Пример #1
 def get_addresses(self,ids,context={}):
     for obj in self.browse(ids):
     return vals
Пример #2
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     if not params.get("account_id"):
     account_id = int(params.get("account_id"))
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     if not date_from and not date_to:
         date_from = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-01")
         date_to = (date.today() + relativedelta(day=31)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     acc = get_model("account.account").browse(account_id, context={"date_to": date_to})
     acc_balance = acc.balance
     acc_unrec = get_model("account.account").browse(
         account_id, context={"date_to": date_to, "bank_rec_state": "not_reconciled"})
     unrec_paid_amt = acc_unrec.credit
     unrec_received_amt = acc_unrec.debit
     rec_paid = []
     condition = [["account_id", "=", account_id], ["move_id.state", "=", "posted"], ["move_id.date", ">=", date_from], [
         "move_id.date", "<=", date_to], ["state", "=", "reconciled"], ["credit", ">", 0]]
     for line in get_model("account.move.line").search_browse(condition, order="move_id.date,id"):
         vals = {
             "date": line.move_id.date,
             "description": line.description,
             "ref": line.move_id.number,
             "amount": line.credit - line.debit,
     rec_received = []
     condition = [["account_id", "=", account_id], ["move_id.state", "=", "posted"], ["move_id.date", ">=", date_from], [
         "move_id.date", "<=", date_to], ["state", "=", "reconciled"], ["debit", ">", 0]]
     for line in get_model("account.move.line").search_browse(condition, order="move_id.date,id"):
         vals = {
             "date": line.move_id.date,
             "description": line.description,
             "ref": line.move_id.number,
             "amount": line.debit - line.credit,
     db = database.get_connection()
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "account_name": acc.name,
         "rec_paid": rec_paid,
         "total_rec_paid": sum([l["amount"] for l in rec_paid]),
         "rec_received": rec_received,
         "total_rec_received": sum([l["amount"] for l in rec_received]),
         "acc_balance": acc_balance,
         "unrec_paid_amt": unrec_paid_amt,
         "unrec_received_amt": unrec_received_amt,
         "st_balance": acc_balance + unrec_paid_amt - unrec_received_amt,
     return data
Пример #3
 def get_rate(self, ids, date=None, rate_type="buy", context={}):
     obj_id = ids[0]
     dbname = database.get_active_db()
     company_id = access.get_active_company()
     key = (dbname, company_id, obj_id, date, rate_type)
     if key in _cache and not context.get("no_cache"):
         return _cache[key]
     obj = self.browse(obj_id)
     res = None
     for rate in obj.rates:
         if rate.company_id.id != company_id:
         if date and rate.date > date:
         if rate_type == "buy":
             res = rate.buy_rate
             res = rate.sell_rate
     if res is None:
         for rate in obj.rates:
             if date and rate.date > date:
             if rate_type == "buy":
                 res = rate.buy_rate
                 res = rate.sell_rate
     _cache[key] = res
     return res
Пример #4
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search([["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     if not date_from:
         date_from = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-01")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     if not date_to:
         date_to = (date.today() + relativedelta(day=31)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "by_rate": params.get("by_rate"),
         "by_comp": params.get("by_comp"),
     db = database.get_connection()
     if params.get("by_comp"):
         res = db.query("SELECT c.id AS comp_id,c.name AS comp_name,c.rate AS comp_rate,r.name AS rate_name,SUM(l.credit-l.debit) AS tax_total,SUM(l.tax_base*sign(l.credit-l.debit)) AS base_total FROM account_move_line l,account_move m,account_tax_component c,account_tax_rate r WHERE m.id=l.move_id AND m.state='posted' AND m.date>=%s AND m.date<=%s AND c.id=l.tax_comp_id AND r.id=c.tax_rate_id AND m.company_id IN %s GROUP BY comp_id,comp_name,comp_rate,rate_name ORDER BY comp_name,rate_name",
                        date_from, date_to, tuple(company_ids))
         data["comp_taxes"] = [dict(r) for r in res]
     if params.get("by_rate"):
         res = db.query("SELECT c.id AS comp_id,c.name AS comp_name,c.rate AS comp_rate,r.name AS rate_name,SUM(l.credit-l.debit) AS tax_total,SUM(l.tax_base*sign(l.credit-l.debit)) AS base_total FROM account_move_line l,account_move m,account_tax_component c,account_tax_rate r WHERE m.id=l.move_id AND m.state='posted' AND m.date>=%s AND m.date<=%s AND c.id=l.tax_comp_id AND r.id=c.tax_rate_id AND m.company_id IN %s GROUP BY comp_id,comp_name,comp_rate,rate_name ORDER BY rate_name,comp_name",
                        date_from, date_to, tuple(company_ids))
         data["rate_taxes"] = [dict(r) for r in res]
     return data
Пример #5
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     if not date_from:
         date_from = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-01")
     if not date_to:
         date_to = (date.today() + relativedelta(day=31)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "total_qty": 0,
         "total_amount": 0,
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT l.product_id,p.name AS product_name,p.sale_price AS product_price,SUM(l.amount) AS amount,SUM(l.qty) AS qty FROM account_invoice_line l,account_invoice i,product p WHERE i.id=l.invoice_id AND p.id=l.product_id AND i.date>=%s AND i.date<=%s GROUP BY l.product_id,p.name,p.sale_price ORDER BY p.name", date_from, date_to)
     lines = []
     for r in res:
         line = r
         line["avg_price"] = line["amount"] / line["qty"] if line["qty"] else None
         data["total_qty"] += line["qty"]
         data["total_amount"] += line["amount"]
     data["lines"] = lines
     data["total_avg_price"] = data["total_amount"] / data["total_qty"] if data["total_qty"] else None
     return data
Пример #6
 def get_rate(self, ids, date=None, rate_type="buy", context={}):
     obj_id = ids[0]
     if not obj_id:
     dbname = database.get_active_db()
     company_id = access.get_active_company()
     key = (dbname, company_id, obj_id, date, rate_type)
     if key in _cache and not context.get("no_cache"):
         return _cache[key]
     obj = self.browse(obj_id)
     res = None
     for rate in obj.rates:
         if rate.company_id.id != company_id:
         if date and rate.date > date:
         if rate_type == "buy":
             res = rate.buy_rate
             res = rate.sell_rate
     if res is None:
         for rate in obj.rates:
             if date and rate.date > date:
             if rate_type == "buy":
                 res = rate.buy_rate
                 res = rate.sell_rate
     _cache[key] = res
     return res
Пример #7
 def money_out(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search([["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT COALESCE(l.due_date,l.move_date) AS due_date,SUM(l.credit-l.debit) as amount FROM account_move_line l JOIN account_account a ON a.id=l.account_id LEFT JOIN account_reconcile r ON r.id=l.reconcile_id WHERE l.move_state='posted' AND a.type='payable' AND l.reconcile_id IS NULL AND a.company_id IN %s GROUP BY COALESCE(l.due_date,l.move_date)",
     amounts = {}
     for r in res:
         amounts[r.due_date] = r.amount
     values = []
     d0 = date.today()
     d1 = d0 + timedelta(days=60)
     d = d0
     while d < d1:
         ds = d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
         values.append((js_time(d), amounts.get(ds, 0)))
         d += timedelta(days=1)
     data = {"value": [{"key": "Payable", "values": values}]}
     res = db.get(
         "SELECT count(*) AS count,SUM(amount_total_cur) AS amount FROM account_invoice WHERE type='in' AND inv_type='invoice' AND state='draft' AND company_id IN %s",
     if res:
         data["draft_count"] = res.count
         data["draft_amount"] = res.amount
     res = db.get(
         "SELECT count(*) AS count,SUM(amount_total_cur) AS amount FROM account_invoice WHERE type='in' AND inv_type='invoice' AND state='waiting_payment' AND due_date<now() AND company_id IN %s",
