class Product(StructuredNode): created_at = DateTimeProperty() updated_at = DateTimeProperty() name = StringProperty() label_id = IntegerProperty() price = FloatProperty() color = StringProperty() style = StringProperty() similar = Relationship('Product', 'SIMILARITY_SCORE') category = RelationshipFrom('ProductsCategory', 'HAS_PRODUCT') styles = RelationshipFrom('Style', 'PRODUCT_STYLE') brand_rel = RelationshipTo('Brand', 'BRAND') prime_rel = RelationshipTo('Primary_Material', 'PRIMARY MATERIAL')
class Course(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(required=True) description = StringProperty(required=True) taught_on_semester = IntegerProperty(required=True) is_elective = BooleanProperty(default=False) student_mark = RelationshipTo('.Student.Student', 'EVALUATES', model=ValuedRelationship) professor = RelationshipFrom('.Professor.Professor', 'TEACHES') keyword = RelationshipFrom('.Keyword.Keyword', 'DESCRIBES', model=ValuedRelationship) field_of_study = RelationshipTo('.FieldOfStudy.FieldOfStudy', 'HAS')
class Comment(StructuredNode): uid = UniqueIdProperty() author = RelationshipFrom('User', 'AUTHOR', cardinality=One) text = StringProperty() date = DateTimeProperty( default=lambda: ) post = RelationshipTo('Post', "COMMENT") liked_by = RelationshipFrom('User', 'LIKED BY', model=Like) commented_by = RelationshipFrom('Comment', 'COMMENTED BY') @property def name(self): return f"{}'s comment" if else None
class Room(StructuredNode): """ Class to represent the VSR room node """ uuid = UniqueIdProperty() name = StringProperty(required=True) active = BooleanProperty(required=True) # traverse outgoing PARTICIPANT relationship, inflate Users who are in the room participants = RelationshipFrom("app.models.user.User", 'PARTICIPATES_IN', cardinality=ZeroOrMore, model=BaseRel) # traverse outgoing CREATED_BY relationship, inflate User who created/owns the room admin = RelationshipTo("app.models.user.User", 'CREATED_BY', cardinality=One, model=BaseRel) # traverse the PRACTICES relations, inflate the class it studies course = RelationshipTo("app.models.course.Course", 'PRACTICES', cardinality=One, model=BaseRel) # traverse the incoming ASKED_IN relationship, inflate the question class questions = RelationshipFrom("app.models.question.Question", "ASKED_IN", cardinality=ZeroOrMore, model=BaseRel) def update(self, name, course, rel): """ Function will update the course :param code: the new course code """ = name if name is not None else if course: self.course.reconnect(self.course.get(), course) rel.updated_on = def json(self): """ Json representation of the room model. :return name: the name of the room entered by the admin :return active: flag representing if the room is active (true) or disabled (false) :return rid: the uuid of the room """ return {"name":, "active":, "room_id": self.uuid}
class Paper(StructuredNode): pmid = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) pmcid = StringProperty(index=True) doi = StringProperty(index=True) ppr = StringProperty(index=True) title = StringProperty() date = DateProperty(required=True, index=True) date_type = StringProperty(required=True) publish_on = RelationshipFrom('Journal', "PUBLISH", OneOrMore) authors = RelationshipFrom('Author', "WRITE", OneOrMore, model=PaperAuthor) references = RelationshipTo("Paper", "REFER", OneOrMore) cited_by = RelationshipFrom("Paper", "REFER", OneOrMore) entities = RelationshipTo('Entity', "APPEAR", OneOrMore, model=PaperEntity) pub_types = RelationshipTo('PubType', "IS_A", OneOrMore)
class Department(StructuredNode): ident = ArrayProperty(IntegerProperty(), unique_index = True, required = True) shifts = RelationshipFrom('shift.Shift', 'INCORPORATION') operations = RelationshipFrom('operation.Operation', 'INCORPORATION') controller = RelationshipFrom('person.Person', 'DIRECTOR', cardinality=One) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ident'] = mongo_adapter.validate_id('department_test', kwargs['ident']) super(Department, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @property def ident_hex(self): return mongo_adapter.int_to_mongo_str_id(self.ident) if self.ident else None
