def _load_db_threat_detection_policies( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, threat_detection_policies: List[Dict], update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Ingest threat detection policy into neo4j. """ ingest_threat_detection_policies = """ UNWIND {threat_detection_policies_list} as tdp MERGE (policy:AzureDatabaseThreatDetectionPolicy{id:}) ON CREATE SET policy.firstseen = timestamp(), policy.location = tdp.location SET =, policy.location = tdp.location, policy.kind = tdp.kind, policy.emailadmins = tdp.email_account_admins, policy.emailaddresses = tdp.email_addresses, policy.retentiondays = tdp.retention_days, policy.state = tdp.state, policy.storageendpoint = tdp.storage_endpoint, policy.useserverdefault = tdp.use_server_default, policy.disabledalerts = tdp.disabled_alerts, policy.lastupdated = {azure_update_tag} WITH policy, tdp MATCH (d:AzureSQLDatabase{id: tdp.database_id}) MERGE (d)-[r:CONTAINS]->(policy) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {azure_update_tag} """ ingest_threat_detection_policies, threat_detection_policies_list=threat_detection_policies, azure_update_tag=update_tag, )
def load_load_balancer_v2_target_groups( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, load_balancer_id: str, target_groups: List[Dict], current_aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_instances = """ MATCH (elbv2:LoadBalancerV2{id: {ID}}), (instance:EC2Instance{instanceid: {INSTANCE_ID}}) MERGE (elbv2)-[r:EXPOSE]->(instance) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH instance MATCH (aa:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (aa)-[r:RESOURCE]->(instance) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ for target_group in target_groups: if not target_group['TargetType'] == 'instance': # Only working on EC2 Instances now. TODO: Add IP & Lambda EXPOSE. continue for instance in target_group["Targets"]: ingest_instances, ID=load_balancer_id, INSTANCE_ID=instance, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, update_tag=update_tag, )
def load_github_owners(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, update_tag: int, repo_owners: List[Dict]) -> None: """ Ingest the relationships for repo owners :param neo4j_session: Neo4J session object for server communication :param update_tag: Timestamp used to determine data freshness :param repo_owners: list of owner to repo mappings :return: Nothing """ for owner in repo_owners: ingest_owner_template = Template(""" MERGE (user:$account_type{id: {Id}}) ON CREATE SET user.firstseen = timestamp() SET user.username = {UserName}, user.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} WITH user MATCH (repo:GitHubRepository{id: {RepoId}}) MERGE (user)<-[r:OWNER]-(repo) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag}""") account_type = { 'User': "******", 'Organization': "GitHubOrganization" } ingest_owner_template.safe_substitute( account_type=account_type[owner['type']]), Id=owner['owner_id'], UserName=owner['owner'], RepoId=owner['repo_id'], UpdateTag=update_tag, )
def load_organization_users( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, user_data: List[Dict], org_data: Dict, update_tag: int, ) -> None: query = """ MERGE (org:GitHubOrganization{id: {OrgUrl}}) ON CREATE SET org.firstseen = timestamp() SET org.username = {OrgLogin}, org.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} WITH org UNWIND {UserData} as user MERGE (u:GitHubUser{id: user.node.url}) ON CREATE SET u.firstseen = timestamp() SET u.fullname =, u.username = user.node.login, u.has_2fa_enabled = user.hasTwoFactorEnabled, u.role = user.role, u.is_site_admin = user.node.isSiteAdmin, =, =, u.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} MERGE (u)-[r:MEMBER_OF]->(org) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} """ query, OrgUrl=org_data['url'], OrgLogin=org_data['login'], UserData=user_data, UpdateTag=update_tag, )
