Пример #1
def test_array():

    neurons = 40
    net = nef.Network('Array Test', seed=50, command_arguments=sys.argv[2:])

    net.make_input('in', np.arange(-1, 1, .34), zero_after_time=1.0)
    #net.make_input('in', value=1, zero_after=1.0)

    net.make('B', neurons=neurons, array_size=3, dimensions=2)
    net.make_array('A', neurons=neurons, array_size=1, dimensions=6)
    net.make('A2', neurons=neurons, array_size=2, dimensions=3)
    net.make('B2', neurons=neurons, array_size=6, dimensions=1)

    net.connect('in', 'A')
    net.connect('in', 'A2')
    net.connect('in', 'B')
    net.connect('in', 'B2')
    net.connect('A2', 'B')

    timesteps = 200
    dt_step = 0.01
    t = np.linspace(dt_step, timesteps * dt_step, timesteps)
    pstc = 0.01

    Ip = net.make_probe('in', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
    Ap = net.make_probe('A', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
    A2p = net.make_probe('A2', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
    Bp = net.make_probe('B', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
    B2p = net.make_probe('B2', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)

    print "starting simulation"

    net.run(timesteps * dt_step)

    ip_data = Ip.get_data()
    ap_data = Ap.get_data()
    a2p_data = A2p.get_data()
    bp_data = Bp.get_data()
    b2p_data = B2p.get_data()

    print "input 'in' probe data"
    for x in ip_data:
        print x
    print "ensemble 'A' probe data"
    for x in ap_data:
        print x
    print "ensemble 'A2' probe data"
    for x in a2p_data:
        print x
    print "ensemble 'B' probe data"
    for x in bp_data:
        print x
    print "ensemble 'B2' probe data"
    for x in b2p_data:
        print x
Пример #2
def test_basalganglia():
    import numpy as np
    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import math

    import sys
    import nef_theano as nef

    net = nef.Network('BG Test', seed=100)

    def func(x):
        return [math.sin(x), .5, .2]

    net.make_input('in', value=func)

    make(net=net, name='BG', neurons=300, dimensions=3)

    net.connect('in', 'BG.input', pstc=.01)

    timesteps = 1000
    dt_step = 0.01
    # t = np.linspace(dt_step, 1, timesteps)
    t = np.linspace(dt_step, timesteps * dt_step, timesteps)
    pstc = 0.01

    Ip = net.make_probe('in', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
    BGp = net.make_probe('BG.output', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)

    print "starting simulation"

    net.run(timesteps * dt_step)
    ip_data = Ip.get_data()
    bgp_data = BGp.get_data()

    print "input 'in' probe data"
    for x in ip_data:
        print x
    print "ensemble 'output' probe data"
    for x in bgp_data:
        print x
Пример #3
"""Test of Network.make_subnetwork(), which should allow for easy nesting of
collections of ensembles.

import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys
import nef_theano as nef

net = nef.Network('Main', seed=93, command_arguments=sys.argv[2:])

netA = net.make_subnetwork('A')
netB = net.make_subnetwork('B')

net.make('X', neurons=50, dimensions=1)
netA.make('Y', neurons=50, dimensions=1)
netB.make('Z', neurons=50, dimensions=1)
netB.make('W', neurons=50, dimensions=1)

netB.connect('Z', 'W')  # connection within a subnetwork
net.connect('X', 'A.Y')  # connection into a subnetwork
net.connect('A.Y', 'X')  # connection out of a subnetwork
net.connect('A.Y', 'B.Z')  # connection across subnetworks

netC = netA.make_subnetwork('C')
netC.make('I', neurons=50, dimensions=1)
netC.make('J', neurons=50, dimensions=1)
netC.connect('I', 'J')  # connection within a subsubnetwork
net.connect('X', 'A.C.I')  # connection into a subsubnetwork
Пример #4
   Need to test
        - 1) inhibitory to ensemble connection
        - 2) inhibitory to network array connection

import nef_theano as nef
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

neurons = 300
dimensions = 1
array_size = 3
inhib_scale = 10

net = nef.Network('WeightMatrix Test')
net.make_input('in1', 1, zero_after=2.5)
net.make_input('in2', [1, .5, 0])
net.make('A', neurons=neurons, dimensions=dimensions, intercept=(.1, 1))
net.make('B', neurons=neurons, dimensions=dimensions)  # for test 1
net.make('B2', neurons=neurons, dimensions=dimensions,
         array_size=array_size)  # for test 2

