def run(self): work = self.get_workspace() filenames = util.wildcard(self.images, ['.png', '.tif', '.tiff', '.jpg']) index = [] seen = set() for filename in filenames: name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] assert name not in seen, 'Duplicate image name: ' + name seen.add(name) index.append(name) util.clear(work / ('config', 'index.pgz')) with nesoni.Stage() as stage: for name, filename in zip(index, filenames): stage.process(segment_image, work / ('images', name), filename, min_area=self.min_area, blur=self.blur) / ('config', 'index.pgz'), index)
def run(self): workspace = self.get_workspace() stage = nesoni.Stage() if self.panpipes: if self.make: demakein.Make_panpipe(workspace / 'panpipe').process_make(stage) if self.flutes: for model_name, model_code, designer in [ ('folk-flute-straight', 'FFS', demakein.Design_straight_folk_flute), ('folk-flute-tapered', 'FFT', demakein.Design_tapered_folk_flute), ('pflute-straight', 'PFS', demakein.Design_straight_pflute), ('pflute-tapered', 'PFT', demakein.Design_tapered_pflute), ]: for size_name, size_code, transpose in [ ('tenor', 't', 0), ('alto', 'a', 5), ('soprano', 's', 12), ]: stage.process(self._do_flute, model_name, model_code, size_name, size_code, designer, transpose) if self.whistles: for model_name, model_code in [ ('folk-whistle', 'FW'), ]: for size_name, size_code, transpose in [ ('tenor', 't', 0), ('alto', 'a', 5), ('soprano', 's', 12), ('sopranino', 'ss', 17), ]: stage.process(self._do_folk_whistle, model_name, model_code, size_name, size_code, transpose) if self.shawms: for model_name, model_code, designer in [ ('shawm', 'SH', demakein.Design_shawm), ('folk-shawm', 'FSH', demakein.Design_folk_shawm), ]: for size_name, size_code, transpose, bore in [ ('4mm-alto', '4a', 5, 4.0), ('4mm-tenor', '4t', 0, 4.0), ('6mm-tenor', '6t', 0, 6.0), ('6mm-bass', '6b', -7, 6.0), ]: stage.process(self._do_shawm, model_name, model_code, size_name, size_code, designer, transpose, bore) stage.barrier()
def run(self): context = self.get_context() if context.clip: context.clip.make() context.align.make() if context.filter: context.filter.make() with nesoni.Stage() as stage: if context.reconsensus: context.reconsensus.process_make(stage) nesoni.Tag(self.output_dir, tags=self.tags).make() if context.count: context.count.make()
def run(self): work = self.get_workspace() with nesoni.Stage() as stage: for accession in self.genbanks: Fetch_genbank( work / 'genbank', accession,, ).process_make(stage) for accession in self.accessions: Fetch_sra(work / 'sra', accession).process_make(stage) nesoni.Make_reference( output_dir=work / 'TW20', filenames=[ work / ('genbank', accession + '.gbk') for accession in self.genbanks ], genome=True, bowtie=True, ls=True, snpeff=True, ).make() analyser = nesoni.Analyse_samples analyser(work / 'analysis', work / 'TW20', samples=[ nesoni.Analyse_sample( accession, pairs=[[ work / ('sra', accession + '_1.fastq.bz2'), work / ('sra', accession + '_2.fastq.bz2') ]]) for accession in self.accessions ]).make()
def run(self): context = self.get_context() with nesoni.Stage() as stage: for sample in context.samples: sample.process_make(stage) with nesoni.Stage() as stage: if context.variants: context.variants.process_make(stage) if context.expression: context.expression.process_make(stage) if self.igv_plots: plot_space = workspace.Workspace( / 'plot', False) self.igv_plots( prefix=plot_space / ('plot'), genome=context.reference.get_genome_filename(), / ('expression', 'norm.csv') if context.expression else None, working_dirs=context.sample_dirs, ).make() # ================================================================================= # ================================================================================= # ================================================================================= reporter = reporting.Reporter( / 'report', self.report_title, reporter.report_logs( 'alignment-statistics', [ sample.get_context().clip.log_filename() for sample in context.samples if sample.clip ] + [ sample.get_context().filter.log_filename() if not sample.count else sample.get_context().count.log_filename() for