def _load_kms_key_grants(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, grants_list: List[Dict], update_tag: int) -> None: """ Ingest KMS Key Grants into neo4j. """ ingest_grants = """ UNWIND {grants} AS grant MERGE (g:KMSGrant{id: grant.GrantId}) ON CREATE SET g.firstseen = timestamp(), g.granteeprincipal = grant.GranteePrincipal, g.creationdate = grant.CreationDate SET = grant.GrantName, g.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} WITH g, grant MATCH (kmskey:KMSKey{id: grant.KeyId}) MERGE (g)-[r:APPLIED_ON]->(kmskey) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} """ # neo4j does not accept datetime objects and values. This loop is used to convert # these values to string. for grant in grants_list: grant['CreationDate'] = str(grant['CreationDate']) ingest_grants, grants=grants_list, UpdateTag=update_tag, )
def _load_okta_group_to_aws_roles( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, group_to_role: List[Dict], okta_update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Add the ALLOWED_BY relationship between OktaGroups and the AWSRoles they enable :param neo4j_session: session with the Neo4j server :param group_to_role: the mapping between OktaGroups and the AWSRoles they allow access to :param okta_update_tag: The timestamp value to set our new Neo4j resources with :return: Nothing """ ingest_statement = """ UNWIND {GROUP_TO_ROLE} as app_data MATCH (role:AWSRole{arn: app_data.role}) MATCH (group:OktaGroup{id: app_data.groupid}) MERGE (role)<-[r:ALLOWED_BY]-(group) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {okta_update_tag} """ ingest_statement, GROUP_TO_ROLE=group_to_role, okta_update_tag=okta_update_tag, )
def _load_apigateway_resources( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, resources: List, update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Ingest the API Gateway Resource details into neo4j. """ ingest_resources = """ UNWIND {resources_list} AS res MERGE (s:APIGatewayResource{id:}) ON CREATE SET s.firstseen = timestamp() SET s.path = res.path, s.pathpart = res.pathPart, s.parentid = res.parentId, s.lastupdated ={UpdateTag} WITH s, res MATCH (rest_api:APIGatewayRestAPI{id: res.apiId}) MERGE (rest_api)-[r:RESOURCE]->(s) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} """ ingest_resources, resources_list=resources, UpdateTag=update_tag, )
def load_ec2_key_pairs( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, data: List[Dict], region: str, current_aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_key_pair = """ MERGE (keypair:KeyPair:EC2KeyPair{arn: {ARN}, id: {ARN}}) ON CREATE SET keypair.firstseen = timestamp() SET keypair.keyname = {KeyName}, keypair.keyfingerprint = {KeyFingerprint}, keypair.region = {Region}, keypair.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH keypair MATCH (aa:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (aa)-[r:RESOURCE]->(keypair) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ for key_pair in data: key_name = key_pair["KeyName"] key_fingerprint = key_pair.get("KeyFingerprint") key_pair_arn = f'arn:aws:ec2:{region}:{current_aws_account_id}:key-pair/{key_name}' ingest_key_pair, ARN=key_pair_arn, KeyName=key_name, KeyFingerprint=key_fingerprint, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, Region=region, update_tag=update_tag, )
def load_ecr_repositories( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, repos: List[Dict], region: str, current_aws_account_id: str, aws_update_tag: int, ) -> None: query = """ UNWIND {Repositories} as ecr_repo MERGE (repo:ECRRepository{id: ecr_repo.repositoryArn}) ON CREATE SET repo.firstseen = timestamp(), repo.arn = ecr_repo.repositoryArn, = ecr_repo.repositoryName, repo.region = {Region}, repo.created_at = ecr_repo.createdAt SET repo.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag}, repo.uri = ecr_repo.repositoryUri WITH repo MATCH (owner:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (owner)-[r:RESOURCE]->(repo) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} """ logger.debug("Loading ECR repositories for region '%s' into graph.", region) query, Repositories=repos, Region=region, aws_update_tag=aws_update_tag, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, ).consume() # See issue #440