# setup inhibitory scaling matrix
inhib_scaling_matrix = [[0] * dimensions for i in range(dimensions)]
for i in range(dimensions):
    inhib_scaling_matrix[i][i] = -inhib_scale
# setup inhibitory matrix
inhib_matrix = []
for i in range(dimensions):
    inhib_matrix_part = [[inhib_scaling_matrix[i]] * neurons]
Пример #5
"""This is a test file to test the SimpleNode object"""

import math
import random

import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys
import nef_theano as nef

net = nef.Network('SimpleNode Test', seed=92)

class TrainingInput(nef.simplenode.SimpleNode):
    def init(self):
        self.input_vals = np.arange(-1, 1, .2)
        self.period_length = 2
        self.choose_time = 0.0

        # Note: seeding this random number is necessary for comparing outputs
        # can be removed otherwise
        self.random = random.Random()

    def origin_test1(self):
        if (self.t >= self.choose_time):
            # choose an input randomly from the set
            self.index = self.random.randint(0, 9)
            if (self.index < 5):
Пример #6
"""This is a test file to test the weight, index_pre, and index_post parameters 
   on the connect function. 

import nef_theano as nef
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

net=nef.Network('Weight, Index_Pre, and Index_Post Test')
net.make_input('in', value=math.sin)
net.make('A', 300, 1)
net.make('B', 300, 1)
net.make('C', 400, 2)
net.make('D', 800, 3)
net.make('E', 400, 2)
net.make('F', 400, 2)

net.connect('in', 'A', weight=.5)
net.connect('A', 'B', weight=2)
net.connect('A', 'C', index_post=1)
net.connect('A', 'D')
net.connect('C', 'E', index_pre=1)
net.connect('C', 'F', index_pre=1, index_post=0)

timesteps = 500
Invals = np.zeros((timesteps, 1))
Avals = np.zeros((timesteps, 1))
Bvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 1))
Cvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 2))
Dvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 3))
Пример #7
   This tests:
        -1) creating origin w/ eval_points
        -2) creating ensemble w/ eval_points
        -3) creating ensemble w/ eval_points, creating origin w/ eval_points

import nef_theano as nef
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# create the list of evaluation points
eval_points = np.arange(-1, 0, .5)

net = nef.Network('EvalPoints Test')
net.make_input('in', value=math.sin)

net.make('A1', neurons=300, dimensions=1)  # for test 1
net.make('A2', neurons=300, dimensions=1,
         eval_points=eval_points)  # for test 2
net.make('A3', neurons=300, dimensions=1,
         eval_points=eval_points)  # for test 3

net.make('B', neurons=100, dimensions=1)
net.make('C', neurons=100, dimensions=1)
net.make('D', neurons=100, dimensions=1)

# function for testing evaluation points
def pow(x):
Пример #8
import math
import time

import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys, getopt
import nef_theano as nef

import functions

build_time_start = time.time()

net = nef.Network('Direct Mode Test',

net.make_input('in', math.sin)
net.make('A', neurons=100, dimensions=1)
net.make('B', neurons=1, dimensions=1, mode='direct')
net.make('C', neurons=100, dimensions=1)
net.make('D', neurons=1, dimensions=2, mode='direct')
net.make('E', neurons=1, array_size=2, dimensions=2, mode='direct')

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('A', 'B')
net.connect('B', 'C')
net.connect('B', 'E')
net.connect('E', 'D', func=functions.product)
Пример #9
"""This test file is for checking the run time of the theano code"""

import nef_theano as nef
import math
import time

net = nef.Network('Runtime Test')
net.make_input('in', value=math.sin)
net.make('A', 1000, 1)
net.make('B', 1000, 1)
net.make('C', 1000, 1)
net.make('D', 1000, 1)

# some functions to use in our network
def pow(x):
    return [xval**2 for xval in x]

def mult(x):
    return [xval * 2 for xval in x]

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('A', 'B')
net.connect('A', 'C', func=pow)
net.connect('A', 'D', func=mult)
net.connect('D', 'B', func=pow)  # throw in some recurrency whynot

timesteps = 5000  # running for timesteps * .1 seconds
start_time = time.time()
Пример #10
# Perform matrix multiplication on arbitrary matrices

import sys

import nef_theano as nef
import functions

hosts_file = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None
if hosts_file:
    net = nef.Network('Matrix Multiplication', 100, 100, hosts_file=hosts_file)
    net = nef.Network('Matrix Multiplication', 100, 100)

