def test_delete_of_data_in_zk(self):
        path = '%s/unittest-delete' % self.sandbox
        data = {'unittest': 'data'}
        datanode = DataNode(zk=self.zk, path=path, data=data)

        # If the object is deleted in Zookeeper, our DataNode should reflect
        # that. It should also be able to re-update the value when told to.
        def get_stat_from_watcher():
            return datanode._watcher.get()['stat']

        # First, delete the path
        waituntil(get_stat_from_watcher, None, 5, mode=2)
        # Validate that the path is deleted, and the DataNode object was
        # updated correctly
        self.assertEquals(None, datanode.get()['data'])
        self.assertEquals(None, datanode.get()['stat'])