Пример #1
    def __init__(self, feature_file, dimension, neighbour, lsh_project_num):
        self.feature_file = feature_file
        self.dimension = dimension
        self.neighbour = neighbour
        self.face_feature = defaultdict(str)
        self.ground_truth = defaultdict(int)

        # Create permutations meta-hash
        permutations2 = HashPermutationMapper('permut2')

        tmp_feature = defaultdict(str)
        with open(feature_file, 'rb') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ')
            for name, feature in reader:
                tmp_feature[name] = feature

        matrix = []
        label = []
        for item in tmp_feature.keys():
            v = map(float, tmp_feature[item].split(','))
        print 'PCA matric : ', len(matrix)

        rbp_perm2 = PCABinaryProjections('testPCABPHash', lsh_project_num, matrix)

        # Create engine
        nearest = NearestFilter(self.neighbour)
        self.engine = Engine(self.dimension, lshashes=[permutations2], distance=CosineDistance(), vector_filters=[nearest])
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, feature_file, dimension, neighbour, lsh_project_num):
        self.feature_file = feature_file
        self.dimension = dimension
        self.neighbour = neighbour
        self.face_feature = defaultdict(str)
        self.ground_truth = defaultdict(int)

        # Create permutations meta-hash
        permutations2 = HashPermutationMapper('permut2')

        tmp_feature = defaultdict(str)
        with open(feature_file, 'rb') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ')
            for name, feature in reader:
                tmp_feature[name] = feature

        matrix = []
        label = []
        for item in tmp_feature.keys():
            v = map(float, tmp_feature[item].split(','))
        print 'PCA matric : ', len(matrix)

        rbp_perm2 = PCABinaryProjections('testPCABPHash', lsh_project_num,

        # Create engine
        nearest = NearestFilter(self.neighbour)
        self.engine = Engine(self.dimension,
Пример #3
from nearpy import Engine
from nearpy.filters import NearestFilter
from nearpy.distances import CosineDistance
from nearpy.hashes import RandomBinaryProjections
from nearpy.hashes import HashPermutations
from nearpy.hashes import HashPermutationMapper
from nearpy.storage import MemoryStorage
import numpy

dimension = 1000

# Create permutations meta-hash
permutations2 = HashPermutationMapper('permut2')

# Create binary hash as child hash
rbp_perm2 = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm2', 14)

# Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash

engine = Engine(dimension,

i = 0

query = numpy.zeros(dimension)

f = open('features2.txt', 'r')
Пример #4
def example2():

    # Dimension of feature space
    DIM = 100

    # Number of data points (dont do too much because of exact search)
    POINTS = 20000


    print 'Performing indexing with HashPermutations...'
    t0 = time.time()

    # Create permutations meta-hash
    permutations = HashPermutations('permut')

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp_perm = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm', 14)
    rbp_conf = {'num_permutation':50,'beam_size':10,'num_neighbour':100}

    # Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash
    permutations.add_child_hash(rbp_perm, rbp_conf)

    # Create engine
    engine_perm = Engine(DIM, lshashes=[permutations], distance=CosineDistance())

    # First index some random vectors
    matrix = numpy.zeros((POINTS,DIM))
    for i in xrange(POINTS):
        v = numpy.random.randn(DIM)
        matrix[i] = v

    # Then update permuted index

    t1 = time.time()
    print 'Indexing took %f seconds' % (t1-t0)

    # Get random query vector
    query = numpy.random.randn(DIM)

    # Do random query on engine 3
    print '\nNeighbour distances with HashPermutations:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_perm.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_perm.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Real neighbours
    print '\nReal neighbour distances:'
    query = query.reshape((1,DIM))
    dists = CosineDistance().distance_matrix(matrix,query)
    dists = dists.reshape((-1,))
    dists = sorted(dists)
    print dists[:10]


    print '\nPerforming indexing with HashPermutationMapper...'
    t0 = time.time()

    # Create permutations meta-hash
    permutations2 = HashPermutationMapper('permut2')

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp_perm2 = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm2', 14)

    # Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash

    # Create engine
    engine_perm2 = Engine(DIM, lshashes=[permutations2], distance=CosineDistance())

    # First index some random vectors
    matrix = numpy.zeros((POINTS,DIM))
    for i in xrange(POINTS):
        v = numpy.random.randn(DIM)
        matrix[i] = v

    t1 = time.time()
    print 'Indexing took %f seconds' % (t1-t0)

