Пример #1
def run_copy(docstore, out_docstore):
    doc = FileDocStore(file_path=docstore)

    out_doc = FileDocStore(file_path=out_docstore)

    for id, entry in doc.filter():
        if out_doc.get(id) is None:
            print "copy", id
            out_doc.put(id, entry)
            if doc.exists(entry):
                src_path = doc.get_filename(entry)
                dst_path = out_doc.get_filename(entry)
                shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path)
            #print "skip", id, doc.size(entry), out_doc.size(entry)
            if doc.size(entry) != out_doc.size(entry):
                print "mismatch", id
Пример #2
def run_synapse(docstore, parent, workdir):
    doc = FileDocStore(file_path=docstore)

    syn = synapseclient.Synapse()

    for id, entry in doc.filter(visible=True, data_type='galaxy.datatypes.tabular.Vcf'):
        if 'tags' in entry:
            sample = None
            for s in entry['tags']:
                tmp = s.split(":")
                if tmp[0] == 'sample':
                    sample = tmp[1]
            name = entry['name']
            name = re.sub(r'.vcf$', '', name)
            file_name = sample + "." + name + ".snv_mnv.vcf"
            target = Target(uuid=entry['uuid'])
            if doc.size(target) > 0:
                src_file = doc.get_filename(target)
                dst_file = os.path.join(workdir, file_name)
                query = "select * from entity where parentId=='%s' and name=='%s'" % (parent, file_name + ".gz")
                r = syn.query(query)['results']
                if len(r) == 0:
                    #print r
                    print dst_file
                    shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file)
                    subprocess.check_call("bgzip %s" % (dst_file), shell=True)
                    f = synapseclient.File(dst_file + ".gz", parentId = parent, name=file_name + ".gz" )
                    f.fileType = 'vcf'
                    f.pipeline = 'UCSC'
                    f.variant_type = "snv"
                    f = syn.store(f,
                    print "Skipping", file_name
Пример #3
def run_synapse(docstore, parent, workdir):
    doc = FileDocStore(file_path=docstore)

    syn = synapseclient.Synapse()

    for id, entry in doc.filter(visible=True, data_type='galaxy.datatypes.tabular.Vcf'):
        if 'tags' in entry:
            sample = None
            for s in entry['tags']:
                tmp = s.split(":")
                if tmp[0] == 'sample':
                    sample = tmp[1]
            name = entry['name']
            name = re.sub(r'.vcf$', '', name)
            file_name = sample + "." + name + ".snv_mnv.vcf"
            target = Target(uuid=entry['uuid'])
            if doc.size(target) > 0:
                src_file = doc.get_filename(target)
                dst_file = os.path.join(workdir, file_name)
                query = "select * from entity where parentId=='%s' and name=='%s'" % (parent, file_name + ".gz")
                r = syn.query(query)['results']
                if len(r) == 0:
                    #print r
                    print dst_file
                    shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file)
                    subprocess.check_call("bgzip %s" % (dst_file), shell=True)
                    f = synapseclient.File(dst_file + ".gz", parentId = parent, name=file_name + ".gz" )
                    f.fileType = 'vcf'
                    f.pipeline = 'UCSC'
                    f.variant_type = "snv"
                    f = syn.store(f,
                    print "Skipping", file_name
Пример #4
def run_get(docstore, uuid, outpath):
    doc = FileDocStore(file_path=docstore)
    print doc.get_filename(Target(uuid=uuid))
Пример #5
def run_scan(docstore, workdir, keyfile, upload_url, manifest):
    doc = FileDocStore(file_path=docstore)

    file_map = {
        'broad' : {},
        'muse' : {}

    wl_map = {}
    with open(manifest) as handle:
        reader = csv.DictReader(handle, delimiter="\t")
        for row in reader:
            wl_map[row['Donor_ID']] = row

    for id, entry in doc.filter(visible=True):
        if entry.get('extension', None) in ["vcf", "vcf_bgzip"]:
            if 'tags' in entry:
                sample = None
                for s in entry['tags']:
                    tmp = s.split(":")
                    if tmp[0] == 'sample':
                        sample = tmp[1]

