print "Sa: ", cov.shape priorCDF_filename = 'Xa_Sa_datafile.55_levels.' + yyyymmdd + '.' + hh + '.' + type + '.cdf' print priorCDF_filename stop data = Dataset(priorCDF_filename, 'w') data.Date_created = datetime.strftime(, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') data.Version = '' data.Machine_used = 'N/A' data.LBL_HOME = climo.LBL_HOME data.Standard_atmos = climo.Standard_atmos data.QC_limits_T = climo.QC_limits_T data.QC_limits_q = climo.QC_limits_q data.Comment = 'Thermodynamic profiles from the ' + type + ' analyses.' #Need to include the web links to the data used to produce these files #Need to include the times used to produce this file. data.Nsonde = str( priors.shape[0] ) + ' profiles were included in the computation of this prior dataset.' = aeri_lat data.lon = aeri_lon data.domain_size = str(2 * size) + "x" + str(2 * size) data.grid_spacing = '13 km' print data.Date_created data.createDimension('height', len(all_temps.T)) data.createDimension('wnum', len(climo.variables['wnum'][:])) data.createDimension('height2', len(mean))
def WriteNCCF(FileName,Dates,Latitudes,Longitudes,ClimPoints,DataObject,DimObject,AttrObject,GlobAttrObject): ''' Sort out the date/times to write out and time bounds ''' ''' Sort out clim bounds ''' ''' Sort out lat and long bounds ''' ''' Convert variables using the obtained scale_factor and add_offset: stored_var=int((var-offset)/scale) ''' ''' Write to file, set up given dimensions, looping through all potential variables and their attributes, and then the provided dictionary of global attributes ''' # Sort out date/times to write out print(Dates) TimPoints,TimBounds = MakeDaysSince(Dates['StYr'],Dates['StMon'],Dates['EdYr'],Dates['EdMon']) nTims = len(TimPoints) # Sort out clim bounds - paired strings ClimBounds = np.empty((12,2),dtype='|S10') for mm in range(12): ClimBounds[mm,0] = str(ClimPoints[0])+'-'+str(mm+1)+'-'+str(1) ClimBounds[mm,1] = str(ClimPoints[1])+'-'+str(mm+1)+'-'+str(MonthDays[mm]) # Sort out LatBounds and LonBounds LatBounds = np.empty((len(Latitudes),2),dtype='float') LonBounds = np.empty((len(Longitudes),2),dtype='float') LatBounds[:,0] = Latitudes - ((Latitudes[1]-Latitudes[0])/2.) LatBounds[:,1] = Latitudes + ((Latitudes[1]-Latitudes[0])/2.) LonBounds[:,0] = Longitudes - ((Longitudes[1]-Longitudes[0])/2.) LonBounds[:,1] = Longitudes + ((Longitudes[1]-Longitudes[0])/2.) #pdb.set_trace() # No need to convert float data using given scale_factor and add_offset to integers - done within writing program (packV = (V-offset)/scale # Not sure what this does to float precision though... # Change mdi into an integer -999 because these are stored as integers for vv in range(len(DataObject)): DataObject[vv][np.where(DataObject[vv] == OLDMDI)] = MDI # Create a new netCDF file - have tried zlib=True,least_significant_digit=3 (and 1) - no difference ncfw=Dataset(FileName,'w',format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC') # need to try NETCDF4 and also play with compression but test this first # Write out the global attributes if ('description' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.description = GlobAttrObject['description'] #print(GlobAttrObject['description']) if ('File_created' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.File_created = GlobAttrObject['File_created'] if ('Title' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Title = GlobAttrObject['Title'] if ('Institution' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Institution = GlobAttrObject['Institution'] if ('History' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.History = GlobAttrObject['History'] if ('Licence' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Licence = GlobAttrObject['Licence'] if ('Project' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Project = GlobAttrObject['Project'] if ('Processing_level' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Processing_level = GlobAttrObject['Processing_level'] if ('Acknowledgement' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Acknowledgement = GlobAttrObject['Acknowledgement'] if ('Source' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Source = GlobAttrObject['Source'] if ('Comment' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Comment = GlobAttrObject['Comment'] if ('References' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.References = GlobAttrObject['References'] if ('Creator_name' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Creator_name = GlobAttrObject['Creator_name'] if ('Creator_email' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Creator_email = GlobAttrObject['Creator_email'] if ('Version' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Version = GlobAttrObject['Version'] if ('doi' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.doi = GlobAttrObject['doi'] if ('Conventions' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Conventions = GlobAttrObject['Conventions'] if ('netcdf_type' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.netcdf_type = GlobAttrObject['netcdf_type'] # Loop through and set up the dimension names and quantities for vv in range(len(DimObject[0])): ncfw.createDimension(DimObject[0][vv],DimObject[1][vv]) # Go through each dimension and set up the variable and attributes for that dimension if needed for vv in range(len(DimObject)-2): # ignore first two elements of the list but count all other dictionaries print(DimObject[vv+2]['var_name']) # NOt 100% sure this works in a loop with overwriting # initiate variable with name, type and dimensions MyVar = ncfw.createVariable(DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'],DimObject[vv+2]['var_type'],DimObject[vv+2]['var_dims']) # Apply any other attributes if ('standard_name' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.standard_name = DimObject[vv+2]['standard_name'] if ('long_name' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.long_name = DimObject[vv+2]['long_name'] if ('units' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.units = DimObject[vv+2]['units'] if ('axis' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.axis = DimObject[vv+2]['axis'] if ('calendar' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.calendar = DimObject[vv+2]['calendar'] if ('start_year' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.start_year = DimObject[vv+2]['start_year'] if ('end_year' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.end_year = DimObject[vv+2]['end_year'] if ('start_month' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.start_month = DimObject[vv+2]['start_month'] if ('end_month' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.end_month = DimObject[vv+2]['end_month'] if ('bounds' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.bounds = DimObject[vv+2]['bounds'] if ('climatology' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.climatology = DimObject[vv+2]['climatology'] if ('point_spacing' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.point_spacing = DimObject[vv+2]['point_spacing'] # Provide the data to the variable if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'time'): MyVar[:] = TimPoints if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_time'): MyVar[:,:] = TimBounds if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'month'): for mm in range(12): MyVar[mm,:] = stringtoarr(MonthName[mm],10) if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'climbounds'): for mm in range(12): MyVar[mm,0,:] = stringtoarr(ClimBounds[mm,0],10) MyVar[mm,1,:] = stringtoarr(ClimBounds[mm,1],10) if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'latitude'): MyVar[:] = Latitudes if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_lat'): MyVar[:,:] = LatBounds if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'longitude'): MyVar[:] = Longitudes if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_lon'): MyVar[:,:] = LonBounds # Go through each variable and set up the variable attributes for vv in range(len(AttrObject)): # ignore first two elements of the list but count all other dictionaries print(AttrObject[vv]['var_name']) # NOt 100% sure this works in a loop with overwriting # initiate variable with name, type and dimensions MyVar = ncfw.createVariable(AttrObject[vv]['var_name'],AttrObject[vv]['var_type'],AttrObject[vv]['var_dims'],fill_value = AttrObject[vv]['_FillValue']) # Apply any other attributes if ('standard_name' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.standard_name = AttrObject[vv]['standard_name'] if ('long_name' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.long_name = AttrObject[vv]['long_name'] if ('cell_methods' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.cell_methods = AttrObject[vv]['cell_methods'] if ('comment' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.comment = AttrObject[vv]['comment'] if ('units' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.units = AttrObject[vv]['units'] if ('axis' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.axis = AttrObject[vv]['axis'] if ('add_offset' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.add_offset = AttrObject[vv]['add_offset'] if ('scale_factor' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.scale_factor = AttrObject[vv]['scale_factor'] if ('valid_min' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.valid_min = AttrObject[vv]['valid_min'] if ('valid_max' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.valid_max = AttrObject[vv]['valid_max'] if ('missing_value' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.missing_value = AttrObject[vv]['missing_value'] # if ('_FillValue' in AttrObject[vv]): # MyVar._FillValue = AttrObject[vv]['_FillValue'] if ('reference_period' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.reference_period = AttrObject[vv]['reference_period'] if ('ancillary_variables' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.ancillary_variables = AttrObject[vv]['ancillary_variables'] # Provide the data to the variable - depending on howmany dimensions there are if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 1): MyVar[:] = DataObject[vv] if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 2): MyVar[:,:] = DataObject[vv] if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 3): MyVar[:,:,:] = DataObject[vv] ncfw.close() return # WriteNCCF
def WriteNCCF(FileName, Dates, Latitudes, Longitudes, ClimPoints, DataObject, DimObject, AttrObject, GlobAttrObject): ''' Sort out the date/times to write out and time bounds ''' ''' Sort out clim bounds ''' ''' Sort out lat and long bounds ''' ''' Convert variables using the obtained scale_factor and add_offset: stored_var=int((var-offset)/scale) ''' ''' Write to file, set up given dimensions, looping through all potential variables and their attributes, and then the provided dictionary of global attributes ''' # Sort out date/times to write out print(Dates) TimPoints, TimBounds = MakeDaysSince(Dates['StYr'], Dates['StMon'], Dates['EdYr'], Dates['EdMon']) nTims = len(TimPoints) # Sort out clim bounds - paired strings ClimBounds = np.empty((12, 2), dtype='|S10') for mm in range(12): ClimBounds[mm, 0] = str(ClimPoints[0]) + '-' + str(mm + 1) + '-' + str(1) ClimBounds[mm, 1] = str(ClimPoints[1]) + '-' + str(mm + 1) + '-' + str( MonthDays[mm]) # Sort out LatBounds and LonBounds LatBounds = np.empty((len(Latitudes), 2), dtype='float') LonBounds = np.empty((len(Longitudes), 2), dtype='float') LatBounds[:, 0] = Latitudes - ((Latitudes[1] - Latitudes[0]) / 2.) LatBounds[:, 1] = Latitudes + ((Latitudes[1] - Latitudes[0]) / 2.) LonBounds[:, 0] = Longitudes - ((Longitudes[1] - Longitudes[0]) / 2.) LonBounds[:, 1] = Longitudes + ((Longitudes[1] - Longitudes[0]) / 2.) #pdb.set_trace() # # No need to convert float data using given scale_factor and add_offset to integers - done within writing program (packV = (V-offset)/scale # # Not sure what this does to float precision though... # # Change mdi into an integer -999 because these are stored as integers # for vv in range(len(DataObject)): # DataObject[vv][np.where(DataObject[vv] == OLDMDI)] = MDI # Create a new netCDF file - have tried zlib=True,least_significant_digit=3 (and 1) - no difference ncfw = Dataset( FileName, 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC' ) # need to try NETCDF4 and also play with compression but test this first # Write out the global attributes if ('description' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.description = GlobAttrObject['description'] #print(GlobAttrObject['description']) if ('File_created' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.File_created = GlobAttrObject['File_created'] if ('Title' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Title = GlobAttrObject['Title'] if ('Institution' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Institution = GlobAttrObject['Institution'] if ('History' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.History = GlobAttrObject['History'] if ('Licence' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Licence = GlobAttrObject['Licence'] if ('Project' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Project = GlobAttrObject['Project'] if ('Processing_level' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Processing_level = GlobAttrObject['Processing_level'] if ('Acknowledgement' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Acknowledgement = GlobAttrObject['Acknowledgement'] if ('Source' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Source = GlobAttrObject['Source'] if ('Comment' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Comment = GlobAttrObject['Comment'] if ('References' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.References = GlobAttrObject['References'] if ('Creator_name' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Creator_name = GlobAttrObject['Creator_name'] if ('Creator_email' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Creator_email = GlobAttrObject['Creator_email'] if ('Version' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Version = GlobAttrObject['Version'] if ('doi' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.doi = GlobAttrObject['doi'] if ('Conventions' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Conventions = GlobAttrObject['Conventions'] if ('netcdf_type' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.netcdf_type = GlobAttrObject['netcdf_type'] # Loop