class Oja(LearningRuleType):
    """Oja learning rule.

    Modifies connection weights according to the Hebbian Oja rule, which
    augments typically Hebbian coactivity with a "forgetting" term that is
    proportional to the weight of the connection and the square of the
    postsynaptic activity.

    The Oja rule is dependent on pre and post neural activities,
    not decoded values, and so is not affected by changes in the
    size of pre and post ensembles. However, if you are decoding from
    the post ensemble, the Oja rule will have an increased effect on
    larger post ensembles because more connection weights are changing.
    In these cases, it may be advantageous to scale the learning rate
    on the Oja rule by ``1 / post.n_neurons``.

    learning_rate : float, optional
        A scalar indicating the rate at which weights will be adjusted.
    pre_synapse : `.Synapse`, optional
        Synapse model used to filter the pre-synaptic activities.
    post_synapse : `.Synapse`, optional
        Synapse model used to filter the post-synaptic activities.
        If None, ``post_synapse`` will be the same as ``pre_synapse``.
    beta : float, optional
        A scalar weight on the forgetting term.

    beta : float
        A scalar weight on the forgetting term.
    learning_rate : float
        A scalar indicating the rate at which weights will be adjusted.
    post_synapse : `.Synapse`
        Synapse model used to filter the post-synaptic activities.
    pre_synapse : `.Synapse`
        Synapse model used to filter the pre-synaptic activities.

    modifies = "weights"
    probeable = ("pre_filtered", "post_filtered", "delta")

    learning_rate = NumberParam("learning_rate",
    pre_synapse = SynapseParam("pre_synapse",
    post_synapse = SynapseParam("post_synapse", default=None, readonly=True)
    beta = NumberParam("beta", low=0, readonly=True, default=1.0)

    pre_tau = _deprecated_tau("pre_tau", "pre_synapse")
    post_tau = _deprecated_tau("post_tau", "post_synapse")

    def __init__(
        super().__init__(learning_rate, size_in=0)

        self.beta = beta

        if pre_tau is Unconfigurable:
            self.pre_synapse = pre_synapse
            self.pre_tau = pre_tau

        if post_tau is Unconfigurable:
            self.post_synapse = (self.pre_synapse
                                 if post_synapse is Default else post_synapse)
            self.post_tau = post_tau

    def _argdefaults(self):
        return (
            ("learning_rate", Oja.learning_rate.default),
            ("pre_synapse", Oja.pre_synapse.default),
            ("post_synapse", self.pre_synapse),
            ("beta", Oja.beta.default),
Пример #2
class Connection(NengoObject):
    """Connects two objects together.

    Almost any Nengo object can act as the pre or post side of a connection.
    Additionally, you can use Python slice syntax to access only some of the
    dimensions of the pre or post object.

    For example, if ``node`` has ``size_out=2`` and ``ensemble`` has
    ``size_in=1``, we could not create the following connection::

        nengo.Connection(node, ensemble)

    But, we could create either of these two connections.

        nengo.Connection(node[0], ensemble)
        nengo.Connection(ndoe[1], ensemble)

    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The source Nengo object for the connection.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The destination object for the connection.

    label : string
        A descriptive label for the connection.
    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but not including `transform`.
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    synapse : float, optional
        Post-synaptic time constant (PSTC) to use for filtering.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like, optional
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
        This transform is in terms of the sliced size; if either pre
        or post is a slice, the transform must be of shape
        (len(pre_slice), len(post_slice)).
    solver : Solver
        Instance of a Solver class to compute decoders or weights
        (see `nengo.solvers`). If `solver.weights` is True, a full
        connection weight matrix is computed instead of decoders.
    function : callable, optional
        Function to compute using the pre population (pre must be Ensemble).
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int, optional
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    scale_eval_points : bool
        Indicates whether the eval_points should be scaled by the radius of
        the pre Ensemble. Defaults to True.
    learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
        Methods of modifying the connection weights during simulation.

    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but before applying the `transform`.
    function : callable
        The given function.
    function_size : int
        The output dimensionality of the given function. Defaults to 0.
    is_decoded: bool
        True if and only if the connection is decoded. This will not occur
        when `solver.weights` is True or both `pre` and `post` are `Neurons`.
    label : str
        A human-readable connection label for debugging and visualization.
        Incorporates the labels of the pre and post objects.
    learning_rule : LearningRule or collection of LearningRule
        The LearningRule objects corresponding to `learning_rule_type`, and in
        the same format. Use these to probe the learning rules.
    learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
        The learning rule types.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The given pre object.
    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The given pre object.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
    seed : int
        The seed used for random number generation.

    pre = PrePostParam('pre', nonzero_size_out=True)
    post = PrePostParam('post', nonzero_size_in=True)
    synapse = SynapseParam('synapse', default=Lowpass(0.005))
    transform = TransformParam('transform', default=np.array(1.0))
    solver = ConnectionSolverParam('solver', default=LstsqL2())
    learning_rule_type = ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam('learning_rule_type',
    function_info = ConnectionFunctionParam('function',
    eval_points = EvalPointsParam('eval_points',
                                  sample_shape=('*', 'size_in'))
    scale_eval_points = BoolParam('scale_eval_points', default=True)
    modulatory = ObsoleteParam(
        'modulatory', "Modulatory connections have been removed. "
        "Connect to a learning rule instead.",

    def __init__(self,
        super(Connection, self).__init__(label=label, seed=seed)

        self.pre = pre = post

        self.synapse = synapse
        self.transform = transform
        self.scale_eval_points = scale_eval_points
        self.eval_points = eval_points  # Must be set before function
        self.function_info = function  # Must be set after transform
        self.solver = solver  # Must be set before learning rule
        self.learning_rule_type = learning_rule_type  # set after transform
        self.modulatory = modulatory

    def function(self):
        return self.function_info.function

    def function(self, function):
        self.function_info = function

    def probeable(self):
        return ['output', 'input', 'weights']

    def pre_obj(self):
        return self.pre.obj if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else self.pre

    def pre_slice(self):
        return self.pre.slice if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else slice(None)

    def post_obj(self):
        return if isinstance(, ObjView) else

    def post_slice(self):
        return (
                if isinstance(, ObjView) else slice(None))

    def size_in(self):
        """Output size of sliced `pre`; input size of the function."""
        return self.pre.size_out

    def size_mid(self):
        """Output size of the function; input size of the transform.

        If the function is None, then `size_in == size_mid`.
        size = self.function_info.size
        return self.size_in if size is None else size

    def size_out(self):
        """Output size of the transform; input size to the sliced post."""

    def _str(self):
        if self.label is not None:
            return self.label

        return "from %s to %s%s" % (self.pre,,
                                    " computing '%s'" % self.function.__name__
                                    if self.function is not None else "")

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Connection %s>" % self._str

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Connection at 0x%x %s>" % (id(self), self._str)

    def learning_rule(self):
        if self.learning_rule_type is not None and self._learning_rule is None:
            types = self.learning_rule_type
            if isinstance(types, dict):
                self._learning_rule = types.__class__()  # dict of same type
                for k, v in iteritems(types):
                    self._learning_rule[k] = LearningRule(self, v)
            elif is_iterable(types):
                self._learning_rule = [LearningRule(self, v) for v in types]
            elif isinstance(types, LearningRuleType):
                self._learning_rule = LearningRule(self, types)
                raise ValidationError("Invalid type %r" %

        return self._learning_rule

    def is_decoded(self):
        return not (self.solver.weights or
                    (isinstance(self.pre_obj, Neurons)
                     and isinstance(self.post_obj, Neurons)))
Пример #3
class Connection(NengoObject):
    """Connects two objects together.

