Пример #1
    def deserialize(self, model_dict, data=None, load_states=True):
        Loads per layer (weights, states) and other model parameters from the
        dictionary passed.

            model_dict (dict): dictionary describing the model including layers,
                               cost, optimizers, backend settings, etc.
                               generated by the serialize function
            data (NervanaDataIterator):   Data set (ignored, will be removed)
            load_states (bool):  if False, then only the weights will be loaded
                                 into a model in which the layers have already been
                                 created, otherwise will (re)create the layers from
                                 the serialized parameters and set the learning
                                 states as well

        if data is not None:
            logger.warning('data is a deprecated argument and will be ignored')

        if 'epoch_index' in model_dict:
            self.epoch_index = model_dict['epoch_index']
        if 'model' not in model_dict:
            logger.error('Using old model serialization format. '
                         'Serialized the model into new format')

            param_layers = [l for l in self.layers_to_optimize]
            param_dict_list = model_dict['layer_params_states']
            for l, ps in zip(param_layers, param_dict_list):
                if 'states' in ps and load_states:

        if 'backend' in model_dict:
            if 'compat_mode' in model_dict['backend']:
                self.be.compat_mode = model_dict['backend']['compat_mode']
            model_dict['backend'] = {}

        typ = model_dict['model']['type']
        main_container = load_class(typ)

        if not hasattr(self, 'layers'):
            self.layers = main_container.gen_class(

        self.layers.load_weights(model_dict['model'], load_states)

        if load_states and 'rng_state' in model_dict['backend']:
            except ValueError as e:
                # could come about when switching backend types (ex GPU to CPU)
                logger.warning("Problems restoring existing RNG state: %s",

        # xxx - watkinspv, hack to load some data meta
        if 'batch_meta' in model_dict:
            self.batch_meta = model_dict['batch_meta']
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     if 'schedule' in pdict:
         typ = pdict['schedule']['type']
         scls = load_class(typ)
         sched = scls.gen_class(pdict['schedule']['config'])
         pdict['schedule'] = sched
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #3
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     if 'schedule' in pdict:
         typ = pdict['schedule']['type']
         scls = load_class(typ)
         sched = scls.gen_class(pdict['schedule']['config'])
         pdict['schedule'] = sched
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #4
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     costs = []
     for cost in pdict['costs']:
         typ = cost['type']
         ccls = load_class(typ)
     pdict['costs'] = costs
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #5
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     costs = []
     for cost in pdict["costs"]:
         typ = cost["type"]
         ccls = load_class(typ)
     pdict["costs"] = costs
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #6
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     costs = []
     for cost in pdict['costs']:
         typ = cost['type']
         ccls = load_class(typ)
     pdict['costs'] = costs
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #7
def deserialize(fn, datasets=None, inference=False):
    Helper function to load all objects from a serialized file,
    this includes callbacks and datasets as well as the model, layers,

        datasets (DataSet, optional): If the dataset is not serialized
                                      in the file it can be passed in
                                      as an argument.  This will also
                                      override any dataset in the serialized
        inference (bool, optional): if true only the weights will be loaded, not
                                    the states
        Model: the model object
        Dataset: the data set object
        Callback: the callbacks
    config_dict = load_obj(fn)

    if datasets is not None:
        logger.warn('Ignoring datasets serialized in archive file %s' % fn)
    elif 'datasets' in config_dict:
        ds_cls = load_class(config_dict['datasets']['type'])
        dataset = ds_cls.gen_class(config_dict['datasets']['config'])
        datasets = dataset.gen_iterators()

    if 'train' in datasets:
        data_iter = datasets['train']
        key = list(datasets.keys())[0]
        data_iter = datasets[key]
        logger.warn('Could not find training set iterator'
                    'using %s instead' % key)

    model = Model(config_dict, data_iter)

    callbacks = None
    if 'callbacks' in config_dict:
        # run through the callbacks looking for dataset objects
        # replace them with the corresponding data set above
        cbs = config_dict['callbacks']['callbacks']
        for cb in cbs:
            if 'config' not in cb:
                cb['config'] = {}
            for arg in cb['config']:
                if type(cb['config']
                        [arg]) is dict and 'type' in cb['config'][arg]:
                    if cb['config'][arg]['type'] == 'Data':
                        key = cb['config'][arg]['name']
                        if key in datasets:
                            cb['config'][arg] = datasets[key]
                            cb['config'][arg] = None
        # now we can generate the callbacks
        callbacks = Callbacks.load_callbacks(config_dict['callbacks'], model)
    return (model, dataset, callbacks)
Пример #8
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     if 'schedule' in pdict:
         typ = pdict['schedule']['type']
         if typ.find('neon.') != 0:
             typ = 'neon.optimizers.optimizer.' + typ
         scls = load_class(typ)
         sched = scls.gen_class(pdict['schedule']['config'])
         pdict['schedule'] = sched
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #9
def deserialize(fn, datasets=None, inference=False):
    Helper function to load all objects from a serialized file,
    this includes callbacks and datasets as well as the model, layers,