class Blog(StructuredNode): uid = UniqueIdProperty() title = StringProperty(max_length=512, required=True) content = StringProperty(max_length=4096, required=True) published_on = DateTimeProperty(default_now=True) photos = ArrayProperty(base_property=StringProperty()) authored_by = RelationshipFrom("Traveller", "AUTHOR_OF", model=OwnsRel) read_by = RelationshipFrom("Traveller", "READ_BLOG", model=VisitedRel) liked_by = RelationshipFrom("Traveller", "LIKES_BLOG", model=LikesRel) commented_by = RelationshipFrom("Traveller", "COMMENTED_ON", model=CommentedOnRel) tagged_topic = RelationshipTo("Topic", "TAGGED_TOPIC", model=TaggedRel) tagged_location = RelationshipTo("Location", "TAGGED_LOCATION", model=TaggedRel)
class Group(StructuredNode): uuid = StringProperty(unique_index=True, default=uuid4) address = StringProperty() name = StringProperty() currency = StringProperty(required=True) approval_required = BooleanProperty() members = RelationshipFrom('User', 'MEMBER_OF', model=MemberOf) corporate_entity = RelationshipTo( 'CorporateEntity', 'MEMBER_OF_CORPORATE_ENTITY', cardinality=cardinality.One) # can belong to only one corporate entity corporate_members = RelationshipFrom('User', 'CORPORATE_GROUP_RELATION', model=CorporateGroupRelation) bills = RelationshipFrom('Bill', 'BILL_OF', model=BillOf)
class Movie(StructuredNode, models.Node): " Definition of the movie model" __validation_rules__ = {"movie_id": fields.Str(), "title": fields.Str()} movie_id = UniqueIdProperty() title = StringProperty() genres = RelationshipFrom("Movie", "HAS_GENRE")
class Album(StructuredNode): # We assign a uid instead of using bandcamps internal id because it's not always # consistent. Instead we use the url as our unique "key" since no two albums # could have the same link. uid = UniqueIdProperty() url = StringProperty(unique_index=True) # Name of the album name = StringProperty() # We store the band name because it's useful for filtering so you don't just # reccommend the same bands albums to a person. band_name = StringProperty() # genres and fans are our "foreign keys" edges to our Genre and Fan classes genres = RelationshipTo('Genre', 'TAGGED') fans = RelationshipFrom('Fan', 'BOUGHTBY') # Returns all Genres connected to the Album def getGenres(self): results, columns = self.cypher( "MATCH (a) WHERE a.url = '{}' MATCH (a)-[:TAGGED]->(b) RETURN b". format(self.url)) return [self.inflate(row[0]) for row in results] # Returns all Fans connected to the Album def getFans(self): results, columns = self.cypher( "MATCH (a) WHERE a.url = '{}' MATCH (a)<-[:BOUGHTBY]-(b) RETURN b". format(self.url)) return [self.inflate(row[0]) for row in results]
class Coffee(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(unique_index=True) price = IntegerProperty() suppliers = RelationshipFrom(Supplier, 'COFFEE SUPPLIERS', model=SupplierRel) id_ = IntegerProperty()
class ContainerKojiBuild(KojiBuild): """A Neo4j definition of a build that represents a container build in Koji.""" original_nvr = StringProperty() triggered_by_freshmaker_event = RelationshipFrom( '.freshmaker.FreshmakerEvent', 'TRIGGERED', cardinality=ZeroOrOne) operator = BooleanProperty(default=False)
class WorkLoad(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) workLoadType = StringProperty() version = StringProperty() metaData = StringProperty() spec = StringProperty() component = RelationshipFrom('Component', 'PART_OF')
class Collection(StructuredNode): collection_id = IntegerProperty(unique_index=True) name = StringProperty() poster_path = StringProperty() backdrop_path = StringProperty() has_movies = RelationshipFrom(".movie.Movie", "IS_PART_OF")
def addRelationToNodeType(crispClass, relName, relTo, relFrom): if relTo: rel = RelationshipTo(relTo, relName) elif relFrom: rel = RelationshipFrom(relFrom, relName) setattr(crispClass, relName, rel) return rel
class DatasetModel(StructuredNode): label = StringProperty(index=True) description = StringProperty() uri = StringProperty(unique_index=True) hashed_uri = StringProperty(unique_index=True) license = RelationshipFrom("LicenseModel", "Protects")