through and set up the dimension names and quantities for vv in range(len(DimObject[0])): ncfw.createDimension(DimObject[0][vv], DimObject[1][vv]) # Go through each dimension and set up the variable and attributes for that dimension if needed for vv in range( len(DimObject) - 2 ): # ignore first two elements of the list but count all other dictionaries print(DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name']) # NOt 100% sure this works in a loop with overwriting # initiate variable with name, type and dimensions MyVar = ncfw.createVariable(DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'], DimObject[vv + 2]['var_type'], DimObject[vv + 2]['var_dims']) # Apply any other attributes if ('standard_name' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.standard_name = DimObject[vv + 2]['standard_name'] if ('long_name' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.long_name = DimObject[vv + 2]['long_name'] if ('units' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.units = DimObject[vv + 2]['units'] if ('axis' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.axis = DimObject[vv + 2]['axis'] if ('calendar' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.calendar = DimObject[vv + 2]['calendar'] if ('start_year' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.start_year = DimObject[vv + 2]['start_year'] if ('end_year' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.end_year = DimObject[vv + 2]['end_year'] if ('start_month' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.start_month = DimObject[vv + 2]['start_month'] if ('end_month' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.end_month = DimObject[vv + 2]['end_month'] if ('bounds' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.bounds = DimObject[vv + 2]['bounds'] if ('climatology' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.climatology = DimObject[vv + 2]['climatology'] if ('point_spacing' in DimObject[vv + 2]): MyVar.point_spacing = DimObject[vv + 2]['point_spacing'] # Provide the data to the variable if (DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'] == 'time'): MyVar[:] = TimPoints if (DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_time'): MyVar[:, :] = TimBounds if (DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'] == 'month'): for mm in range(12): MyVar[mm, :] = stringtoarr(MonthName[mm], 10) if (DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'] == 'climbounds'): for mm in range(12): MyVar[mm, 0, :] = stringtoarr(ClimBounds[mm, 0], 10) MyVar[mm, 1, :] = stringtoarr(ClimBounds[mm, 1], 10) if (DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'] == 'latitude'): MyVar[:] = Latitudes if (DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_lat'): MyVar[:, :] = LatBounds if (DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'] == 'longitude'): MyVar[:] = Longitudes if (DimObject[vv + 2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_lon'): MyVar[:, :] = LonBounds # Go through each variable and set up the variable attributes for vv in range( len(AttrObject) ): # ignore first two elements of the list but count all other dictionaries print(AttrObject[vv]['var_name']) # NOt 100% sure this works in a loop with overwriting # initiate variable with name, type and dimensions MyVar = ncfw.createVariable(AttrObject[vv]['var_name'], AttrObject[vv]['var_type'], AttrObject[vv]['var_dims'], zlib=True, fill_value=AttrObject[vv]['_FillValue']) # Apply any other attributes if ('standard_name' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.standard_name = AttrObject[vv]['standard_name'] if ('long_name' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.long_name = AttrObject[vv]['long_name'] # Too many issues with CF compliance # if ('cell_methods' in AttrObject[vv]): # MyVar.cell_methods = AttrObject[vv]['cell_methods'] if ('comment' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.comment = AttrObject[vv]['comment'] if ('units' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.units = AttrObject[vv]['units'] if ('axis' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.axis = AttrObject[vv]['axis'] # if ('add_offset' in AttrObject[vv]): # MyVar.add_offset = AttrObject[vv]['add_offset'] # # if ('scale_factor' in AttrObject[vv]): # MyVar.scale_factor = AttrObject[vv]['scale_factor'] # if ('valid_min' in AttrObject[vv]): # MyVar.valid_min = AttrObject[vv]['valid_min']# # # if ('valid_max' in AttrObject[vv]): # MyVar.valid_max = AttrObject[vv]['valid_max'] # if ('missing_value' in AttrObject[vv]): # MyVar.missing_value = AttrObject[vv]['missing_value'] # if ('_FillValue' in AttrObject[vv]): # MyVar._FillValue = AttrObject[vv]['_FillValue'] if ('reference_period' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.reference_period = AttrObject[vv]['reference_period'] if ('ancillary_variables' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.ancillary_variables = AttrObject[vv]['ancillary_variables'] # Provide the data to the variable - depending on howmany dimensions there are if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 1): MyVar[:] = DataObject[vv] if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 2): MyVar[:, :] = DataObject[vv] if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 3): MyVar[:, :, :] = DataObject[vv] ncfw.close() return # WriteNCCF