     if res:
         data["overdue_count"] = res.count
         data["overdue_amount"] = res.amount
     return data
Пример #8
    def get_report_data_custom(self, ids, context={}):
        company_id = get_active_company()
        comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
        if ids:
            params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
            params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
        settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
        date_from = params.get("date_from")
        date_to = params.get("date_to")
        d0 = datetime.strptime(date_from, "%Y-%m-%d")
        year_date_from = d0.strftime("%Y-01-01")  # XXX: get company fiscal year
        prev_date_from = (d0 - timedelta(days=1) - relativedelta(day=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        prev_date_to = (d0 - timedelta(days=1) + relativedelta(day=31)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        year_date_from_prev_year = (
            datetime.strptime(year_date_from, "%Y-%m-%d") - relativedelta(years=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        date_from_prev_year = (datetime.strptime(date_from, "%Y-%m-%d") - relativedelta(years=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        date_to_prev_year = (datetime.strptime(date_to, "%Y-%m-%d") - relativedelta(years=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        data = {
            "date_from": date_from,
            "date_to": date_to,
            "year_date_from": year_date_from,
            "prev_date_from": prev_date_from,
            "prev_date_to": prev_date_to,
            "company_name": comp.name,
            "year_date_from_prev_year": year_date_from_prev_year,
            "date_from_prev_year": date_from_prev_year,
            "date_to_prev_year": date_to_prev_year,
        print("data", data)
        return data
Пример #9
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     date_from = params["date_from"]
     date_to = params["date_to"]
     track_id = params.get("track_id")
     assets = {}
     cond = [["state", "=", "registered"]]
     if track_id:
         cond.append(["track_id", "=", track_id])
     for asset in get_model("account.fixed.asset").search_browse(cond, context={"date": date_from}):
         vals = {
             "asset_id": asset.id,
             "asset_name": asset.name,
             "asset_number": asset.number,
             "type_name": asset.type_id.name,
             "rate": asset.dep_rate,
             "purchase_price": asset.price_purchase,
             "purchase_date": asset.date_purchase,
             "book_val_from": asset.book_val,
             "track_id": asset.track_id.id,
         assets[asset.id] = vals
     for asset in get_model("account.fixed.asset").search_browse(cond, context={"date": date_to}):
         vals = assets[asset.id]
         vals["book_val_to"] = asset.book_val
         vals["accum_dep"] = vals["book_val_from"] - vals["book_val_to"]
     lines = sorted(assets.values(), key=lambda v: (v["type_name"], v["asset_name"]))
     groups = []
     cur_group = None
     for line in lines:
         if not cur_group or line["type_name"] != cur_group["type_name"]:
             cur_group = {
                 "type_name": line["type_name"],
                 "lines": [],
     for group in groups:
             "total_book_val_from": sum([l["book_val_from"] for l in group["lines"]]),
             "total_accum_dep": sum([l["accum_dep"] for l in group["lines"]]),
             "total_book_val_to": sum([l["book_val_to"] for l in group["lines"]]),
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "groups": groups,
         "total_book_val_from": sum([l["book_val_from"] for l in lines]),
         "total_accum_dep": sum([l["accum_dep"] for l in lines]),
         "total_book_val_to": sum([l["book_val_to"] for l in lines]),
     return data
Пример #10
 def top_debtors(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search([["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT p.id AS contact_id,p.name AS contact_name,SUM(amount_due_cur) AS amount_due,SUM(CASE WHEN i.due_date<now()::date THEN amount_due_cur ELSE 0 END) AS amount_overdue FROM account_invoice i JOIN contact p ON p.id=i.contact_id WHERE i.type='out' AND i.inv_type='invoice' AND i.state='waiting_payment' AND i.company_id IN %s GROUP BY p.id,p.name ORDER BY amount_due DESC LIMIT 10", tuple(company_ids))
     data = [dict(r) for r in res]
     return data
Пример #11
 def debtor_exposure(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search([["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT p.id AS contact_id,p.name AS contact_name,SUM(amount_due_cur) AS amount_due FROM account_invoice i JOIN contact p ON p.id=i.contact_id WHERE i.type='out' AND i.inv_type='invoice' AND i.state='waiting_payment' AND i.company_id IN %s GROUP BY p.id,p.name ORDER BY amount_due DESC LIMIT 10", tuple(company_ids))
     data = [(r.contact_name, r.amount_due) for r in res]
     return {"value": data}
Пример #12
    def gen_payslips(self, ids, context={}):
        print("gen_payslips", ids)
        obj = self.browse(ids)[0]
        date = obj.date_from
        emp_ids = get_model("hr.employee").search(
            [["work_status", "=", "working"]])
        for emp in get_model("hr.employee").browse(emp_ids):
            period = 12
            res = get_model("hr.payslip").search([["run_id", "=", obj.id],
                                                  ["employee_id", "=",
            # TODO: check if payslip exists already
            if res:
            vals = {
                "employee_id": emp.id,
                "date": date,
                "run_id": obj.id,
                'company_id': get_active_company(),
            lines = []
            ctx = {
                "employee_id": emp.id,
                "date": date,
                "date_from": obj.date_from,
                "date_to": obj.date_to,
            for item in get_model("hr.payitem").search_browse([]):  # XXX
                if item.tax_type == "thai":
                    ctx["year_income"] = (emp.salary or 0.0) * period

                qty, rate = item.compute(context=ctx)

                if not item.show_default:

                line_vals = {
                    "payitem_id": item.id,
                    "qty": qty,
                    "rate": rate,

            if emp.profile_id:
                lines = []
                for item in emp.profile_id.pay_items:
                    if item.tax_type == "thai":
                        ctx["year_income"] = (emp.salary or 0.0) * period
                    qty, rate = item.compute(context=ctx)
                    line_vals = {
                        "payitem_id": item.id,
                        "qty": qty,
                        "rate": rate,

            vals["lines"] = [("create", line_vals) for line_vals in lines]
Пример #13
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     db = database.get_connection()
     if not params.get("account_id"):
     account_id = int(params.get("account_id"))
     date = params.get("date")
     if not date:
         date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     ctx = {
         "date_to": date,
     acc = get_model("account.account").browse([account_id], context=ctx)[0]
     payments = []
     for obj in get_model("account.move.line").search_browse(
         [["account_id", "=", account_id], ["state", "!=", "reconciled"],
          ["move_id.state", "=", "posted"], ["move_id.date", "<=", date]],
         vals = {
             "date": obj.move_id.date,
             "description": obj.description,
             "ref": obj.move_id.number,
             "amount": obj.credit - obj.debit,
     st_lines = []
     for obj in get_model("account.statement.line").search_browse(
         [["statement_id.account_id", "=", account_id],
          ["state", "!=", "reconciled"], ["date", "<=", date]],
         vals = {
             "date": obj.date,
             "description": obj.description,
             "ref": "",  # XXX
             "amount": obj.received - obj.spent,
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date": date,
         "account_name": acc.name,
         "account_balance": acc.balance,
         "move_lines": payments,
         "total_move_lines": sum([p["amount"] for p in payments]),
         "statement_lines": st_lines,