class PageN(StructuredNode): """ Node representation of a page """ href = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) profiles = RelationshipFrom('ProfileN', 'IS_FROM') website = RelationshipTo(WebsiteN, 'BELONGS_TO')
class Application(StructuredNode): uid = IntegerProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) name = StringProperty(required=True) description = StringProperty(required=True) redirect_uri = StringProperty(required=True) owner = RelationshipFrom('User', 'OWNS', cardinality=One)
class Hallway(StructuredNode, Node): """Hallway model""" __validation_rules__ = { "uid": fields.Str(), "name": fields.Str(required=True), 'markerId': fields.Int(required=True), "buildingName": fields.Str(required=True), "floorLevel": fields.Int(required=True), 'shapeType': fields.Str(required=False), 'color': fields.Str(required=False), 'width': fields.Float(required=False), 'length': fields.Float(required=False), 'x': fields.Float(required=False), 'y': fields.Float(required=False), } uid = UniqueIdProperty() name = StringProperty(required=True, index=True) markerId = IntegerProperty(required=True, index=True) buildingName = StringProperty(required=True, index=True) floorLevel = IntegerProperty(required=True, index=True) shapeType = StringProperty(required=False) color = StringProperty(required=False) width = FloatProperty(required=False) length = FloatProperty(required=False) x = FloatProperty(required=False) y = FloatProperty(required=False) floor = RelationshipFrom('models.Floor', 'HAS', cardinality=One) def pre_save(self): Floor.nodes.get(buildingName=self.buildingName, level=self.floorLevel) def post_save(self): Floor.nodes.get(buildingName=self.buildingName, level=self.floorLevel).hallways.connect(self)
class Client(StructuredNode): uid = IntegerProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) username = StringProperty(required=True) discriminator = StringProperty(required=True) messages = RelationshipFrom('Message', 'SAID_BY', cardinality=ZeroOrMore) boards = RelationshipTo('Board', 'SUBSCRIBED_TO', cardinality=ZeroOrMore)
class Keyword(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) topic = RelationshipFrom('Topic', 'hasKeyword', model=WeightRel) @property def serialize(self): return self.__properties__
class Board(StructuredNode): uid = IntegerProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) name = StringProperty(required=True) # owner_id = IntegerProperty(required=True) subscribers = RelationshipFrom('User', 'SUBSCRIBED_TO', model=Subscribed_To, cardinality=OneOrMore) roles = RelationshipFrom('Role', 'ROLE_OF', cardinality=OneOrMore) board_parents = RelationshipTo('Board', 'B_CHILD_OF') board_children = RelationshipFrom('Board', 'B_CHILD_OF') channel_children = RelationshipFrom('Channel', 'CHANNEL_OF', cardinality=OneOrMore)
class User(StructuredNode): uid = UniqueIdProperty() name = StringProperty() following = RelationshipFrom('User', 'FOLLOWS', model=Follow) followers = RelationshipTo('User', 'FOLLOWED BY', model=Follow) likes = RelationshipTo('Photo', 'LIKES', model=Like) posts = RelationshipTo('Post', 'ADDED')
class Role(StructuredNode): uid = IntegerProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) name = StringProperty(required=True) permissions = IntegerProperty(required=True) parents = RelationshipTo('Role', 'R_CHILD_OF') board = RelationshipFrom('Board', 'ROLE_OF', cardinality=One)
class Show(StructuredNode): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # leads to lower case title if 'title' in kwargs: kwargs['title_lower'] = kwargs['title'].lower() try: super(Show, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) except: pass title = StringProperty(required=True) title_lower = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) # traverse incoming IS_SUBSCRIBED_FOR relation, inflate to Person objects subscribers = RelationshipFrom('Chat', 'IS_SUBSCRIBED_FOR') # traverse outgoing HAS relation, inflate to Season objects seasons = RelationshipTo('Season', 'HAS') @property def available_seasons(self): return [s for s in self.seasons.all() if s.is_available] @property def unavailable_seasons(self): return [s for s in self.seasons.all() if not s.is_available] @property def is_available(self): return bool(len(self.available_seasons))
