assert action == 'F' yield action, af, ac, ai stack = [] elif action == 'F': # need to do F after D to ensure the time tag is right. assert ac == af stack.append((action, af, ai, ai)) else: yield action, af, ac, ai print(list(leapfrog(stages))) print('----') print(list(gorfpael(stages))) print('++++') print(list(leapfrog(stages[::-1]))) state = solver.nbody(lpt.copy(), leapfrog(stages), monitor=monitor) if pm.comm.rank == 0: print('----------------') reverse = solver.nbody(state, leapfrog(stages[::-1]), monitor=monitor) #print((lpt.X - reverse.X).max()) assert_allclose(lpt.X, reverse.X) cat1 = ArrayCatalog({'Position' : lpt.X}, BoxSize=pm.BoxSize, Nmesh=pm.Nmesh) cat2 = ArrayCatalog({'Position' : reverse.X}, BoxSize=pm.BoxSize, Nmesh=pm.Nmesh)'Janus/Truth', ('Position',))'Janus/Reverse', ('Position',))
# * np.exp(-0.5 * (k_perp/0.05)**2.) #delta_smoothed = box.apply_transfer_fn(box.delta_k, transfer_fn=transfer_fn) delta_ln = box.lognormal(delta_x=box.delta_x) # Create halo distribution halos = HaloDistribution(box, mass_range=(1e12, 1e15), mass_bins=10) Nhalos = halos.halo_count_field(box.delta_x, nbar=1e-3, bias=1.) #Nhalos2 = halos.halo_count_field(box.delta_x, nbar=1e-3, bias=1.) halo_cat = halos.realise_halo_catalogue(Nhalos, scatter=True, scatter_type='uniform') #halo_cat2 = halos.realise_halo_catalogue(Nhalos, scatter=True, scatter_type='uniform') # Project catalogue onto mesh array_cat = ArrayCatalog({'Position': halo_cat}) #array_cat2 = ArrayCatalog({'Position': halo_cat2}) mesh_cat = array_cat.to_mesh(Nmesh=box.N, BoxSize=(box.Lx, box.Ly, box.Lz), window='tsc', compensated=True) #mesh_cat2 = array_cat2.to_mesh(Nmesh=box.N, BoxSize=(box.Lx, box.Ly, box.Lz), # window='tsc', compensated=True) # Put density field onto mesh mesh_delta = ArrayMesh(box.delta_x, BoxSize=(box.Lx, box.Ly, box.Lz)) #mesh_delta = ArrayMesh(delta_ln, BoxSize=(box.Lx, box.Ly, box.Lz)) # Calculate power spectra pspec1 = FFTPower(first=mesh_cat, mode='1d', second=None, los=[0, 0, 1], Nmu=5)
def make_galcat(aa, mmin, mcutc, m1, sigma=0.25, kappa=1, alpha=1, censuff=None, satsuff=None, seed=3333): '''do HOD with Zheng model using nbodykit''' zz = tools.atoz(aa) halocat = readincatalog(aa) rank = halocat.comm.rank if rank == 0: print('\n ############## Redshift = %0.2f ############## \n' % zz) hmass = halocat['Mass'].compute() hpos = halocat['Position'].compute() hvel = halocat['Velocity'].compute() rvir = HaloRadius(hmass, cosmo, 1 / aa - 1).compute() / aa vdisp = HaloVelocityDispersion(hmass, cosmo, 1 / aa - 1).compute() print('In rank = %d, Catalog size = ' % rank, hmass.size) #Do hod ofolder = myscratch + '/%s/fastpm_%0.4f/' % (sim, aa) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ofolder)) except IOError: pass start = time() #(ncen, cpos, cvel), (nsat, spos, svel) = hod(seed*rank, hmass, halocat['Position'].compute(), halocat['Velocity'].compute(),\ # conc=7, rvir=3, vdisp=1100, mcut=mcutc, m1=m1, sigma=0.25, \ # kappa=kappa, alpha=alpha,vcen=0, vsat=0.5) (ncen, cpos, cvel), (nsat, spos, svel) = hod(seed*rank, hmass, hpos, hvel, conc=7, rvir=rvir, vdisp=vdisp, mcut=mcutc, m1=m1, sigma=0.25, \ kappa=kappa, alpha=alpha, vcen=0, vsat=0.5) print('In rank = %d, Time taken = ' % rank, time() - start) print('In rank = %d, Number of centrals & satellites = ' % rank, ncen.sum(), nsat.sum()) print('In rank = %d, Satellite occupancy: Max and mean = ' % rank, nsat.max(), nsat.mean()) # #Assign mass to centrals hid = np.repeat(range(len(hmass)), ncen).astype(int) cmass = hmass[hid] cencat = ArrayCatalog( { 'Position': cpos, 'Velocity': cvel, 'Mass': cmass, 'HaloID': hid }, BoxSize=halocat.attrs['BoxSize'], Nmesh=halocat.attrs['NC']) if censuff is not None: colsave = [cols for cols in cencat.columns] + 'cencat' + censuff, colsave) # #Assign mass to satellites hid = np.repeat(range(len(hmass)), nsat).astype(int) np.random.seed(seed * rank) smass = np.random.uniform(size=hid.size) mmax = hmass[hid] / 3. mmin = np.ones_like(mmax) * mmin mask = mmin > hmass[hid] / 10. #Some fudge that should be discussed mmin[mask] = hmass[hid][mask] / 10. #smass = mmin * mmax / ((1-smass)*mmax + smass*mmin) smass = hmass[hid] * assign_msat(smass, mmin / hmass[hid], mmax / hmass[hid], alpha) satcat = ArrayCatalog( { 'Position': spos, 'Velocity': svel, 'Mass': smass, 'HaloID': hid }, BoxSize=halocat.attrs['BoxSize'], Nmesh=halocat.attrs['NC']) if satsuff is not None: colsave = [cols for cols in satcat.columns] + 'satcat' + satsuff, colsave)