Пример #1
class SSHDetect(object):
    The SSHDetect class tries to automatically guess the device type running on the SSH remote end.
    Be careful that the kwargs 'device_type' must be set to 'autodetect', otherwise it won't work at

    *args : list
        The same *args that you might provide to the netmiko.ssh_dispatcher.ConnectHandler.
    *kwargs : dict
        The same *kwargs that you might provide to the netmiko.ssh_dispatcher.ConnectHandler.

    connection : netmiko.terminal_server.TerminalServerSSH
        A basic connection to the remote SSH end.
    potential_matches: dict
        Dict of (device_type, accuracy) that is populated through an interaction with the
        remote end.

        Try to determine the device type.
    def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        Constructor of the SSHDetect class
        if kwargs["device_type"] != "autodetect":
            raise ValueError("The connection device_type must be 'autodetect'")
        # Always set cmd_verify to False for autodetect
        kwargs["global_cmd_verify"] = False
        self.connection = ConnectHandler(*args, **kwargs)
        # Call the _test_channel_read() in base to clear initial data
        output = BaseConnection._test_channel_read(self.connection)
        self.initial_buffer = output
        self.potential_matches: Dict[str, int] = {}
        self._results_cache: Dict[str, str] = {}

    def autodetect(self) -> Union[str, None]:
        Try to guess the best 'device_type' based on patterns defined in SSH_MAPPER_BASE

        best_match : str or None
            The device type that is currently the best to use to interact with the device
        for device_type, autodetect_dict in SSH_MAPPER_BASE:
            tmp_dict = autodetect_dict.copy()
            call_method = tmp_dict.pop("dispatch")
            assert isinstance(call_method, str)
            autodetect_method = getattr(self, call_method)
            accuracy = autodetect_method(**tmp_dict)
            if accuracy:
                self.potential_matches[device_type] = accuracy
                if accuracy >= 99:  # Stop the loop as we are sure of our match
                    best_match = sorted(self.potential_matches.items(),
                                        key=lambda t: t[1],
                    # WLC needs two different auto-dectect solutions
                    if "cisco_wlc_85" in best_match[0]:
                        best_match[0] = ("cisco_wlc", 99)

                    return best_match[0][0]

        if not self.potential_matches:
            return None

        best_match = sorted(self.potential_matches.items(),
                            key=lambda t: t[1],
        return best_match[0][0]

    def _send_command(self, cmd: str = "") -> str:
        Handle reading/writing channel directly. It is also sanitizing the output received.

        cmd : str, optional
            The command to send to the remote device (default : "", just send a new line)

        output : str
            The output from the command sent
        self.connection.write_channel(cmd + "\n")
        output = self.connection.read_channel_timing()
        output = self.connection.strip_backspaces(output)
        return output

    def _send_command_wrapper(self, cmd: str) -> str:
        Send command to the remote device with a caching feature to avoid sending the same command
        twice based on the SSH_MAPPER_BASE dict cmd key.

        cmd : str
            The command to send to the remote device after checking cache.

        response : str
            The response from the remote device.
        cached_results = self._results_cache.get(cmd)
        if not cached_results:
            response = self._send_command(cmd)
            self._results_cache[cmd] = response
            return response
            return cached_results

    def _autodetect_remote_version(self,
                                   search_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                                   re_flags: int = re.IGNORECASE,
                                   priority: int = 99,
                                   **kwargs: Any) -> int:
        Method to try auto-detect the device type, by matching a regular expression on the reported
        remote version of the SSH server.

        search_patterns : list
            A list of regular expression to look for in the reported remote SSH version
            (default: None).
        re_flags: re.flags, optional
            Any flags from the python re module to modify the regular expression (default: re.I).
        priority: int, optional
            The confidence the match is right between 0 and 99 (default: 99).
        invalid_responses = [r"^$"]

        if not search_patterns:
            return 0

            remote_conn = self.connection.remote_conn
            assert isinstance(remote_conn, paramiko.Channel)
            assert remote_conn.transport is not None
            remote_version = remote_conn.transport.remote_version
            for pattern in invalid_responses:
                match = re.search(pattern, remote_version, flags=re.I)
                if match:
                    return 0
            for pattern in search_patterns:
                match = re.search(pattern, remote_version, flags=re_flags)
                if match:
                    return priority
        except Exception:
            return 0
        return 0

    def _autodetect_std(
        cmd: str = "",
        search_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        re_flags: int = re.IGNORECASE,
        priority: int = 99,
    ) -> int:
        Standard method to try to auto-detect the device type. This method will be called for each
        device_type present in SSH_MAPPER_BASE dict ('dispatch' key). It will attempt to send a
        command and match some regular expression from the ouput for each entry in SSH_MAPPER_BASE
        ('cmd' and 'search_pattern' keys).

