def test_correct_return_type(self):
        Validate that the module is always returning some type of bytes object.

        requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, self.start_date)
        self.assertIsInstance(requester.request(), bytes)
    def test_tabular_data_processor(self):
        Validate that the processor writes tab delimited data.

        # Delete the test output path if present. Otherwise, make said path.
        if os.path.exists(self.data_output_path):


        # Iterate through five days worth of request dates.
        for request_date in [self.start_date + timedelta(i) for i in range(5)]:
            requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, request_date)
            raw_ticks: bytes = requester.request()
            parsed: list = self.data_parser.parse(raw_ticks)

            # Process data using tabular parser.
            processor = FXTickDataProcessorTabular(self.currency, request_date)
            ticks: pd.DataFrame = processor.process(parsed)

            # Write sample data using custom writer.
            # If there are any errors writing the data, then fail the test.
                processor.write(ticks, self.data_output_path)

            except Exception as e:
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, params: dict) -> bool:
        Full data processing pipeline. Emit a flag if the pipeline succeeded.

        :params opath: Path to output directory for writes.
        :params sep: Optionally specify how the data is delimited.
        :returns flag: Boolean flag indicating success of failure.

        opath, sep = self._get_params(params, ['opath', 'sep'])

                f'Sending API requests for date {str(self.request_date)} to {opath}'
            data_requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency,
            raw_ticks = data_requester.request()

        except Exception as e:
                f'Error requesting data on {self.request_date} for {self.currency}'
            LOG.error(f'Error string: {str(e)}')
            return False

                f'Parsing API response for date {str(self.request_date)} to {opath}'
            tick_data_parser = FXTickDataParser()
            parsed_ticks = tick_data_parser.parse(raw_ticks)

        except Exception as e:
                f'Error parsing response data on {self.request_date} for {self.currency}'
            LOG.error(f'Error string: {str(e)}')
            return False

                f'Processing and writing parsed response for date {str(self.request_date)} to {opath}'
            tick_data_processor = FXTickDataProcessorTabular(
                self.currency, self.request_date)
            processed_tick_data = tick_data_processor.process(parsed_ticks)
            tick_data_processor.write(processed_tick_data, opath)

        except Exception as e:
                f'Error in the process/write stage for date {self.request_date} for {self.currency}'
            LOG.error(f'Error string: {str(e)}')
            return False

        return True
Пример #4
    def __call__(self, params: dict) -> bool:
        Full data processing pipeline. Emit a flag if the pipeline succeeded.

        :params db: Local DB name.
        :params table: Table where data will be stored.
        :returns flag: Boolean flag indicating success of failure.

        db, table = self._get_params(params, ['db', 'table'])

                f'Sending API requests for date {str(self.request_date)} to {db}.{table}'
            data_requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency,
            raw_ticks = data_requester.request()

        except Exception as e:
                f'Error requesting data on {self.request_date} for {self.currency}'
            LOG.error(f'Error string: {str(e)}')
            return False

                f'Parsing API response for date {str(self.request_date)} to {db}/{table}'
            tick_data_parser = FXTickDataParser()
            parsed_ticks = tick_data_parser.parse(raw_ticks)

        except Exception as e:
                f'Error parsing response data on {self.request_date} for {self.currency}'
            LOG.error(f'Error string: {str(e)}')
            return False

                f'Processing and writing parsed response for date {str(self.request_date)} to {db}.{table}'
            tick_data_processor = FXTickDataProcessorSQLite(
                self.currency, self.request_date)
            processed_tick_data = tick_data_processor.process(parsed_ticks)
            tick_data_processor.write(processed_tick_data, db, table)

        except Exception as e:
                f'Error in the process/write stage for date {self.request_date} for {self.currency}'
            LOG.error(f'Error string: {str(e)}')
            return False

        return True
    def test_raise_exception_malformed_all_inputs(self):
        Validate that the module is correctly raising errors for malformed
        currency pairs and malformed dates.

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            requester = FXTickDataRequester('', '')
    def test_raise_exception_malformed_currency_pair(self):
        Validate that the module is correctly raising errors for malformed
        currency pairs.

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            requester = FXTickDataRequester('', self.start_date)
    def test_raise_exception_malformed_date(self):
        Validate that the module is correctly raising errors for malformed
        input dates.

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, '')
    def test_single_request(self):
        Validate that the module successfully requests and returns data.

        requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, self.start_date)
        resp: bytes = requester.request()

        self.assertNotEqual(len(resp), 0)
    def test_multiple_requests(self):
        Validate that the moduke can make several days worth of requests with
        no issues.

        responses: list = []
        for date in [self.start_date + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(3)]:
            requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, date)

        self.assertTrue(all([len(resp) > 0 for resp in responses]))
Пример #10
    def test_parse_data_multiple_days(self):
        Validate that the parsed data matches some historical data across
        multiple days.