    # Get random query vector
    query = numpy.random.randn(DIM)

    # Do random query on engine 4
    print '\nNeighbour distances with HashPermutationMapper:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_perm2.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_perm2.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Real neighbours
    print '\nReal neighbour distances:'
    query = query.reshape((1,DIM))
    dists = CosineDistance().distance_matrix(matrix,query)
    dists = dists.reshape((-1,))
    dists = sorted(dists)
    print dists[:10]


    print '\nPerforming indexing with mutliple binary hashes...'
    t0 = time.time()

    hashes = []
    for k in range(20):
        hashes.append(RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_%d' % k, 10))

    # Create engine
    engine_rbps = Engine(DIM, lshashes=hashes, distance=CosineDistance())

    # First index some random vectors
    matrix = numpy.zeros((POINTS,DIM))
    for i in xrange(POINTS):
        v = numpy.random.randn(DIM)
        matrix[i] = v

    t1 = time.time()
    print 'Indexing took %f seconds' % (t1-t0)

    # Get random query vector
    query = numpy.random.randn(DIM)

    # Do random query on engine 4
    print '\nNeighbour distances with mutliple binary hashes:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_rbps.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_rbps.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Real neighbours
    print '\nReal neighbour distances:'
    query = query.reshape((1,DIM))
    dists = CosineDistance().distance_matrix(matrix,query)
    dists = dists.reshape((-1,))
    dists = sorted(dists)
    print dists[:10]
Пример #5
def example1():

    # Dimension of feature space
    DIM = 100

    # Number of data points (dont do too much because of exact search)
    POINTS = 10000

    print('Creating engines')

    # We want 12 projections, 20 results at least
    rbpt = RandomBinaryProjectionTree('rbpt', 20, 20)

    # Create engine 1
    engine_rbpt = Engine(DIM, lshashes=[rbpt], distance=CosineDistance())

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp1', 20)

    # Create engine 2
    engine = Engine(DIM, lshashes=[rbp], distance=CosineDistance())

    # Create permutations meta-hash
    permutations = HashPermutations('permut')

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp_perm = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm', 20)
    rbp_conf = {'num_permutation': 50, 'beam_size': 10, 'num_neighbour': 100}

    # Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash
    permutations.add_child_hash(rbp_perm, rbp_conf)

    # Create engine 3
    engine_perm = Engine(DIM,

    # Create permutations meta-hash
    permutations2 = HashPermutationMapper('permut2')

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp_perm2 = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm2', 12)

    # Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash

    # Create engine 3
    engine_perm2 = Engine(DIM,

    print('Indexing %d random vectors of dimension %d' % (POINTS, DIM))

    # First index some random vectors
    matrix = numpy.zeros((POINTS, DIM))
    for i in xrange(POINTS):
        v = numpy.random.randn(DIM)
        matrix[i, :] = nearpy.utils.utils.unitvec(v)
        engine.store_vector(v, i)
        engine_rbpt.store_vector(v, i)
        engine_perm.store_vector(v, i)
        engine_perm2.store_vector(v, i)

    print('Buckets 1 = %d' % len(engine.storage.buckets['rbp1'].keys()))
    print('Buckets 2 = %d' % len(engine_rbpt.storage.buckets['rbpt'].keys()))

    print('Building permuted index for HashPermutations')

    # Then update permuted index

    print('Generate random data')

    # Get random query vector
    query = numpy.random.randn(DIM)

    # Do random query on engine 1
    print('\nNeighbour distances with RandomBinaryProjectionTree:')
    print('  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_rbpt.candidate_count(query))
    results = engine_rbpt.neighbours(query)

    # Do random query on engine 2
    print('\nNeighbour distances with RandomBinaryProjections:')
    print('  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine.candidate_count(query))
    results = engine.neighbours(query)

    # Do random query on engine 3
    print('\nNeighbour distances with HashPermutations:')
    print('  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_perm.candidate_count(query))
    results = engine_perm.neighbours(query)

    # Do random query on engine 4
    print('\nNeighbour distances with HashPermutations2:')
    print('  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_perm2.candidate_count(query))
    results = engine_perm2.neighbours(query)