sample in context.samples if sample.filter or sample.count ], filter=lambda sample, field: field != 'fragments', ) if self.expression: io.symbolic_link( / ('expression', 'report'), / ('report', 'expression')) reporter.heading( '<a href="expression/index.html">> Expression analysis</a>') if self.variants: io.symbolic_link( / ('variants', 'report'), / ('report', 'variants')) reporter.heading( '<a href="variants/index.html">> Variants analysis</a>') if self.igv_plots: reporter.heading('IGV plots') reporter.p( 'These files show the depth of coverage. They can be viewed with the IGV genome browser.' ) genome_files = [] if self.include_genome: genome_filename = context.reference.get_genome_filename() genome_dir = context.reference.get_genome_dir() genome_files.append(genome_filename) if genome_dir: base = os.path.split(genome_dir)[1] for filename in os.listdir(genome_dir): genome_files.append( (os.path.join(genome_dir, filename), os.path.join(base, filename))) reporter.p( reporter.tar('igv-plots', genome_files + glob.glob(plot_space / '*.tdf'))) if self.include_bams: reporter.heading('BAM files') reporter.p( 'These BAM files contain the alignments of reads to the reference sequences.' ' They can also be viewed using IGV.') bam_files = [] for sample in self.samples: name = sample.output_dir bam_files.append( ( / ('samples', name, 'alignments_filtered_sorted.bam'), name + '.bam')) bam_files.append( ( / ('samples', name, 'alignments_filtered_sorted.bam.bai'), name + '.bam.bai')) reporter.p(reporter.tar('bam-files', bam_files)) reporter.write('<p/><hr/>\n') reporter.p('nesoni version ' + nesoni.VERSION) reporter.close()
def run(self): #assert self.reference is not None, 'No reference directory given.' space = self.get_workspace() #self.count( # space / 'counts', # filenames=self.samples, # ).make() nesoni.Merge_counts(space / 'counts', filenames=[(os.path.join(item, 'counts.csv') if os.path.isdir(item) else item) for item in self.samples]).make() self.norm_from_counts(space / 'norm', space / 'counts.csv').make() similarity = nesoni.Similarity( space / 'similarity', space / 'counts.csv', norm_file=space / 'norm.csv', ) heatmaps = [ heatmap( space / 'heatmap-' + heatmap.prefix, space / 'counts.csv', norm_file=space / 'norm.csv', ) for heatmap in self.heatmap ] tests = [ test( space / 'test-' + test.prefix, space / 'counts.csv', norm_file=space / 'norm.csv', ) for test in self.test ] with nesoni.Stage() as stage: similarity.process_make(stage) for heatmap in heatmaps: heatmap.process_make(stage) for test in tests: test.process_make(stage) reporter = reporting.Reporter(space / 'report', self.title) #reporter.heading('Sample similarity') # #reporter.p( # 'The following plots attempt to summarize the similarity/differences in expression patterns between samples, ' # 'based on the glog2-transformed normalized read counts. ' # 'Samples from the same experimental group should cluster together.' # ) # #reporter.p( # reporter.get(space / 'similarity-plotMDS.png', # title = 'limma\'s "plotMDS" Multi-Dimensional Scaling plot of sample similarity', # image = True # ) # ) # #reporter.p( # reporter.get(space / 'similarity.svg', # title = 'Split Network visualization of sample similarity.', # image = True # ) + # '<br>(Visualization of euclidean distances as a split network. ' # 'Note: This is <i>not</i> a phylogenetic network.)' # ) if heatmaps: reporter.heading('Heatmaps') for heatmap in heatmaps: reporter.report_heatmap(heatmap) if tests: reporter.heading('Differential expression analysis') for test in tests: #reporter.report_test(test) reporter.heading('Raw data') reporter.p(reporter.get(space / 'counts.csv')) reporter.p(reporter.get(space / 'norm.csv')) reporter.close()
