Пример #1
def test_linearfilter(Simulator, plt, seed, allclose):
    dt = 1e-3
    synapse = LinearFilter(butter_num, butter_den, analog=False)
    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, synapse, dt=dt)
    y = synapse.filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert signals_allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt, plt=plt, allclose=allclose)
Пример #2
def build_gdhl(model, gdhl, rule):
    """Builds a `.GDHL` object into a model.
    Calls synapse build functions to filter the pre and post activities,
    and adds a `.SimGDHL` operator to the model to calculate the delta.
    model : Model
        The model to build into.
    gdhl : GDHL
        Learning rule type to build.
    rule : LearningRule
        The learning rule object corresponding to the neuron type.
    Does not modify ``model.params[]`` and can therefore be called
    more than once with the same `.GDHL` instance.

    conn = rule.connection
    pre_activities = model.sig[conn.pre_obj]["out"]
    if conn.pre_slice is not None:
        pre_activities = pre_activities[conn.pre_slice]
    post_activities = model.sig[get_post_ens(conn).neurons]["out"]
    if conn.post_slice is not None:
        post_activities = post_activities[conn.post_slice]
    pre_filtered = build_or_passthrough(model, gdhl.pre_synapse,
    post_filtered = build_or_passthrough(model, gdhl.post_synapse,
    weights = model.sig[conn]["weights"]

    d_pre_filtered = build_or_passthrough(
        LinearFilter([1, 0], [1],
    d_post_filtered = build_or_passthrough(
        LinearFilter([1, 0], [1],


    # expose these for probes
    model.sig[rule]["pre_filtered"] = pre_filtered
    model.sig[rule]["post_filtered"] = post_filtered
Пример #3
def test_step_errors():
    output = np.zeros(3)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        LinearFilter.NoDen([1], [1], output)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        LinearFilter.Simple([1, 2], [1], output)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        LinearFilter.Simple([1], [1, 2], output)
Пример #4
def test_direct(Simulator, plt, seed, allclose):
    dt = 1e-3
    a = 0.7

    synapse = LinearFilter([a], [1], analog=False)
    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, synapse, dt=dt)
    y = synapse.filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert signals_allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt, allclose=allclose)
    assert signals_allclose(t, a * x, y, plt=plt, allclose=allclose)
Пример #5
def test_linearfilter_combine(rng, allclose):
    nt = 3000
    tau0, tau1 = 0.01, 0.02
    u = rng.normal(size=(nt, 10))
    x = LinearFilter([1], [tau0 * tau1, tau0 + tau1, 1]).filt(u, y0=0)
    y = Lowpass(tau0).combine(Lowpass(tau1)).filt(u, y0=0)
    assert allclose(x, y)

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="other LinearFilters"):

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="analog and digital"):
        Lowpass(0.1).combine(LinearFilter([1], [1], analog=False))
Пример #6
def test_linearfilter(Simulator, plt, seed):
    dt = 1e-3

    # The following num, den are for a 4th order analog Butterworth filter,
    # generated with `scipy.signal.butter(4, 0.2, analog=False)`
    num = np.array(
        [0.00482434, 0.01929737, 0.02894606, 0.01929737, 0.00482434])
    den = np.array([1., -2.36951301,  2.31398841, -1.05466541,  0.18737949])

    synapse = LinearFilter(num, den, analog=False)
    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, synapse, dt=dt)
    y = synapse.filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt, plt=plt)
Пример #7
def test_linearfilter(Simulator, plt, seed):
    dt = 1e-3

    # The following num, den are for a 4th order analog Butterworth filter,
    # generated with `scipy.signal.butter(4, 0.2, analog=False)`
    num = np.array(
        [0.00482434, 0.01929737, 0.02894606, 0.01929737, 0.00482434])
    den = np.array([1., -2.36951301, 2.31398841, -1.05466541, 0.18737949])

    synapse = LinearFilter(num, den, analog=False)
    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, synapse, dt=dt)
    y = synapse.filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt, plt=plt)
Пример #8
def test_linear_analog(Simulator, seed):
    dt = 1e-3

    # The following num, den are for a 4th order analog Butterworth filter,
    # generated with `scipy.signal.butter(4, 200, analog=True)`
    num = np.array([1.60000000e+09])
    den = np.array([1.00000000e+00, 5.22625186e+02, 1.36568542e+05,
                    2.09050074e+07, 1.60000000e+09])

    synapse = LinearFilter(num, den, analog=True)
    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, synapse, dt=dt)
    y = synapse.filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt, atol=5e-4)
Пример #9
def test_linear_analog(Simulator, seed):
    dt = 1e-3