    The connection between the two object is unidirectional,
    transmitting information from the first argument, ``pre``,
    to the second argument, ``post``.

    Almost any Nengo object can act as the pre or post side of a connection.
    Additionally, you can use Python slice syntax to access only some of the
    dimensions of the pre or post object.

    For example, if ``node`` has ``size_out=2`` and ``ensemble`` has

    .. testcode::

       with nengo.Network() as net:
           node = nengo.Node(np.zeros(2))
           ensemble = nengo.Ensemble(10, 1)

    We could not create the following connection:

    .. testcode::

       with net:
           nengo.Connection(node, ensemble)

    .. testoutput::

       Traceback (most recent call last):
       nengo.exceptions.ValidationError: init: Shape of initial value () does not \
       match expected shape (1, 2)

    But, we could create either of these two connections:

    .. testcode::

       with net:
           nengo.Connection(node[0], ensemble)
           nengo.Connection(node[1], ensemble)

    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The source Nengo object for the connection.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or LearningRule
        The destination object for the connection.
    synapse : Synapse or None, optional
        Synapse model to use for filtering (see `~nengo.synapses.Synapse`).
        If *None*, no synapse will be used and information will be transmitted
        without any delay (if supported by the backend---some backends may
        introduce a single time step delay).

        Note that at least one connection must have a synapse that is not
        *None* if components are connected in a cycle. Furthermore, a synaptic
        filter with a zero time constant is different from a *None* synapse
        as a synaptic filter will always add a delay of at least one time step.
    function : callable or (n_eval_points, size_mid) array_like, optional
        Function to compute across the connection. Note that ``pre`` must be
        an ensemble to apply a function across the connection.
        If an array is passed, the function is implicitly defined by the
        points in the array and the provided ``eval_points``, which have a
        one-to-one correspondence.
    transform : (size_out, size_mid) array_like, optional
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
        This transform is in terms of the sliced size; if either pre
        or post is a slice, the transform must be shaped according to
        the sliced dimensionality. Additionally, the function is applied
        before the transform, so if a function is computed across the
        connection, the transform must be of shape ``(size_out, size_mid)``.
    solver : Solver, optional
        Solver instance to compute decoders or weights
        (see `~nengo.solvers.Solver`). If ``solver.weights`` is True, a full
        connection weight matrix is computed instead of decoders.
    learning_rule_type : LearningRuleType or iterable of LearningRuleType, optional
        Modifies the decoders or connection weights during simulation.
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, size_in) array_like or int, optional
        Points at which to evaluate ``function`` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
        If None, will use the eval_points associated with ``pre``.
    scale_eval_points : bool, optional
        Indicates whether the evaluation points should be scaled
        by the radius of the pre Ensemble.
    label : str, optional
        A descriptive label for the connection.
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation.

    function : callable
        The given function.
    function_size : int
        The output dimensionality of the given function. If no function is
        specified, function_size will be 0.
    label : str
        A human-readable connection label for debugging and visualization.
        If not overridden, incorporates the labels of the pre and post objects.
    learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
        The learning rule types.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe or ObjView
        The given post object.
    post_obj : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The underlying post object, even if ``post`` is an ``ObjView``.
    post_slice : slice or list or None
        The slice associated with ``post`` if it is an ObjView, or None.
    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or ObjView
        The given pre object.
    pre_obj : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The underlying pre object, even if ``post`` is an ``ObjView``.
    pre_slice : slice or list or None
        The slice associated with ``pre`` if it is an ObjView, or None.
    seed : int
        The seed used for random number generation.
    solver : Solver
        The Solver instance that will be used to compute decoders or weights
        (see ``nengo.solvers``).
    synapse : Synapse
        The Synapse model used for filtering across the connection
        (see ``nengo.synapses``).
    transform : (size_out, size_mid) array_like
        Linear transform mapping the pre function output to the post input.

    learning_rule : LearningRule or iterable of LearningRule
        Connectable learning rule object(s) associated with this connection.
    size_in : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object.
        Also the input size of the function, if one is specified.
    size_mid : int
        The number of output dimensions of the function, if specified.
        If the function is not specified, then ``size_in == size_mid``.
    size_out : int
        The number of input dimensions of the post object.
        Also the number of output dimensions of the transform.

    probeable = ("output", "input", "weights")

    pre = PrePostParam("pre", nonzero_size_out=True)
    post = PrePostParam("post", nonzero_size_in=True)
    synapse = SynapseParam("synapse", default=Lowpass(tau=0.005))
    function_info = ConnectionFunctionParam("function", default=None, optional=True)
    transform = ConnectionTransformParam("transform", default=None, optional=True)
    solver = ConnectionSolverParam("solver", default=LstsqL2())
    learning_rule_type = ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam(
        "learning_rule_type", default=None, optional=True
    eval_points = EvalPointsParam(
        "eval_points", default=None, optional=True, sample_shape=("*", "size_in")
    scale_eval_points = BoolParam("scale_eval_points", default=True)

    _param_init_order = [

    def __init__(
        super().__init__(label=label, seed=seed)

        self.pre = pre = post

        self.synapse = synapse
        self.eval_points = eval_points  # Must be set before function
        self.scale_eval_points = scale_eval_points
        self.function_info = function
        self.transform = transform  # Must be set after function
        self.solver = solver  # Must be set before learning rule
        self.learning_rule_type = learning_rule_type  # set after transform

    def __str__(self):
        return self._str(include_id=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._str(include_id=True)

    def _str(self, include_id):
        desc = "<Connection "
        if include_id:
            desc += "at 0x%x " % id(self)

        if self.label is None:
            desc += "from %s to %s%s" % (
                    if self.function is None
                    else " computing '%s'" % (function_name(self.function))
            desc += self.label

        desc += ">"

        return desc

    def function(self):
        return self.function_info.function

    def function(self, function):
        self.function_info = function

    def has_weights(self):
        return not isinstance(self.transform, NoTransform) or (
            isinstance(self.pre_obj, Ensemble)
            and not isinstance(self.pre_obj.neuron_type, Direct)

    def is_decoded(self):
            "is_decoded is deprecated; directly check the pre/post objects for the "
            "properties of interest instead",
        return not (
            or (
                isinstance(self.pre_obj, Neurons) and isinstance(self.post_obj, Neurons)

    def _to_neurons(self):
        return isinstance(self.post_obj, Neurons) or (
            isinstance(self.pre_obj, Ensemble)
            and isinstance(self.post_obj, Ensemble)
            and self.solver.weights

    def _label(self):
        if self.label is not None:
            return self.label

        return "from %s to %s%s" % (
            " computing '%s'" % function_name(self.function)
            if self.function is not None
            else "",

    def learning_rule(self):
        """(LearningRule or iterable) Connectable learning rule object(s)."""
        if self.learning_rule_type is None:
            return None

        types = self.learning_rule_type
        if isinstance(types, dict):
            learning_rule = type(types)()  # dict of same type
            for k, v in types.items():
                learning_rule[k] = LearningRule(self, v)
        elif is_iterable(types):
            learning_rule = [LearningRule(self, v) for v in types]
        elif isinstance(types, LearningRuleType):
            learning_rule = LearningRule(self, types)
            raise ValidationError(
                "Invalid type %r" % type(types).__name__,

        return learning_rule

    def post_obj(self):
        return if isinstance(, ObjView) else

    def post_slice(self):
        return if isinstance(, ObjView) else slice(None)

    def pre_obj(self):
        return self.pre.obj if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else self.pre

    def pre_slice(self):
        return self.pre.slice if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else slice(None)

    def size_in(self):
        """(int) The number of output dimensions of the pre object.