def run(self): bams = [] reference = None reference2 = None extra = [] for sample in self.samples: if sam.is_bam(sample): bams.append(sample) elif os.path.isdir(sample): working = working_directory.Working(sample, True) bams.append(working.get_filtered_sorted_bam()) extra.append('##sampleTags=' + ','.join(working.get_tags())) if reference2 is None: reference2 = working.get_reference( ).reference_fasta_filename() elif io.is_sequence_file(sample): assert reference is None, 'Only one reference FASTA file allowed.' reference = sample if reference is None: reference = reference2 if reference is None: raise grace.Error('No reference FASTA file given.') with nesoni.Stage() as stage: tempspace = stage.enter(workspace.tempspace()) if self.depth_limit: with nesoni.Stage() as stage2: for i in xrange(len(bams)): sam.Bam_depth_limit( tempspace / ('%d' % i), bams[i], depth=self.depth_limit).process_make(stage2) bams[i] = tempspace / ('%d.bam' % i) # FreeBayes claims to handle multiple bams, but it doesn't actually work if len(bams) > 1: sam.Bam_merge(tempspace / 'merged', bams=bams, index=False).run() bams = [tempspace / 'merged.bam'] command = [ 'freebayes', '-f', reference, '--ploidy', str(self.ploidy), '--pvar', str(self.pvar), ] + self.freebayes_options + bams self.log.log('Running: ' + ' '.join(command) + '\n') f_out = stage.enter(open(self.prefix + '.vcf', 'wb')) f_in = stage.enter(io.pipe_from(command)) done_extra = False for line in f_in: if not done_extra and not line.startswith('##'): for extra_line in extra: f_out.write(extra_line + '\n') done_extra = True f_out.write(line) index_vcf(self.prefix + '.vcf')
def _parallel(*items): with nesoni.Stage() as stage: for item in items: stage.process(item)
def run(self): #=============================================== # Sanity checks #=============================================== assert len(set([ item.output_dir for item in self.samples ])) == len(self.samples), "Duplicate sample name." all_inputs = [ ] for sample in self.samples: all_inputs.extend(sample.reads) assert len(set(all_inputs)) == len(all_inputs), "Duplicate read filename." assert len(set([ item.output_dir for item in self.tests ])) == len(self.tests), "Duplicate test name." for test in self.tests: assert not test.analysis, "analysis parameter for tests should not be set, will be filled in automatically" #=============================================== # Run pipeline #=============================================== names = [ sample.output_dir for sample in self.samples ] reference = reference_directory.Reference(self.reference, must_exist=True) workspace = io.Workspace(self.output_dir, must_exist=False) samplespace = io.Workspace(workspace/'samples', must_exist=False) expressionspace = io.Workspace(workspace/'expression', must_exist=False) testspace = io.Workspace(workspace/'test', must_exist=False) self._create_json() file_prefix = self.file_prefix if file_prefix and not file_prefix.endswith('-'): file_prefix += '-' samples = [ ] for sample in self.samples: samples.append(sample( samplespace / sample.output_dir, reference = self.reference, )) dirs = [ item.output_dir for item in samples ] clipper_logs = [ join(item.output_dir, 'clipped_reads_log.txt') for item in samples ] filter_logs = [ join(item.output_dir, 'filter_log.txt') for item in samples ] filter_polya_logs = [ join(item.output_dir + '-polyA', 'filter_log.txt') for item in samples ] analyse_template = tail_lengths.Analyse_tail_counts( working_dirs = dirs, extension = self.extension, annotations = reference/'reference.gff', types = self.types, parts = ) with nesoni.Stage() as stage: for item in samples: item.process_make(stage) job_gene_counts = analyse_template( output_dir = expressionspace/'genewise', extension = self.extension, title = 'Genewise expression - ' + self.title, file_prefix = file_prefix+'genewise-', ).make job_peaks = _call(self._run_peaks, workspace=workspace, expressionspace=expressionspace, reference=reference, dirs = dirs, analyse_template = analyse_template, file_prefix=file_prefix, ) job_norm = nesoni.Norm_from_samples( workspace/'norm', working_dirs = dirs ).make job_bigwig = bigwig.Polya_bigwigs( workspace/'bigwigs', working_dirs = dirs, norm_file = workspace/"norm.csv", peaks_file = workspace/("peaks", "relation-child.gff"), title = "IGV tracks - "+self.title ).make job_norm_bigwig = _call(_serial, job_norm, job_bigwig) job_utrs = tail_tools.Call_utrs( workspace/('peaks','primary-peak'), self.reference, self.output_dir, extension=self.extension ).make job_primpeak_counts = analyse_template( expressionspace/'primarypeakwise', annotations=workspace/('peaks','primary-peak-peaks.gff'), extension=0, types='peak', parts='peak', title='Primary-peakwise expression - ' + self.title, file_prefix=file_prefix+'primarypeakwise-', ).make job_primpeak = _call(_serial, job_utrs, job_primpeak_counts) job_peak_primpeak_bigwig = _call(_serial, job_peaks, _call(_parallel, job_norm_bigwig, job_primpeak)) job_count = _call(_parallel, job_gene_counts, job_peak_primpeak_bigwig) test_jobs = [ ] for test in self.tests: test_jobs.append(test( output_dir = testspace/test.output_dir, analysis = self.output_dir, ).make) job_test = _call(_parallel, *test_jobs) job_raw = self._extract_raw job_all = _call(_serial, job_count, _call(_parallel, job_raw, job_test)) job_all() #=============================================== # Report #=============================================== r = reporting.Reporter(workspace/'report', self.title, self.file_prefix, io.symbolic_link(source=workspace/'bigwigs', link_name=r.workspace/'bigwigs') r.write('<div style="font-size: 150%; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><a href="bigwigs/index.html">→ Load tracks into IGV</a></div>') tail_tools.Shiny(workspace/('report','shiny'), self.output_dir, title=self.title, species=self.species).run() r.write('<div style="font-size: 150%; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><a href="shiny/" target="_blank">→ Interactive report (shiny)</a></div>') r.heading('Alignment to reference') r.report_logs('alignment-statistics', #[ workspace/'stats.txt' ] + clipper_logs + filter_logs + #filter_polya_logs + [ expressionspace/('genewise','aggregate-tail-counts_log.txt') ], filter=lambda sample, field: ( field not in [ 'fragments','fragments aligned to the reference','reads kept', 'average depth of coverage, ambiguous', 'average depth of coverage, unambiguous', ] ), ) r.heading('Genewise expression') r.p("This is based on all reads within each gene (possibly from multiple peaks, or decay products).") io.symbolic_link(source=expressionspace/('genewise','report'),link_name=r.workspace/'genewise') r.p('<a href="genewise/index.html">→ Genewise expression</a>') r.heading('Peakwise expression') r.p("This shows results from all called peaks.") peak_filename = expressionspace/('peakwise','features-with-data.gff') r.p(r.get(peak_filename, name='peaks.gff') + ' - peaks called') self._describe_peaks(r) io.symbolic_link(source=expressionspace/('peakwise','report'),link_name=r.workspace/'peakwise') r.p('<a href="peakwise/index.html">→ Peakwise expression</a>') r.subheading('Primary-peakwise expression') r.p("This is based on the most prominent peak in the 3'UTR for each gene. (Peak can be up to %d bases downstrand of the annotated 3'UTR end, but not inside another gene on the same strand.)" % self.extension) io.symbolic_link(source=expressionspace/('primarypeakwise','report'),link_name=r.workspace/'primarypeakwise') r.p('<a href="primarypeakwise/index.html">→ Primary-peakwise expression</a>') r.p(r.get(workspace/('peaks','primary-peak-peaks.gff')) + ' - primary peaks for each gene.') r.p(r.get(workspace/('peaks','primary-peak-utrs.gff')) + ' - 3\' UTR regions, based on primary peak call.') r.p(r.get(workspace/('peaks','primary-peak-genes.gff')) + ' - full extent of gene, based on primary peak call.') if self.tests: r.heading('Differential tests') for test in self.tests: io.symbolic_link(source=testspace/test.output_dir,link_name=r.workspace/('test-'+test.output_dir)) r.p('<a href="test-%s">→ %s</a> ' % (test.output_dir, test.get_title())) web.Geneview_webapp(r.workspace/'view').run() r.heading('Gene viewers') r.p('Having identified interesting genes from heatmaps and differential tests above, ' 'these viewers allow specific genes to be examined in detail.') if self.groups: r.get(workspace/('peak-shift','grouped.json')) r.p('<a href="view.html?json=%sgrouped.json">→ Gene viewer, grouped samples</a>' % r.file_prefix) r.get(workspace/('peak-shift','individual.json')) r.p('<a href="view.html?json=%sindividual.json">→ Gene viewer, individual samples</a>' % r.file_prefix) r.heading('Raw