    # Real neighbours
    print('\nReal neighbour distances:')
    query = nearpy.utils.utils.unitvec(query)
    query = query.reshape((DIM, 1))
    dists = CosineDistance().distance(matrix, query)
    dists = dists.reshape((-1, ))
    # dists = sorted(dists)

    dists_argsort = numpy.argsort(dists)

    results = [(None, d, dists[d]) for d in dists_argsort[:10]]
Пример #6
def example2():

    # Dimension of feature space
    DIM = 100

    # Number of data points (dont do too much because of exact search)
    POINTS = 20000


    print 'Performing indexing with HashPermutations...'
    t0 = time.time()

    # Create permutations meta-hash
    permutations = HashPermutations('permut')

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp_perm = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm', 14)
    rbp_conf = {'num_permutation': 50, 'beam_size': 10, 'num_neighbour': 100}

    # Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash
    permutations.add_child_hash(rbp_perm, rbp_conf)

    # Create engine
    engine_perm = Engine(DIM,

    # First index some random vectors
    matrix = numpy.zeros((POINTS, DIM))
    for i in xrange(POINTS):
        v = numpy.random.randn(DIM)
        matrix[i] = v

    # Then update permuted index

    t1 = time.time()
    print 'Indexing took %f seconds' % (t1 - t0)

    # Get random query vector
    query = numpy.random.randn(DIM)

    # Do random query on engine 3
    print '\nNeighbour distances with HashPermutations:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_perm.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_perm.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Real neighbours
    print '\nReal neighbour distances:'
    query = query.reshape((1, DIM))
    dists = CosineDistance().distance_matrix(matrix, query)
    dists = dists.reshape((-1, ))
    dists = sorted(dists)
    print dists[:10]


    print '\nPerforming indexing with HashPermutationMapper...'
    t0 = time.time()

    # Create permutations meta-hash
    permutations2 = HashPermutationMapper('permut2')

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp_perm2 = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm2', 14)

    # Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash

    # Create engine
    engine_perm2 = Engine(DIM,

    # First index some random vectors
    matrix = numpy.zeros((POINTS, DIM))
    for i in xrange(POINTS):
        v = numpy.random.randn(DIM)
        matrix[i] = v

    t1 = time.time()
    print 'Indexing took %f seconds' % (t1 - t0)

    # Get random query vector
    query = numpy.random.randn(DIM)

    # Do random query on engine 4
    print '\nNeighbour distances with HashPermutationMapper:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_perm2.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_perm2.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Real neighbours
    print '\nReal neighbour distances:'
    query = query.reshape((1, DIM))
    dists = CosineDistance().distance_matrix(matrix, query)
    dists = dists.reshape((-1, ))
    dists = sorted(dists)
    print dists[:10]


    print '\nPerforming indexing with mutliple binary hashes...'
    t0 = time.time()

    hashes = []
    for k in range(20):
        hashes.append(RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_%d' % k, 10))

    # Create engine
    engine_rbps = Engine(DIM, lshashes=hashes, distance=CosineDistance())

    # First index some random vectors
    matrix = numpy.zeros((POINTS, DIM))
    for i in xrange(POINTS):
        v = numpy.random.randn(DIM)
        matrix[i] = v

    t1 = time.time()
    print 'Indexing took %f seconds' % (t1 - t0)

    # Get random query vector
    query = numpy.random.randn(DIM)

    # Do random query on engine 4
    print '\nNeighbour distances with mutliple binary hashes:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_rbps.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_rbps.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Real neighbours
    print '\nReal neighbour distances:'
    query = query.reshape((1, DIM))
    dists = CosineDistance().distance_matrix(matrix, query)
    dists = dists.reshape((-1, ))
    dists = sorted(dists)
    print dists[:10]
Пример #7
def example1():

    # Dimension of feature space
    DIM = 100

    # Number of data points (dont do too much because of exact search)
    POINTS = 10000

    print 'Creating engines'

    # We want 12 projections, 20 results at least
    rbpt = RandomBinaryProjectionTree('rbpt', 20, 20)

    # Create engine 1
    engine_rbpt = Engine(DIM, lshashes=[rbpt], distance=CosineDistance())

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp1', 20)