    # The following num, den are for a 4th order analog Butterworth filter,
    # generated with `scipy.signal.butter(4, 200, analog=True)`
    num = np.array([1.60000000e09])
    den = np.array(
        [1.00000000e00, 5.22625186e02, 1.36568542e05, 2.09050074e07, 1.60000000e09]

    synapse = LinearFilter(num, den, analog=True)
    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, synapse, dt=dt)
    y = synapse.filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert signals_allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt, atol=5e-4)
Пример #10
def test_linearfilter(Simulator, plt, seed):
    dt = 1e-3

    # The following num, den are for a 4th order analog Butterworth filter,
    # generated with `scipy.signal.butter(4, 1. / 0.03, analog=True)`
    num = np.array([1234567.90123457])
    den = np.array([
        1.0, 87.104197658425107, 3793.5706248589954, 96782.441842694592,

    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, LinearFilter(num, den), dt=dt)
    y = filt(x, LinearFilter(num, den), dt=dt)

    assert allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt, plt=plt)
Пример #11
def test_linearfilter_combine(rng):
    nt = 3000
    tau0, tau1 = 0.01, 0.02
    u = rng.normal(size=(nt, 10))
    x = LinearFilter([1], [tau0 * tau1, tau0 + tau1, 1]).filt(u, y0=0)
    y = Lowpass(tau0).combine(Lowpass(tau1)).filt(u, y0=0)
    assert np.allclose(x, y)
Пример #12
def test_lti_lowpass(rng, plt):
    dt = 1e-3
    tend = 3.
    t = dt * np.arange(tend / dt)
    nt = len(t)

    tau = 1e-2
    lti = LinearFilter([1], [tau, 1])

    u = rng.normal(size=(nt, 10))
    x = Lowpass(tau).filt(u, dt=dt)
    y = lti.filt(u, dt=dt)

    plt.plot(t, x[:, 0], label="Lowpass")
    plt.plot(t, y[:, 0], label="LTI")

    assert np.allclose(x, y)
Пример #13
def test_linearfilter_onex(Simulator):
    with nengo.Network() as net:
        inp = nengo.Node(lambda t: np.sin(t * 10))

        tau = 0.1

        # check that linearfilter and lowpass are equivalent
        # (two versions of each to check that merging works as expected)
        p_lowpass0 = nengo.Probe(inp, synapse=tau)
        p_lowpass1 = nengo.Probe(inp, synapse=tau * 2)
        p_linear0 = nengo.Probe(inp, synapse=LinearFilter([1], [tau, 1]))
        p_linear1 = nengo.Probe(inp, synapse=LinearFilter([1], [tau * 2, 1]))

    with Simulator(net) as sim:

        assert np.allclose(sim.data[p_lowpass0], sim.data[p_linear0])
        assert np.allclose(sim.data[p_lowpass1], sim.data[p_linear1])
Пример #14
def test_alpha(Simulator, seed):
    dt = 1e-3
    tau = 0.03
    num, den = [1], [tau**2, 2 * tau, 1]

    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, Alpha(tau), dt=dt)
    y = LinearFilter(num, den).filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt, atol=5e-5)
Пример #15
def test_lti_lowpass(rng, plt):
    dt = 1e-3
    tend = 3.
    t = dt * np.arange(tend / dt)
    nt = len(t)

    tau = 1e-2
    lti = LinearFilter([1], [tau, 1])

    u = rng.normal(size=(nt, 10))
    x = Lowpass(tau).filt(u, dt=dt)
    y = lti.filt(u, dt=dt)

    plt.plot(t, x[:, 0], label="Lowpass")
    plt.plot(t, y[:, 0], label="LTI")

    assert np.allclose(x, y)
Пример #16
def test_step_errors():
    # error for A.shape[0] != B.shape[0]
    A = np.ones((2, 2))
    B = np.ones((1, 1))
    C = np.ones((1, 2))
    D = np.ones((1, 1))
    X = np.ones((2, 10))
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="Matrices do not meet"):
        LinearFilter.General(A, B, C, D, X)
Пример #17
def test_linearfilter_y0(allclose):
    # --- y0 sets initial state correctly for high-order filter
    synapse = LinearFilter(butter_num, butter_den, analog=False)
    v = 9.81
    x = v * np.ones(10)
    assert allclose(synapse.filt(x, y0=v), v)
    assert not allclose(synapse.filt(x, y0=0), v, record_rmse=False)