         "total_statement_lines": sum([l["amount"] for l in st_lines]),
     data["statement_balance"] = data["account_balance"] + data[
         "total_move_lines"] + data["total_statement_lines"]
     return data
Пример #14
class ProductLocation(Model):
    _name = "product.location"
    _string = "Product Location"
    _key = ["product_id", "sequence"]
    _multi_company = True
    _fields = {
        fields.Integer("Sequence", required=True),
        fields.Many2One("stock.location", "Warehouse", required=True),
        fields.Char("Bin Location"),
        fields.Decimal("Stock Qty", function="get_stock_qty"),
        fields.Many2One("company", "Company", search=True),
    _order = "sequence"
    _defaults = {
        "sequence": 1,
        'company_id': lambda *a: get_active_company(),

    def get_stock_qty(self, ids, context={}):
        keys = []
        for obj in self.browse(ids):
            if obj.product_id.type == "bundle":
                for comp in obj.product_id.components:
                    key = (comp.component_id.id, None, obj.location_id.id,
                key = (obj.product_id.id, None, obj.location_id.id, None)
        bals = get_model("stock.balance").compute_key_balances(
            keys, context={"virt_stock": True})
        vals = {}
        for obj in self.browse(ids):
            if obj.product_id.type == "bundle":
                comps_qty = []
                for comp in obj.product_id.components:
                    key = (comp.component_id.id, None, obj.location_id.id,
                    qty = bals[key][0]
                    comps_qty.append(int(qty / comp.qty))
                vals[obj.id] = min(comps_qty or [0])
                key = (obj.product_id.id, None, obj.location_id.id, None)
                qty = bals[key][0]
                vals[obj.id] = qty
        return vals
Пример #15
 def top_debtors(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search(
         [["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT p.id AS contact_id,p.name AS contact_name,SUM(amount_due_cur) AS amount_due,SUM(CASE WHEN i.due_date<now()::date THEN amount_due_cur ELSE 0 END) AS amount_overdue FROM account_invoice i JOIN contact p ON p.id=i.contact_id WHERE i.type='out' AND i.inv_type='invoice' AND i.state='waiting_payment' AND i.company_id IN %s GROUP BY p.id,p.name ORDER BY amount_due DESC LIMIT 10",
     data = [dict(r) for r in res]
     return data
Пример #16
 def debtor_exposure(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search(
         [["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT p.id AS contact_id,p.name AS contact_name,SUM(amount_due_cur) AS amount_due FROM account_invoice i JOIN contact p ON p.id=i.contact_id WHERE i.type='out' AND i.inv_type='invoice' AND i.state='waiting_payment' AND i.company_id IN %s GROUP BY p.id,p.name ORDER BY amount_due DESC LIMIT 10",
     data = [(r.contact_name, r.amount_due) for r in res]
     return {"value": data}
Пример #17
    def gen_payslips(self, ids, context={}):
        print("gen_payslips", ids)
        obj = self.browse(ids)[0]
        date = obj.date_from
        emp_ids = get_model("hr.employee").search([["work_status", "=", "working"]])
        for emp in get_model("hr.employee").browse(emp_ids):
            period = 12
            res = get_model("hr.payslip").search([["run_id", "=", obj.id], ["employee_id", "=", emp.id]])
            # TODO: check if payslip exists already
            if res:
            vals = {
                "employee_id": emp.id,
                "date": date,
                "run_id": obj.id,
                'company_id': get_active_company(),
            lines = []
            ctx = {
                "employee_id": emp.id,
                "date": date,
                "date_from": obj.date_from,
                "date_to": obj.date_to,
            for item in get_model("hr.payitem").search_browse([]):  # XXX
                if item.tax_type == "thai":
                    ctx["year_income"] = (emp.salary or 0.0) * period

                qty, rate = item.compute(context=ctx)

                if not item.show_default:

                line_vals = {
                    "payitem_id": item.id,
                    "qty": qty,
                    "rate": rate,

            if emp.profile_id:
                lines = []
                for item in emp.profile_id.pay_items:
                    if item.tax_type == "thai":
                        ctx["year_income"] = (emp.salary or 0.0) * period
                    qty, rate = item.compute(context=ctx)
                    line_vals = {
                        "payitem_id": item.id,
                        "qty": qty,
                        "rate": rate,

            vals["lines"] = [("create", line_vals) for line_vals in lines]
Пример #18
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params["date_from"]
     date_to = params["date_to"]
     contact_id = params.get("contact_id")
     account_id = params.get("account_id")
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
     cond = [[
         "account_id.type", "in",
         ["cost_sales", "expense", "other_expense"]
     ], ["move_id.date", ">=", date_from], ["move_id.date", "<=", date_to]]
     if contact_id:
         cond.append(["contact_id", "=", contact_id])
     if account_id:
         cond.append(["account_id", "=", account_id])
     groups = {}
     for obj in get_model("account.move.line").search_browse(
             cond, order="move_id.date"):
         line_vals = {
             "id": obj.id,
             "date": obj.move_id.date,
             "number": obj.move_id.number,
             "description": obj.description,
             "account_id": obj.account_id.id,
             "account_code": obj.account_id.code,
             "account_name": obj.account_id.name,
             "amount": obj.debit - obj.credit,
         contact_id = obj.contact_id.id
         if contact_id in groups:
             group = groups[contact_id]
             group = {
                 "contact_id": contact_id,
                 "contact_name": obj.contact_id.name,
                 "lines": [],
             groups[contact_id] = group
     data["groups"] = sorted(groups.values(),
                             key=lambda g: g["contact_name"] or "")
     for group in data["groups"]:
         group["total"] = sum([l["amount"] for l in group["lines"]])
     return data
Пример #19
 def post(self, ids, context={}):
     obj = self.browse(ids)[0]
     if obj.total_credit != obj.total_credit:
         raise Exception("Debit & Credit is not balance!")
     payrun = obj.payrun_id
     company_id = get_active_company()
     move = payrun.move_id
     if move:
         for line in move.lines:
     pst = get_model("hr.payroll.settings").browse(1)
     journal = pst.journal_id
     if not journal:
         raise Exception("Please define journal in payroll setting.")
     if not move:
         move_vals = {
             "journal_id": journal.id,
             "number": payrun.number,
             "date": payrun.date_pay,
             "narration": 'Paid-%s' % (payrun.date_pay),
             "related_id": "hr.payrun,%s" % payrun.id,
             "company_id": company_id,
         move_id = get_model("account.move").create(move_vals)
         move = get_model("account.move").browse(move_id)
     lines = []
     for line in obj.lines:
         lines.append(('create', {
             'description': line.description or "",
             'debit': line.debit or 0,
             'credit': line.credit or 0,
             'account_id': line.account_id.id,
         'lines': lines,
     # XXX
     for payslip in payrun.payslips:
             'move_id': move.id,
             'state': 'posted',
         'move_id': move.id,
         'state': 'posted',
     return {
         'next': {
             'name': 'payrun',
             'mode': 'form',
             'active_id': payrun.id,
         'flash': 'payrun %s has been posted!' % payrun.number,
Пример #20
 def post(self, ids, context={}):
     obj = self.browse(ids)[0]
     if obj.total_credit != obj.total_credit:
         raise Exception("Debit & Credit is not balance!")
     payrun = obj.payrun_id
     company_id = get_active_company()
     move = payrun.move_id
     if move:
         for line in move.lines:
     pst = get_model("hr.payroll.settings").browse(1)
     journal = pst.journal_id
     if not journal:
         raise Exception("Please define journal in payroll setting.")