def makeFile(mean, cov, dir, types, yyyymmdd, hh, paths, climo, size, t_size, n, aeri_lat, aeri_lon): priorCDF_filename = dir.strip() + '/Xa_Sa_datafile.55_levels.' + yyyymmdd + '.' + hh + '.' + types[0] + '.' + str(aeri_lat) + '.' + str(aeri_lon) + '.cdf' print "Saving prior file as: " + priorCDF_filename data = Dataset(priorCDF_filename, 'w', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC') data.Date_created = datetime.strftime(, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') data.Version = '' data.Machine_used = platform.platform() data.model = "RUC/RAP" data.LBL_HOME = climo.LBL_HOME data.Standard_atmos = climo.Standard_atmos data.QC_limits_T = climo.QC_limits_T data.QC_limits_q = climo.QC_limits_q data.Comment = "Prior generated using model (" + types[0] + ") data." #Need to include the web links to the data used to produce these files #Need to include the times used to produce this file. data.Nsonde = str(n) + ' profiles were included in the computation of this prior dataset.' = aeri_lat data.lon = aeri_lon data.paths = '; '.join(paths) data.model_types = '; '.join(types) data.domain_size = str(2*size) + "x" + str(2*size) data.temporal_size = t_size data.grid_spacing = '13 km' print "Prior generation took place at: ", data.Date_created data.createDimension('height', len(mean)/2) data.createDimension('wnum', len(climo.variables['wnum'][:])) data.createDimension('height2', len(mean)) var = data.createVariable('mean_pressure', 'f4', ('height',)) var[:] = climo.variables['mean_pressure'][:] var.units = climo.variables['mean_pressure'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['mean_pressure'].long_name var = data.createVariable('height', 'f4', ('height',)) var[:] = climo.variables['height'][:] var.units = climo.variables['height'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['height'].long_name var = data.createVariable('mean_temperature', 'f4', ('height',)) var[:] = mean[:55] var.units = climo.variables['mean_temperature'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['mean_temperature'].long_name var = data.createVariable('mean_mixingratio', 'f4', ('height',)) var[:] = mean[55:] var.units = climo.variables['mean_mixingratio'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['mean_mixingratio'].long_name var = data.createVariable('height2', 'f4', ('height2',)) var[:] = climo.variables['height2'][:] var.units = climo.variables['height2'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['height2'].long_name var = data.createVariable('wnum', 'f4', ('wnum',)) var[:] = climo.variables['wnum'][:] var.units = climo.variables['wnum'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['wnum'].long_name var = data.createVariable('delta_od', 'f4', ('wnum',)) var[:] = climo.variables['delta_od'][:] var.units = climo.variables['delta_od'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['delta_od'].long_name var = data.createVariable('radiance_true', 'f4', ('wnum',)) var[:] = climo.variables['radiance_true'][:] var.units = climo.variables['radiance_true'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['radiance_true'].long_name var = data.createVariable('radiance_fast', 'f4', ('wnum',)) var[:] = climo.variables['radiance_fast'][:] var.units = climo.variables['radiance_fast'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['radiance_fast'].long_name var = data.createVariable('mean_prior', 'f4', ('height2',)) var[:] = mean var.units = climo.variables['mean_prior'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['mean_prior'].long_name var = data.createVariable('covariance_prior', 'f4', ('height2','height2',)) var[:] = cov var.units = climo.variables['covariance_prior'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['covariance_prior'].long_name climo.close() return priorCDF_filename