class FreshmakerBuild(EstuaryStructuredNode): """Definition of a Freshmaker build in Neo4j.""" id_ = UniqueIdProperty(db_property='id') build_id = IntegerProperty() dep_on = StringProperty() name = StringProperty() original_nvr = StringProperty() rebuilt_nvr = StringProperty() state_name = StringProperty() state_reason = StringProperty() time_completed = DateTimeProperty() time_submitted = DateTimeProperty() type_name = StringProperty() koji_builds = RelationshipTo('.koji.ContainerKojiBuild', 'TRIGGERED_BY', cardinality=ZeroOrOne) event = RelationshipFrom('.FreshmakerEvent', 'TRIGGERED', cardinality=ZeroOrOne) @property def display_name(self): """Get intuitive (human readable) display name for the node.""" return 'Freshmaker build {0}'.format(self.id_)
class Product(StructuredNode): category = RelationshipTo('Category', "PART_OF") name = StringProperty(max_length=200, index=True) slug = StringProperty(max_length=200, index=True) image = StringProperty() description = StringProperty() price = FloatProperty() available = StringProperty(default="1") created = StringProperty("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) updated = StringProperty("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) orders = RelationshipFrom("orders.models.Order", "CONTAINS") # created = DateTimeFormatProperty(default_now=True, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # updated = DateTimeFormatProperty(default_now=True, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def __str__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('shop:product_detail', args=[, self.slug]) def getID(self): return
class Publisher(BillboardNode): ''' Represents a Publisher from Billboard ''' tracks = RelationshipFrom('model.graph.billboard.track.Track', 'PUBLISHED BY', model=Credited) publisher_id = IntegerProperty(unique_index=True) publisher_name = StringProperty() @classmethod def clean(cls, **kwargs) -> Tuple[StructuredNode, Dict[str, dict]]: kwargs['publisher_id'] = kwargs.pop('id') return cls(**kwargs), {} @classmethod def exists(cls, identifier): return cls.nodes.get_or_none( publisher_id=identifier.get('publisher_id')) @classmethod def inst(cls, **kwargs): tor =, {'publisher_id': kwargs['id']}, **kwargs) return tor
class Paper(StructuredNode): """Represents a Paper node in Neo4j""" __name__ = 'Paper' PaperId = IntegerProperty(unique_index=True) Rank = IntegerProperty() DOI = StringProperty() Doctype = StringProperty() name = StringProperty(index=True) label = StringProperty() Year = IntegerProperty() Date = DateProperty() Publisher = StringProperty() Volume = StringProperty() Issue = StringProperty() FirstPage = StringProperty() LastPage = StringProperty() ReferenceCount = IntegerProperty() CitationCount = IntegerProperty() abstract = StringProperty() source = StringProperty() prob = FloatProperty() community = IntegerProperty() UpdatedAt = DateProperty() Id = AliasProperty(to='PaperId') CC = AliasProperty(to='CitationCount') RC = AliasProperty(to='ReferenceCount') authors = RelationshipTo('.author.Author', 'HAS_AUTHOR') fields = RelationshipTo('.field.FieldOfStudy', 'HAS_FIELD') references = RelationshipTo('.paper.Paper', 'CITES') cited_by = RelationshipFrom('.paper.Paper', 'CITES')
class School(StructuredNode): """ Class to represent the School node """ uuid = UniqueIdProperty() name = StringProperty() courses = RelationshipFrom( 'app.models.course.Course', 'TAUGHT_AT', cardinality=ZeroOrMore, model=BaseRel) def update(self, name, rel): """ Function will update the name of the school :param name: the name of the school """ = name if name is not None else rel.updated_on = def json(self): """ Json representation of the event model. :return: """ return { 'uuid': self.uuid, 'name': }