        datasets (DataSet, optional): If the dataset is not serialized
                                      in the file it can be passed in
                                      as an argument.  This will also
                                      override any dataset in the serialized
        inference (bool, optional): if true only the weights will be loaded, not
                                    the states
        Model: the model object
        Dataset: the data set object
        Callback: the callbacks
    config_dict = load_obj(fn)

    if datasets is not None:
        logger.warn('Ignoring datasets serialized in archive file %s' % fn)
    elif 'datasets' in config_dict:
        ds_cls = load_class(config_dict['datasets']['type'])
        dataset = ds_cls.gen_class(config_dict['datasets']['config'])
        datasets = dataset.gen_iterators()

    if 'train' in datasets:
        data_iter = datasets['train']
        key = datasets.keys()[0]
        data_iter = datasets[key]
        logger.warn('Could not find training set iterator'
                    'using %s instead' % key)

    model = Model(config_dict, data_iter)

    callbacks = None
    if 'callbacks' in config_dict:
        # run through the callbacks looking for dataset objects
        # replace them with the corresponding data set above
        cbs = config_dict['callbacks']['callbacks']
        for cb in cbs:
            if 'config' not in cb:
                cb['config'] = {}
            for arg in cb['config']:
                if type(cb['config'][arg]) is dict and 'type' in cb['config'][arg]:
                    if cb['config'][arg]['type'] == 'Data':
                        key = cb['config'][arg]['name']
                        if key in datasets:
                            cb['config'][arg] = datasets[key]
                            cb['config'][arg] = None
        # now we can generate the callbacks
        callbacks = Callbacks.load_callbacks(config_dict['callbacks'], model)
    return (model, dataset, callbacks)
Пример #10
 def load_callbacks(cls, cdict, model, data=[]):
     if type(cdict) is str:
         cdict = load_obj(cdict)
     callbacks = cls(model, output_file=cdict['output_file'])
     callbacks.epoch_marker = cdict['epoch_marker']
     callbacks.callbacks = []
     for cb in cdict['callbacks']:
         module = load_class(cb['type'])
     return callbacks
Пример #11
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     costs = []
     for cost in pdict["costs"]:
         typ = cost["type"]
         if typ.find("neon.") == -1:
             typ = "neon.layers.layer." + typ
         ccls = load_class(typ)
     pdict["costs"] = costs
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #12
 def load_callbacks(cls, cdict, model, data=[]):
     if type(cdict) is str:
         cdict = load_obj(cdict)
     callbacks = cls(model, output_file=cdict["output_file"])
     callbacks.epoch_marker = cdict["epoch_marker"]
     callbacks.callbacks = []
     for cb in cdict["callbacks"]:
         module = load_class(cb["type"])
     return callbacks
Пример #13
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     costs = []
     for cost in pdict['costs']:
         typ = cost['type']
         if typ.find('neon.') == -1:
             typ = 'neon.layers.layer.' + typ
         ccls = load_class(typ)
     pdict['costs'] = costs
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #14
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     costs = []
     for cost in pdict['costs']:
         typ = cost['type']
         if typ.find('neon.') == -1:
             typ = 'neon.layers.layer.' + typ
         ccls = load_class(typ)
     pdict['costs'] = costs
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #15
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     for key in pdict['optimizer_mapping']:
         # these should be optimizers
         typ = pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['type']
         ocls = load_class(typ)
         if 'config' not in pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]:
             pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['config'] = {}
         conf = pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['config']
         pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key] = ocls.gen_class(conf)
     return cls(**pdict)
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     for key in pdict['optimizer_mapping']:
         # these should be optimizers
         typ = pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['type']
         ocls = load_class(typ)
         if 'config' not in pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]:
             pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['config'] = {}
         conf = pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['config']
         pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key] = ocls.gen_class(conf)
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #17
    def deserialize(self, model_dict, data=None, load_states=True):
        Loads per layer (weights, states) and other model parameters from the
        dictionary passed.