def write_CRTM_GOCART(dimensions, variables, output_gocart, Release=3, Version=1): [ n_Wavelengths, n_Radii, n_Sigma, n_Types, n_RH, n_Legendre_Terms, n_Phase_Elements, tnsl ] = dimensions [ Aerosol_Type, Aerosol_Type_Name, Wavelength, Reff, Reff_RH, Rsig, RH, ke, w, g, pcoeff, growthf ] = variables # Unit conversion Reff = Reff * 1e6 Reff_RH = Reff_RH * 1e6 Wavelength = Wavelength * 1e6 # OUTPUT interpolated data to a nc4 file print('write to: ' + output_gocart) w_nc_fid = Dataset(output_gocart, 'w', format='NETCDF4') # write dimensions w_nc_fid.createDimension('n_Wavelengths', n_Wavelengths) w_nc_fid.createDimension('n_Radii', n_Radii) w_nc_fid.createDimension('n_Sigma', n_Sigma) w_nc_fid.createDimension('n_Types', n_Types) w_nc_fid.createDimension('n_RH', n_RH) w_nc_fid.createDimension('n_Legendre_Terms', n_Legendre_Terms) w_nc_fid.createDimension('n_Phase_Elements', n_Phase_Elements) w_nc_fid.createDimension('tnsl', tnsl) # create varaibles Aerosol_Type_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable('Aerosol_Type', 'i4', ('n_Types', )) Aerosol_Type_Name_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable('Aerosol_Type_Name', 'S1', ('n_Types', 'tnsl')) Wavelength_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable('Wavelength', 'f8', ('n_Wavelengths', )) Reff_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable('Reff', 'f8', ('n_Types', 'n_Radii'), fill_value=0.0) Rsig_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable('Rsig', 'f8', ('n_Types', 'n_Sigma')) RH_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable('RH', 'f8', ('n_RH', )) ke_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable( 'ke', 'f8', ('n_Types', 'n_Sigma', 'n_Radii', 'n_RH', 'n_Wavelengths')) w_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable( 'w', 'f8', ('n_Types', 'n_Sigma', 'n_Radii', 'n_RH', 'n_Wavelengths')) g_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable( 'g', 'f8', ('n_Types', 'n_Sigma', 'n_Radii', 'n_RH', 'n_Wavelengths')) pcoeff_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable( 'pcoeff', 'f8', ('n_Phase_Elements', 'n_Legendre_Terms', 'n_Types', 'n_Sigma', 'n_Radii', 'n_RH', 'n_Wavelengths')) Reff_RH_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable('Reff_RH', 'f8', ('n_Types', 'n_Radii', 'n_RH'), fill_value=0.0) growth_factor_nc = w_nc_fid.createVariable('growth_factor', 'f8', ('n_Types', 'n_Radii', 'n_RH'), fill_value=0.0) # write attributes nc_fid = Dataset('AerosolCoeff.nc4', 'r') for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['Aerosol_Type'].ncattrs(): Aerosol_Type_nc.setncattr( ncattr, nc_fid.variables['Aerosol_Type'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['Aerosol_Type_Name'].ncattrs(): Aerosol_Type_Name_nc.setncattr( ncattr, nc_fid.variables['Aerosol_Type_Name'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['Wavelength'].ncattrs(): Wavelength_nc.setncattr( ncattr, nc_fid.variables['Wavelength'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['Reff'].ncattrs(): Reff_nc.setncattr(ncattr, nc_fid.variables['Reff'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['Rsig'].ncattrs(): Rsig_nc.setncattr(ncattr, nc_fid.variables['Rsig'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['RH'].ncattrs(): RH_nc.setncattr(ncattr, nc_fid.variables['RH'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['ke'].ncattrs(): ke_nc.setncattr(ncattr, nc_fid.variables['ke'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['w'].ncattrs(): w_nc.setncattr(ncattr, nc_fid.variables['w'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['g'].ncattrs(): g_nc.setncattr(ncattr, nc_fid.variables['g'].getncattr(ncattr)) for ncattr in nc_fid.variables['pcoeff'].ncattrs(): pcoeff_nc.setncattr(ncattr, nc_fid.variables['pcoeff'].getncattr(ncattr)) w_nc_fid.variables[ 'Reff'].long_name = 'dry particle effective radius of sizebin' w_nc_fid.variables['Reff'].units = 'Microns (um)' w_nc_fid.variables['Reff_RH'].long_name = 'effective radius of size bin' w_nc_fid.variables['Reff_RH'].units = 'Microns (um)' w_nc_fid.variables[ 'growth_factor'].long_name = 'growth factor = ratio of wet to dry particle radius' w_nc_fid.variables['growth_factor'].units = "fraction" nc_fid.close() # write variables w_nc_fid.variables['Aerosol_Type'][:] = Aerosol_Type w_nc_fid.variables['Aerosol_Type_Name'][:] = Aerosol_Type_Name w_nc_fid.variables['Wavelength'][:] = Wavelength w_nc_fid.variables['Reff'][:] = Reff w_nc_fid.variables['Reff_RH'][:] = Reff_RH w_nc_fid.variables['Rsig'][:] = Rsig w_nc_fid.variables['RH'][:] = RH w_nc_fid.variables['ke'][:] = ke w_nc_fid.variables['w'][:] = w w_nc_fid.variables['ke'][:] = ke w_nc_fid.variables['g'][:] = g w_nc_fid.variables['pcoeff'][:] = pcoeff w_nc_fid.variables['growth_factor'][:] = growthf # write global variables w_nc_fid.Release = np.int32(Release) w_nc_fid.Version = np.int32(Version) w_nc_fid.Data_Source = "GOCART-GEOS5" w_nc_fid.Title = "Aerosol Optical Properties in the infrared and visible spectral region." w_nc_fid.History = "Combine GOCART LUTs (Cheng DAND, 202011)" w_nc_fid.Comment = "Based on GOCART LUTs:,,,,,, with delta fit applied" w_nc_fid.close()