     if not move:
         move_vals = {
             "journal_id": journal.id,
             "number": payrun.number,
             "date": payrun.date_pay,
             "narration": 'Paid-%s' % (payrun.date_pay),
             "related_id": "hr.payrun,%s" % payrun.id,
             "company_id": company_id,
         move_id = get_model("account.move").create(move_vals)
         move = get_model("account.move").browse(move_id)
     lines = []
     for line in obj.lines:
         lines.append(('create', {
             'description': line.description or "",
             'debit': line.debit or 0,
             'credit': line.credit or 0,
             'account_id': line.account_id.id,
         'lines': lines,
     # XXX
     for payslip in payrun.payslips:
             'move_id': move.id,
             'state': 'posted',
         'move_id': move.id,
         'state': 'posted',
     return {
         'next': {
             'name': 'payrun',
             'mode': 'form',
             'active_id': payrun.id,
         'flash': 'payrun %s has been posted!' % payrun.number,
Пример #21
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search(
         [["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     company_name = comp.name
     contact_id = params.get("contact_id")
     if contact_id:
         contact_id = int(contact_id)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     show_details = params.get("show_details")
     db = get_connection()
     q = "SELECT l.id,m.date AS move_date,l.contact_id,p.name AS contact_name,m.number AS move_number,l.description,COALESCE(l.due_date,m.date) AS due_date,l.debit-l.credit AS total_amount,r.number AS reconcile_number,l.reconcile_id FROM account_move_line l JOIN account_account a ON a.id=l.account_id JOIN account_move m ON m.id=l.move_id LEFT JOIN contact p ON p.id=l.contact_id LEFT JOIN account_reconcile r ON r.id=l.reconcile_id WHERE l.move_state='posted' AND a.type='receivable' AND a.company_id IN %s"
     args = [tuple(company_ids)]
     if date_from:
         q += " AND COALESCE(l.due_date,l.move_date)>=%s"
     if date_to:
         q += " AND COALESCE(l.due_date,l.move_date)<=%s"
     if contact_id:
         q += " AND l.contact_id=%s"
         q += " AND l.contact_id IS NULL"  # XXX
     if not show_details:
         q += " AND (l.reconcile_id IS NULL OR r.balance!=0)"
     q += " ORDER BY COALESCE(l.due_date,m.date),l.id"
     res = db.query(q, *args)
     lines = []
     for r in res:
         vals = dict(r)
         if vals["reconcile_number"] and not vals[
             vals["due_amount"] = 0
             vals["due_amount"] = vals["total_amount"]
     data = {
         "company_name": company_name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "lines": lines,
         "totals": {
             "amount_total": sum(l["due_amount"] for l in lines),
     return data
Пример #22
 def get_company_currency(self, ids, context={}):
     comp_cur = {}
     comp_id = get_active_company()
     for comp in get_model("company").search_browse([]):
         comp_settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
         comp_cur[comp.id] = comp_settings.currency_id.id
     vals = {}
     for obj in self.browse(ids):
         vals[obj.id] = comp_cur.get(obj.company_id.id)
     return vals
Пример #23
 def get_addresses(self, ids, context={}):
     vals = {}
     comp_id = access.get_active_company()
     for obj in self.browse(ids):
         res = get_model("address").search(
             [["settings_id", "=", obj.id],
                  "or", ["company_id", "=", None],
                  ["company_id", "child_of", comp_id]
         vals[obj.id] = res
     return vals
Пример #24
 def get_company_currency(self, ids, context={}):
     comp_cur = {}
     comp_id = get_active_company()
     for comp in get_model("company").search_browse([]):
         comp_settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
         comp_cur[comp.id] = comp_settings.currency_id.id
     vals = {}
     for obj in self.browse(ids):
         vals[obj.id] = comp_cur.get(obj.company_id.id)
     return vals
Пример #25
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search([["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     company_name = comp.name
     contact_id = params.get("contact_id")
     if contact_id:
         contact_id = int(contact_id)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     show_details = params.get("show_details")
     db = get_connection()
     q = "SELECT l.id,m.date AS move_date,l.contact_id,p.name AS contact_name,m.number AS move_number,l.description,COALESCE(l.due_date,m.date) AS due_date,l.credit-l.debit AS total_amount,r.number AS reconcile_number,l.reconcile_id FROM account_move_line l JOIN account_account a ON a.id=l.account_id JOIN account_move m ON m.id=l.move_id LEFT JOIN contact p ON p.id=l.contact_id LEFT JOIN account_reconcile r ON r.id=l.reconcile_id WHERE l.move_state='posted' AND a.type='payable' AND a.company_id IN %s"
     args = [tuple(company_ids)]
     if date_from:
         q += " AND COALESCE(l.due_date,l.move_date)>=%s"
     if date_to:
         q += " AND COALESCE(l.due_date,l.move_date)<=%s"
     if contact_id:
         q += " AND l.contact_id=%s"
         q += " AND l.contact_id IS NULL"  # XXX
     if not show_details:
         q += " AND (l.reconcile_id IS NULL OR r.balance!=0)"
     q += " ORDER BY COALESCE(l.due_date,m.date),l.id"
     res = db.query(q, *args)
     lines = []
     for r in res:
         vals = dict(r)
         if vals["reconcile_number"] and not vals["reconcile_number"].endswith("*"):
             vals["due_amount"] = 0
             vals["due_amount"] = vals["total_amount"]
     data = {
         "company_name": company_name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "lines": lines,
         "totals": {
             "amount_total": sum(l["due_amount"] for l in lines),
     return data
Пример #26
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params["date_from"]
     date_to = params["date_to"]
     contact_id = params.get("contact_id")
     account_id = params.get("account_id")
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
     cond = [["account_id.type", "in", ["cost_sales", "expense", "other_expense"]],
            ["move_id.date", ">=", date_from], ["move_id.date", "<=", date_to]]
     if contact_id:
         cond.append(["contact_id", "=", contact_id])
     if account_id:
         cond.append(["account_id", "=", account_id])
     groups = {}
     for obj in get_model("account.move.line").search_browse(cond, order="move_id.date"):
         line_vals = {
             "id": obj.id,
             "date": obj.move_id.date,
             "number": obj.move_id.number,
             "description": obj.description,
             "account_id": obj.account_id.id,
             "account_code": obj.account_id.code,
             "account_name": obj.account_id.name,
             "amount": obj.debit - obj.credit,
         contact_id = obj.contact_id.id
         if contact_id in groups:
             group = groups[contact_id]
             group = {
                 "contact_id": contact_id,
                 "contact_name": obj.contact_id.name,
                 "lines": [],
             groups[contact_id] = group
     data["groups"] = sorted(groups.values(), key=lambda g: g["contact_name"] or "")
     for group in data["groups"]:
         group["total"] = sum([l["amount"] for l in group["lines"]])
     return data
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     pay_method_id = params.get("pay_method_id")
     lines = []
     cond = [["state", "=", "confirmed"]]
     if date_from:
         cond.append(["date", ">=", date_from])
     if date_to:
         cond.append(["date", "<=", date_to])
     if pay_method_id:
         cond.append(["pay_method_id", "=", pay_method_id])
     for sale in get_model("sale.order").search_browse(cond,
         if sale.is_paid:
         contact = sale.contact_id
         phone = contact.phone
         for addr in contact.addresses:
             if phone:
             phone = addr.phone
         line = {
             "id": sale.id,
             "number": sale.number,
             "related_id": sale.related_id.id if sale.related_id else None,
             sale.related_id.number if sale.related_id else None,
             "date": sale.date,
             "customer_name": contact.name,
             "phone": phone,
             sale.pay_method_id.name if sale.pay_method_id else None,
             "amount": sale.amount_total,
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "lines": lines,
         "total": sum(l["amount"] for l in lines),
     return data
Пример #28
 def payable_status(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search([["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     data = {}
     for st in ("draft", "waiting_approval", "waiting_payment"):
         data[st] = {"count": 0, "amount": 0}
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT state,COUNT(*) as count,SUM(amount_due_cur) as amount FROM account_invoice WHERE type='in' AND inv_type='invoice' AND company_id IN %s GROUP BY state",
     for r in res:
         data[r["state"]] = {"count": r["count"], "amount": r["amount"]}
     return data
Пример #29
 def gen_tax_no(self, exclude=None, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()  # XXX: improve this?
     seq_id = get_model("sequence").find_sequence(type="tax_no")
     if not seq_id:
         return None
     while 1:
         num = get_model("sequence").get_next_number(seq_id, context=context)
         if exclude and num in exclude:
             get_model("sequence").increment_number(seq_id, context=context)
         res = get_model("account.move.line").search([["tax_no", "=", num], ["move_id.company_id", "=", company_id]])
         if not res:
             return num
         get_model("sequence").increment_number(seq_id, context=context)
Пример #30
 def gen_tax_no(self, exclude=None, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()  # XXX: improve this?