def load_s3_buckets(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, data: Dict, current_aws_account_id: str, aws_update_tag: int) -> None: ingest_bucket = """ MERGE (bucket:S3Bucket{id:{BucketName}}) ON CREATE SET bucket.firstseen = timestamp(), bucket.creationdate = {CreationDate} SET = {BucketName}, bucket.region = {BucketRegion}, bucket.arn = {Arn}, bucket.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} WITH bucket MATCH (owner:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (owner)-[r:RESOURCE]->(bucket) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} """ # The owner data returned by the API maps to the aws account nickname and not the IAM user # there doesn't seem to be a way to retreive the mapping but we can get the current context account # so we map to that directly for bucket in data["Buckets"]: arn = "arn:aws:s3:::" + bucket["Name"] ingest_bucket, BucketName=bucket["Name"], BucketRegion=bucket["Region"], Arn=arn, CreationDate=str(bucket["CreationDate"]), AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, aws_update_tag=aws_update_tag, )
def _load_okta_group_members( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, group_id: str, member_list: List[str], okta_update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Add group membership data into the graph :param neo4j_session: session with the Neo4j server :param group_id: group id to map :param member_list: group members :param okta_update_tag: The timestamp value to set our new Neo4j resources with :return: Nothing """ ingest = """ MATCH (group:OktaGroup{id: {GROUP_ID}}) WITH group UNWIND {MEMBER_LIST} as member_id MATCH (user:OktaUser{id: member_id}) WITH group, user MERGE (user)-[r:MEMBER_OF_OKTA_GROUP]->(group) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {okta_update_tag} """ ingest, GROUP_ID=group_id, MEMBER_LIST=member_list, okta_update_tag=okta_update_tag, )
def _load_s3_acls(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, acls: Dict, aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int) -> None: """ Ingest S3 ACL into neo4j. """ ingest_acls = """ UNWIND {acls} AS acl MERGE (a:S3Acl{id:}) ON CREATE SET a.firstseen = timestamp(), a.owner = acl.owner, a.ownerid = acl.ownerid, a.type = acl.type, a.displayname = acl.displayname, a.granteeid = acl.granteeid, a.uri = acl.uri, a.permission = acl.permission SET a.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} WITH a,acl MATCH (s3:S3Bucket{id: acl.bucket}) MERGE (a)-[r:APPLIES_TO]->(s3) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} """ ingest_acls, acls=acls, UpdateTag=update_tag, ) # implement the acl permission # run_analysis_job( 'aws_s3acl_analysis.json', neo4j_session, {'AWS_ID': aws_account_id}, )
def _load_transparent_data_encryptions( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, encryptions_list: List[Dict], update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Ingest transparent data encryptions into neo4j. """ ingest_data_encryptions = """ UNWIND {transparent_data_encryptions_list} as e MERGE (tae:AzureTransparentDataEncryption{id:}) ON CREATE SET tae.firstseen = timestamp(), tae.location = e.location SET =, tae.status = e.status, tae.lastupdated = {azure_update_tag} WITH tae, e MATCH (d:AzureSQLDatabase{id: e.database_id}) MERGE (d)-[r:CONTAINS]->(tae) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {azure_update_tag} """ ingest_data_encryptions, transparent_data_encryptions_list=encryptions_list, azure_update_tag=update_tag, )
def _load_restore_points( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, restore_points: List[Dict], update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Ingest restore points into neo4j. """ ingest_restore_points = """ UNWIND {restore_points_list} as rp MERGE (point:AzureRestorePoint{id:}) ON CREATE SET point.firstseen = timestamp(), point.location = rp.location SET =, point.restoredate = rp.earliest_restore_date, point.restorepointtype = rp.restore_point_type, point.creationdate = rp.restore_point_creation_date, point.lastupdated = {azure_update_tag} WITH point, rp MATCH (d:AzureSQLDatabase{id: rp.database_id}) MERGE (d)-[r:CONTAINS]->(point) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {azure_update_tag} """ ingest_restore_points, restore_points_list=restore_points, azure_update_tag=update_tag, )