type = "ARM.RUCRAP" priorCDF_filename = 'Xa_Sa_datafile.55_levels.' + yyyymmdd + '.' + hh + '.' + type + '.cdf' print priorCDF_filename stop data = Dataset(priorCDF_filename, 'w') data.Date_created = datetime.strftime(, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') data.Version = '' data.Machine_used = 'N/A' data.LBL_HOME = climo.LBL_HOME data.Standard_atmos = climo.Standard_atmos data.QC_limits_T = climo.QC_limits_T data.QC_limits_q = climo.QC_limits_q data.Comment = 'Thermodynamic profiles from the ' + type + ' analyses.' #Need to include the web links to the data used to produce these files #Need to include the times used to produce this file. data.Nsonde = str(priors.shape[0]) + ' profiles were included in the computation of this prior dataset.' = aeri_lat data.lon = aeri_lon data.domain_size = str(2*size) + "x" + str(2*size) data.grid_spacing = '13 km' print data.Date_created data.createDimension('height', len(all_temps.T)) data.createDimension('wnum', len(climo.variables['wnum'][:])) data.createDimension('height2', len(mean)) var = data.createVariable('mean_pressure', 'f4', ('height',))
def makeFile(mean, cov, dir, types, yyyymmdd, hh, paths, climo, size, t_size, n, aeri_lat, aeri_lon): priorCDF_filename = dir.strip( ) + '/Xa_Sa_datafile.55_levels.' + yyyymmdd + '.' + hh + '.' + types[ 0] + '.' + str(aeri_lat) + '.' + str(aeri_lon) + '.cdf' print "Saving prior file as: " + priorCDF_filename data = Dataset(priorCDF_filename, 'w', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC') data.Date_created = datetime.strftime(, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') data.Version = '' data.Machine_used = platform.platform() data.model = "RUC/RAP" data.LBL_HOME = climo.LBL_HOME data.Standard_atmos = climo.Standard_atmos data.QC_limits_T = climo.QC_limits_T data.QC_limits_q = climo.QC_limits_q data.Comment = "Prior generated using model (" + types[0] + ") data." #Need to include the web links to the data used to produce these files #Need to include the times used to produce this file. data.Nsonde = str( n ) + ' profiles were included in the computation of this prior dataset.' = aeri_lat data.lon = aeri_lon data.paths = '; '.join(paths) data.model_types = '; '.join(types) data.domain_size = str(2 * size) + "x" + str(2 * size) data.temporal_size = t_size data.grid_spacing = '13 km' print "Prior generation took place at: ", data.Date_created data.createDimension('height', len(mean) / 2) data.createDimension('wnum', len(climo.variables['wnum'][:])) data.createDimension('height2', len(mean)) var = data.createVariable('mean_pressure', 'f4', ('height', )) var[:] = climo.variables['mean_pressure'][:] var.units = climo.variables['mean_pressure'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['mean_pressure'].long_name var = data.createVariable('height', 'f4', ('height', )) var[:] = climo.variables['height'][:] var.units = climo.variables['height'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['height'].long_name var = data.createVariable('mean_temperature', 'f4', ('height', )) var[:] = mean[:55] var.units = climo.variables['mean_temperature'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['mean_temperature'].long_name var = data.createVariable('mean_mixingratio', 'f4', ('height', )) var[:] = mean[55:] var.units = climo.variables['mean_mixingratio'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['mean_mixingratio'].long_name var = data.createVariable('height2', 'f4', ('height2', )) var[:] = climo.variables['height2'][:] var.units = climo.variables['height2'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['height2'].long_name var = data.createVariable('wnum', 'f4', ('wnum', )) var[:] = climo.variables['wnum'][:] var.units = climo.variables['wnum'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['wnum'].long_name var = data.createVariable('delta_od', 'f4', ('wnum', )) var[:] = climo.variables['delta_od'][:] var.units = climo.variables['delta_od'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['delta_od'].long_name var = data.createVariable('radiance_true', 'f4', ('wnum', )) var[:] = climo.variables['radiance_true'][:] var.units = climo.variables['radiance_true'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['radiance_true'].long_name var = data.createVariable('radiance_fast', 'f4', ('wnum', )) var[:] = climo.variables['radiance_fast'][:] var.units = climo.variables['radiance_fast'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['radiance_fast'].long_name var = data.createVariable('mean_prior', 'f4', ('height2', )) var[:] = mean var.units = climo.variables['mean_prior'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['mean_prior'].long_name var = data.createVariable('covariance_prior', 'f4', ( 'height2', 'height2', )) var[:] = cov var.units = climo.variables['covariance_prior'].units var.long_name = climo.variables['covariance_prior'].long_name climo.close() return priorCDF_filename