     seq_id = get_model("sequence").find_sequence(type="tax_no")
     if not seq_id:
         return None
     while 1:
         num = get_model("sequence").get_next_number(seq_id, context=context)
         if exclude and num in exclude:
             get_model("sequence").increment_number(seq_id, context=context)
         res = get_model("account.move.line").search([["tax_no", "=", num], ["move_id.company_id", "=", company_id]])
         if not res:
             return num
         get_model("sequence").increment_number(seq_id, context=context)
Пример #31
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search(
         [["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     tax_comp_id = params.get("tax_comp_id")
     trans_type = params.get("trans_type")
     if tax_comp_id:
         tax_comp_id = int(tax_comp_id)
         tax_comp = get_model("account.tax.component").browse(tax_comp_id)
         tax_comp_ids = [tax_comp_id]
         tax_type = tax_comp.tax_type
         tax_type = params.get("tax_type")
         if not tax_type or not trans_type:
         tax_comp_ids = get_model("account.tax.component").search(
             [["type", "=", tax_type], ["trans_type", "=", trans_type]])
         tax_comp = None
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     if not date_from:
         date_from = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-01")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     if not date_to:
         date_to = (date.today() +
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "rate_name": tax_comp.tax_rate_id.name if tax_comp else None,
         "comp_name": tax_comp.name if tax_comp else None,
         "tax_type": tax_type,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
     db = database.get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT m.id AS move_id,m.date,a.name AS account_name,a.code AS account_code,m.number,m.ref,l.description,case when 'in' = %s then l.debit-l.credit else l.credit-l.debit end AS tax_amount, case when 'in' = %s then l.tax_base*sign(l.debit-l.credit) else l.tax_base*sign(l.credit-l.debit) end AS base_amount,c.name as contact_name,c.id as contact_id FROM account_move_line l JOIN account_move m ON m.id=l.move_id JOIN account_account a ON a.id=l.account_id LEFT JOIN contact c ON c.id=l.contact_id WHERE m.state='posted' AND m.date>=%s AND m.date<=%s AND l.tax_comp_id IN %s AND m.company_id IN %s ORDER BY date",
         trans_type, trans_type, date_from, date_to, tuple(tax_comp_ids),
     data["lines"] = [dict(r) for r in res]
     data["base_total"] = sum(l["base_amount"] for l in data["lines"])
     data["tax_total"] = sum(l["tax_amount"] for l in data["lines"])
     data["credit_lines"] = []
     return data
Пример #32
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     db = database.get_connection()
     if not params.get("account_id"):
     account_id = int(params.get("account_id"))
     date = params.get("date")
     if not date:
         date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     ctx = {
         "date_to": date,
     acc = get_model("account.account").browse([account_id], context=ctx)[0]
     payments = []
     for obj in get_model("account.move.line").search_browse([["account_id", "=", account_id], ["state", "!=", "reconciled"], ["move_id.state", "=", "posted"], ["move_id.date", "<=", date]], order="move_id.date"):
         vals = {
             "date": obj.move_id.date,
             "description": obj.description,
             "ref": obj.move_id.number,
             "amount": obj.credit - obj.debit,
     st_lines = []
     for obj in get_model("account.statement.line").search_browse([["statement_id.account_id", "=", account_id], ["state", "!=", "reconciled"], ["date", "<=", date]], order="date"):
         vals = {
             "date": obj.date,
             "description": obj.description,
             "ref": "",  # XXX
             "amount": obj.received - obj.spent,
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date": date,
         "account_name": acc.name,
         "account_balance": acc.balance,
         "move_lines": payments,
         "total_move_lines": sum([p["amount"] for p in payments]),
         "statement_lines": st_lines,
         "total_statement_lines": sum([l["amount"] for l in st_lines]),
     data["statement_balance"] = data["account_balance"] + data["total_move_lines"] + data["total_statement_lines"]
     return data
Пример #33
 def purchases_per_supplier(self, context={}):
     db = get_connection()
     company_id = get_active_company()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT p.name,SUM(o.amount_total_cur) as amount FROM purchase_order o,contact p WHERE p.id=o.contact_id AND o.state in ('confirmed','done') and o.company_id=%s GROUP BY p.name ORDER BY amount DESC",
     data = []
     for r in res[:5]:
         data.append((r.name, r.amount))
     amt = 0
     for r in res[5:]:
         amt += r.amount
     if amt > 0:
         data.append(("Other", amt))
     return {"value": data}
Пример #34
 def purchases_per_product_categ(self, context={}):
     db = get_connection()
     company_id = get_active_company()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT c.name,SUM(l.amount_cur) as amount FROM purchase_order_line l,purchase_order o,product p,product_categ c WHERE p.categ_id=c.id AND p.id=l.product_id AND o.id=l.order_id AND o.state in ('confirmed','done') and o.company_id=%s GROUP BY c.name ORDER BY amount DESC",
     data = []
     for r in res[:5]:
         data.append((r.name, r.amount))
     amt = 0
     for r in res[5:]:
         amt += r.amount
     if amt > 0:
         data.append(("Other", amt))
     return {"value": data}
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     cond = [["date", ">=", date_from], ["date", "<=", date_to], ["purchase_type_id.commission_po", "=", True]]
     groups = {}
     for purch in get_model("purchase.order").search_browse(cond, order="date"):
         group = groups.get(purch.customer_id.id)
         if group is None:
             group = {
                 "customer": purch.customer_id.name or "N/A",
                 "lines": [],
             groups[purch.customer_id.id] = group
         line = {
             "id": purch.id,
             "date": purch.date,
             "number": purch.number,
             "supplier": purch.contact_id.name,
             "number": purch.number,
             "amount_subtotal": purch.amount_subtotal,
             "commission_percent": purch.customer_id.commission_po_percent,  # XXX
             "commission_amount": purch.amount_subtotal * (purch.customer_id.commission_po_percent or 0) / 100,
     groups = sorted(groups.values(), key=lambda g: g["customer"])
     for group in groups:
         totals = {}
         totals["amount_subtotal"] = sum(l["amount_subtotal"] or 0 for l in group["lines"])
         totals["commission_amount"] = sum(l["commission_amount"] or 0 for l in group["lines"])
         group["totals"] = totals
     totals = {}
     totals["amount_subtotal"] = sum(g["totals"]["amount_subtotal"] for g in groups)
     totals["commission_amount"] = sum(g["totals"]["commission_amount"] for g in groups)
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "groups": groups,
         "totals": totals,
     return data
Пример #36
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     pay_method_id = params.get("pay_method_id")
     lines = []
     cond = [["state", "=", "confirmed"]]
     if date_from:
         cond.append(["date", ">=", date_from])
     if date_to:
         cond.append(["date", "<=", date_to])
     if pay_method_id:
         cond.append(["pay_method_id", "=", pay_method_id])
     for sale in get_model("sale.order").search_browse(cond, order="date,id"):
         if sale.is_paid:
         contact = sale.contact_id
         phone = contact.phone
         for addr in contact.addresses:
             if phone:
             phone = addr.phone
         line = {
             "id": sale.id,
             "number": sale.number,
             "related_id": sale.related_id.id if sale.related_id else None,
             "related_number": sale.related_id.number if sale.related_id else None,
             "date": sale.date,
             "customer_name": contact.name,
             "phone": phone,
             "pay_method": sale.pay_method_id.name if sale.pay_method_id else None,
             "amount": sale.amount_total,
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "lines": lines,
         "total": sum(l["amount"] for l in lines),
     return data
Пример #37
 def purchases_per_month(self, context={}):
     db = get_connection()
     company_id = get_active_company()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT to_char(date,'YYYY-MM') AS month,SUM(amount_total_cur) as amount FROM purchase_order as po WHERE po.state in ('confirmed','done') and po.company_id=%s GROUP BY month",
     amounts = {}
     for r in res:
         amounts[r.month] = r.amount
     data = []
     months = get_months(6)
     for y, m in months:
         amt = amounts.get("%d-%.2d" % (y, m), 0)
         d = date(year=y, month=m, day=1)
         data.append((d.strftime("%B"), amt))
     return {"value": data}
Пример #38
    def get_data_pick_internal_form(self, context={}):
        company_id = get_active_company()
        comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
        obj_id = int(context["refer_id"])