    # Create engine 2
    engine = Engine(DIM, lshashes=[rbp], distance=CosineDistance())

    # Create permutations meta-hash
    permutations = HashPermutations('permut')

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp_perm = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm', 20)
    rbp_conf = {'num_permutation':50,'beam_size':10,'num_neighbour':100}

    # Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash
    permutations.add_child_hash(rbp_perm, rbp_conf)

    # Create engine 3
    engine_perm = Engine(DIM, lshashes=[permutations], distance=CosineDistance())

    # Create permutations meta-hash
    permutations2 = HashPermutationMapper('permut2')

    # Create binary hash as child hash
    rbp_perm2 = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp_perm2', 12)

    # Add rbp as child hash of permutations hash

    # Create engine 3
    engine_perm2 = Engine(DIM, lshashes=[permutations2], distance=CosineDistance())

    print 'Indexing %d random vectors of dimension %d' % (POINTS, DIM)

    # First index some random vectors
    matrix = numpy.zeros((POINTS,DIM))
    for i in xrange(POINTS):
        v = numpy.random.randn(DIM)
        matrix[i] = v

    print 'Buckets 1 = %d' % len(engine.storage.buckets['rbp1'].keys())
    print 'Buckets 2 = %d' % len(engine_rbpt.storage.buckets['rbpt'].keys())

    print 'Building permuted index for HashPermutations'

    # Then update permuted index

    print 'Generate random data'

    # Get random query vector
    query = numpy.random.randn(DIM)

    # Do random query on engine 1
    print '\nNeighbour distances with RandomBinaryProjectionTree:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_rbpt.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_rbpt.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Do random query on engine 2
    print '\nNeighbour distances with RandomBinaryProjections:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Do random query on engine 3
    print '\nNeighbour distances with HashPermutations:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_perm.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_perm.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Do random query on engine 4
    print '\nNeighbour distances with HashPermutations2:'
    print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % engine_perm2.candidate_count(query)
    results = engine_perm2.neighbours(query)
    dists = [x[2] for x in results]
    print dists

    # Real neighbours
    print '\nReal neighbour distances:'
    query = query.reshape((1,DIM))
    dists = CosineDistance().distance_matrix(matrix,query)
    dists = dists.reshape((-1,))
    dists = sorted(dists)
    print dists[:10]
Пример #8
class LSHSearch:
    def __init__(self, feature_file, dimension, neighbour, lsh_project_num):
        self.feature_file = feature_file
        self.dimension = dimension
        self.neighbour = neighbour
        self.face_feature = defaultdict(str)
        self.ground_truth = defaultdict(int)

        # Create permutations meta-hash
        self.permutations2 = HashPermutationMapper('permut2')

        tmp_feature = defaultdict(str)
        with open(feature_file, 'rb') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ')
            for name, feature in reader:
                tmp_feature[name] = feature

        matrix = []
        label = []
        for item in tmp_feature.keys():
            v = map(float, tmp_feature[item].split(','))
        print 'PCA matric : ', len(matrix)

        rbp_perm2 = PCABinaryProjections(
            'testPCABPHash', lsh_project_num, matrix)

        # Create engine
        nearest = NearestFilter(self.neighbour)
        self.engine = Engine(

    def build(self):
        with open(self.feature_file, 'rb') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ')
            for name, feature in reader:
                self.face_feature[name] = feature
                person = '_'.join(name.split('_')[:-1])
                self.ground_truth[person] += 1

        for item in self.face_feature.keys():
            v = map(float, self.face_feature[item].split(','))
            self.engine.store_vector(v, item)

    def update(self, person, feature):
        print feature
        v = map(float, feature.split(','))
        epoch_time = long(time.time())
        f_name = person + '_' + str(epoch_time)
        print f_name
        self.engine.store_vector(v, f_name)

    def query(self, person_feature):
        dists = []
        scores = []

        query = map(float, person_feature.split(','))
        # print '\nNeighbour distances with mutliple binary hashes:'
        # print '  -> Candidate count is %d' % self.engine.candidate_count(query)
        results = self.engine.neighbours(query)
        dists = dists + [x[1] for x in results]
        scores = scores + [x[2] for x in results]

        res = zip(dists, scores)
        res.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
        return res[:self.neighbour]