done')

    # Initialize PGD params
    alpha = tf.Variable([FLAGS.alpha0], dtype=tf.float32)
    scales = tf.Variable([FLAGS.kl0, FLAGS.ks0], dtype=tf.float32)
    optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate)

    params = []
    scale_factors = []
    # We begin by fitting the last time step
    for j, (a, state) in enumerate(states[::-1]):
        # Let's compute the target power spectrum at that scale factor
        target_pk = HalofitPower(nbdykit_cosmo,
                                 1. / a - 1.)(k).astype('float32')

        for i in range(FLAGS.niter if j == 0 else FLAGS.niter_refine):
                partial(pgd_loss, alpha, scales, state, target_pk), [alpha] if
                (FLAGS.fix_scales and j > 0) else [alpha, scales])

            if i % 10 == 0:
                loss, pk = pgd_loss(alpha,
                if i == 0:
                    pk0 = pk
                print("step %d, loss:" % i, loss)
        params.append(np.concatenate([alpha.numpy(), scales.numpy()]))
        print("Fitted params (alpha, kl, ks)", params[-1])

        plt.loglog(k, target_pk, "k")
        plt.loglog(k, pk0, ':', label='starting')
        plt.loglog(k, pk, '--', label='after n steps')
        plt.savefig('PGD_fit_%0.2f.png' % a)

            'B': FLAGS.B,
            'nsteps': FLAGS.nsteps,
            'params': params,
            'scale_factors': scale_factors,
            'cosmology': cosmology.to_dict(),
            'boxsize': FLAGS.box_size,
            'nc': FLAGS.nc
        }, open(FLAGS.filename, "wb"))