            model_dict (dict): dictionary describing the model including layers,
                               cost, optimizers, backend settings, etc.
                               generated by the serialize function
            data (iterator):   Data set (ignored, will be removed)

            load_states (bool):  if False, then only the weights will be loaded
                                 into a model in which the layers have already been
                                 created, otherwise will (re)create the layers from
                                 the serialized parameters and set the learning
                                 states as well

        if data is not None:
            logger.warning('data is a deprecated argument and will be ignored')

        if 'epoch_index' in model_dict:
            self.epoch_index = model_dict['epoch_index']
        if 'model' not in model_dict:
            logger.error('Using old model serialization format. '
                         'Serialized the model into new format')

            param_layers = [l for l in self.layers_to_optimize]
            param_dict_list = model_dict['layer_params_states']
            for l, ps in zip(param_layers, param_dict_list):
                if 'states' in ps and load_states:

        if 'backend' in model_dict:
            if 'compat_mode' in model_dict['backend']:
                self.be.compat_mode = model_dict['backend']['compat_mode']
            model_dict['backend'] = {}

        typ = model_dict['model']['type']
        main_container = load_class(typ)

        if not hasattr(self, 'layers'):
            self.layers = main_container.gen_class(model_dict['model']['config'])

        self.layers.load_weights(model_dict['model'], load_states)

        if load_states and 'rng_state' in model_dict['backend']:
            except ValueError as e:
                # could come about when switching backend types (ex GPU to CPU)
                logger.warning("Problems restoring existing RNG state: %s", str(e))
Пример #18
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     for key in pdict['optimizer_mapping']:
         # these should be optimizers
         typ = pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['type']
         if typ.find('neon.') != 0:
             typ = 'neon.optimizers.optimizer.' + typ
         ocls = load_class(typ)
         if 'config' not in pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]:
             pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['config'] = {}
         conf = pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key]['config']
         pdict['optimizer_mapping'][key] = ocls.gen_class(conf)
     return cls(**pdict)
Пример #19
    def gen_class(cls, pdict):
        layers = []
        for layer in pdict['layers']:
            typ = layer['type']
            ccls = load_class(typ)

        # layers is special in that there may be parameters
        # serialized which will be used elsewhere
        lsave = pdict.pop('layers')
        new_cls = cls(layers=layers, **pdict)
        pdict['layers'] = lsave
        return new_cls
Пример #20
    def gen_class(cls, pdict):
        layers = []
        for layer in pdict['layers']:
            typ = layer['type']
            ccls = load_class(typ)

        # layers is special in that there may be parameters
        # serialized which will be used elsewhere
        lsave = pdict.pop('layers')
        new_cls = cls(layers=layers, **pdict)
        pdict['layers'] = lsave
        return new_cls
Пример #21
 def recursive_gen(pdict, key):
     helper method to check whether the definition
     dictionary is defining a NervanaObject child,
     if so it will instantiate that object and replace
     the dictionary element with an instance of that object
     if type(pdict[key]) is dict and 'type' in pdict[key]:
         if 'config' not in pdict[key]:
             # assume empty params if 'config' key missing
             # needed to keep yaml deserialization short
             pdict[key]['config'] = {}
         ccls = load_class(pdict[key]['type'])
         pdict[key] = ccls.gen_class(pdict[key]['config'])
Пример #22
    def gen_class(cls, pdict):
        layers = []
        for layer in pdict['layers']:
            typ = layer['type']
            if typ.find(__name__) != -1:
                # this is a sequential layer
                ccls = load_class(typ)
            elif typ in globals():
                # this may occur if full path not given
                # be careful here because globals has stuff from outside this module
                ccls = globals()[typ]
                # look in neon.layers.layer
                if typ.find('neon.layers.layer') == -1:
                    typ = 'neon.layers.layer.' + typ
                ccls = load_class(typ)

        # layers is special in that there may be parameters
        # serialized which will be used elsewhere
        lsave = pdict.pop('layers')
        new_cls = cls(layers=layers, **pdict)
        pdict['layers'] = lsave
        return new_cls
Пример #23
    def gen_class(cls, pdict):
        layers = []
        for layer in pdict['layers']:
            typ = layer['type']
            if typ.find(__name__) != -1:
                # this is a sequential layer
                ccls = load_class(typ)
            elif typ in globals():
                # this may occur if full path not given
                # be careful here because globals has stuff from outside this module
                ccls = globals()[typ]
                # look in neon.layers.layer
                if typ.find('neon.layers.layer') == -1:
                    typ = 'neon.layers.layer.' + typ
                ccls = load_class(typ)

        # layers is special in that there may be parameters
        # serialized which will be used elsewhere
        lsave = pdict.pop('layers')
        new_cls = cls(layers=layers, **pdict)
        pdict['layers'] = lsave
        return new_cls
Пример #24
    def gen_class(cls, pdict):
        layers = []

        for layer in pdict['layers']:
            typ = layer['type']
            ccls = load_class(typ)

        # the 'layers' key  is special in that the layer
        # parameters are in there and need to be saved the
        # whole pdict['layers'] element can not be replaced
        # with the just the layer objects like elsewhere
        lsave = pdict.pop('layers')
        new_cls = cls(layers=layers, **pdict)
        pdict['layers'] = lsave
        return new_cls
Пример #25
    def gen_class(cls, pdict):
        layers = [[], []]
        for i, layer in enumerate(pdict['layers']):
            typ = layer['type']
            ccls = load_class(typ)

            if i < pdict['num_encoder_layers']:

        # layers is special in that there may be parameters
        # serialized which will be used elsewhere
        lsave = pdict.pop('layers')
        pdict.pop('num_encoder_layers', None)
        new_cls = cls(layers=layers, **pdict)
        pdict['layers'] = lsave
        return new_cls
Пример #26
    def deserialize(self, model_dict, data=None, load_states=True):
        Loads per layer (weights, states) and other model parameters from the
        dictionary passed.

            model_dict (dict): dictionary describing the model including layers,
                               cost, optimizers, backend settings, etc.
                               generated by the serialize function

            data (NervanaDataIterator): data iterator used to initialize the

            load_states (bool):  if False, then only the weights will be loaded
                                 into a model in which the layers have already been
                                 created, otherwise will (re)create the layers from
                                 the serialized parameters and set the learning
                                 states as well

        if 'epoch_index' in model_dict:
            self.epoch_index = model_dict['epoch_index']
        if 'model' not in model_dict:
            logger.error('Using old model serialization format. '
                         'Serialized the model into new format')

            param_layers = [l for l in self.layers_to_optimize]
            param_dict_list = model_dict['layer_params_states']
            for l, ps in zip(param_layers, param_dict_list):
                if 'states' in ps and load_states:

        if 'backend' in model_dict:
            if 'compat_mode' in model_dict['backend']:
                self.be.compat_mode = model_dict['backend']['compat_mode']
            model_dict['backend'] = {}

        typ = model_dict['model']['type']
        main_container = load_class(typ)
        self.layers = main_container.gen_class(model_dict['model']['config'])

        # new serialization format
        self.layers.load_weights(model_dict['model'], load_states)

        cost = None
        if 'cost' in model_dict:
            cost_cls = load_class(model_dict['cost']['type'])
            cost = cost_cls.gen_class(model_dict['cost']['config'])

        opt = None
        if 'optimizer' in model_dict:
            opt_cls = load_class(model_dict['optimizer']['type'])
            opt = opt_cls.gen_class(model_dict['optimizer']['config'])

        if data is not None:
            self.initialize(data, cost=cost)
            if opt is not None:
                self.optimizer = opt
            if self.be.__class__.__name__ == 'NervanaMGPU':
                raise RuntimeError('Need dataset to initialize MGPU models')

        if 'rng_state' in model_dict['backend']:
            except ValueError as e:
                # could come about when switching backend types (ex GPU to CPU)
                logger.warning("Problems restoring existing RNG state: %s",
Пример #27
 def gen_class(cls, pdict):
     key = "projection"
     if pdict.get(key, None) is not None:
         config = pdict[key].get("config", {})
         pdict[key] = load_class(pdict[key]["type"]).gen_class(config)
     return super(ResidualModule, cls).gen_class(pdict)
Пример #28
    def deserialize(self, model_dict, data=None, weights_only=True):
        Loads per layer (weights, states) and other model parameters from the
        dictionary passed.

            model_dict (dict): dictionary describing the model including layers,
                               cost, optimizers, backend settings, etc.
                               generated by the serialize function

            data (NervanaDataIterator): data iterator used to intialize the

            weights_only (bool): if True, then only the weights will be loaded
                                 into a model in which the layers have already been
                                 created, otherwise will (re)create the layers from
                                 the serialzed parameters and set the weights

        if 'epoch_index' in model_dict:
            self.epoch_index = model_dict['epoch_index']
        if 'model' not in model_dict:
            logger.error('Using old model serialization format. '
                         'Serialized the model into new format')

            param_layers = [l for l in self.layers_to_optimize]
            param_dict_list = model_dict['layer_params_states']
            for l, ps in zip(param_layers, param_dict_list):
                if 'states' in ps:

        if 'backend' in model_dict:
            if 'compat_mode' in model_dict['backend']:
                self.be.compat_mode = model_dict['backend']['compat_mode']
            model_dict['backend'] = {}

        # new serialization format
        if weights_only:

        typ = model_dict['model']['type']
        main_container = load_class(typ)
        self.layers = main_container.gen_class(model_dict['model']['config'])

        cost = None
        if 'cost' in model_dict:
            cost_cls = load_class(model_dict['cost']['type'])
            cost = cost_cls.gen_class(model_dict['cost']['config'])

        opt = None
        if 'optimizer' in model_dict:
            opt_cls = load_class(model_dict['optimizer']['type'])
            opt = opt_cls.gen_class(model_dict['optimizer']['config'])

        if self.be.__class__.__name__ == 'NervanaMGPU':
            assert data is not None, 'Need dataset to init MGPU models'

        if data is not None:
            self.initialize(data, cost=cost)
            if opt is not None:
                self.optimizer = opt


        if 'rng_state' in model_dict['backend']: