Пример #1
def GenerateProjectReport():
    outfile = open("./DssProjectReport.txt", 'w')

    outfile.write("Project     |   Type   | Sessions | Not Enabled | Observers | Complete | Incomplete |  Avail / Rem Hrs | Obs Hrs | Blackout | Backup | Receivers\n")

    count           = 0
    open_projects   = sorted(Project.objects.filter(complete = False)
                           , lambda x, y: cmp(x.pcode, y.pcode))

    for p in open_projects: 
        for typ in get_type(p):
            if count % 5 == 0:
            count += 1

                "%s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s\n" % \
               , typ.center(8)
               , str(len(p.sesshun_set.all())).center(8)
               , str(len(get_sessions(p, typ, False))).center(11)
               , str(len(p.get_observers())).center(9)
               , str(len([s for s in p.sesshun_set.all() \
                            if s.status.complete == True])).center(8)
               , str(len(get_sessions(p, typ))).center(10)
               , "".join([str(get_rem_schedulable_hours(p, typ)), " / ", str(get_rem_hours(p,typ))]).rjust(16)
               , str(get_obs_hours(p,typ)).center(7)
               , "Yes".center(8) if any([len(o.user.blackout_set.all()) == 0 for o in p.get_observers()]) else "        "
               , "Yes".center(6) if any([s.status.backup for s in p.sesshun_set.all()]) else "      "
               , get_rcvrs(p, typ)

    semester          = Semester.getCurrentSemester()
    SEMESTER_HOURS    = (semester.end() - semester.start()).days * 24.
    semester_hrs_left = (semester.end() - datetime.today()).days * 24.
    outfile.write("\nTotal hours in this semester   = %.1f"% SEMESTER_HOURS)
    outfile.write("\nTotal hours left this semester = %.1f\n" % \

    ta    = TimeAccounting()
    hours = sum([ta.getTimeLeft(p) for p in open_projects])
    remainingRatio =  float(hours / semester_hrs_left * 100.) if semester_hrs_left != 0 else 0.0   

    outfile.write("\nSum of all incomplete projects' hours remaining = %.1f" % hours)
    outfile.write("\nHours remaining / Trimester Hours               = %.1f%%" % 
                  (hours / SEMESTER_HOURS * 100.))
    outfile.write("\nHours remaining / Trimester Hours Left          = %.1f%%\n" % 

    hours = sum([ta.getProjectSchedulableTotalTime(p) for p in open_projects])
    schedulableRatio =  float(hours / semester_hrs_left * 100.) if semester_hrs_left != 0 else 0.0   
    outfile.write("\nSum of all schedulable time             = %.1f" % \

    outfile.write("\nSchedulable time / Trimester Hours      = %.1f%%" % (hours / SEMESTER_HOURS * 100.))  
    outfile.write("\nSchedulable time / Trimester Hours Left = %.1f%%\n" % schedulableRatio)  

Пример #2
def GenerateProjectTimeAccountingReport(pcode):

    project = Project.objects.get(pcode = pcode)
    if project is None:
        print "cannot find project: ", pcode
    ta = TimeAccounting()
    ta.report(project, "%sTimeAccounting.txt" % pcode)
Пример #3
def report(pcode, start, end):

        project = Project.objects.get(pcode = pcode)
    except Project.DoesNotExist:
        print "cannot find project: ", pcode
    startDate = datetime.strptime(start, '%m-%d-%Y')
    e         = datetime.strptime(end, '%m-%d-%Y')
    endDate   = datetime(e.year, e.month, e.day, 23, 59, 59)
    ta = TimeAccounting()
    ta.reportDateRange(project, startDate, endDate)
Пример #4
def report(cat, start, end):

        ot = Observing_Type.objects.get(type = cat)
    except Observing_Type.DoesNotExist:
        print "cannot find science category: ", cat
    startDate = datetime.strptime(start, '%m-%d-%Y')
    e         = datetime.strptime(end, '%m-%d-%Y')
    endDate   = datetime(e.year, e.month, e.day, 23, 59, 59)
    #sessions  = Sesshun.objects.filter(observing_type = ot)
    sessions  = Sesshun.objects.filter(frequency__gte = 18)
    #sessions = [s for s in Sesshun.objects.all() if any( [r in s.rcvrs_specified() for r in ('K', 'Ka', 'Q', 'MBA', 'KFPA', 'W')])]
    ta = TimeAccounting()
    ta.reportObservingTypeDateRange(cat, sessions, startDate, endDate)
Пример #5
def get_rem_schedulable_hours(project, typ):
    ta = TimeAccounting()
    return sum([ta.getTimeLeft(s) for s in get_sessions(project, typ) \
                if s.schedulable() and project.has_sanctioned_observers()])
Пример #6
def get_rem_hours(project, typ):
    ta = TimeAccounting()
    return sum([ta.getTimeLeft(s) for s in get_sessions(project, typ)])
Пример #7
def get_obs_hours(project, typ):
    ta = TimeAccounting()
    return sum([ta.getTime("observed", s) for s in get_sessions(project, typ)])
Пример #8
def GenerateReport(start):
    outfile   = open("./DssSessionReport.txt", 'w')
    scs       = [1, 13, 5, 3, 6, 4, 10, 11, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 15]
    scss      = " %s" * len(scs)
    hdrFormat = "\n\n\t " + scss
    dataFormat = "\n\t " + scss
    semesters = sorted(Semester.objects.all()
                     , lambda x,y:cmp(x.semester,y.semester))
    ta        = TimeAccounting()