                pipeline = None
                method = None
                call_type = None
                variant_type = None
                if entry['name'] in ['MUSE_1.0rc', 'MUSE_0.9.9.5']:
                    pipeline = "muse"
                    method = entry['name'].replace(".", "-")
                    variant_type = 'somatic'
                    call_type = 'snv_mnv'
                elif entry['name'].split(".")[0] in ['broad-dRanger', 'broad-dRanger_snowman', 'broad-snowman', 'broad-mutect' ]:
                    pipeline = "broad"
                    method = entry['name'].split(".")[0]
                    if 'somatic' in entry['name']:
                        variant_type = 'somatic'
                    elif 'germline' in entry['name']:
                        variant_type = 'germline'
                        raise Exception("Unknown variant type")
                    if 'snv_mnv.vcf' in entry['name']:
                        call_type = 'snv_mnv'
                    elif 'sv.vcf' in entry['name']:
                        call_type = 'sv'
                    elif 'indel.vcf' in entry['name']:
                        call_type = 'indel'
                        raise Exception("Unknown call type: %s" % (entry['name']))
                    raise Exeception("Unknown pipeline %s" % (entry['name']))

                datestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d")
                name = "%s.%s.%s.%s.%s" % (sample, method, datestr, variant_type, call_type )

                name = re.sub(r'.vcf$', '', name)
                if entry['extension'] == 'vcf':
                    file_name = name + ".vcf"
                elif entry['extension'] == 'vcf_bgzip':
                    file_name = name + ".vcf.gz"
                print file_name
                target = Target(uuid=entry['uuid'])
                if doc.size(target) > 0:
                    src_file = doc.get_filename(target)
                    dst_file = os.path.join(workdir, file_name)
                    shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file)

                    if entry['extension'] == 'vcf':
                        subprocess.check_call( "bgzip %s" % dst_file, shell=True )
                        dst_file = dst_file + ".gz"

                    subprocess.check_call("tabix -p vcf %s" % (dst_file), shell=True)
                    shutil.move("%s.tbi" % (dst_file), "%s.idx" % (dst_file))
                    subprocess.check_call("md5sum %s | awk '{print$1}' > %s.md5" % (dst_file, dst_file), shell=True)
                    subprocess.check_call("md5sum %s.idx | awk '{print$1}' > %s.idx.md5" % (dst_file, dst_file), shell=True)

                    if sample not in file_map[pipeline]:
                        file_map[pipeline][sample] = []

                    input_file = os.path.basename(dst_file)

    for pipeline, samples in file_map.items():
        for sample, files in samples.items():
            with open( os.path.join(workdir, "%s.%s.sh" %(pipeline, sample)), "w" ) as handle:
                input_file = os.path.basename(dst_file)
                urls = [
                    "%scghub/metadata/analysisFull/%s" % (wl_map[sample]['Normal_GNOS_endpoint'], wl_map[sample]['Normal_Analysis_ID']),
                    "%scghub/metadata/analysisFull/%s" % (wl_map[sample]['Tumour_GNOS_endpoint'], wl_map[sample]['Tumour_Analysis_ID'])
                cmd_str = "perl /opt/vcf-uploader/gnos_upload_vcf.pl"
                cmd_str += " --metadata-urls %s" % (",".join(urls))
                cmd_str += " --vcfs %s " % (",".join(files))
                cmd_str += " --vcf-md5sum-files %s " % ((",".join( ("%s.md5" % i for i in files) )))
                cmd_str += " --vcf-idxs %s" % ((",".join( ("%s.idx" % i for i in files) )))
                cmd_str += " --vcf-idx-md5sum-files %s" % ((",".join( ("%s.idx.md5" % i for i in files) )))
                cmd_str += " --outdir %s.%s.dir" % (pipeline, sample)
                cmd_str += " --key %s " % (keyfile)
                cmd_str += " --upload-url %s" % (upload_url)
                cmd_str += " --study-refname-override tcga_pancancer_vcf_test"



""" % (cmd_str) )