def load_network_interface_instance_relations( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, instance_associations: List[Dict], region: str, aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Creates (:EC2Instance)-[:NETWORK_INTERFACE]->(:NetworkInterface) """ ingest_network_interface_instance_relations = """ UNWIND {instance_associations} AS instance_association MATCH (netinf:NetworkInterface{id: instance_association.netinf_id}), (instance:EC2Instance{id: instance_association.instance_id}) MERGE (instance)-[r:NETWORK_INTERFACE]->(netinf) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ logger.debug("Attaching %d EC2 instances to network interfaces in %s.", len(instance_associations), region) ingest_network_interface_instance_relations, instance_associations=instance_associations, update_tag=update_tag, region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id, )
def load_snapshots( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, data: List[Dict], region: str, current_aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_snapshots = """ UNWIND {snapshots_list} as snapshot MERGE (s:EBSSnapshot{id: snapshot.SnapshotId}) ON CREATE SET s.firstseen = timestamp() SET s.lastupdated = {update_tag}, s.description = snapshot.Description, s.encrypted = snapshot.Encrypted, s.progress = snapshot.Progress, s.starttime = snapshot.StartTime, s.state = snapshot.State, s.statemessage = snapshot.StateMessage, s.volumeid = snapshot.VolumeId, s.volumesize = snapshot.VolumeSize, s.outpostarn = snapshot.OutpostArn, s.dataencryptionkeyid = snapshot.DataEncryptionKeyId, s.kmskeyid = snapshot.KmsKeyId, s.region={Region} WITH s MATCH (aa:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (aa)-[r:RESOURCE]->(s) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ for snapshot in data: snapshot['StartTime'] = str(snapshot['StartTime']) ingest_snapshots, snapshots_list=data, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, Region=region, update_tag=update_tag, )
def load_network_interface_elbv2_relations( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, elb_associations_v2: List[Dict], region: str, aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Creates (:LoadBalancerV2)-[:NETWORK_INTERFACE]->(:NetworkInterface) """ ingest_network_interface_elb2_relations = """ UNWIND {elb_associations} AS elb_association MATCH (netinf:NetworkInterface{id: elb_association.netinf_id}), (elb:LoadBalancerV2{id: elb_association.elb_id}) MERGE (elb)-[r:NETWORK_INTERFACE]->(netinf) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ logger.debug("Attaching %d ELB V2s to network interfaces in %s.", len(elb_associations_v2), region) ingest_network_interface_elb2_relations, elb_associations=elb_associations_v2, update_tag=update_tag, region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id, )
def load_snapshot_volume_relations( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, data: List[Dict], current_aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_volumes = """ UNWIND {snapshot_volumes_list} as volume MERGE (v:EBSVolume{id: volume.VolumeId}) ON CREATE SET v.firstseen = timestamp() SET v.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH v, volume MATCH (aa:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (aa)-[r:RESOURCE]->(v) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH v, volume MATCH (s:EBSSnapshot{id: volume.SnapshotId}) MERGE (s)-[r:CREATED_FROM]->(v) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ ingest_volumes, snapshot_volumes_list=data, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, update_tag=update_tag, )
