Пример #1
class TestRandomBinaryProjections(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.rbp = RandomBinaryProjections('testHash', 10)

    def test_hash_format(self):
        h = self.rbp.hash_vector(numpy.random.randn(100))
        self.assertEqual(len(h), 1)
        self.assertEqual(type(h[0]), type(''))
        self.assertEqual(len(h[0]), 10)
        for c in h[0]:
            self.assertTrue(c == '1' or c == '0')

    def test_hash_deterministic(self):
        x = numpy.random.randn(100)
        first_hash = self.rbp.hash_vector(x)[0]
        for k in range(100):
            self.assertEqual(first_hash, self.rbp.hash_vector(x)[0])
class RBP_hasher(object):

    def __init__(self, dimension, n_bit, alpha):

        self.n_bit = n_bit
        self.dim = dimension
        self.alpha = alpha

        self.sample_space = 2**n_bit

        self.rbp = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp', self.n_bit)
        self.engine = Engine(dimension, lshashes=[self.rbp])

    def params(self):
        return self.rbp.get_config()

    def load(self, config):

    def _string2int(self, s):
        return int(s, 2)

    def __call__(self, v):
        Convert the returned string into a integer.
        Return a dict based off the weights.
        s = self.rbp.hash_vector(v)[0]
        weights = {
            self._string2int(s): 1.0,

        if not self.alpha:
            return weights

        # If alpha is non-zero, deposit weight into nearby bins

        slist = map(bool, map(int, list(s)))
        for n in range(len(s)):
            s2list = slist[:]
            s2list[n] = not slist[n]
            s2list = map(str, map(int, s2list))
            s2 = ''.join(s2list)
            idx = self._string2int(s2)
            weights[idx] = self.alpha

        return weights
Пример #3
# Dimension of our vector space
dimension = 288
# Create a random binary hash with 10 bits
rbp = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp', 12)

# Create engine with pipeline configuration
engine = Engine(dimension, lshashes=[rbp])

for each_image in open("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/pk.txt").readlines():
    each_image = each_image.strip('\n')
    each_vector = []
    each_vector = select_by_pk(each_image)
    engine.store_vector(each_vector, '%s' % each_image)

    each_bucket = ''.join(rbp.hash_vector(each_vector))

    update_bucket(each_image, each_bucket)

for each_image in open("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/pk.txt").readlines():
    each_image = each_image.strip('\n')
    each_vector = []
    each_vector = select_by_pk(each_image)

    # Get nearest neighbours
    N = engine.neighbours(
    )  #     print(cosine_similarity(query, p_matrix[p_index.index(int(ele[1].strip('data_')))]))

    similarlist = []
    for ele in N:
Пример #4
class DoubleEngine:

    def _build_rdp_engine(self,matrix,rdp,normals):
        # Dimension of our vector space
        dimension = np.shape(matrix)[1]
        n = np.shape(matrix)[0]
        # Create a random binary hash with 10 bits

        # Create engine with pipeline configuration
        engine = Engine(dimension, lshashes=[rdp],storage = MemoryStorage())
        rdp.vectors = normals

        for index in range(n):
            v = matrix[index]
            engine.store_vector(v, '%d' % index)
        return engine

    def process2(self,vectors1,vectors2,num_bit,bin_width):
        # build engine
        self.dimension = np.shape(vectors1)[1]
        self.rdp = RandomDiscretizedProjections('rdp',num_bit,bin_width)
        self.rbp = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp',num_bit)
        self.normals = self.rdp.vectors
        self.rbp.normals = self.normals
        self.engine1 = self._build_rdp_engine(vectors1,self.rdp,self.normals)
        self.engine2 = self._build_rdp_engine(vectors2,self.rdp,self.normals)
        # create new key
        buckets1 = self.engine1.storage.buckets['rdp']
        buckets2 = self.engine2.storage.buckets['rdp']
        self.rbdp = {}

        print 'len of buckets1', len(buckets1)
        print 'len of buckets2', len(buckets2)

        keys_int1 = []
        keys_int2 = []

        for key in buckets1:
            ks = [int(x) for x in key.split('_')]

        for key in buckets2:
            ks = [int(x) for x in key.split('_')]

        for idx1,key1 in enumerate(buckets1):
            if idx1 % 100 == 0:
                logging.info('{} {}/{}'.format(key1,idx1,len(buckets1)))
            for idx2,key2 in enumerate(buckets2):
                ks1 = keys_int1[idx1]
                ks2 = keys_int2[idx2]
                new_key = [ks1[i] + ks2[i] for i in xrange(len(ks1))]
                new_key = ''.join(['1' if x>=0 else '0' for x in new_key])
                if not new_key in self.rbdp:
                    self.rbdp[new_key] = []
    def build_permute_index(self,num_permutation,beam_size,hamming_beam_size):
        self.num_permutation = num_permutation
        self.hamming_beam_size = hamming_beam_size
        self.beam_size = beam_size
        self.projection_count = self.rbp.projection_count
        # add permutations
        self.permutations = []
        for i in xrange(self.num_permutation):
            p = Permutation(self.projection_count)