        Also the input size of the function, if one is specified.
        return self.pre.size_out

    def size_mid(self):
        """(int) The number of output dimensions of the function, if specified.

        If the function is not specified, then ``size_in == size_mid``.
        size = self.function_info.size
        return self.size_in if size is None else size

    def size_out(self):
        """(int) The number of input dimensions of the post object.

        Also the number of output dimensions of the transform.
class BCM(LearningRuleType):
    """Bienenstock-Cooper-Munroe learning rule.

    Modifies connection weights as a function of the presynaptic activity
    and the difference between the postsynaptic activity and the average
    postsynaptic activity.

    The BCM rule is dependent on pre and post neural activities,
    not decoded values, and so is not affected by changes in the
    size of pre and post ensembles. However, if you are decoding from
    the post ensemble, the BCM rule will have an increased effect on
    larger post ensembles because more connection weights are changing.
    In these cases, it may be advantageous to scale the learning rate
    on the BCM rule by ``1 / post.n_neurons``.

    learning_rate : float, optional
        A scalar indicating the rate at which weights will be adjusted.
    pre_synapse : `.Synapse`, optional
        Synapse model used to filter the pre-synaptic activities.
    post_synapse : `.Synapse`, optional
        Synapse model used to filter the post-synaptic activities.
        If None, ``post_synapse`` will be the same as ``pre_synapse``.
    theta_synapse : `.Synapse`, optional
        Synapse model used to filter the theta signal.

    learning_rate : float
        A scalar indicating the rate at which weights will be adjusted.
    post_synapse : `.Synapse`
        Synapse model used to filter the post-synaptic activities.
    pre_synapse : `.Synapse`
        Synapse model used to filter the pre-synaptic activities.
    theta_synapse : `.Synapse`
        Synapse model used to filter the theta signal.

    modifies = "weights"
    probeable = ("theta", "pre_filtered", "post_filtered", "delta")

    learning_rate = NumberParam("learning_rate",
    pre_synapse = SynapseParam("pre_synapse",
    post_synapse = SynapseParam("post_synapse", default=None, readonly=True)
    theta_synapse = SynapseParam("theta_synapse",

    pre_tau = _deprecated_tau("pre_tau", "pre_synapse")
    post_tau = _deprecated_tau("post_tau", "post_synapse")
    theta_tau = _deprecated_tau("theta_tau", "theta_synapse")

    def __init__(
        super().__init__(learning_rate, size_in=0)

        if pre_tau is Unconfigurable:
            self.pre_synapse = pre_synapse
            self.pre_tau = pre_tau

        if post_tau is Unconfigurable:
            self.post_synapse = (self.pre_synapse
                                 if post_synapse is Default else post_synapse)
            self.post_tau = post_tau

        if theta_tau is Unconfigurable:
            self.theta_synapse = theta_synapse
            self.theta_tau = theta_tau

    def _argdefaults(self):
        return (
            ("learning_rate", BCM.learning_rate.default),
            ("pre_synapse", BCM.pre_synapse.default),
            ("post_synapse", self.pre_synapse),
            ("theta_synapse", BCM.theta_synapse.default),
Пример #5
class Connection(NengoObject):
    """Connects two objects together.

    TODO: Document slice syntax here and in the transform parameter.

    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The source Nengo object for the connection.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The destination object for the connection.

    label : string
        A descriptive label for the connection.
    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but not including `transform`.
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    synapse : float, optional
        Post-synaptic time constant (PSTC) to use for filtering.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like, optional
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
    solver : Solver
        Instance of a Solver class to compute decoders or weights
        (see `nengo.decoders`). If solver.weights is True, a full
        connection weight matrix is computed instead of decoders.
    function : callable, optional
        Function to compute using the pre population (pre must be Ensemble).
    modulatory : bool, optional
        Specifies whether the connection is modulatory (does not physically
        connect to post, for use by learning rules), or not (default).
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int, optional
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    learning_rule : LearningRule or list of LearningRule, optional
        Methods of modifying the connection weights during simulation.

    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but before applying the `transform`.
    function : callable
        The given function.
    function_size : int
        The output dimensionality of the given function. Defaults to 0.
    label : str
        A human-readable connection label for debugging and visualization.
        Incorporates the labels of the pre and post objects.
    learning_rule : list of LearningRule
        The given learning rules. If given a single LearningRule, this will be
        a list with a single element.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The given pre object.
    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The given pre object.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
    modulatory : bool
        Whether the output of this signal is to act as an error signal for a
        learning rule.
    seed : int
        The seed used for random number generation.

    pre = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_out=True)
    post = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_in=True)
    synapse = SynapseParam(default=Lowpass(0.005))
    transform = TransformParam(default=np.array(1.0))
    solver = ConnectionSolverParam(default=LstsqL2())
    function_info = ConnectionFunctionParam(default=None, optional=True)
    modulatory = BoolParam(default=False)
    learning_rule = ConnectionLearningRuleParam(default=None, optional=True)
    eval_points = EvalPointsParam(default=None,
                                  shape=('*', 'size_in'))
    seed = IntParam(default=None, optional=True)
    probeable = ListParam(default=['signal'])

    def __init__(self,
        self.pre = pre = post

        self.probeable = Default
        self.solver = solver  # Must be set before learning rule
        self.learning_rule = learning_rule
        self.modulatory = modulatory
        self.synapse = synapse
        self.transform = transform
        self.eval_points = eval_points  # Must be set before function
        self.function_info = function  # Must be set after transform

    def function(self):
        return self.function_info.function

    def function(self, function):
        self.function_info = function

    def pre_obj(self):
        return self.pre.obj if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else self.pre

    def pre_slice(self):
        return self.pre.slice if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else slice(None)

    def post_obj(self):
        return if isinstance(, ObjView) else

    def post_slice(self):
        return (
                if isinstance(, ObjView) else slice(None))

    def size_in(self):
        """Output size of sliced `pre`; input size of the function."""
        return self.pre.size_out

    def size_mid(self):
        """Output size of the function; input size of the transform.

