def sampleGrid(gridfile,geodict): xdim,ydim = getFileResolution(gridfile) resolution = np.mean([xdim,ydim]) xmin = geodict['xmin'] xmax = geodict['xmax'] ymin = geodict['ymin'] ymax = geodict['ymax'] #resolution = geodict['xdim'] bounds = (xmin-(resolution*2),xmax+(resolution*2),ymin-(resolution*2),ymax+(resolution*2)) if gridfile.endswith('grd'): grid = GMTGrid(grdfile=gridfile,bounds=bounds) else: tmpgrid = EsriGrid(gridfile) tmpgrid.load(bounds=bounds) grid = GMTGrid() grid.loadFromGrid(tmpgrid) grid.interpolateToGrid(geodict) return grid
def main(args): #define location for config file homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") #where is the user's home directory? configfile = args.configFile shakefile = args.shakefile if not os.path.isfile(shakefile): if isURL(shakefile): shakefile = getGridURL(shakefile) #returns a file object else: print 'Could not find "%s" as a file or a url. Returning.' % (shakefile) shakemap = ShakeGrid(shakefile) #figure out the bounds that are greater than the biggest bounds #of any of the grids shakerange = shakemap.getRange() lonrange = shakerange[1] - shakerange[0] latrange = shakerange[3] - shakerange[2] xmin = shakerange[0] - lonrange*0.1 xmax = shakerange[1] + lonrange*0.1 ymin = shakerange[2] - latrange*0.1 ymax = shakerange[3] + latrange*0.1 bigbounds = (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) # shakeheader = shakemap.getAttributes() edict = {'mag':shakeheader['event']['magnitude'], 'time':shakeheader['event']['event_timestamp'], 'loc':shakeheader['event']['event_description'], 'epicenter':(shakeheader['event']['lat'],shakeheader['event']['lon']), 'version':int(shakeheader['shakemap_grid']['shakemap_version']), 'eventid':shakeheader['shakemap_grid']['event_id']} config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() network = shakeheader['shakemap_grid']['shakemap_originator'] eventcode = shakeheader['shakemap_grid']['shakemap_id'] if eventcode.startswith(network): eventid = eventcode else: eventid = network + eventcode outfolder = os.path.join(config.get('OUTPUT','folder'),eventid) if not os.path.isdir(outfolder): os.makedirs(outfolder) slopefile = config.get('MAPDATA','slope') slopegrid = GMTGrid(slopefile,bounds=shakemap.getRange()) slopeout = os.path.join(outfolder,'slope.grd') cityfile = config.get('MAPDATA','cityfile') #get all of the colors that people want colors = {} for option in config.options('MAPDATA'): if option.endswith('color'): colors[option] = config.get('MAPDATA',option) #if they have roads configured, go find the appropriate roads segments hasRoads = config.has_option('MAPDATA','roadfolder') roadslist = [] if hasRoads and args.roads: roadroot = config.get('MAPDATA','roadfolder') xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = shakemap.getRange() for folder in os.listdir(roadroot): roadfolder = os.path.join(roadroot,folder) shpfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(roadfolder,'*.shp')) if len(shpfiles): shpfile = shpfiles[0] f = shapes = list(f.items(bbox=(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax))) for shapeid,shapedict in shapes: roadslist.append(shapedict) f.close() #get the thresholds for liquefaction/landslide model slopemin = float(config.get('MAPDATA','slopemin'))*100 slopemax = float(config.get('MAPDATA','slopemax'))*100 probdict = {} gridbounds = [999,-999,999,-999] #this will hold the smallest bounding box enclosing both models for model in getModelNames(configfile): lm = LogisticModel(configfile,shakefile,model) colormaps = getColorMaps(configfile) print 'Equation for %s model:' % model print print lm.getEquation() print P = lm.calculate() probgrid = GMTGrid() probgrid.griddata = P.copy() probgrid.geodict = lm.layerdict[lm.layerdict.keys()[0]].geodict.copy() #resample the slope grid to model slopegrid2 = GMTGrid() slopegrid2.loadFromGrid(slopegrid) slopegrid2.interpolateToGrid(probgrid.geodict) if model == 'liquefaction': ithresh = slopegrid2.griddata > slopemax else: ithresh = slopegrid2.griddata < slopemin probgrid.griddata[ithresh] = 0.0 xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = probgrid.getRange() if xmin < gridbounds[0]: gridbounds[0] = xmin if xmax > gridbounds[1]: gridbounds[1] = xmax if ymin < gridbounds[2]: gridbounds[2] = ymin if ymax > gridbounds[3]: gridbounds[3] = ymax probdict[model] = probgrid probfile = os.path.join(outfolder,'%s.grd' % model) print 'Saving %s model output to %s' % (model,probfile) #renderPanel(lm,colormaps,outfolder,edict) # for layername,layergrid in lm.layerdict.iteritems(): # layerfile = os.path.join(outfolder,layername+'.grd') # print 'Saving input grid %s to %s...' % (layername,layerfile) # # renderLayer(layergrid,layername,outfolder,edict,model,colormaps) topofile = config.get('MAPDATA','topo') #bigbounds = shakemap.getRange() xdim = shakemap.geodict['xdim'] ydim = shakemap.geodict['xdim'] #bigbounds = (bigbounds[0]-xdim*4,bigbounds[1]+xdim*4,bigbounds[2]-ydim*4,bigbounds[3]+ydim*4) topogrid = GMTGrid(topofile,bounds=bigbounds) topogrid = adjustTopoGrid(topogrid,bigbounds) #make this grid as big as bigbounds if we hit an upper or lower bound topoout = os.path.join(outfolder,'topography.grd') print 'Saving topography to %s' % topoout print 'Saving slope to %s' % slopeout isScenario = shakeheader['shakemap_grid']['shakemap_event_type'].lower() == 'scenario' if args.noscenario: isScenario = False timestr = renderDate(shakeheader['event']['event_timestamp']) location = shakeheader['event']['event_description'] #hillshfile = config.get('MAPDATA','hillshadefile') #hillshgrid = GMTGrid(hillshfile,bounds=bigbounds) makeDualMap(probdict['liquefaction'],probdict['landslide'],topogrid,slopegrid,edict,outfolder,isScenario=isScenario,roadslist=roadslist,colors=colors,cityfile=cityfile)
def makeDualMap( lqgrid, lsgrid, topogrid, slopegrid, eventdict, outfolder, isScenario=False, roadslist=[], colors={}, cityfile=None ): # create the figure and axes instances. fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) # setup of basemap ('lcc' = lambert conformal conic). # use major and minor sphere radii from WGS84 ellipsoid. xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = topogrid.getRange() clat = ymin + (ymax - ymin) / 2.0 clon = xmin + (xmax - xmin) / 2.0 m = Basemap( llcrnrlon=xmin, llcrnrlat=ymin, urcrnrlon=xmax, urcrnrlat=ymax, rsphere=(6378137.00, 6356752.3142), resolution="h", area_thresh=1000.0, projection="lcc", lat_1=clat, lon_0=clon, ax=ax, ) clear_color = [0, 0, 0, 0.0] # topoextent = getGridExtent(topogrid,m) # rgb,topopalette = getTopoRGB(topogrid) # color_tuple = rgb.transpose((1,0,2)).reshape((rgb.shape[0]*rgb.shape[1],rgb.shape[2]))/255.0 hillsh = hillshade(topogrid, 315, 50) # divide by 2 to mute colors topogrid2 = GMTGrid() topogrid2.loadFromGrid(topogrid) topogrid2.interpolateToGrid(lqgrid.geodict) # define what cells are below sea level iwater = np.where(topogrid2.griddata == SEA_LEVEL) lons = np.arange(xmin, xmax, topogrid.getGeoDict()["xdim"]) lons = lons[: topogrid.getGeoDict()["ncols"]] # make sure right length lats = np.arange(ymax, ymin, -topogrid.getGeoDict()["ydim"]) # backwards so it plots right lats = lats[: topogrid.getGeoDict()["nrows"]] llons, llats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) # make meshgrid x, y = m(llons, llats) # get projection coordinates im = m.pcolormesh(x, y, hillsh, cmap="Greys", lw=0, vmin=0.0, vmax=550.0, rasterized=True) # im = m.imshow(rgb,cmap=topopalette,extent=topoextent) # figure out the