def _load_apigateway_certificates( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, certificates: List, update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Ingest the API Gateway Client Certificate details into neo4j. """ ingest_certificates = """ UNWIND {certificates_list} as certificate MERGE (c:APIGatewayClientCertificate{id: certificate.clientCertificateId}) ON CREATE SET c.firstseen = timestamp(), c.createddate = certificate.createdDate SET c.lastupdated = {UpdateTag}, c.expirationdate = certificate.expirationDate WITH c, certificate MATCH (stage:APIGatewayStage{id: certificate.stageArn}) MERGE (stage)-[r:HAS_CERTIFICATE]->(c) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} """ # neo4j does not accept datetime objects and values. This loop is used to convert # these values to string. for certificate in certificates: certificate['createdDate'] = str(certificate['createdDate']) certificate['expirationDate'] = str(certificate.get('expirationDate')) certificate['stageArn'] = "arn:aws:apigateway:::" + certificate[ 'apiId'] + "/" + certificate['stageName'] ingest_certificates, certificates_list=certificates, UpdateTag=update_tag, )
def _load_user_role(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, user_id: str, roles_data: List[Dict], okta_update_tag: int) -> None: ingest = """ MATCH (user:OktaUser{id: {USER_ID}})<-[:RESOURCE]-(org:OktaOrganization) WITH user,org UNWIND {ROLES_DATA} as role_data MERGE (role_node:OktaAdministrationRole{id: role_data.type}) ON CREATE SET role_node.type = role_data.type, role_node.firstseen = timestamp() SET role_node.label = role_data.label, role_node.lastupdated = {okta_update_tag} WITH user, role_node, org MERGE (user)-[r:MEMBER_OF_OKTA_ROLE]->(role_node) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {okta_update_tag} WITH role_node, org MERGE (org)-[r2:RESOURCE]->(role_node) ON CREATE SET r2.firstseen = timestamp() SET r2.lastupdated = {okta_update_tag} """ ingest, USER_ID=user_id, ROLES_DATA=roles_data, okta_update_tag=okta_update_tag, )
def load_load_balancer_listeners( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, load_balancer_id: str, listener_data: List[Dict], update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_listener = """ MATCH (elb:LoadBalancer{id: {LoadBalancerId}}) WITH elb UNWIND {Listeners} as data MERGE (l:Endpoint:ELBListener{id: + toString(data.Listener.LoadBalancerPort) + toString(data.Listener.Protocol)}) ON CREATE SET l.port = data.Listener.LoadBalancerPort, l.protocol = data.Listener.Protocol, l.firstseen = timestamp() SET l.instance_port = data.Listener.InstancePort, l.instance_protocol = data.Listener.InstanceProtocol, l.policy_names = data.PolicyNames, l.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH l, elb MERGE (elb)-[r:ELB_LISTENER]->(l) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ ingest_listener, LoadBalancerId=load_balancer_id, Listeners=listener_data, update_tag=update_tag, )
def load_dynamodb_tables( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, data: List[Dict], region: str, current_aws_account_id: str, aws_update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_table = """ MERGE (table:DynamoDBTable{id: {Arn}}) ON CREATE SET table.firstseen = timestamp(), table.arn = {Arn}, = {TableName}, table.region = {Region} SET table.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag}, table.rows = {Rows}, table.size = {Size}, table.provisioned_throughput_read_capacity_units = {ProvisionedThroughputReadCapacityUnits}, table.provisioned_throughput_write_capacity_units = {ProvisionedThroughputWriteCapacityUnits} WITH table MATCH (owner:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (owner)-[r:RESOURCE]->(table) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} """ for table in data: ingest_table, Arn=table['Table']['TableArn'], Region=region, ProvisionedThroughputReadCapacityUnits=table['Table']['ProvisionedThroughput']['ReadCapacityUnits'], ProvisionedThroughputWriteCapacityUnits=table['Table']['ProvisionedThroughput']['WriteCapacityUnits'], Size=table['Table']['TableSizeBytes'], TableName=table['Table']['TableName'], Rows=table['Table']['ItemCount'], AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, aws_update_tag=aws_update_tag, ) load_gsi(neo4j_session, table, region, current_aws_account_id, aws_update_tag)
def _load_lambda_event_source_mappings( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, lambda_event_source_mappings: List[Dict], update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_esms = """ UNWIND {esm_list} AS esm MERGE (e:AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping{id: esm.UUID}) ON CREATE SET e.firstseen = timestamp() SET e.batchsize = esm.BatchSize, e.startingposition = esm.StartingPosition, e.startingpositiontimestamp = esm.StartingPositionTimestamp, e.parallelizationfactor = esm.ParallelizationFactor, e.maximumbatchingwindowinseconds = esm.MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds, e.eventsourcearn = esm.EventSourceArn, e.lastmodified = esm.LastModified, e.lastprocessingresult = esm.LastProcessingResult, e.state = esm.State, e.maximumrecordage = esm.MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds, e.bisectbatchonfunctionerror = esm.BisectBatchOnFunctionError, e.maximumretryattempts = esm.MaximumRetryAttempts, e.tumblingwindowinseconds = esm.TumblingWindowInSeconds, e.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} WITH e, esm MATCH (lambda:AWSLambda{id: esm.FunctionArn}) MERGE (lambda)-[r:RESOURCE]->(e) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} """ ingest_esms, esm_list=lambda_event_source_mappings, aws_update_tag=update_tag, )
def load_gsi( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, table: Dict, region: str, current_aws_account_id: str, aws_update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_gsi = """ MERGE (gsi:DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndex{id: {Arn}}) ON CREATE SET gsi.firstseen = timestamp(), gsi.arn = {Arn}, = {GSIName}, gsi.region = {Region} SET gsi.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag}, gsi.provisioned_throughput_read_capacity_units = {ProvisionedThroughputReadCapacityUnits}, gsi.provisioned_throughput_write_capacity_units = {ProvisionedThroughputWriteCapacityUnits} WITH gsi MATCH (table:DynamoDBTable{arn: {TableArn}}) MERGE (table)-[r:GLOBAL_SECONDARY_INDEX]->(gsi) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} """ for gsi in table['Table'].get('GlobalSecondaryIndexes', []): ingest_gsi, TableArn=table['Table']['TableArn'], Arn=gsi['IndexArn'], Region=region, ProvisionedThroughputReadCapacityUnits=gsi['ProvisionedThroughput']['ReadCapacityUnits'], ProvisionedThroughputWriteCapacityUnits=gsi['ProvisionedThroughput']['WriteCapacityUnits'], GSIName=gsi['IndexName'], AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, aws_update_tag=aws_update_tag, )
def load_tags( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, tag_data: Dict, resource_type: str, region: str, aws_update_tag: int, ) -> None: INGEST_TAG_TEMPLATE = Template(""" UNWIND {TagData} as tag_mapping UNWIND tag_mapping.Tags as input_tag MATCH (resource:$resource_label{$property:tag_mapping.resource_id}) MERGE(aws_tag:AWSTag:Tag{id:input_tag.Key + ":" + input_tag.Value}) ON CREATE SET aws_tag.firstseen = timestamp() SET aws_tag.lastupdated = {UpdateTag}, aws_tag.key = input_tag.Key, aws_tag.value = input_tag.Value, aws_tag.region = {Region} MERGE (resource)-[r:TAGGED]->(aws_tag) SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag}, r.firstseen = timestamp() """) query = INGEST_TAG_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute( resource_label=TAG_RESOURCE_TYPE_MAPPINGS[resource_type]['label'], property=TAG_RESOURCE_TYPE_MAPPINGS[resource_type]['property'], ) query, TagData=tag_data, UpdateTag=aws_update_tag, Region=region, )