        If the function is None, then `size_in == size_mid`.
        size = self.function_info.size
        return self.size_in if size is None else size

    def size_out(self):
        """Output size of the transform; input size to the sliced post."""

    def label(self):
        label = "%s->%s" % (self.pre.label,
        if self.function is not None:
            return "%s:%s" % (label, self.function.__name__)
        return label
Пример #6
 class Test:
     sp = SynapseParam("sp", default=Lowpass(0.1))
Пример #7
class Connection(NengoObject):
    """Connects two objects together.

    Almost any Nengo object can act as the pre or post side of a connection.
    Additionally, you can use Python slice syntax to access only some of the
    dimensions of the pre or post object.

    For example, if ``node`` has ``size_out=2`` and ``ensemble`` has
    ``size_in=1``, we could not create the following connection::

        nengo.Connection(node, ensemble)

    But, we could create either of these two connections.

        nengo.Connection(node[0], ensemble)
        nengo.Connection(ndoe[1], ensemble)

    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The source Nengo object for the connection.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The destination object for the connection.

    label : string
        A descriptive label for the connection.
    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but not including `transform`.
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    synapse : float, optional
        Post-synaptic time constant (PSTC) to use for filtering.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like, optional
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
        This transform is in terms of the sliced size; if either pre
        or post is a slice, the transform must be of shape
        (len(pre_slice), len(post_slice)).
    solver : Solver
        Instance of a Solver class to compute decoders or weights
        (see `nengo.solvers`). If solver.weights is True, a full
        connection weight matrix is computed instead of decoders.
    function : callable, optional
        Function to compute using the pre population (pre must be Ensemble).
    modulatory : bool, optional
        Specifies whether the connection is modulatory (does not physically
        connect to post, for use by learning rules), or not (default).
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int, optional
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    scale_eval_points : bool
        Indicates whether the eval_points should be scaled by the radius of
        the pre Ensemble. Defaults to True.
    learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
        Methods of modifying the connection weights during simulation.

    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but before applying the `transform`.
    function : callable
        The given function.
    function_size : int
        The output dimensionality of the given function. Defaults to 0.
    label : str
        A human-readable connection label for debugging and visualization.
        Incorporates the labels of the pre and post objects.
    learning_rule : LearningRule or collection of LearningRule
        The LearningRule objects corresponding to `learning_rule_type`, and in
        the same format. Use these to probe the learning rules.
    learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
        The learning rule types.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The given pre object.
    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The given pre object.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
    modulatory : bool
        Whether the output of this signal is to act as an error signal for a
        learning rule.
    seed : int
        The seed used for random number generation.

    pre = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_out=True)
    post = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_in=True)
    synapse = SynapseParam(default=Lowpass(0.005))
    transform = TransformParam(default=np.array(1))
    solver = ConnectionSolverParam(default=LstsqL2())
    function_info = ConnectionFunctionParam(default=None, optional=True)
    modulatory = BoolParam(default=False)
    learning_rule_type = ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam(default=None,
    eval_points = EvalPointsParam(default=None,
                                  sample_shape=('*', 'size_in'))
    scale_eval_points = BoolParam(default=True)
    seed = IntParam(default=None, optional=True)

    def __init__(self,
        self.pre = pre = post

        self.solver = solver  # Must be set before learning rule
        self.learning_rule_type = learning_rule_type
        self.modulatory = modulatory
        self.synapse = synapse
        self.transform = transform
        self.scale_eval_points = scale_eval_points
        self.eval_points = eval_points  # Must be set before function
        self.function_info = function  # Must be set after transform

    def function(self):
        return self.function_info.function

    def function(self, function):
        self.function_info = function

    def probeable(self):
        probeables = ["output", "input", "transform"]
        if isinstance(self.pre, Ensemble):
            probeables += ["decoders"]

        return probeables

    def pre_obj(self):
        return self.pre.obj if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else self.pre

    def pre_slice(self):
        return self.pre.slice if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else slice(None)

    def post_obj(self):
        return if isinstance(, ObjView) else

    def post_slice(self):
        return (
                if isinstance(, ObjView) else slice(None))

    def size_in(self):
        """Output size of sliced `pre`; input size of the function."""
        return self.pre.size_out

    def size_mid(self):
        """Output size of the function; input size of the transform.

        If the function is None, then `size_in == size_mid`.
        size = self.function_info.size
        return self.size_in if size is None else size

    def size_out(self):
        """Output size of the transform; input size to the sliced post."""

    def _label(self):
        return "from %s to %s%s" % (self.pre,,
                                    " computing '%s'" % self.function.__name__
                                    if self.function is not None else "")

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Connection %s>" % self._label

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Connection at 0x%x %s>" % (id(self), self._label)

    def learning_rule(self):
        if self.learning_rule_type is not None and self._learning_rule is None:
            types = self.learning_rule_type
            if isinstance(types, dict):
                self._learning_rule = types.__class__()  # dict of same type
                for k, v in iteritems(types):
                    self._learning_rule[k] = LearningRule(self, v)
            elif is_iterable(types):
                self._learning_rule = [LearningRule(self, v) for v in types]
            elif isinstance(types, LearningRuleType):
                self._learning_rule = LearningRule(self, types)
                raise ValueError("Invalid type for `learning_rule_type`: %s" %
        return self._learning_rule
Пример #8
        nengo.Connection(err, conn.learning_rule["pes"])
        # Case 3: neurons -> ens
        conn = nengo.Connection(
            transform=np.ones((1, ens1.n_neurons)),
            learning_rule_type={"pes": nengo.PES()},
        nengo.Connection(err, conn.learning_rule["pes"])

    with Simulator(net) as sim:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("pre_synapse", [0, Lowpass(tau=0.05), Alpha(tau=0.005)])
def test_pes_synapse(Simulator, seed, pre_synapse, allclose):
    rule = PES(pre_synapse=pre_synapse)

    with nengo.Network(seed=seed) as model:
        stim = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(0.5, high=10))
        x = nengo.Ensemble(100, 1)

        nengo.Connection(stim, x, synapse=None)
        conn = nengo.Connection(x, x, learning_rule_type=rule)

        p_neurons = nengo.Probe(x.neurons, synapse=pre_synapse)
        p_pes = nengo.Probe(conn.learning_rule, "activities")

    with Simulator(model) as sim:
Пример #9
class Connection(NengoObject):
    """Connects two objects together.

    The connection between the two object is unidirectional,
    transmitting information from the first argument, ``pre``,
    to the second argument, ``post``.

    Almost any Nengo object can act as the pre or post side of a connection.
    Additionally, you can use Python slice syntax to access only some of the
    dimensions of the pre or post object.

    For example, if ``node`` has ``size_out=2`` and ``ensemble`` has
    ``size_in=1``, we could not create the following connection::

        nengo.Connection(node, ensemble)

    But, we could create either of these two connections::

        nengo.Connection(node[0], ensemble)
        nengo.Connection(node[1], ensemble)

    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The source Nengo object for the connection.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The destination object for the connection.

    synapse : Synapse or None, optional
        Synapse model to use for filtering (see `~nengo.synapses.Synapse`).
        If *None*, no synapse will be used and information will be transmitted
        without any delay (if supported by the backend---some backends may
        introduce a single time step delay).