aspect ratio of the axes print "Map width: %s" % commify(int(m.xmax - m.xmin)) print "Map height: %s" % commify(int(m.ymax - m.ymin)) aspect = (m.xmax - m.xmin) / (m.ymax - m.ymin) slope = -0.33 intercept = 0.463 leftx = slope * aspect + intercept print "Left edge of left colorbar is at: %.2f" % leftx slope = 20.833 intercept = -0.833 titlex = slope * aspect + intercept print "Title X of right colorbar is at: %.2f" % titlex # this business apparently has to happen after something has been # rendered on the map, which I guess makes sense. # draw the map ticks on outside of all edges fig.canvas.draw() # have to do this for tick stuff to show xticks, xlabels, yticks, ylabels = getMapTicks(m, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) plt.tick_params(axis="both", direction="in", right="on", colors="white") plt.xticks(xticks, xlabels, size=8) plt.yticks(yticks, ylabels, size=8) for tick in ax.axes.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(-38) tick.label2.set_horizontalalignment("right") for tick in ax.axes.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(-15) tick.label2.set_verticalalignment("top") [i.set_color("white") for i in plt.gca().get_xticklabels()] [i.set_color("white") for i in plt.gca().get_yticklabels()] # render liquefaction lqdat = lqgrid.getData().copy() * 100.0 palettelq = cm.autumn_r i = np.where(lqdat < 2.0) lqdat[i] = 0 lqdat[iwater] = 0 lqdatm =, 0) palettelq.set_bad(clear_color, alpha=0.0) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = lqgrid.getRange() lons = np.arange(xmin, xmax, lqgrid.getGeoDict()["xdim"]) lons = lons[ : lqgrid.getGeoDict()["ncols"] ] # make sure it's the right length, sometimes it is one too long, sometimes it isn't because of GMTGrid issue lats = np.arange(ymax, ymin, -lqgrid.getGeoDict()["ydim"]) # backwards so it plots right side up lats = lats[ : lqgrid.getGeoDict()["nrows"] ] # make sure it's the right length, sometimes it is one too long, sometimes it isn't because of GMTGrid issue # make meshgrid llons, llats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) x, y = m(llons, llats) # get projection coordinates lqprobhandle = m.pcolormesh(x, y, lqdatm, lw=0, cmap=palettelq, vmin=2.0, vmax=20.0, alpha=ALPHA, rasterized=True) # extent = getGridExtent(lqgrid,m) # lqprobhandle = m.imshow(lqdatm,cmap=palettelq,vmin=2.0,vmax=20.0,alpha=ALPHA,origin='upper',extent=extent) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=2.0, vmax=20.0) cbarlq = m.colorbar(mappable=lqprobhandle, norm=norm, cmap=palettelq) cbarlq.solids.set_rasterized(True) # cbarlq.solids.set_edgecolor("face") # plt.draw() cbarlq.set_ticks([2.0, 11.0, 19.0]) cbarlq.set_ticklabels(["Low", "Medium", "High"]) # vertically oriented colorbar # render landslide topogrid2 = GMTGrid() topogrid2.loadFromGrid(topogrid) topogrid2.interpolateToGrid(lsgrid.geodict) lsdat = lsgrid.getData().copy() * 100.0 clear_color = [0, 0, 0, 0.0] palettels = i = np.where(lsdat < 2.0) lsdat[i] = 0 lsdat[iwater] = 0 lsdatm =, 0) palettels.set_bad(clear_color, alpha=0.0) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = lsgrid.getRange() lons = np.arange(xmin, xmax, lsgrid.getGeoDict()["xdim"]) lons = lons[ : lsgrid.getGeoDict()["ncols"] ] # make sure it's the right length, sometimes it is one too long, sometimes it isn't because of GMTGrid issue lats = np.arange(ymax, ymin, -lsgrid.getGeoDict()["ydim"]) # backwards so it plots right side up # make meshgrid lats = lats[: lsgrid.getGeoDict()["nrows"]] llons, llats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) x, y = m(llons, llats) # get projection coordinates lsprobhandle = m.pcolormesh(x, y, lsdatm, lw=0, cmap=palettels, vmin=2.0, vmax=20.0, alpha=ALPHA, rasterized=True) # extent = getGridExtent(lsgrid,m) # lsprobhandle = plt.imshow(lsdatm,cmap=palettels,vmin=2.0,vmax=20.0,alpha=ALPHA,origin='upper',extent=extent) # draw landslide colorbar on the left side axleft = fig.add_axes([leftx, 0.1, 0.033, 0.8]) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=2.0, vmax=20.0) cbarls = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(axleft, cmap=palettels, norm=norm, orientation="vertical") cbarls.solids.set_rasterized(True)"left") cbarls.set_ticks([2.0, 11.0, 19.0]) cbarls.set_ticklabels(["Low", "Medium", "High"]) # vertically oriented colorbar # draw roads on the map, if they were provided to us roadcolor = ROADCOLOR if colors.has_key("roadcolor"): roadcolor = "#" + colors["roadcolor"] for road in roadslist: xy = list(road["geometry"]["coordinates"]) roadx, roady = zip(*xy) mapx, mapy = m(roadx, roady) m.plot(mapx, mapy, roadcolor, lw=1.0) # add city names to map with population >50,000 (add option later) if cityfile is not None: dmin = 0.04 * (m.ymax - m.ymin) xyplotted = [] cities = PagerCity(cityfile) # Find cities within bounding box boundcity = cities.findCitiesByRectangle(bounds=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) # Just keep 7 biggest cities thresh = sorted([cit["pop"] for cit in boundcity])[-7] plotcity = [cit for cit in boundcity if cit["pop"] >= thresh] # For cities that are more than one xth of the xwidth apart, keep only the larger one pass # do later # Plot cities for ( cit ) in ( plotcity ): # should sort so it plots them in order of population so larger cities are preferentially plotted - do later xi, yi = m(cit["lon"], cit["lat"]) dist = [np.sqrt((xi - x0) ** 2 + (yi - y0) ** 2) for x0, y0 in xyplotted] if not dist or np.min(dist) > dmin: m.scatter(cit["lon"], cit["lat"], c="k", latlon=True, marker=".") ax.text(xi, yi, cit["name"], ha="right", va="top", fontsize=8) xyplotted.append((xi, yi)) # draw titles cbartitle_ls = "Landslide\nProbability" plt.text(-1.0, 1.03, cbartitle_ls, multialignment="left", axes=ax) cbartitle_ls = "Liquefaction\nProbability" plt.text(titlex, 1.03, cbartitle_ls, multialignment="left", axes=ax) axwidth = 20 # where can I get this from? # draw a map boundary, fill in oceans with water # water_color = [.47,.60,.81] # too similar to a blue shade in ls colorbar water_color = "#B8EEFF" m.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_color) if isScenario: title = eventdict["loc"] else: timestr = eventdict["time"].strftime("%b %d %Y") title = "M%.1f %s v%i\n %s" % (eventdict["mag"], timestr, eventdict["version"], eventdict["loc"]) # draw the title on the plot ax.set_title(title) # draw star at epicenter elat, elon = eventdict["epicenter"] ex, ey = m(elon, elat) plt.plot(ex, ey, "*", markeredgecolor="k", mfc="None", mew=1.5, ms=24) # fill in the lakes and rivers m.fillcontinents(color=clear_color, lake_color=water_color) m.drawrivers(color=water_color) # draw country boundaries countrycolor = COUNTRYCOLOR if colors.has_key("countrycolor"): countrycolor = "#" + colors["countrycolor"] m.drawcountries(color=countrycolor, linewidth=1.0) # add map scale m.drawmapscale( (xmax + xmin) / 2, (ymin + (ymax - ymin) / 150), clon, clat, np.round((((xmax - xmin) * 110) / 5) / 10.0) * 10, barstyle="fancy", ) # draw coastlines m.drawcoastlines(color="#476C91", linewidth=0.5) # draw scenario watermark, if scenario if isScenario: cx, cy = m(clon, clat) plt.text(cx, cy, "SCENARIO", rotation=45, alpha=0.10, size=72, ha="center", va="center", color="red") # plt.title(ptitle,axes=ax) outfile = os.path.join(outfolder, "%s.pdf" % eventdict["eventid"]) pngfile = os.path.join(outfolder, "%s.png" % eventdict["eventid"]) plt.savefig(outfile) plt.savefig(pngfile) print "Saving map output to %s" % outfile print "Saving map output to %s" % pngfile