        obj = get_model("stock.picking").browse(obj_id)
        settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
        comp_addr = settings.get_address_str()
        comp_name = comp.name
        comp_phone = settings.phone
        comp_fax = settings.fax
        comp_tax_no = settings.tax_no
        contact = obj.contact_id
        cust_addr = contact.get_address_str()
        cust_name = contact.name
        cust_fax = contact.fax
        cust_phone = contact.phone
        cust_tax_no = contact.tax_no

        data = {
            "comp_name": comp_name,
            "comp_addr": comp_addr,
            "comp_phone": comp_phone or "-",
            "comp_fax": comp_fax or "-",
            "comp_tax_no": comp_tax_no or "-",
            "cust_name": cust_name,
            "cust_addr": cust_addr,
            "cust_phone": cust_phone or "-",
            "cust_fax": cust_fax or "-",
            "cust_tax_no": cust_tax_no or "-",
            "date": obj.date,
            "number": obj.number,
            "ref": obj.ref,
            "lines": [],
        if settings.logo:
            data["logo"] = get_file_path(settings.logo)
        for line in obj.lines:
                "product": line.product_id.name,
                "description": line.product_id.description,
                "qty": line.qty,
                "uom": line.uom_id.name,
                "location_from": line.location_from_id.name,
                "location_to": line.location_to_id.name,
                "cost_price": line.cost_price,
        return data
Пример #39
    def get_data_pick_internal_form(self, context={}):
        company_id = get_active_company()
        comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
        obj_id = int(context["refer_id"])
        obj = get_model("stock.picking").browse(obj_id)
        settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
        comp_addr = settings.get_address_str()
        comp_name = comp.name
        comp_phone = settings.phone
        comp_fax = settings.fax
        comp_tax_no = settings.tax_no
        contact = obj.contact_id
        cust_addr = contact.get_address_str()
        cust_name = contact.name
        cust_fax = contact.fax
        cust_phone = contact.phone
        cust_tax_no = contact.tax_no

        data = {
            "comp_name": comp_name,
            "comp_addr": comp_addr,
            "comp_phone": comp_phone or "-",
            "comp_fax": comp_fax or "-",
            "comp_tax_no": comp_tax_no or "-",
            "cust_name": cust_name,
            "cust_addr": cust_addr,
            "cust_phone": cust_phone or "-",
            "cust_fax": cust_fax or "-",
            "cust_tax_no": cust_tax_no or "-",
            "date": obj.date,
            "number": obj.number,
            "ref": obj.ref,
            "lines": [],
        if settings.logo:
            data["logo"] = get_file_path(settings.logo)
        for line in obj.lines:
                "product": line.product_id.name,
                "description": line.product_id.description,
                "qty": line.qty,
                "uom": line.uom_id.name,
                "location_from": line.location_from_id.name,
                "location_to": line.location_to_id.name,
                "cost_price": line.cost_price,
        return data
Пример #40
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     contact_id = params.get("contact_id")
     state = params.get("state")
     lines = []
     cond = [["type", "=", "out"]]
     if date_from:
         cond.append([["date", ">=", date_from]])
     if date_to:
         cond.append([["date", "<=", date_to]])
     if contact_id:
         cond.append([["contact_id", "=", contact_id]])
     if state:
         cond.append([["state", "=", state]])
     for inv in get_model("account.invoice").search_browse(cond,
         line_vals = {
             "id": inv.id,
             "number": inv.number,
             "ref": inv.ref,
             "contact_name": inv.contact_id.name,
             "date": inv.date,
             "due_date": inv.due_date,
             "amount_total": inv.amount_total,
             "amount_paid": inv.amount_paid,
             "amount_due": inv.amount_due,
             "state": inv.state,  # XXX
     data = {
         "company_name": company.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "lines": lines,
         "total_invoice": sum([l["amount_total"] for l in lines]),
         "total_paid": sum([l["amount_paid"] for l in lines]),
         "total_due": sum([l["amount_due"] for l in lines]),
     return data
Пример #41
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     contact_id = params.get("contact_id")
     state = params.get("state")
     lines = []
     cond = [["type", "=", "out"]]
     if date_from:
         cond.append([["date", ">=", date_from]])
     if date_to:
         cond.append([["date", "<=", date_to]])
     if contact_id:
         cond.append([["contact_id", "=", contact_id]])
     if state:
         cond.append([["state", "=", state]])
     for inv in get_model("account.invoice").search_browse(cond, order="date"):
         line_vals = {
             "id": inv.id,
             "number": inv.number,
             "ref": inv.ref,
             "contact_name": inv.contact_id.name,
             "date": inv.date,
             "due_date": inv.due_date,
             "amount_total": inv.amount_total,
             "amount_paid": inv.amount_paid,
             "amount_due": inv.amount_due,
             "state": inv.state,  # XXX
     data = {
         "company_name": company.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "lines": lines,
         "total_invoice": sum([l["amount_total"] for l in lines]),
         "total_paid": sum([l["amount_paid"] for l in lines]),
         "total_due": sum([l["amount_due"] for l in lines]),
     return data
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     lines = []
     cond = [["date", ">=", date_from], ["date", "<=", date_to]]
     for sale in get_model("sale.order").search_browse(cond, order="date"):
         line = {
             "id": sale.id,
             "date": sale.date,
             "number": sale.number,
             "customer": sale.contact_id.name,
             "sale": sale.number,
             "amount_subtotal": sale.amount_subtotal,
             "est_cost_total": sale.est_cost_total,
             "est_profit": sale.est_profit,
             "est_profit_percent": sale.est_profit_percent,
             "act_cost_total": sale.act_cost_amount,
             "act_profit_amount": decimal.Decimal(sale.act_profit_amount or 0),
             "act_margin_percent": decimal.Decimal(sale.act_margin_percent or 0),
     totals = {}
     totals["amount_subtotal"] = sum(l["amount_subtotal"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["est_cost_total"] = sum(l["est_cost_total"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["est_profit"] = sum(l["est_profit"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["est_profit_percent"] = totals["est_profit"] * 100 / \
         totals["amount_subtotal"] if totals["amount_subtotal"] else None
     totals["act_cost_total"] = sum(l["act_cost_total"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["act_profit_amount"] = sum(l["act_profit_amount"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["act_margin_percent"] = totals["act_profit_amount"] * 100 / \
         totals["amount_subtotal"] if totals["amount_subtotal"] else None
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
         "lines": lines,
         "totals": totals,
     return data
Пример #43
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(company_id)
     contact_id = params.get("contact_id")
     cond = [["date", ">=", params["date_from"]],
             ["date", "<=", params["date_to"]]]
     if params.get("contact_id"):
         cond.append(["contact_id", "=", params["contact_id"]])
     if params.get("ship_pay_by"):
         cond.append(["ship_pay_by", "=", params["ship_pay_by"]])
     if params.get("ship_method_id"):
         cond.append(["ship_method_id", "=", params["ship_method_id"]])
     lines = []
     for pick in get_model("stock.picking").search_browse(cond):
         line = {
             "id": pick.id,
             "date": pick.date,
             "number": pick.number,
             "contact": pick.contact_id.name,
             "ship_method": pick.ship_method_id.name,
             "ship_tracking": pick.ship_tracking,
             "ship_cost": pick.ship_cost,
             "ship_pay_by": pick.ship_pay_by,  # XXX
             lines["related"] = pick.related_id.name_get(
             )[0][1] if pick.related_id else None
             pass  # XXX
     totals = {}
     totals["ship_cost"] = sum(l["ship_cost"] or 0 for l in lines)
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": params["date_from"],
         "date_to": params["date_to"],
         "lines": lines,
         "totals": totals,
     return data
Пример #44
 def find_sequence(self, type=None, name=None, context={}):
     if type and name:
         cond = [["type", "=", type], ["name", "=", name]]
     elif type:
         cond = [["type", "=", type]]
     elif name:
         cond = [["name", "=", name]]
     if not company_id:
         company_id = get_active_company()
     comp_cond = cond + [["company_id", "=", company_id]]
     res = self.search(comp_cond, order="id")
     if res:
         return res[0]
     res = self.search(cond, order="id")
     if res:
         return res[0]