        Note that at least one connection must have a synapse that is not
        *None* if components are connected in a cycle. Furthermore, a synaptic
        filter with a zero time constant is different from a *None* synapse
        as a synaptic filter will always add a delay of at least one time step.
    function : callable or (n_eval_points, size_mid) array_like, optional
        Function to compute across the connection. Note that ``pre`` must be
        an ensemble to apply a function across the connection.
        If an array is passed, the function is implicitly defined by the
        points in the array and the provided ``eval_points``, which have a
        one-to-one correspondence.
    transform : (size_out, size_mid) array_like, optional
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
        This transform is in terms of the sliced size; if either pre
        or post is a slice, the transform must be shaped according to
        the sliced dimensionality. Additionally, the function is applied
        before the transform, so if a function is computed across the
        connection, the transform must be of shape ``(size_out, size_mid)``.
    solver : Solver, optional
        Solver instance to compute decoders or weights
        (see `~nengo.solvers.Solver`). If ``solver.weights`` is True, a full
        connection weight matrix is computed instead of decoders.
    learning_rule_type : LearningRuleType or iterable of LearningRuleType, \
        Modifies the decoders or connection weights during simulation.
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, size_in) array_like or int, optional
        Points at which to evaluate ``function`` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
        If None, will use the eval_points associated with ``pre``.
    scale_eval_points : bool, optional
        Indicates whether the evaluation points should be scaled
        by the radius of the pre Ensemble.
    label : str, optional
        A descriptive label for the connection.
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation.

    is_decoded : bool
        True if and only if the connection is decoded. This will not occur
        when ``solver.weights`` is True or both pre and post are
    function : callable
        The given function.
    function_size : int
        The output dimensionality of the given function. If no function is
        specified, function_size will be 0.
    label : str
        A human-readable connection label for debugging and visualization.
        If not overridden, incorporates the labels of the pre and post objects.
    learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
        The learning rule types.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe or ObjView
        The given post object.
    post_obj : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The underlying post object, even if ``post`` is an ``ObjView``.
    post_slice : slice or list or None
        The slice associated with ``post`` if it is an ObjView, or None.
    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or ObjView
        The given pre object.
    pre_obj : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The underlying pre object, even if ``post`` is an ``ObjView``.
    pre_slice : slice or list or None
        The slice associated with ``pre`` if it is an ObjView, or None.
    seed : int
        The seed used for random number generation.
    solver : Solver
        The Solver instance that will be used to compute decoders or weights
        (see ``nengo.solvers``).
    synapse : Synapse
        The Synapse model used for filtering across the connection
        (see ``nengo.synapses``).
    transform : (size_out, size_mid) array_like
        Linear transform mapping the pre function output to the post input.

    size_in : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object.
        Also the input size of the function, if one is specified.
    size_mid : int
        The number of output dimensions of the function, if specified.
        If the function is not specified, then ``size_in == size_mid``.
    size_out : int
        The number of input dimensions of the post object.
        Also the number of output dimensions of the transform.

    probeable = ('output', 'input', 'weights')

    pre = PrePostParam('pre', nonzero_size_out=True)
    post = PrePostParam('post', nonzero_size_in=True)
    synapse = SynapseParam('synapse', default=Lowpass(tau=0.005))
    function_info = ConnectionFunctionParam('function',
    transform = ConnectionTransformParam('transform', default=1.0)
    solver = ConnectionSolverParam('solver', default=LstsqL2())
    learning_rule_type = ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam('learning_rule_type',
    eval_points = EvalPointsParam('eval_points',
                                  sample_shape=('*', 'size_in'))
    scale_eval_points = BoolParam('scale_eval_points', default=True)
    modulatory = ObsoleteParam(
        'modulatory', "Modulatory connections have been removed. "
        "Connect to a learning rule instead.",

    _param_init_order = [
        'pre', 'post', 'synapse', 'eval_points', 'function_info', 'transform',
        'solver', 'learning_rule_type'

    def __init__(self,
        super().__init__(label=label, seed=seed)

        self.pre = pre = post

        self.synapse = synapse
        self.eval_points = eval_points  # Must be set before function
        self.scale_eval_points = scale_eval_points
        self.function_info = function
        self.transform = transform  # Must be set after function
        self.solver = solver  # Must be set before learning rule
        self.learning_rule_type = learning_rule_type  # set after transform
        self.modulatory = modulatory

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Connection %s>" % self._str

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Connection at 0x%x %s>" % (id(self), self._str)

    def _str(self):
        if self.label is not None:
            return self.label

        desc = "" if self.function is None else " computing '%s'" % (
        return "from %s to %s%s" % (self.pre,, desc)

    def function(self):
        return self.function_info.function

    def function(self, function):
        self.function_info = function

    def is_decoded(self):
        return not (self.solver.weights or
                    (isinstance(self.pre_obj, Neurons)
                     and isinstance(self.post_obj, Neurons)))

    def _label(self):
        if self.label is not None:
            return self.label

        return "from %s to %s%s" % (self.pre,, " computing '%s'" %
                                    if self.function is not None else "")

    def learning_rule(self):
        """(LearningRule or iterable) Connectable learning rule object(s)."""
        if self.learning_rule_type is None:
            return None

        types = self.learning_rule_type
        if isinstance(types, dict):
            learning_rule = type(types)()  # dict of same type
            for k, v in types.items():
                learning_rule[k] = LearningRule(self, v)
        elif is_iterable(types):
            learning_rule = [LearningRule(self, v) for v in types]
        elif isinstance(types, LearningRuleType):
            learning_rule = LearningRule(self, types)
            raise ValidationError("Invalid type %r" % type(types).__name__,

        return learning_rule

    def post_obj(self):
        return if isinstance(, ObjView) else

    def post_slice(self):
        return (
                if isinstance(, ObjView) else slice(None))

    def pre_obj(self):
        return self.pre.obj if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else self.pre

    def pre_slice(self):
        return self.pre.slice if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else slice(None)

    def size_in(self):
        """(int) The number of output dimensions of the pre object.

        Also the input size of the function, if one is specified.
        return self.pre.size_out

    def size_mid(self):
        """(int) The number of output dimensions of the function, if specified.

        If the function is not specified, then ``size_in == size_mid``.
        size = self.function_info.size
        return self.size_in if size is None else size

    def size_out(self):
        """(int) The number of input dimensions of the post object.

        Also the number of output dimensions of the transform.
Пример #10
                                transform=np.ones((1, 3)),
                                learning_rule_type={"pes": nengo.PES()})
        nengo.Connection(err, conn.learning_rule["pes"])
        # Case 3: neurons -> ens
        conn = nengo.Connection(ens1.neurons, ens2,
                                transform=np.ones((1, ens1.n_neurons)),
                                learning_rule_type={"pes": nengo.PES()})
        nengo.Connection(err, conn.learning_rule["pes"])

    with Simulator(net) as sim:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('pre_synapse', [
    0, Lowpass(tau=0.05), Alpha(tau=0.005)])
def test_pes_synapse(Simulator, seed, pre_synapse):
    rule = PES(pre_synapse=pre_synapse)

    with nengo.Network(seed=seed) as model:
        stim = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(0.5, high=10))
        x = nengo.Ensemble(100, 1)

        nengo.Connection(stim, x, synapse=None)
        conn = nengo.Connection(x, x, learning_rule_type=rule)

        p_neurons = nengo.Probe(x.neurons, synapse=pre_synapse)
        p_pes = nengo.Probe(conn.learning_rule, 'activities')

    with Simulator(model) as sim:
Пример #11
def plot_angles(x, label=None):
    filt = Lowpass(10, default_dt=n_per_batch)
    y = filt.filtfilt(x) if len(x) > 0 else []
    batch_inds = n_per_batch * np.arange(len(x))
    plt.plot(batch_inds, y, label=label)
Пример #12
def plot_batches(x, label=None, color=None):
    filt = Lowpass(10, default_dt=n_per_batch)
    y = filt.filtfilt(x) if len(x) > 0 else []
    batch_inds = n_per_batch * np.arange(len(x))
    plt.semilogy(batch_inds, y, label=label, color=color)
Пример #13
def build_pes(model, pes, rule):
    """Builds a `.PES` object into a model.