    # --- y0 does not work for high-order synapse when DC gain is zero
    synapse = LinearFilter([1, 0], [1, 1])
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="Cannot solve for state"):
        synapse.filt(np.ones(10), y0=1)
Пример #18
def test_argreprs():
    def check_init_args(cls, args):
        assert getfullargspec(cls.__init__).args[1:] == args

    def check_repr(obj):
        assert eval(repr(obj)) == obj

    check_init_args(LinearFilter, ["num", "den", "analog", "method"])
    check_repr(LinearFilter([1, 2], [3, 4]))
    check_repr(LinearFilter([1, 2], [3, 4], analog=False))

    check_init_args(Lowpass, ["tau"])

    check_init_args(Alpha, ["tau"])

    check_init_args(Triangle, ["t"])
Пример #19
def test_argreprs():
    def check_init_args(cls, args):
        assert getfullargspec(cls.__init__).args[1:] == args

    def check_repr(obj):
        assert eval(repr(obj)) == obj

    check_init_args(LinearFilter, ['num', 'den', 'analog'])
    check_repr(LinearFilter([1, 2], [3, 4]))
    check_repr(LinearFilter([1, 2], [3, 4], analog=False))

    check_init_args(Lowpass, ['tau'])

    check_init_args(Alpha, ['tau'])

    check_init_args(Triangle, ['t'])
Пример #20
def test_frozen():
    """Test attributes inherited from FrozenObject"""
    a = LinearFilter([1], [0.04, 1])
    b = LinearFilter([1], [0.04, 1])
    c = LinearFilter([1], [0.04, 1.1])

    assert hash(a) == hash(a)
    assert hash(b) == hash(b)
    assert hash(c) == hash(c)

    assert a == b
    assert hash(a) == hash(b)
    assert a != c
    assert hash(a) != hash(c)  # not guaranteed, but highly likely
    assert b != c
    assert hash(b) != hash(c)  # not guaranteed, but highly likely

    with pytest.raises((ValueError, RuntimeError)):
        a.den[0] = 9
Пример #21
def test_frozen():
    """Test attributes inherited from FrozenObject"""
    a = LinearFilter([1], [0.04, 1])
    b = LinearFilter([1], [0.04, 1])
    c = LinearFilter([1], [0.04, 1.1])

    assert hash(a) == hash(a)
    assert hash(b) == hash(b)
    assert hash(c) == hash(c)

    assert a == b
    assert hash(a) == hash(b)
    assert a != c
    assert hash(a) != hash(c)  # not guaranteed, but highly likely
    assert b != c
    assert hash(b) != hash(c)  # not guaranteed, but highly likely

    with pytest.raises((ValueError, RuntimeError)):
        a.den[0] = 9
Пример #22
def test_zero_matrices(Simulator, zero, seed):
    dt = 1e-3

    A = np.diag(np.ones(2) * dt)
    B = np.zeros((2, 1))
    B[0] = 1
    C = np.ones((1, 2))
    D = np.ones((1, ))

    if zero == "C":
        C[...] = 0
    elif zero == "D":
        D[...] = 0

    num, den = ss2tf(A, B, C, D)
    num = num.flatten()

    synapse = LinearFilter(num, den, analog=False)

    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, synapse, dt=dt)
    y = synapse.filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt * 2 if zero == "D" else dt, atol=5e-5)
Пример #23
def test_zero_matrices(Simulator, zero, seed):
    dt = 1e-3

    A = np.diag(np.ones(2) * dt)
    B = np.zeros((2, 1))
    B[0] = 1
    C = np.ones((1, 2))
    D = np.ones((1,))

    if zero == "C":
        C[...] = 0
    elif zero == "D":
        D[...] = 0

    num, den = ss2tf(A, B, C, D)
    num = num.flatten()

    synapse = LinearFilter(num, den, analog=False)

    t, x, yhat = run_synapse(Simulator, seed, synapse, dt=dt)
    y = synapse.filt(x, dt=dt, y0=0)

    assert allclose(t, y, yhat, delay=dt * 2 if zero == "D" else dt, atol=5e-5)
Пример #24
def test_linearfilter_evaluate(plt):
    tau = 0.02
    ord1 = LinearFilter([1], [tau, 1])
    ord2 = LinearFilter([1], [tau**2, 2 * tau, 1])

    f = np.logspace(-1, 3, 100)
    y1 = ord1.evaluate(f)
    y2 = ord2.evaluate(f)

    plt.semilogx(f, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(y1)))
    plt.semilogx(f, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(y2)))

    plt.semilogx(f, np.angle(y1))
    plt.semilogx(f, np.angle(y2))

    jw_tau = 2.0j * np.pi * f * tau
    y1_ref = 1 / (jw_tau + 1)
    y2_ref = 1 / (jw_tau**2 + 2 * jw_tau + 1)
    assert np.allclose(y1, y1_ref)
    assert np.allclose(y2, y2_ref)
Пример #25
def test_mergeable():
    # anything is mergeable with an empty list
    assert mergeable(None, [])

    # ops with different numbers of sets/incs/reads/updates are not mergeable
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal()]), [dummies.Op()])
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(incs=[dummies.Signal()]), [dummies.Op()])
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(reads=[dummies.Signal()]), [dummies.Op()])
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(updates=[dummies.Signal()]), [dummies.Op()])
    assert mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal()]),

    # check matching dtypes
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(dtype=np.float32)]),

    # shape mismatch
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(shape=(1, 2))]),
                         [dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(shape=(1, 3))])])

    # display shape mismatch
    assert not mergeable(
        dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(base_shape=(2, 2), shape=(4, 1))]),
        [dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(base_shape=(2, 2), shape=(1, 4))])])

    # first dimension mismatch
    assert mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(shape=(3, 2))]),
                     [dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(shape=(4, 2))])])

    # Copy (inc must match)
    assert mergeable(Copy(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), inc=True),
                     [Copy(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), inc=True)])
    assert not mergeable(Copy(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), inc=True),
                         [Copy(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), inc=False)])

    # elementwise (first dimension must match)
    assert mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])
    assert mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(shape=(1,)), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(shape=()), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])
    assert not mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(shape=(3,)), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(shape=(2,)), dummies.Signal(),

    # simpyfunc (t input must match)
    time = dummies.Signal()
    assert mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, time, None),
                     [SimPyFunc(None, None, time, None)])
    assert mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                     [SimPyFunc(None, None, None, dummies.Signal())])
    assert not mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, dummies.Signal(), None),
                         [SimPyFunc(None, None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # simneurons
    # check matching TF_NEURON_IMPL
    assert mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
                     [SimNeurons(LIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])
    assert not mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
                         [SimNeurons(LIFRate(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])

    # check custom with non-custom implementation
    assert not mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
                         [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(),

    # check non-custom matching
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
        [SimNeurons(AdaptiveLIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
    assert mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
                   states=[dummies.Signal(shape=(2, 1))]),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
                    states=[dummies.Signal(shape=(2, 2))])])

    # simprocess
    # mode must match
    assert not mergeable(
        SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
        [SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),

    # check that lowpass match
    assert mergeable(SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                     [SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # check that lowpass and linear don't match
    assert not mergeable(SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                         [SimProcess(Alpha(0), None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # check that two linear do match
    assert mergeable(
        SimProcess(Alpha(0.1), dummies.Signal(), None, dummies.Signal()),
        [SimProcess(LinearFilter([1], [1, 1, 1]), dummies.Signal(), None,

    # check custom and non-custom don't match
    assert not mergeable(SimProcess(Triangle(0), None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                         [SimProcess(Alpha(0), None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # check non-custom matching
    assert mergeable(SimProcess(Triangle(0), None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                     [SimProcess(Triangle(0), None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # simtensornode
    a = SimTensorNode(None, dummies.Signal(), None, dummies.Signal())
    assert not mergeable(a, [a])

    # learning rules
    a = SimBCM(dummies.Signal((4,)), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
    b = SimBCM(dummies.Signal((5,)), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
    assert not mergeable(a, [b])
Пример #26
 def __init__(self, dist=Gaussian(mean=0, std=1), **kwargs):
     super().__init__(synapse=LinearFilter([1], [1, 0], method="euler"),
Пример #27
 def __init__(self, dist=Gaussian(mean=0, std=1), **kwargs):
     super(BrownNoise, self).__init__(synapse=LinearFilter([1], [1, 0]),
Пример #28
        p_lowpass0 = nengo.Probe(inp, synapse=tau)
        p_lowpass1 = nengo.Probe(inp, synapse=tau * 2)
        p_linear0 = nengo.Probe(inp, synapse=LinearFilter([1], [tau, 1]))
        p_linear1 = nengo.Probe(inp, synapse=LinearFilter([1], [tau * 2, 1]))

    with Simulator(net) as sim:

        assert np.allclose(sim.data[p_lowpass0], sim.data[p_linear0])
        assert np.allclose(sim.data[p_lowpass1], sim.data[p_linear1])

        LinearFilter([0.1], [1], analog=False),  # NoX
        LinearFilter([1], [0.1, 1]),  # OneX
        Alpha(0.1),  # NoD
            [0.0004166, 0.0016664, 0.0024996, 0.0016664, 0.0004166],
            [1.0, -3.18063855, 3.86119435, -2.11215536, 0.43826514],
        ),  # General
def test_linearfilter_minibatched(Simulator, synapse):
    n_steps = 10
    mini_size = 4
    signal_d = 3

    with nengo.Network() as net:
        inp = nengo.Node(np.zeros(signal_d))