data') r.p(r.tar('csv-files',glob.glob(workspace/('raw','*.csv')))) r.write('<ul>\n') r.write('<li> -info.csv = gene name and product, etc\n') r.write('<li> -count.csv = read count\n') r.write('<li> -mlog2-RPM.csv = moderated log2 Reads Per Million\n') r.write('<li> -tail.csv = average poly(A) tail length\n') r.write('<li> -tail-count.csv = poly(A) read count\n') r.write('<li> -proportion.csv = proportion of reads with poly(A)\n') r.write('<li> -norm.csv = read count normalization used for log2 transformation, heatmaps, differential tests, etc etc\n') r.write('</ul>\n') r.p('This set of genes was used in the analysis:') r.p(r.get(reference/'reference.gff') + ' - Reference annotations in GFF3 format') r.p(r.get(reference/'utr.gff') + ' - 3\' UTR regions') r.p('<b>%d further bases 3\' extension was allowed</b> beyond the GFF files above (but not extending into the next gene on the same strand).' % self.extension) r.write('<p/><hr>\n') r.subheading('About normalization and log transformation') r.p('Counts are converted to ' 'log2 Reads Per Million using Anscombe\'s variance stabilizing transformation ' 'for the negative binomial distribution, implemented in ' 'R package "varistran".') r.write('<p/><hr>\n') r.p('Reference directory '+self.reference) r.p('Tail Tools version '+tail_tools.VERSION) r.p('Nesoni version '+nesoni.VERSION) r.close()
def run(self): assert self.extension is not None, '--extension must be specified' # Also allow simply the analyse-polya-batch directory working_dirs = [] for item in self.working_dirs: state_filename = os.path.join(item, 'analyse-polya-batch.state') if not os.path.exists(state_filename): working_dirs.append(item) else: with open(state_filename, 'rb') as f: state = pickle.load(f) for sample in state.samples: working_dirs.append( os.path.join(item, 'samples', sample.output_dir)) work = self.get_workspace() if self.reuse: pickle_workspace = workspace.Workspace( os.path.join(self.reuse, 'pickles')) else: pickle_workspace = workspace.Workspace(work / 'pickles') plot_workspace = workspace.Workspace(work / 'plots') pickle_filenames = [] file_prefix = self.file_prefix if file_prefix and not file_prefix.endswith('-'): file_prefix += '-' with nesoni.Stage() as stage: for dir in working_dirs: working = working_directory.Working(dir, must_exist=True) pickle_filenames.append(pickle_workspace / + '.pickle.gz') if self.reuse: continue Tail_count( pickle_workspace /, working_dir=dir, annotations=self.annotations, types=self.types,, extension=self.extension, ).process_make(stage) assert len(set(pickle_filenames)) == len( pickle_filenames), "Duplicate sample name." with nesoni.Stage() as stage: Aggregate_tail_counts(output_dir=self.output_dir, pickles=pickle_filenames, tail=self.tail, adaptor=self.adaptor).process_make(stage) nesoni.Norm_from_counts( prefix=work / 'norm', counts_filename=work / 'counts.csv', ).make() similarity = nesoni.Similarity( prefix=plot_workspace / 'similarity', counts=work / 'counts.csv', ) plot_pooleds = [ Plot_pooled( prefix=plot_workspace / 'pooled-heatmap', aggregate=self.output_dir, #min_tails = min_tails, min_tails=1, top=100, ) #for min_tails in (20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000) ] #plot_comparisons = [ # Plot_comparison( # prefix = plot_workspace/('comparison-min-tails-%d-min-span-%.1f' % (min_tails,min_span)), # aggregate = self.output_dir, # min_tails = min_tails, # min_span = min_span, # ) # for min_tails in [50,100,200,500] # for min_span in [2,4,8,10,15,20,25,30] # ] # heatmaps = [ nesoni.Heatmap( prefix=plot_workspace / ('heatmap-min-fold-%.1f' % fold), counts=work / 'counts.csv', norm_file=work / 'norm.csv', min_span=math.log(fold) / math.log(2.0), ) for fold in [1.5, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0] ] with nesoni.Stage() as stage: similarity.process_make(stage) for action in plot_pooleds + heatmaps: #+ plot_comparisons: action.process_make(stage) r = reporting.Reporter( work / 'report', self.title, file_prefix,, ) r.heading('Poly(A) tail length distribution') r.p('This plot shows the distribution of lengths of poly(A) tail sequence in top expressed features. ' 'Its main purpose is to assess data quality. ' 