    for s in semesters:
        projects = sorted([p for p in s.project_set.all() if not p.complete]
                        , lambda x,y:cmp(x.pcode, y.pcode))
        if projects:
            outfile.write("=" * 100)   
            outfile.write("\n\nTrimester: %s\n" %s.semester)
            outfile.write("-" * 14)   

        for p in projects:
            outfile.write("\n\n\t%s, %s, PI: %s, Rem/Tot: %.1f/%.1f" % \
                       , p.name[:50]
                       , p.principal_investigator().last_name if p.principal_investigator() else "None"
                       , ta.getTimeLeft(p)
                       , ta.getProjectTotalTime(p)))

            outfile.write(hdrFormat % \
                   (ljust("",         scs[0])
                  , ljust("name",     scs[1])
                  , center("orgID",   scs[2])
                  , center("sch",     scs[3])
                  , center("obs",     scs[4])
                  , ljust("type",     scs[5])
                  , center("RA",      scs[6])
                  , center("Dec",     scs[7])
                  , center("rem",     scs[8])
                  , center("tot",     scs[9])
                  , rjust("min",      scs[10])
                  , rjust("max",      scs[11])
                  , rjust("btwn",     scs[12])
                  , ljust("rcvrs",    scs[13])))

            sessions = sorted(p.sesshun_set.all()
                            , lambda x,y:cmp(x.name, y.name))
            for s in sessions:

                target = s.getTarget()

                outfile.write(dataFormat % \
                    (ljust(bl(s.status.complete),        scs[0])
                   , ljust(s.name,                       scs[1])
                   , rjust(s.original_id,                scs[2])
                   , center(scheduable(s),               scs[3])
                   , center(s.observing_type.type[:6],   scs[4])
                   , center(s.session_type.type[0],      scs[5])
                   , ljust(target.get_horizontal(),      scs[6])
                   , ljust(target.get_vertical(),        scs[7])
                   , rjust(ta.getTimeLeft(s),            scs[8])
                   , rjust(s.allotment.total_time,       scs[9])
                   , rjust(s.min_duration,               scs[10])
                   , rjust(s.max_duration,               scs[11])
                   , rjust(s.time_between,               scs[12])
                   , ljust("".join(s.rcvrs_specified()), scs[13])

            if p != projects[-1]:
                outfile.write("\n\t" + ("-" * 96))                 
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, quiet = False, filename = None):
     self.ta = TimeAccounting()
     self.lines = ""
     self.quiet = quiet
     self.filename = filename 
Пример #10
class DBReporter:

    This class is responsible for reporting on the state of the database.
    It provides statistical summarries, as well as alerts on any potential
    Right now it is currently used to report on newly projects transferred
    from Carl's system, w/ a format similar to Carl's for cross checking
    purposes.  Using the revision system, one can view how the old
    'report' method used to try and replicate Carl's report exactly, but
    this is no longer used.

    def __init__(self, quiet = False, filename = None):
        self.ta = TimeAccounting()
        self.lines = ""
        self.quiet = quiet
        self.filename = filename 

    def add(self, lines):
        if not self.quiet:
            print lines
        self.lines += lines

    def printLines(self):
        if not self.quiet:
            print self.lines
        if self.filename:
            f = file(self.filename, 'w')

    def reportProjectSummaryBySemester(self, semester = None):

        if semester is None:
            projs = Project.objects.order_by("pcode").all()
            projs = Project.objects.filter(semester__semester = semester ).order_by("pcode")

    def reportProjectSummaryByPcode(self, pcodes):

        projs = []
        for pcode in pcodes:
            ps = Project.objects.filter(pcode = pcode)

    def reportProjectSummary(self, projs):    

        # *** General Info ***
        # gather stats on projects - how many, how many of what type, total hrs ..

        numProjs = len(projs)
        totalProjHrs = sum([self.ta.getProjectTotalTime(p) for p in projs])
        self.add("\n*** Projects ***\n")

        self.add("Total # of Projects: %d, Total Hrs: %5.2f\n\n" % (numProjs, totalProjHrs))
        semesters = Semester.objects.all().order_by('semester')
        proj_types = Project_Type.objects.all()

        projSems = self.binProject(projs, semesters, "semester")
        self.printInfo(projSems, "Projects by Semester: ", "Semester")

        projTypes = self.binProject(projs, proj_types, "project_type")
        self.printInfo(projTypes, "Projects by Type: ", "Type")

        projThesis = self.binProject(projs, [True, False], "thesis")
        self.printInfo(projThesis, "Projects by Thesis: ", "Thesis")