# Adjust these values to change the matrix dimensions
#  Matrix A is D1xD2
#  Matrix B is D2xD3
#  result is D1xD3

D1 = 1
D2 = 2
D3 = 2

# values should stay within the range (-radius,radius)
radius = 1

# make 2 matrices to store the input
net.make_array('A', 50, D1 * D2, radius=radius)
net.make_array('B', 50, D2 * D3, radius=radius)

# connect inputs to them so we can set their value
Пример #11
"""This is a file to test the net.write_to_file method

import numpy as np
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import time
from neo import hdf5io

import sys
import nef_theano as nef

build_time_start = time.time()

net = nef.Network('Write Out Test', seed=50)
net.make_input('in', math.sin)
net.make('A', 50, 1)
net.make('B', 5, 1)

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('in', 'B')

timesteps = 100
dt_step = 0.01
t = np.linspace(dt_step, timesteps * dt_step, timesteps)
pstc = 0.01

Ip = net.make_probe('in', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
Ap = net.make_probe('A', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
Bp = net.make_probe('B', dt_sample=dt_step)
Пример #12
    phrase = spa.Buffer(dimensions=dimensions, feedback=0)
    motor = spa.Buffer(dimensions=dimensions, feedback=0)

    noun = spa.Buffer(dimensions=dimensions)
    verb = spa.Buffer(dimensions=dimensions)

    BG = spa.BasalGanglia(Rules)
    thal = spa.Thalamus(BG)

    input = spa.Input(0.5, vision='WRITE')
    input.next(0.5, vision='ONE')
    input.next(0.5, vision='NONE')

net = nef.Network('ParseWrite',

pw = ParseWrite(net)


pThal = net.make_probe('thal.rule', dt_sample=0.001)
pMotor = net.make_probe('motor.buffer', dt_sample=0.001)

Пример #13
"""This is a file to test the fixed_seed parameter, which should make
identical ensembles.


import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys
import nef_theano as nef

net = nef.Network('Array Test', fixed_seed=5, command_arguments=sys.argv[2:])

net.make_input('in', [1], zero_after_time=1.0)
net.make('A', num_subs=1, neurons=50, dimensions=1)
net.make('B', num_subs=1, neurons=50, dimensions=1)
net.make_array('AB', neurons=50, array_size=2)

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('in', 'B')
net.connect('in', 'AB', index_post=[0, 1])

timesteps = 200
dt_step = 0.01
t = np.linspace(dt_step, timesteps * dt_step, timesteps)
pstc = 0.01

Ip = net.make_probe('in', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
Ap = net.make_probe('A', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
Bp = net.make_probe('B', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
Пример #14
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys
import nef_theano as nef

#  TODO:  If the seed value is 97, the tests don't pass.
#  All output is the same except for ensemble B's output.
#  If you switch the order of the lines for net.make of A and B,
#  then A will exhibit the problem instead of B
#  1)  Determine why the tests don't pass when the seed value is 97
#  2)  If the root cause is a bug in the new version of the code, fix that bug.
net = nef.Network('Weight, Index_Pre, and Index_Post Test',

net.make_input('in', value=math.sin)
net.make('A', neurons=300, dimensions=1)
net.make('B', neurons=300, dimensions=1)
net.make('C', neurons=400, dimensions=2)
net.make('D', neurons=300, dimensions=1)
net.make('E', neurons=400, dimensions=2)
net.make('F', neurons=400, dimensions=2)

net.connect('in', 'A', weight=.5)
net.connect('A', 'B', weight=2)
net.connect('A', 'C', index_post=1)
net.connect('A', 'D')
net.connect('C', 'E', index_pre=1)
Пример #15
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys
import nef_theano as nef

import functions

# create the list of evaluation points
eval_points1 = np.arange(-1, 0, .5)
eval_points2 = np.array([[1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]).T

hosts_file = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None
if hosts_file:
    net = nef.Network('EvalPoints Test', seed=5, hosts_file=hosts_file)
    net = nef.Network('EvalPoints Test', seed=5)

net.make_input('in', value=math.sin)