     return None
Пример #45
 def find_sequence(self, type=None, name=None, context={}):
     if type and name:
         cond = [["type", "=", type], ["name", "=", name]]
     elif type:
         cond = [["type", "=", type]]
     elif name:
         cond = [["name", "=", name]]
     if not company_id:
         company_id = get_active_company()
     comp_cond = cond + [["company_id", "=", company_id]]
     res = self.search(comp_cond, order="id")
     if res:
         return res[0]
     res = self.search(cond, order="id")
     if res:
         return res[0]
     return None
Пример #46
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search([["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     tax_comp_id = params.get("tax_comp_id")
     if tax_comp_id:
         tax_comp = get_model("account.tax.component").browse(tax_comp_id)
         if not tax_type or not trans_type:
         tax_comp_ids=get_model("account.tax.component").search([["type","=",tax_type],["trans_type", "=", trans_type]])
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     if not date_from:
         date_from = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-01")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     if not date_to:
         date_to = (date.today() + relativedelta(day=31)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "rate_name": tax_comp.tax_rate_id.name if tax_comp else None,
         "comp_name": tax_comp.name if tax_comp else None,
         "tax_type": tax_type,
         "date_from": date_from,
         "date_to": date_to,
     db = database.get_connection()
     res = db.query("SELECT m.id AS move_id,m.date,a.name AS account_name,a.code AS account_code,m.number,m.ref,l.description,case when 'in' = %s then l.debit-l.credit else l.credit-l.debit end AS tax_amount, case when 'in' = %s then l.tax_base*sign(l.debit-l.credit) else l.tax_base*sign(l.credit-l.debit) end AS base_amount,c.name as contact_name,c.id as contact_id FROM account_move_line l JOIN account_move m ON m.id=l.move_id JOIN account_account a ON a.id=l.account_id LEFT JOIN contact c ON c.id=l.contact_id WHERE m.state='posted' AND m.date>=%s AND m.date<=%s AND l.tax_comp_id IN %s AND m.company_id IN %s ORDER BY date",
         trans_type, trans_type, date_from, date_to, tuple(tax_comp_ids), tuple(company_ids))
     data["lines"] = [dict(r) for r in res]
     data["base_total"]=sum(l["base_amount"] for l in data["lines"])
     data["tax_total"]=sum(l["tax_amount"] for l in data["lines"])
     return data
Пример #47
    def get_data(self, context={}):
        company_id = get_active_company()
        comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
        month = context.get("month")
        lines = []
        no = 1
        for slip in self.get_payslip_line(month):
            if slip.amount_provident < 1:
            emp = slip.employee_id
            emp_name = ' '.join(
                s for s in [(emp.title and emp.title + '.' or ''), (emp.first_name or ''), (emp.last_name or '')])

            line = {
                'no': no,
                'tran_code': '',
                'employee_code': emp.code,
                'prov_code': emp.prov_fund_no,
                'employee_name': emp_name,
                'id_code': emp.id_no,
                'tax_id': emp.tax_no,
                'date_cal_year': '',
                'start_work_date': emp.hire_date and emp.hire_date.replace("-", "/") or '',
                'open_ac_date': emp.prov_open_date,
                'salary': emp.salary,
                'num_of_restdays': 0,
                'employee_rate': emp.prov_rate_employee,
                'employee_amt': slip.amount_provident,
                'employer_rate': emp.prov_rate_employer,
                'employer_amt': slip.amount_provident,
            no += 1
        # settings=get_model("settings").browse(1)
        setting = get_model("hr.payroll.settings").browse(1)
        document_date = utils.date2thai(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), '%(d)s/%(m)s/%(BY)s')
        data = {
            'company_name': comp.name,
            'document_date': document_date,
            'fund_name': setting.prov_name,
            'lines': lines,
            'norecord': False if lines else True,
        return data
Пример #48
class Journal(Model):
    _name = "account.journal"
    _string = "Journal"
    _key = ["code"]
    _multi_company = True
    _fields = {
        "name": fields.Char("Name", required=True, search=True),
        "sequence_id": fields.Many2One("sequence",
        "comments": fields.One2Many("message", "related_id", "Comments"),
        "active": fields.Boolean("Active"),
        "code": fields.Char("Code", search=True),
        "company_id": fields.Many2One("company", "Company"),
    _defaults = {
        "active": True,
        "company_id": lambda *a: get_active_company(),
Пример #49
 def opport_stage(self, context={}):
     db = get_connection()
     company_id = get_active_company()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT s.name,SUM(o.amount*o.probability/100) AS amount,COUNT(*) AS num FROM sale_opportunity o,sale_stage s WHERE s.id=o.stage_id AND o.state in ('open','won') and o.company_id=%s GROUP BY s.name",
     amounts = {}
     counts = {}
     for r in res:
         amounts[r.name] = r.amount
         counts[r.name] = r.num
     data = []
     for stage in get_model("sale.stage").search_browse([]):
         amt = amounts.get(stage.name, 0)
         count = counts.get(stage.name, 0)
         #label="%s (%d)"%(stage.name,count)
         label = stage.name
         data.append((label, amt))
     return {"value": data}
Пример #50
 def money_in(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search(
         [["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT to_char(COALESCE(l.due_date,l.move_date),'YYYY-MM') AS month,SUM(l.debit-l.credit) as amount FROM account_move_line l JOIN account_account a ON a.id=l.account_id LEFT JOIN account_reconcile r ON r.id=l.reconcile_id WHERE l.move_state='posted' AND a.type='receivable' AND l.reconcile_id IS NULL AND a.company_id IN %s GROUP BY month",
     amounts = {}
     for r in res:
         amounts[r.month] = r.amount
     months = get_months(4)
     month_start = "%d-%.2d" % (months[0][0], months[0][1])
     month_stop = "%d-%.2d" % (months[-1][0], months[-1][1])
     amt_older = 0
     amt_future = 0
     for month, amt in amounts.items():
         if month < month_start:
             amt_older += amt
         elif month > month_stop:
             amt_future += amt
     data2 = [("Older", amt_older)]
     for y, m in months:
         d = date(year=y, month=m, day=1)
         amt = amounts.get("%d-%.2d" % (y, m), 0)
         data2.append((d.strftime("%B"), amt))
     data2.append(("Future", amt_future))
     data = {
         "value": data2,
     res = db.get(
         "SELECT count(*) AS count,SUM(amount_total_cur) AS amount FROM account_invoice WHERE type='out' AND inv_type='invoice' AND state='draft' AND company_id IN %s",
     if res:
         data["draft_count"] = res.count
         data["draft_amount"] = res.amount
     res = db.get(
         "SELECT count(*) AS count,SUM(amount_total_cur) AS amount FROM account_invoice WHERE type='out' AND inv_type='invoice' AND state='waiting_payment' AND due_date<now() AND company_id IN %s",
     if res:
         data["overdue_count"] = res.count
         data["overdue_amount"] = res.amount
     return data
Пример #51
 def copy_to_pick_in(self, ids, context={}):
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     if not settings.product_borrow_journal_id:
         raise Exception("Missing borrow request journal in Inventory Setting")
     if not settings.product_borrow_journal_id.location_from_id:
         raise Exception("Missing 'Location From' for journal '%s'"%settings.product_borrow_journal_id.name)
     if not settings.product_borrow_journal_id.location_to_id:
         raise Exception("Missing 'Location To' for journal '%s'"%settings.product_borrow_journal_id.name)
     pick_vals = {
         "type": "in",
         "ref": obj.number,
         "journal_id": settings.product_borrow_journal_id.id,
         "related_id": "product.borrow,%s" % obj.id,
         "contact_id": user.contact_id.id,
         "lines": [],
         "state": "draft",
         "company_id": get_active_company(),
     for line in obj.lines:
         line_vals = {
             "product_id": line.product_id.id,
             "qty": line.qty,
             "uom_id": line.uom_id.id,
             "location_from_id": settings.product_borrow_journal_id.location_to_id.id,
             "location_to_id": settings.product_borrow_journal_id.location_from_id.id,
             "lot_id": line.lot_id.id,
             "related_id": "product.borrow,%s" % obj.id,
         pick_vals["lines"].append(("create", line_vals))
     pick_id = get_model("stock.picking").create(pick_vals, context=pick_vals)
     pick = get_model("stock.picking").browse(pick_id)
     return {
         "next": {
             "name": "pick_in",
             "mode": "form",
             "active_id": pick_id,
         "flash": "Picking %s created from borrow request %s" % (pick.number, obj.number),
         "picking_id": pick_id,
Пример #52
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(company_id)
     contact_id = params.get("contact_id")
     cond = [["date", ">=", params["date_from"]], ["date", "<=", params["date_to"]]]