        cmd : str
            The command to send to the remote device after checking cache.
        search_patterns : list
            A list of regular expression to look for in the command's output (default: None).
        re_flags: re.flags, optional
            Any flags from the python re module to modify the regular expression (default: re.I).
        priority: int, optional
            The confidence the match is right between 0 and 99 (default: 99).
        invalid_responses = [
            r"% Invalid input detected",
            r"syntax error, expecting",
            r"Error: Unrecognized command",
            r"command not found",
            r"Syntax Error: unexpected argument",
            r"% Unrecognized command found at",
        if not cmd or not search_patterns:
            return 0
            # _send_command_wrapper will use already cached results if available
            response = self._send_command_wrapper(cmd)
            # Look for error conditions in output
            for pattern in invalid_responses:
                match = re.search(pattern, response, flags=re.I)
                if match:
                    return 0
            for pattern in search_patterns:
                match = re.search(pattern, response, flags=re_flags)
                if match:
                    return priority
        except Exception:
            return 0
        return 0
Пример #2
class SSHDetect(object):
    The SSHDetect class tries to automatically guess the device type running on the SSH remote end.
    Be careful that the kwargs 'device_type' must be set to 'autodetect', otherwise it won't work at

    *args : list
        The same *args that you might provide to the netmiko.ssh_dispatcher.ConnectHandler.
    *kwargs : dict
        The same *kwargs that you might provide to the netmiko.ssh_dispatcher.ConnectHandler.

    connection : netmiko.terminal_server.TerminalServer
        A basic connection to the remote SSH end.
    potential_matches: dict
        Dict of (device_type, accuracy) that is populated through an interaction with the
        remote end.

        Try to determine the device type.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Constructor of the SSHDetect class
        if kwargs["device_type"] != "autodetect":
            raise ValueError("The connection device_type must be 'autodetect'")
        self.connection = ConnectHandler(*args, **kwargs)
        # Call the _test_channel_read() in base to clear initial data
        output = BaseConnection._test_channel_read(self.connection)
        self.initial_buffer = output
        self.potential_matches = {}
        self._results_cache = {}

    def autodetect(self):
        Try to guess the best 'device_type' based on patterns defined in SSH_MAPPER_BASE

        best_match : str or None
            The device type that is currently the best to use to interact with the device
        for device_type, autodetect_dict in SSH_MAPPER_BASE.items():
            tmp_dict = autodetect_dict.copy()
            call_method = tmp_dict.pop("dispatch")
            autodetect_method = getattr(self, call_method)
            accuracy = autodetect_method(**tmp_dict)
            if accuracy:
                self.potential_matches[device_type] = accuracy
                if accuracy >= 99:  # Stop the loop as we are sure of our match
                    best_match = sorted(self.potential_matches.items(), key=lambda t: t[1],
                    return best_match[0][0]

        if not self.potential_matches:
            return None

        best_match = sorted(self.potential_matches.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)
        return best_match[0][0]

    def _send_command(self, cmd=""):
        Handle reading/writing channel directly. It is also sanitizing the output received.

        cmd : str, optional
            The command to send to the remote device (default : "", just send a new line)

        output : str
            The output from the command sent
        self.connection.write_channel(cmd + "\n")
        output = self.connection._read_channel_timing()
        output = self.connection.strip_ansi_escape_codes(output)
        output = self.connection.strip_backspaces(output)
        return output

    def _send_command_wrapper(self, cmd):
        Send command to the remote device with a caching feature to avoid sending the same command
        twice based on the SSH_MAPPER_BASE dict cmd key.

        cmd : str
            The command to send to the remote device after checking cache.

        response : str
            The response from the remote device.
        cached_results = self._results_cache.get(cmd)
        if not cached_results:
            response = self._send_command(cmd)
            self._results_cache[cmd] = response
            return response
            return cached_results

    def _autodetect_std(self, cmd="", search_patterns=None, re_flags=re.I, priority=99):
        Standard method to try to auto-detect the device type. This method will be called for each
        device_type present in SSH_MAPPER_BASE dict ('dispatch' key). It will attempt to send a
        command and match some regular expression from the ouput for each entry in SSH_MAPPER_BASE
        ('cmd' and 'search_pattern' keys).

        cmd : str
            The command to send to the remote device after checking cache.
        search_patterns : list
            A list of regular expression to look for in the command's output (default: None).
        re_flags: re.flags, optional
            Any flags from the python re module to modify the regular expression (default: re.I).
        priority: int, optional
            The confidence the match is right between 0 and 99 (default: 99).
        invalid_responses = [
            r'% Invalid input detected',
            r'syntax error, expecting',
            r'Error: Unrecognized command',
        if not cmd or not search_patterns:
            return 0
            response = self._send_command_wrapper(cmd)
            # Look for error conditions in output
            for pattern in invalid_responses:
                match = re.search(pattern, response, flags=re.I)
                if match:
                    return 0
            for pattern in search_patterns:
                match = re.search(pattern, response, flags=re_flags)
                if match:
                    return priority
        except Exception:
            return 0
        return 0
Пример #3
    'ip': '',
    'username': '******',
    'password': '******',
#	'global_delay_factor':2

print("Connecting %s" % jumpserver)

net_connect = ConnectHandler(**jumpserver)

filewrite = open("output1.txt", "a")

file_obj = open("officeDevice.txt", "r")
for line in file_obj:
    print("Connecting ***** %s" % line)
    net_connect.write_channel("mtrad " + line)

    redispatch(net_connect, device_type='cisco_ios_telnet')
    output = net_connect.send_command("show version | i IOS")
    output = net_connect.send_command("show mod | i 10GE")
    net_connect.send_command("exit", expect_string="mobboss2")
    filewrite.write("\n \n" + line + "\n")
    filewrite.write("-------------------------- \n")