    Calls synapse build functions to filter the pre activities,
    and adds several operators to implement the PES learning rule.
    Unlike other learning rules, there is no corresponding `.Operator`
    subclass for the PES rule. Instead, the rule is implemented with
    generic operators like `.ElementwiseInc` and `.DotInc`.
    Generic operators are used because they are more likely to be
    implemented on other backends like Nengo OCL.

    model : Model
        The model to build into.
    pes : PES
        Learning rule type to build.
    rule : LearningRule
        The learning rule object corresponding to the neuron type.

    Does not modify ``model.params[]`` and can therefore be called
    more than once with the same `.PES` instance.

    conn = rule.connection

    # Create input error signal
    error = Signal(np.zeros(rule.size_in), name="PES:error")
    model.sig[rule]['in'] = error  # error connection will attach here

    acts =, model.sig[conn.pre_obj]['out'])

    # Compute the correction, i.e. the scaled negative error
    correction = Signal(np.zeros(error.shape), name="PES:correction")

    # correction = -learning_rate * (dt / n_neurons) * error
    n_neurons = (conn.pre_obj.n_neurons if isinstance(conn.pre_obj, Ensemble)
                 else conn.pre_obj.size_in)
    lr_sig = Signal(-pes.learning_rate * model.dt / n_neurons,
    model.add_op(ElementwiseInc(lr_sig, error, correction, tag="PES:correct"))

    if not conn.is_decoded:
        post = get_post_ens(conn)
        weights = model.sig[conn]['weights']
        encoders = model.sig[post]['encoders']

        # encoded = dot(encoders, correction)
        encoded = Signal(np.zeros(weights.shape[0]), name="PES:encoded")
        model.add_op(DotInc(encoders, correction, encoded, tag="PES:encode"))
        local_error = encoded
    elif isinstance(conn.pre_obj, (Ensemble, Neurons)):
        local_error = correction
        raise BuildError("'pre' object '%s' not suitable for PES learning" %

    # delta = local_error * activities
                       tag="PES:Inc Delta"))

    # expose these for probes
    model.sig[rule]['error'] = error
    model.sig[rule]['correction'] = correction
    model.sig[rule]['activities'] = acts
Пример #14
class Thalamus(Network):
    """Inhibits non-selected actions.

    The thalamus is intended to work in tandem with a `.BasalGanglia` module.
    It converts basal ganglia output into a signal with (approximately) 1 for
    the selected action and 0 elsewhere.

    In order to suppress low responses and strengthen high responses,
    a constant bias is added to each dimension (i.e., action), and dimensions
    mutually inhibit each other. Additionally, the ensemble representing
    each dimension is created with positive encoders and can be assigned
    positive x-intercepts to threshold low responses.

    neurons_action : int, optional (Default: 50)
        Number of neurons per action to represent the selection.
    threshold_action : float, optional (Default: 0.2)
        Minimum value for action representation.
    mutual_inhibit : float, optional (Default: 1.0)
        Strength of inhibition between actions.
    route_inhibit : float, optional (Default: 3.0)
        Strength of inhibition for unchosen actions.
    synapse_inhibit : float, optional (Default: 0.008)
        Synaptic filter to apply for inhibition between actions.
    synapse_bg : float, optional (Default: 0.008)
        Synaptic filter for connection between basal ganglia and thalamus.
    synapse_direct : float, optional (Default: 0.01)
        Synaptic filter for direct outputs.
    neurons_channel_dim : int, optional (Default: 50)
        Number of neurons per routing channel dimension.
    synapse_channel : float, optional (Default: 0.01)
        Synaptic filter for channel inputs and outputs.
    neurons_gate : int, optional (Default: 40)
        Number of neurons per gate.
    threshold_gate : float, optional (Default: 0.3)
        Minimum value for gating neurons.
    synapse_to-gate : float, optional (Default: 0.002)
        Synaptic filter for controlling a gate.
    kwargs : dict
        Passed through to `nengo_spa.Network`.

    actions : nengo.networks.EnsembleArray
        Each ensemble represents one dimension (action).
    bias : nengo.Node
        The constant bias injected in each *actions* ensemble.
    input : nengo.Node
        Input to the *actions* ensembles.
    output : nengo.Node
        Output from the *actions* ensembles.

    neurons_action = IntParam('neurons_action', default=50)
    threshold_action = NumberParam('threshold_action', default=0.2)
    mutual_inhibit = NumberParam('mutual_inhibit', default=1.)
    route_inhibit = NumberParam('route_inhibit', default=3.)
    synapse_inhibit = SynapseParam('synapse_inhibit', default=Lowpass(0.008))
    synapse_bg = SynapseParam('synapse_bg', default=Lowpass(0.008))
    neurons_channel_dim = IntParam('neurons_channel_dim', default=50)
    synapse_channel = SynapseParam('synapse_channel', default=Lowpass(0.01))
    neurons_gate = IntParam('neurons_gate', default=40)
    threshold_gate = NumberParam('threshold_gate', default=0.3)
    synapse_to_gate = SynapseParam('synapse_to_gate', default=Lowpass(0.002))

    def __init__(self,
        kwargs.setdefault('label', "Thalamus")
        super(Thalamus, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.action_count = action_count
        self.neurons_action = neurons_action
        self.mutual_inhibit = mutual_inhibit
        self.route_inhibit = route_inhibit
        self.synapse_inhibit = synapse_inhibit
        self.threshold_action = threshold_action
        self.neurons_channel_dim = neurons_channel_dim
        self.synapse_channel = synapse_channel
        self.neurons_gate = neurons_gate
        self.threshold_gate = threshold_gate
        self.synapse_to_gate = synapse_to_gate
        self.synapse_bg = synapse_bg

        self.gates = {}  # gating ensembles per action (created as needed)
        self.channels = []  # channels to pass data between networks

        self.gate_in_connections = {}
        self.gate_out_connections = {}
        self.channel_out_connections = []
        self.fixed_connections = {}
        self.bg_connection = None

        with self:
            self.actions = nengo.networks.EnsembleArray(
                intercepts=nengo.dists.Uniform(self.threshold_action, 1),
                             transform=(np.eye(self.action_count) - 1) *
            self.bias = nengo.Node([1], label="thalamus bias")
                             transform=np.ones((self.action_count, 1)))

        self.input = self.actions.input
        self.output = self.actions.output

    def construct_gate(self, index, bias, label=None):
        """Construct a gate ensemble.