'If the plot has many bright spots there may be many identical reads, possibly due to non-random digestion.' ) r.p('Only reads with a poly(A) sequence of four or more bases are used.' ) for heatmap in plot_pooleds: r.report_heatmap(heatmap) r.heading('Heatmaps') r.p('Genes were selected based ' 'on there being at least some fold change difference between ' 'some pair of samples.') for heatmap in heatmaps: r.report_heatmap(heatmap) #r.heading('Average poly(A) tail length and its relation to expression levels') # #r.p( # 'Only reads with a poly(A) sequence of four or more bases was included in the averages.' # ) # #r.p( # 'Genes were selected based on there being at least a certain number of reads with poly(A) sequence in <i>each</i> sample (min-tails), ' # 'and on there being at least some amount of difference in average tail length between samples (min-span).' # ) # #for heatmap in plot_comparisons: # r.report_heatmap(heatmap) r.close()
def run(self): with nesoni.Stage() as stage: for filename in self.stls: stage.process(self.do_one, filename)
def run(self): working_dirs = [] peaks_file = self.peaks_file for item in self.working_dirs: state_filename = os.path.join(item, 'analyse-polya-batch.state') if not os.path.exists(state_filename): working_dirs.append(item) else: with open(state_filename, 'rb') as f: state = pickle.load(f) for sample in state.samples: working_dirs.append( os.path.join(item, 'samples', sample.output_dir)) if not peaks_file: peaks_file = os.path.join(self.pipeline_dir, "peaks", "relation-child.gff") sample_names = [os.path.split(dirname)[1] for dirname in working_dirs] workspaces = [ working_directory.Working(dirname, must_exist=True) for dirname in working_dirs ] workspace = self.get_workspace() with open(workspace / "index.html", "wb") as f: web.emit( f, "igv.html", dict( SAMPLES=json.dumps(sample_names), HAVE_NORM=json.dumps(bool(self.norm_file)), TITLE=self.title, )) bams = [item / "alignments_filtered_sorted.bam" for item in workspaces] for i in xrange(len(sample_names)): io.symbolic_link(bams[i], workspace / (sample_names[i] + ".bam")) io.symbolic_link(bams[i] + ".bai", workspace / (sample_names[i] + ".bam.bai")) io.symbolic_link(peaks_file, workspace / "peaks.gff") if self.norm_file: mults = io.read_grouped_table(self.norm_file)['All'] norm_mult = [ float(mults[name]['Normalizing.multiplier']) for name in sample_names ] with nesoni.Stage() as stage: Bam_to_bigwig( workspace / "total", bam_files=bams, what="ambiguity,span,3p,polyaspan,polya3p", ).process_make(stage) for i in xrange(len(sample_names)): for scale_desc, scale in \ [("raw",1.0)] + \ ([("norm",norm_mult[i])] if self.norm_file else []): Bam_to_bigwig(workspace / (sample_names[i] + "-" + scale_desc), bam_files=[bams[i]], what='span,3p,polyaspan,polya3p', scale=scale).process_make(stage)
def run(self): with nesoni.Stage() as stage: for item in self.what.split(","): if item == "cover": stage.process(make_bigwig, self.prefix + "-cover", self.bam_files, fragment_split_coverage, True, scale=self.scale) elif item == "span": stage.process(make_bigwig, self.prefix + "-span", self.bam_files, fragment_coverage, True, scale=self.scale) elif item == "start": stage.process(make_bigwig, self.prefix + "-start", self.bam_files, read1_starts, False, scale=self.scale) elif item == "end": stage.process(make_bigwig, self.prefix + "-end", self.bam_files, read2_starts, False, scale=self.scale) elif item == "5p": stage.process(make_bigwig, self.prefix + "-5p", self.bam_files, read_starts, False, scale=self.scale) elif item == "3p": stage.process(make_bigwig, self.prefix + "-3p", self.bam_files, read_ends, False, scale=self.scale) elif item == "polyaspan": stage.process(make_bigwig, self.prefix + "-polyaspan", self.bam_files, fragment_coverage, True, scale=self.scale, polya=True) elif item == "polya3p": stage.process(make_bigwig, self.prefix + "-polya3p", self.bam_files, read_ends, False, scale=self.scale, polya=True) elif item == "ambiguity": stage.process(make_ambiguity_bigwig, self.prefix + "-ambiguity", self.bam_files, subsample=self.subsample) else: raise config.Error("Don't know how to make: " + item)