        # convert current buckets to an array of bitarray
        buckets = self.rbdp
        original_keys = []
        for key in buckets:
            ba = bitarray(key)

        # build permutation lists
        self.permuted_lists = []
        i = 0
        for p in self.permutations:
            logging.info('Creating Permutation Index: #{}/{}'.format(i,len(self.permutations)))
            permuted_list = []
            for ba in original_keys:
                c = ba.copy()
            # sort the list
            permuted_list = sorted(permuted_list)

    def get_neighbour_keys(self,bucket_key,k):
        # O( np*beam*log(np*beam) )
        # np = number of permutations
        # beam = self.beam_size
        # np * beam == 200 * 100 Still really fast

        query_key = bitarray(bucket_key)
        topk = set()
        for i in xrange(len(self.permutations)):
            p = self.permutations[i]
            plist = self.permuted_lists[i]
            candidates = p.search_revert(plist,query_key,self.beam_size)
            topk = topk.union(set(candidates))
        topk = list(topk)
        topk = sorted(topk, key = lambda x : hamming_distance(x,query_key))
        topk_bin = [x.to01() for x in topk[:k]]
        return topk_bin

    def n2(self,key1,key2,v):
        #return [(cos_dist,(idx1,idx2))]
        def matrix_list(engine,key):
            # return a matrix and a list of keys
            items = engine.storage.buckets['rdp'][key]
            m = []
            l = []
            for v,key in items:
            m = np.array(m)    
            return m,l
        m1,l1 = matrix_list(self.engine1,key1)
        m2,l2 = matrix_list(self.engine2,key2)
        len1 = len(l1)
        len2 = len(l2)
        # a . v 
        av = np.dot(m1,v)
        av = np.repeat(av,len2).reshape(len1,len2)
        # b . v
        bv = np.dot(m2,v)
        bv = np.repeat(bv,len1).reshape(len2,len1).T
        # nominator = a.v + b.v
        nomi = av + bv
        # |v|
        nv = np.linalg.norm(v,2)
        # a.a
        aa = np.sum(m1*m1,axis = 1)
        aa = np.repeat(aa,len2).reshape(len1,len2)
        # b.b
        bb = np.sum(m2*m2,axis = 1)
        bb = np.repeat(bb,len1).reshape(len2,len1).T
        # a.b
        ab = np.dot(m1,m2.T)
        # denominator 
        deno = np.sqrt(aa + bb + 2 * ab) * nv
        # distance matrix 
        dism = nomi / deno
        dist = []
        for i in xrange(len1):
            for j in xrange(len2):
                dis = dism[i,j]
        return dist

    def neighbours2(self,v,n):
        # one important assumption: just have one hash method
        # Collect candidates from all buckets from all hashes
        candidates = []
        direct_bucket_keys = self.rbp.hash_vector(v)

        # Get the neighbours of candidate_bucket_keys
        candidate_bucket_keys = []
        for bucket_key in direct_bucket_keys:
            neighbour_keys = self.get_neighbour_keys(bucket_key,self.hamming_beam_size)
        dists = []
        for bucket_key in candidate_bucket_keys:
            comb = self.rbdp[bucket_key]
            print bucket_key, len(comb)
            for key1,key2 in comb:
                dist = self.n2(key1,key2,v)

        dists = sorted(dists,key = lambda x: -x[0])
        return dists[:n]
        # If there is no vector filter, just return list of candidates
        return dists
Пример #5
rbp = RandomBinaryProjections('rbp', 5)
#engine = Engine(10, lshashes=[rbp])

file = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

df = pd.DataFrame()
bigdict = dict()
i = 0
for line in file:
    data = dict()
    triples = line.split(" ")[1:]

    for t in triples:
        update(data, rbp.hash_vector([float(t.split(",")[1])])[0])
    # for p in range(0, 200-len(data.values())):
    #     data[p]=0
    # for bucket_key in rbp.hash_vector([float(x) for x in data.values()]):
    #     print(bucket_key)
    #     bigdict[i] = {'key' : bucket_key}
    #df=df.append(data, ignore_index=True)
    bigdict[i] = data
    i = i + 1

df = pd.DataFrame(bigdict)
df = df.transpose().fillna(0)