        # project summary: for each project, how many sess, hrs, etc.
        self.add("Project Summary (modeled from Carl's report): \n")
        header = ["Name", "#", "Hrs", "Original IDs"]
        cols = [10, 5, 6, 50]
        self.printData(header, cols, True)
        for p in projs:
            ss = p.sesshun_set.all()
            hrs = self.ta.getProjSessionsTotalTime(p)
            ssIds = ["%s" % s.original_id for s in ss]
            ssIdStrs = " ".join(ssIds)
            data = [p.pcode, str(len(ss)), "%5.2f" % hrs, ssIdStrs]
            self.printData(data, cols)

    def binWindow(self, windows, bins, attrib):
        r = {}
        for bin in bins:
            binW = [w for w in windows if w.__getattribute__(attrib) == bin]
            r[str(bin)] = (len(binW), 0) # Hrs is N/A
        return r

    def binProject(self, projs, bins, attrib):
        r = {}
        for bin in bins:
            binProj = [p for p in projs if p.__getattribute__(attrib) == bin]
            binProjHrs = sum([self.ta.getProjectTotalTime(p) for p in binProj])
            r[str(bin)] = (len(binProj), binProjHrs)
        return r

    def binSesshun(self, sess, bins, attribs, attribFnc = False):
        r = {}
        # attributes can be "attrib", or "attrib.attrib"
        parts = attribs.split(".")
        for bin in bins:
            if len(parts) == 1:
                attrib = parts[0]
                # for one attrib, we must support difference between a member
                # var and a method
                if attribFnc:
                    binSess = [s for s in sess if s.__getattribute__(attrib)() == bin]
                    binSess = [s for s in sess if s.__getattribute__(attrib) == bin]
            elif len(parts) == 2:
                # in this case, we don't support methods
                a1, a2 = parts
                binSess = [s for s in sess \
                    if s.__getattribute__(a1).__getattribute__(a2) == bin]
                raise "binSesshun only supports <= 2 attributes"
            binSessHrs = sum([s.allotment.total_time for s in binSess])
            r[str(bin)] = (len(binSess), binSessHrs)
        return r

    def binSesshunNumTargets(self, sess):
        nums = {}
        nums['0']  = (len([s for s in sess if s.target_set.all() == []])    , 0)
        nums['1']  = (len([s for s in sess if len(s.target_set.all()) == 1]), 0)
        nums['>1'] = (len([s for s in sess if len(s.target_set.all()) > 1]) , 0)
        return nums

    def binSesshunNumCadences(self, ss):
        nums = {}
        nums['0']  = (len([s for s in ss if len(s.cadence_set.all()) == 0]), 0)
        nums['1']  = (len([s for s in ss if len(s.cadence_set.all()) == 1]), 0)
        nums['>1'] = (len([s for s in ss if len(s.cadence_set.all()) > 1]) , 0)
        return nums

    def printInfo(self, info, title, header):

        # the first col should have a width to accomodate the biggest thing
        keys = info.keys()
        maxKeys = max(keys, key=len)
        col1 = len(max([header, maxKeys], key=len))
        cols = [col1, 5, 10]
        self.add("\n" + title + "\n") 
        self.printData([header, "#", "Hrs"], cols, True)
        for k in keys:
            self.add(" ".join([k[0:cols[0]].rjust(cols[0]), \
                               str(info[k][0])[0:cols[1]].rjust(cols[1]), \
                               str(info[k][1])[0:cols[2]].rjust(cols[2])]) + "\n")

    def printData(self, data, cols, header = False):
        self.add(" ".join([h[0:c].rjust(c) for h, c in zip(data, cols)]) + "\n")
        if header:
            self.add(("-" * (sum(cols) + len(cols))) + "\n")

    def reportProjectDetails(self, projects, pcodes):

        self.add("Project Details for projects: %s\n" % (", ".join(pcodes)))

        projs = [p for p in projects if p.pcode in pcodes]

        for proj in projs:

    def projectDetails(self, project):
        self.add("Project %s:\n" % project.pcode)
        for a in project.allotments.all():
            self.add("Allotment: %s\n" % a)
        for s in project.sesshun_set.all():
            self.add("  Session name : %s, vpkey : %d, hrs : %5.2f\n" % \
                (s.name, s.original_id, s.allotment.total_time))
            for p in s.period_set.all():
                self.add("    Period %s for %5.2f Hrs\n" % (p.start, p.duration))