# for test 1
net.make('A1', neurons=300, dimensions=1)
# for test 2
net.make('A2', neurons=300, dimensions=1, eval_points=eval_points1)
# for test 3
net.make('A3', neurons=300, dimensions=1, eval_points=eval_points1)
# for test 4
Пример #16
"""This is a file to test the network array function, both with make_array, 
   and by using the array_size parameter in the network.make command"""

import nef_theano as nef
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

net=nef.Network('Array Test', seed=5)
net.make_input('in', [-1,0,0,0,0,1], zero_after=1.0)
net.make_array('A', neurons=200, array_size=3, dimensions=2, neuron_type='lif')
net.make('A2', neurons=200, array_size=2, dimensions=3, neuron_type='lif')
net.make('B', 200, 6, neuron_type='lif')
net.make('B2', 200, dimensions=1, array_size=6, neuron_type='lif')

net.connect('in', 'A', pstc=0.1)
net.connect('in', 'A2', pstc=0.1)
net.connect('in', 'B', pstc=0.1)
net.connect('in', 'B2', pstc=0.1)

timesteps = 500
# setup arrays to store data gathered from sim
Fvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 6))
Avals = np.zeros((timesteps, 6))
A2vals = np.zeros((timesteps, 6))
Bvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 6))
B2vals = np.zeros((timesteps, 6))

print "starting simulation"
for i in range(timesteps):
    Fvals[i] = net.nodes['in'].decoded_output.get_value() 
Пример #17
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def sin3(x):
    return math.sin(x) * 3

def pow(x):
    return [xval**2 for xval in x]

def mult(x):
    return [xval * 2 for xval in x]

net = nef.Network('Encoder Test')
net.make_input('in', value=sin3)
net.make('A', 1000, 1, radius=5)
net.make('B', 300, 1, radius=.5)
net.make('C', 1000, 1, radius=10)
net.make('D', 300, 1, radius=6)

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('A', 'B')
net.connect('A', 'C', func=pow)
net.connect('A', 'D', func=mult)

timesteps = 500
Fvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 1))
Avals = np.zeros((timesteps, 1))
Bvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 1))
Пример #18
"""This is a test file to test the transform parameter on the connect function.
   The transform matrix is post x pre dimensions"""

import nef_theano as nef
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def func(x):
    return [math.sin(x), -math.sin(x)]

net = nef.Network('Transform Test')
net.make_input('in', value=func)
net.make('A', 300, 3)

# define our transform and connect up!
transform = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, -1]]
net.connect('in', 'A', transform=transform)

timesteps = 500
Fvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 2))
Avals = np.zeros((timesteps, 3))
for i in range(timesteps):
    Fvals[i] = net.nodes['in'].decoded_output.get_value()
    Avals[i] = net.nodes['A'].origin['X'].decoded_output.get_value()

Пример #19
"""This is a test file to test the func parameter on the connect method"""

import math

import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys
import nef_theano as nef

import functions

net = nef.Network('Function Test',

net.make_input('in', value=math.sin)

net.make('A', neurons=250, dimensions=1, num_subs=2)

net.make('B', neurons=250, dimensions=3)

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('A', 'B', func=functions.square, pstc=0.1)

timesteps = 500
dt_step = 0.01
t = np.linspace(dt_step, timesteps * dt_step, timesteps)
pstc = 0.03
Пример #20
# Perform matrix multiplication on arbitrary matrices

import nef_theano as nef

net = nef.Network('Matrix Multiplication', 100,
                  100)  #Create the network object

# Adjust these values to change the matrix dimensions
#  Matrix A is D1xD2
#  Matrix B is D2xD3
#  result is D1xD3

D1 = 1
D2 = 2
D3 = 2

# values should stay within the range (-radius,radius)
radius = 1

# make 2 matrices to store the input
net.make_array('A', 50, D1 * D2, radius=radius)
net.make_array('B', 50, D2 * D3, radius=radius)

# connect inputs to them so we can set their value
net.make_input('input A', [0] * D1 * D2)
net.make_input('input B', [0] * D2 * D3)
net.connect('input A', 'A')
net.connect('input B', 'B')

# the C matrix holds the intermediate product calculations
#  need to compute D1*D2*D3 products to multiply 2 matrices together
Пример #21
"""This is a test file to test the func parameter on the connect method"""

import nef_theano as nef
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

#TODO: this doesn't actually work, all output is the same
net = nef.Network('Function Test')
net.make_input('in', value=math.sin)
net.make('A', neurons=500, dimensions=1)
net.make('B', neurons=500, dimensions=3)