        The gate neurons have no activity when the action is selected, but are
        active when the action is not selected. This makes the gate useful for
        inhibiting ensembles that should only be active when this action is

        index : int
            Index to identify the gate.
        bias : :class:`nengo.Network`
            Node providing a bias input of 1.
        label : str, optional
            Label for the gate.

            The constructed gate.
        if label is None:
            label = 'gate[%d]' % index
        intercepts = Uniform(self.threshold_gate, 1)
        self.gates[index] = gate = nengo.Ensemble(self.neurons_gate,
                                                  encoders=[[1]] *
        nengo.Connection(bias, gate, synapse=None)

        self.gate_in_connections[index] = nengo.Connection(

        return self.gates[index]

    def construct_channel(self, sink, type_, label=None):
        """Construct a channel.

        Channels are an additional neural population in-between a source
        population and a target population. This allows inhibiting the channel
        without affecting the source and thus is useful in routing information.

        sink : nengo.base.NengoObject
            Sink/target that the channel feeds into.
        type_ : nengo_spa.types.Type
            Type of the data transmitted through the channel.
        label : str, optional
            Label for the channel.

            The constructed channel.
        if label is None:
            label = 'channel'
        if type_ == TScalar:
            channel = dynamic.ScalarRealization()
            channel = dynamic.StateRealization(vocab=type_.vocab)

        return channel

    def connect_bg(self, bg):
        """Connect a basal ganglia network to this thalamus."""
        self.bg_connection = nengo.Connection(bg.output,

    def connect_gate(self, index, channel):
        """Connect a gate to a channel for information routing.

        index : int
            Index of the gate to connect.
        channel : nengo.networks.EnsembleArray
            Channel to inhibit with the gate.
        if isinstance(channel, Scalar):
            target = channel.scalar.neurons
        elif isinstance(channel, State):
            target = channel.state_ensembles.add_neuron_input()
            raise NotImplementedError()

        inhibit = ([[-self.route_inhibit]] * (target.size_in))
        self.gate_out_connections[index] = nengo.Connection(

    def connect_fixed(self, index, target, transform):
        """Create connection to route fixed value.

        index : int
            Index of the action to connect.
        target : nengo.base.NengoObject
            Target of the connection.
        transform : array-like
            Transform to apply to apply to the connection.
        self.fixed_connections[index] = self.connect(
            self.actions.ensembles[index], target, transform)

    def connect(self, source, target, transform):
        """Create connection.

        The connection will use the thalamus's *synapse_channel*.

        source : nengo.base.NengoObject
            Source object.
        target : nengo.base.NengoObject
            Target object.
        transform : array-like
            Transform to apply to the connection.
        return nengo.Connection(source,
Пример #15
def test_mergeable():
    # anything is mergeable with an empty list
    assert mergeable(None, [])

    # ops with different numbers of sets/incs/reads/updates are not mergeable
    assert not mergeable(DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal()]), [DummyOp()])
    assert not mergeable(DummyOp(incs=[DummySignal()]), [DummyOp()])
    assert not mergeable(DummyOp(reads=[DummySignal()]), [DummyOp()])
    assert not mergeable(DummyOp(updates=[DummySignal()]), [DummyOp()])
    assert mergeable(DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal()]),

    # check matching dtypes
    assert not mergeable(DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal(dtype=np.float32)]),

    # shape mismatch
    assert not mergeable(DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal(shape=(1, 2))]),
                         [DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal(shape=(1, 3))])])

    # display shape mismatch
    assert not mergeable(
        DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal(base_shape=(2, 2), shape=(4, 1))]),
        [DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal(base_shape=(2, 2), shape=(1, 4))])])

    # first dimension mismatch
    assert mergeable(DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal(shape=(3, 2))]),
                     [DummyOp(sets=[DummySignal(shape=(4, 2))])])

    # Copy (inc must match)
    assert mergeable(Copy(DummySignal(), DummySignal(), inc=True),
                     [Copy(DummySignal(), DummySignal(), inc=True)])
    assert not mergeable(Copy(DummySignal(), DummySignal(), inc=True),
                         [Copy(DummySignal(), DummySignal(), inc=False)])

    # elementwise (first dimension must match)
    assert mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(DummySignal(), DummySignal(), DummySignal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(DummySignal(), DummySignal(), DummySignal())])
    assert mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(DummySignal(shape=(1,)), DummySignal(), DummySignal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(DummySignal(shape=()), DummySignal(), DummySignal())])
    assert not mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(DummySignal(shape=(3,)), DummySignal(), DummySignal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(DummySignal(shape=(2,)), DummySignal(),

    # simpyfunc (t input must match)
    time = DummySignal()
    assert mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, time, None),
                     [SimPyFunc(None, None, time, None)])
    assert mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, None, DummySignal()),
                     [SimPyFunc(None, None, None, DummySignal())])
    assert not mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, DummySignal(), None),
                         [SimPyFunc(None, None, None, DummySignal())])

    # simneurons
    # check matching TF_NEURON_IMPL
    assert mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), DummySignal(), DummySignal()),
                     [SimNeurons(LIF(), DummySignal(), DummySignal())])
    assert not mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), DummySignal(), DummySignal()),
                         [SimNeurons(LIFRate(), DummySignal(), DummySignal())])

    # check custom with non-custom implementation
    assert not mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), DummySignal(), DummySignal()),
                         [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), DummySignal(),

    # check non-custom matching
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), DummySignal(), DummySignal()),
        [SimNeurons(AdaptiveLIF(), DummySignal(), DummySignal())])
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), DummySignal(), DummySignal(),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), DummySignal(), DummySignal(),
    assert mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), DummySignal(), DummySignal(),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), DummySignal(), DummySignal(),
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), DummySignal(), DummySignal(),
                   states=[DummySignal(shape=(2, 1))]),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), DummySignal(), DummySignal(),
                    states=[DummySignal(shape=(2, 2))])])

    # simprocess
    # mode must match
    assert not mergeable(
        SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, DummySignal(), mode="inc"),
        [SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, DummySignal(), mode="set")])

    # check matching TF_PROCESS_IMPL
    # note: we only have one item in TF_PROCESS_IMPL at the moment, so no
    # such thing as a mismatch
    assert mergeable(SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, DummySignal()),
                     [SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, DummySignal())])

    # check custom vs non custom
    assert not mergeable(SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, DummySignal()),
                         [SimProcess(Alpha(0), None, None, DummySignal())])

    # check non-custom matching
    assert mergeable(SimProcess(Triangle(0), None, None, DummySignal()),
                     [SimProcess(Alpha(0), None, None, DummySignal())])

    # simtensornode
    a = SimTensorNode(None, DummySignal(), None, DummySignal())
    assert not mergeable(a, [a])

    # learning rules
    a = SimBCM(DummySignal((4,)), DummySignal(), DummySignal(), DummySignal(),
    b = SimBCM(DummySignal((5,)), DummySignal(), DummySignal(), DummySignal(),
    assert not mergeable(a, [b])
Пример #16
def test_mergeable():
    # anything is mergeable with an empty list
    assert mergeable(None, [])