     if params.get("contact_id"):
         cond.append(["contact_id", "=", params["contact_id"]])
     if params.get("ship_pay_by"):
         cond.append(["ship_pay_by", "=", params["ship_pay_by"]])
     if params.get("ship_method_id"):
         cond.append(["ship_method_id", "=", params["ship_method_id"]])
     lines = []
     for pick in get_model("stock.picking").search_browse(cond):
         line = {
             "id": pick.id,
             "date": pick.date,
             "number": pick.number,
             "contact": pick.contact_id.name,
             "ship_method": pick.ship_method_id.name,
             "ship_tracking": pick.ship_tracking,
             "ship_cost": pick.ship_cost,
             "ship_pay_by": pick.ship_pay_by,  # XXX
             lines["related"] = pick.related_id.name_get()[0][1] if pick.related_id else None
             pass  # XXX
     totals = {}
     totals["ship_cost"] = sum(l["ship_cost"] or 0 for l in lines)
     data = {
         "company_name": comp.name,
         "date_from": params["date_from"],
         "date_to": params["date_to"],
         "lines": lines,
         "totals": totals,
     return data
Пример #53
 def copy_to_picking(self, ids, context={}):
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     if not settings.product_borrow_journal_id:
         raise Exception("Missing borrow request journal in Inventory Setting")
     if not settings.product_borrow_journal_id.location_from_id:
         raise Exception("Missing 'Location From' for journal '%s'"%settings.product_borrow_journal_id.name)
     if not settings.product_borrow_journal_id.location_to_id:
         raise Exception("Missing 'Location To' for journal '%s'"%settings.product_borrow_journal_id.name)
     pick_vals = {
         "type": "out",
         "ref": obj.number,
         "journal_id": settings.product_borrow_journal_id.id,
         "related_id": "product.borrow,%s" % obj.id,
         "contact_id": user.contact_id.id,
         "lines": [],
         "state": "draft",
         "company_id": get_active_company(),
     for line in obj.lines:
         line_vals = {
             "product_id": line.product_id.id,
             "qty": line.qty,
             "uom_id": line.uom_id.id,
             "location_from_id": settings.product_borrow_journal_id.location_from_id.id,
             "location_to_id": settings.product_borrow_journal_id.location_to_id.id,
             "lot_id": line.lot_id.id,
             "related_id": "product.borrow,%s" % obj.id,
         pick_vals["lines"].append(("create", line_vals))
     pick_id = get_model("stock.picking").create(pick_vals, context=pick_vals)
     pick = get_model("stock.picking").browse(pick_id)
     return {
         "next": {
             "name": "pick_out",
             "mode": "form",
             "active_id": pick_id,
             "flash": "Picking %s created from borrow request %s" % (pick.number, obj.number),
         "picking_id": pick_id,
Пример #54
 def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_from = params.get("date_from")
     date_to = params.get("date_to")
     lines = []
     cond = [["date", ">=", date_from], ["date", "<=", date_to]]
     for sale in get_model("sale.order").search_browse(cond, order="date"):
         line = {
             "id": sale.id,
             "date": sale.date,
             "number": sale.number,
             "customer": sale.contact_id.name,
             "sale": sale.number,
             "amount_subtotal": sale.amount_subtotal,
             "est_cost_total": sale.est_cost_total,
             "est_profit": sale.est_profit,
             "est_profit_percent": sale.est_profit_percent,
             "act_cost_total": sale.act_cost_total,
             "act_profit": sale.act_profit,
             "act_profit_percent": sale.act_profit_percent,
     totals = {}
     totals["amount_subtotal"] = sum(l["amount_subtotal"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["est_cost_total"] = sum(l["est_cost_total"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["est_profit"] = sum(l["est_profit"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["est_profit_percent"] = (
         totals["est_profit"] * 100 / totals["amount_subtotal"] if totals["amount_subtotal"] else None
     totals["act_cost_total"] = sum(l["act_cost_total"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["act_profit"] = sum(l["act_profit"] or 0 for l in lines)
     totals["act_profit_percent"] = (
         totals["act_profit"] * 100 / totals["amount_subtotal"] if totals["amount_subtotal"] else None
     data = {"company_name": comp.name, "date_from": date_from, "date_to": date_to, "lines": lines, "totals": totals}
     return data
Пример #55
 def receivable_status(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search(
         [["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     data = {}
     for st in ("draft", "waiting_approval", "waiting_payment"):
         data[st] = {
             "count": 0,
             "amount": 0,
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT state,COUNT(*) as count,SUM(amount_due_cur) AS amount FROM account_invoice WHERE type='out' AND inv_type='invoice' AND company_id IN %s GROUP BY state",
     for r in res:
         data[r["state"]] = {
             "count": r["count"],
             "amount": r["amount"],
     return data
Пример #56
 def get_report_data_custom(self, ids, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id)
     if ids:
         params = self.read(ids, load_m2o=False)[0]
         params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context)
     settings = get_model("settings").browse(1)
     date_to = params.get("date")
     d0 = datetime.strptime(date_to, "%Y-%m-%d")
     prev_month_date_to = (d0 - relativedelta(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     prev_year_date_to = (d0 - relativedelta(years=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     data = {
         "date_to": date_to,
         "prev_month_date_to": prev_month_date_to,
         "prev_year_date_to": prev_year_date_to,
         "company_name": comp.name,
     print("data", data)
     return data
Пример #57
def get_total_qtys(prod_ids, loc_id, date_from, date_to, states, categ_id):
    db = get_connection()
    q = "SELECT " \
        " t1.product_id,t1.location_from_id,t1.location_to_id,t1.uom_id,SUM(t1.qty) AS total_qty " \
        " FROM stock_move t1 " \
        " LEFT JOIN product t2 on t1.product_id=t2.id " \
        " WHERE t1.state IN %s"
    q_args = [tuple(states)]
    if date_from:
        q += " AND t1.date>=%s"
        q_args.append(date_from + " 00:00:00")
    if date_to:
        q += " AND t1.date<=%s"
        q_args.append(date_to + " 23:59:59")
    if prod_ids:
        q += " AND t1.product_id IN %s"
    if loc_id:
        q += " AND (t1.location_from_id=%s OR t1.location_to_id=%s)"
        q_args += [loc_id, loc_id]
    if categ_id:
        q += " AND t2.categ_id=%s"
    company_id = access.get_active_company()
    if company_id:
        q += " AND t1.company_id=%s"
    q += " GROUP BY t1.product_id,t1.location_from_id,t1.location_to_id,t1.uom_id"
    res = db.query(q, *q_args)
    totals = {}
    for r in res:
        prod = get_model("product").browse(r.product_id)
        uom = get_model("uom").browse(r.uom_id)
        qty = r.total_qty * uom.ratio / prod.uom_id.ratio
        k = (r.product_id, r.location_from_id, r.location_to_id)
        totals.setdefault(k, 0)
        totals[k] += qty
    return totals
Пример #58
 def money_in(self, context={}):
     company_id = get_active_company()
     company_ids = get_model("company").search([["id", "child_of", company_id]])
     db = get_connection()
     res = db.query(
         "SELECT to_char(COALESCE(l.due_date,l.move_date),'YYYY-MM') AS month,SUM(l.debit-l.credit) as amount FROM account_move_line l JOIN account_account a ON a.id=l.account_id LEFT JOIN account_reconcile r ON r.id=l.reconcile_id WHERE l.move_state='posted' AND a.type='receivable' AND l.reconcile_id IS NULL AND a.company_id IN %s GROUP BY month", tuple(company_ids))
     amounts = {}
     for r in res:
         amounts[r.month] = r.amount
     months = get_months(4)
     month_start = "%d-%.2d" % (months[0][0], months[0][1])
     month_stop = "%d-%.2d" % (months[-1][0], months[-1][1])
     amt_older = 0
     amt_future = 0
     for month, amt in amounts.items():
         if month < month_start:
             amt_older += amt
         elif month > month_stop:
             amt_future += amt
     data2 = [("Older", amt_older)]
     for y, m in months:
         d = date(year=y, month=m, day=1)
         amt = amounts.get("%d-%.2d" % (y, m), 0)
         data2.append((d.strftime("%B"), amt))
     data2.append(("Future", amt_future))
     data = {
         "value": data2,
     res = db.get(
         "SELECT count(*) AS count,SUM(amount_total_cur) AS amount FROM account_invoice WHERE type='out' AND inv_type='invoice' AND state='draft' AND company_id IN %s", tuple(company_ids))
     if res:
         data["draft_count"] = res.count
         data["draft_amount"] = res.amount
     res = db.get(
         "SELECT count(*) AS count,SUM(amount_total_cur) AS amount FROM account_invoice WHERE type='out' AND inv_type='invoice' AND state='waiting_payment' AND due_date<now() AND company_id IN %s", tuple(company_ids))
     if res:
         data["overdue_count"] = res.count
         data["overdue_amount"] = res.amount
     return data