def _attach_target_tags(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, fw: Resource, gcp_update_tag: int) -> None: """ Attach target tags to the firewall object :param neo4j_session: The neo4j session :param fw: The firewall object :param gcp_update_tag: The timestamp :return: Nothing """ query = """ MATCH (fw:GCPFirewall{id:{FwPartialUri}}) MERGE (t:GCPNetworkTag{id:{TagId}}) ON CREATE SET t.firstseen = timestamp(), t.tag_id = {TagId}, t.value = {TagValue} SET t.lastupdated = {gcp_update_tag} MERGE (fw)-[h:TARGET_TAG]->(t) ON CREATE SET h.firstseen = timestamp() SET h.lastupdated = {gcp_update_tag} """ for tag in fw.get('targetTags', []): tag_id = _create_gcp_network_tag_id(fw['vpc_partial_uri'], tag) query, FwPartialUri=fw['id'], TagId=tag_id, TagValue=tag, gcp_update_tag=gcp_update_tag, )
def load_github_languages(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, update_tag: int, repo_languages: List[Dict]) -> None: """ Ingest the relationships for repo languages :param neo4j_session: Neo4J session object for server communication :param update_tag: Timestamp used to determine data freshness :param repo_languages: list of language to repo mappings :return: Nothing """ ingest_languages = """ UNWIND {Languages} as lang MERGE (pl:ProgrammingLanguage{id: lang.language_name}) ON CREATE SET pl.firstseen = timestamp(), = lang.language_name SET pl.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} WITH pl, lang MATCH (repo:GitHubRepository{id: lang.repo_id}) MERGE (pl)<-[r:LANGUAGE]-(repo) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag}""" ingest_languages, Languages=repo_languages, UpdateTag=update_tag, )
def _attach_ec2_security_groups(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, instances: List[Dict], aws_update_tag: int) -> None: """ Attach an RDS instance to its EC2SecurityGroups """ attach_rds_to_group = """ UNWIND {Groups} as rds_sg MATCH (rds:RDSInstance{id: rds_sg.arn}) MERGE (sg:EC2SecurityGroup{id: rds_sg.group_id}) MERGE (rds)-[m:MEMBER_OF_EC2_SECURITY_GROUP]->(sg) ON CREATE SET m.firstseen = timestamp() SET m.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} """ groups = [] for instance in instances: for group in instance['VpcSecurityGroups']: groups.append({ 'arn': instance['DBInstanceArn'], 'group_id': group['VpcSecurityGroupId'], }) attach_rds_to_group, Groups=groups, aws_update_tag=aws_update_tag, )
def load_collaborators(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, update_tag: int, collaborators: Dict) -> None: query = Template(""" UNWIND {UserData} as user MERGE (u:GitHubUser{id: user.url}) ON CREATE SET u.firstseen = timestamp() SET u.fullname =, u.username = user.login, u.permission = user.permission, =, =, u.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} WITH u, user MATCH (repo:GitHubRepository{id: user.repo_url}) MERGE (repo)<-[o:$rel_label]-(u) ON CREATE SET o.firstseen = timestamp() SET o.lastupdated = {UpdateTag} """) for collab_type in collaborators.keys(): relationship_label = f"OUTSIDE_COLLAB_{collab_type}" query.safe_substitute(rel_label=relationship_label), UserData=collaborators[collab_type], UpdateTag=update_tag, )
def _load_replication_links( neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, replication_links: List[Dict], update_tag: int, ) -> None: """ Ingest replication links into neo4j. """ ingest_replication_links = """ UNWIND {replication_links_list} as replication_link MERGE (rl:AzureReplicationLink{id:}) ON CREATE SET rl.firstseen = timestamp(), rl.location = replication_link.location SET =, rl.partnerdatabase = replication_link.partner_database, rl.partnerlocation = replication_link.partner_location, rl.partnerrole = replication_link.partner_role, rl.partnerserver = replication_link.partner_server, rl.mode = replication_link.replication_mode, rl.state = replication_link.replication_state, rl.percentcomplete = replication_link.percent_complete, rl.role = replication_link.role, rl.starttime = replication_link.start_time, rl.terminationallowed = replication_link.is_termination_allowed, rl.lastupdated = {azure_update_tag} WITH rl, replication_link MATCH (d:AzureSQLDatabase{id: replication_link.database_id}) MERGE (d)-[r:CONTAINS]->(rl) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {azure_update_tag} """ ingest_replication_links, replication_links_list=replication_links, azure_update_tag=update_tag, )