    # ops with different numbers of sets/incs/reads/updates are not mergeable
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal()]), [dummies.Op()])
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(incs=[dummies.Signal()]), [dummies.Op()])
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(reads=[dummies.Signal()]), [dummies.Op()])
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(updates=[dummies.Signal()]), [dummies.Op()])
    assert mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal()]),

    # check matching dtypes
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(dtype=np.float32)]),

    # shape mismatch
    assert not mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(shape=(1, 2))]),
                         [dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(shape=(1, 3))])])

    # display shape mismatch
    assert not mergeable(
        dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(base_shape=(2, 2), shape=(4, 1))]),
        [dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(base_shape=(2, 2), shape=(1, 4))])])

    # first dimension mismatch
    assert mergeable(dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(shape=(3, 2))]),
                     [dummies.Op(sets=[dummies.Signal(shape=(4, 2))])])

    # Copy (inc must match)
    assert mergeable(Copy(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), inc=True),
                     [Copy(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), inc=True)])
    assert not mergeable(Copy(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), inc=True),
                         [Copy(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), inc=False)])

    # elementwise (first dimension must match)
    assert mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])
    assert mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(shape=(1,)), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(shape=()), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])
    assert not mergeable(
        ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(shape=(3,)), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
        [ElementwiseInc(dummies.Signal(shape=(2,)), dummies.Signal(),

    # simpyfunc (t input must match)
    time = dummies.Signal()
    assert mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, time, None),
                     [SimPyFunc(None, None, time, None)])
    assert mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                     [SimPyFunc(None, None, None, dummies.Signal())])
    assert not mergeable(SimPyFunc(None, None, dummies.Signal(), None),
                         [SimPyFunc(None, None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # simneurons
    # check matching TF_NEURON_IMPL
    assert mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
                     [SimNeurons(LIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])
    assert not mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
                         [SimNeurons(LIFRate(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])

    # check custom with non-custom implementation
    assert not mergeable(SimNeurons(LIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
                         [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(),

    # check non-custom matching
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal()),
        [SimNeurons(AdaptiveLIF(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal())])
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
    assert mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
    assert not mergeable(
        SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
                   states=[dummies.Signal(shape=(2, 1))]),
        [SimNeurons(Izhikevich(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
                    states=[dummies.Signal(shape=(2, 2))])])

    # simprocess
    # mode must match
    assert not mergeable(
        SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
        [SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),

    # check that lowpass match
    assert mergeable(SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                     [SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # check that lowpass and linear don't match
    assert not mergeable(SimProcess(Lowpass(0), None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                         [SimProcess(Alpha(0), None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # check that two linear do match
    assert mergeable(
        SimProcess(Alpha(0.1), dummies.Signal(), None, dummies.Signal()),
        [SimProcess(LinearFilter([1], [1, 1, 1]), dummies.Signal(), None,

    # check custom and non-custom don't match
    assert not mergeable(SimProcess(Triangle(0), None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                         [SimProcess(Alpha(0), None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # check non-custom matching
    assert mergeable(SimProcess(Triangle(0), None, None, dummies.Signal()),
                     [SimProcess(Triangle(0), None, None, dummies.Signal())])

    # simtensornode
    a = SimTensorNode(None, dummies.Signal(), None, dummies.Signal())
    assert not mergeable(a, [a])

    # learning rules
    a = SimBCM(dummies.Signal((4,)), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
    b = SimBCM(dummies.Signal((5,)), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(), dummies.Signal(),
    assert not mergeable(a, [b])
Пример #17
    def __init__(self):
        self.seed = -1

        self.learn_init_trfm_max = 0.15
        self.learn_init_trfm_bias = 0.05
        self.learn_learning_rate = 1e-4
        self.learn_init_transforms = []

        self.pstc = Lowpass(0.005)
        self.n_neurons_ens = 50
        self.n_neurons_cconv = 150
        self.n_neurons_mb = 50
        self.n_neurons_am = 50
        self.max_rates = Uniform(100, 200)
        self.neuron_type = nengo.LIF()

        self.sim_dt = 0.001

        self.ps_mb_gain_scale = 2.0
        self.ps_use_am_mb = True
        self.ps_action_am_threshold = 0.2

        self.enc_mb_acc_radius_scale = 2.5
        self.enc_pos_cleanup_mode = 2

        self.mb_rehearsalbuf_input_scale = 1.0  # 1.75
        self.mb_decaybuf_input_scale = 1.5  # 1.75
        self.mb_decay_val = 0.975
        self.mb_fdbk_val = 1.3
        self.mb_config = {'mem_synapse': Lowpass(0.08), 'difference_gain': 6,
                          'gate_gain': 5}
        self.mb_gate_scale = 1.0  # 1.2

        self.trans_cconv_radius = 2
        self.trans_ave_scale = 0.3

        self.dcconv_radius = 2
        self.dcconv_item_in_scale = 0.75  # 0.5

        self.dec_am_min_thresh = 0.30
        self.dec_am_min_diff = 0.1
        self.dec_fr_min_thresh = self.dec_am_min_thresh * 1.2  # 0.3
        self.dec_fr_item_in_scale = 0.65  # 1.0
        self.dec_fr_to_am_scale = 0.25

        self.mtr_ramp_synapse = 0.05
        self.mtr_ramp_reset_hold_transform = 0.1  # 0.945
        self.mtr_ramp_scale = 2
        self.mtr_est_digit_response_time = 1.0 / self.mtr_ramp_scale + 0.5

        self.mtr_kp = 65
        self.mtr_kv1 = np.sqrt(8)
        self.mtr_kv2 = np.sqrt(18) - self.mtr_kv1
        self.mtr_arm_type = 'three_link'
        self.mtr_arm_rest_x_bias = -0.3
        self.mtr_arm_rest_y_bias = 2.5
        self.mtr_tgt_threshold = 0.075

        self._backend = 'ref'

        self.data_dir = ''
        self.probe_data_filename = 'probe_data.npz'
Пример #18
 class Test(object):
     sp = SynapseParam('sp', default=Lowpass(0.1))
Пример #19

        data = (
            np.zeros((mini_size, n_steps, signal_d))
            + np.arange(mini_size)[:, None, None]
        sim.run_steps(n_steps, data={inp: data})

    for i in range(mini_size):
        filt = synapse.filt(np.ones((n_steps, signal_d)) * i, y0=0)

        assert np.allclose([p0][i, 1:], filt[:-1])
        assert np.allclose([p1][i, 1:], filt[:-1])

@pytest.mark.parametrize("synapse", (Lowpass(0.1), LinearFilter([1], [0.1, 1])))
def test_weight_filter(Simulator, synapse):
    if not isinstance(synapse, Lowpass):
        pytest.xfail(reason="Multidimensional LinearFilter not implemented")

    with nengo.Network() as net:
        a = nengo.Node([0, 0])
        b = nengo.Node(size_in=2)
        c = nengo.Connection(a, b, transform=np.ones((2, 2)))
        p = nengo.Probe(c, "weights", synapse=synapse)

    with Simulator(net) as sim:

        assert np.allclose([p][1:], synapse.filt(np.ones((9, 2, 2)), y0=0))