# function example for testing
def square(x):
    return [-x[0] * x[0], -x[0], x[0]]

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('A', 'B', func=square, pstc=0.1)

timesteps = 500
# setup arrays to store data gathered from sim
Fvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 1))
Avals = np.zeros((timesteps, 1))
Bvals = np.zeros((timesteps, 3))

print "starting simulation"
for i in range(timesteps):
Пример #22
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys, getopt
import nef_theano as nef

import functions

build_time_start = time.time()

timesteps = 1000
dt_step = 0.001

net = nef.Network('Encoder Test',

net.make_input('in1', math.sin)
net.make_input('in2', math.cos)
net.make('A', neurons=100, dimensions=1)
net.make('B', neurons=100, dimensions=1, encoders=[[1]], intercept=(0, 1.0))
net.make('C', neurons=100, dimensions=2, radius=1.5)
         encoders=[[1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 1]],
net.make('outputC', neurons=1, dimensions=1, mode='direct')
net.make('outputD', neurons=1, dimensions=1, mode='direct')
Пример #23
import nef_theano as nef
import numpy

D = 128
M = 50000
N1 = 100
N2 = 50
index = 0

def make_vector():
    v = numpy.random.normal(size=(D,))
    norm = numpy.linalg.norm(v)
    v = v / norm
    return v

print 'making words...'
words = [make_vector() for i in range(M)]
words = numpy.array(words)
print '...done'

net.make_array('A', N1, D)
net.make_array('B', N1, D)

net.make_array('C', N2, M)#,intercept=(0.6,0.9))
print 'made'

net.connect('A', 'C', words.T, pstc=0.1)
net.connect('C', 'B', words, pstc=0.1)
Пример #24
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys, getopt

import nef_theano as nef

neurons = 100
dimensions = 1
array_size = 3
inhib_scale = 10

net = nef.Network('WeightMatrix Test',

net.make_input('in1', 1, zero_after_time=2.5)
net.make_input('in2', [1, .5, -.5])
net.make('A', neurons=neurons, dimensions=dimensions, intercept=(.1, 1))
net.make('B', neurons=neurons, dimensions=dimensions)  # for test 1
net.make('B2', neurons=neurons, dimensions=dimensions,
         array_size=array_size)  # for test 2
net.make('B3', neurons=neurons, dimensions=dimensions,
         array_size=array_size)  # for test 3
net.make('B4', neurons=neurons, dimensions=dimensions,
         array_size=array_size)  # for test 4

# setup inhibitory scaling matrix
inhib_matrix_1 = [[-10] * dimensions] * neurons  # for test 1 and 2
Пример #25
the function being computed so that it has the proper shape inside
unit length).

import math

import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys
import nef_theano as nef

import functions

net = nef.Network('Radius Test', seed=97, command_arguments=sys.argv[2:])

net.make_input('in', value=functions.sin3)
net.make('A', neurons=1000, dimensions=1, radius=5)
net.make('B', neurons=300, dimensions=1, radius=.5)
net.make('C', neurons=1000, dimensions=1, radius=10)
net.make('D', neurons=300, dimensions=1, radius=6)

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('A', 'B')
net.connect('A', 'C', func=functions.pow)
net.connect('A', 'D', func=functions.mult)

timesteps = 500
dt_step = 0.01
t = np.linspace(dt_step, timesteps * dt_step, timesteps)
Пример #26
"""This is a test file to test the noise parameter on ensemble"""

import math

import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys, getopt
import nef_theano as nef

net = nef.Network('Noise Test', seed=91, command_arguments=sys.argv[2:])
net.make_input('in', value=math.sin)
net.make('A', neurons=300, dimensions=1, noise=1)
net.make('A2', neurons=300, dimensions=1, noise=100)
net.make('B', neurons=300, dimensions=2, noise=1000, noise_type='Gaussian')
net.make('C', neurons=100, dimensions=1, array_size=3, noise=10)

net.connect('in', 'A')
net.connect('in', 'A2')
net.connect('in', 'B')
net.connect('in', 'C')

timesteps = 500
dt_step = 0.01
t = np.linspace(dt_step, timesteps * dt_step, timesteps)
pstc = 0.01

Ip = net.make_probe('in', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
Ap = net.make_probe('A', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)
A2p = net.make_probe('A2', dt_sample=dt_step, pstc=pstc)