        # Iterate through five days worth of request dates.
        for request_date in [self.start_date + timedelta(i) for i in range(5)]:
            requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, request_date)
            raw_ticks: bytes = requester.request()
            parsed: list = self.data_parser.parse(raw_ticks)

            # Process data and validate that it matches on the same date.
            processor = FXTickDataProcessor(self.currency, request_date)
            ticks: pd.DataFrame = processor.process(parsed)

            # Load locally stored tick data.
            local_data = self._load_data(request_date)

            # Validate that the data matches everywhere.
            assert_frame_equal(ticks, local_data)
Пример #11
    def setUp(self):
        self.currency = 'EURUSD'
        self.start_date = parser.parse('2018-10-01')
        self.requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, self.start_date)
        self.data_parser = FXTickDataParser()

        # Path to testing data.
        self.data_path: str = 'tests/data/'
        self.data_output_path: str = 'tests/data/outs/'

        # Set path to test DB.
        self.path_to_test_db: str = 'tests/data/test.db'
Пример #12
    def setUp(self):
        self.currency = 'EURUSD'
        self.start_date = parser.parse('2018-10-01')
        self.data_parser = FXTickDataParser()

        # Preset testing data.
        self.expected_types = [int, int, int, float, float]

        # Request some date for a single hour.
        requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, self.start_date)
        self.resp: bytes = requester.request()

        # Preset sampled testing data.
        self.sample_data: list = [
            (205, 116055, 116052, 1.0, 1.5700000524520874),
            (275, 116057, 116054, 1.0, 1.0),
            (797, 116058, 116053, 2.319999933242798, 5.510000228881836),
            (1070, 116054, 116053, 1.0, 1.0),
            (1264, 116053, 116049, 1.0, 1.7599999904632568),
            (2644, 116052, 116049, 1.5, 1.690000057220459),
            (3150, 116051, 116048, 1.5, 1.3899999856948853),
            (5480, 116051, 116047, 1.5, 5.889999866485596),
            (7738, 116051, 116048, 1.5, 1.7599999904632568),
            (8257, 116052, 116048, 3.369999885559082, 2.140000104904175),
            (8986, 116051, 116049, 1.0, 1.25),
            (11673, 116050, 116048, 1.0, 1.5),
            (12174, 116051, 116046, 2.25, 5.25),
            (13082, 116051, 116046, 2.25, 3.450000047683716),
            (13649, 116051, 116047, 2.440000057220459, 1.0),
            (14157, 116051, 116047, 2.25, 1.0),
            (14516, 116052, 116049, 1.100000023841858, 1.0),
            (15055, 116052, 116048, 1.690000057220459, 1.0),
            (16985, 116052, 116047, 1.0, 1.5700000524520874),
            (17651, 116052, 116047, 1.440000057220459, 6.449999809265137),
            (18700, 116050, 116048, 1.0, 1.1200000047683716),
            (19224, 116051, 116047, 2.25, 2.319999933242798),
            (19753, 116051, 116047, 2.25, 1.2000000476837158),
            (20289, 116051, 116046, 3.069999933242798, 5.320000171661377),
            (21907, 116050, 116047, 1.0, 1.5700000524520874)
Пример #13
    def test_sqlite_data_processor_columns(self):
        Validate that the correct columns are in the processed data.

        correct_columns: list = [
            'ts', 'pair', 'ask', 'bid', 'ask_volume', 'bid_volume'

        # Iterate through five days worth of request dates.
        for request_date in [self.start_date + timedelta(i) for i in range(5)]:
            requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, request_date)
            raw_ticks: bytes = requester.request()
            parsed: list = self.data_parser.parse(raw_ticks)

            # Process data using tabular parser.
            processor = FXTickDataProcessorSQLite(self.currency, request_date)
            ticks: pd.DataFrame = processor.process(parsed)
            ticks_processed: pd.DataFrame = processor._add_currency_pair_column(

            # Validate that the correct columns are present in the correct order.
            self.assertEqual(list(ticks_processed.columns), correct_columns)
Пример #14
    def test_sqlite_data_processor(self):
        Validate that the proessor is writing to a database.


        # Iterate through five days worth of request dates.
        for request_date in [self.start_date + timedelta(i) for i in range(5)]:
            requester = FXTickDataRequester(self.currency, request_date)
            raw_ticks: bytes = requester.request()
            parsed: list = self.data_parser.parse(raw_ticks)

            # Process data using tabular parser.
            processor = FXTickDataProcessorSQLite(self.currency, request_date)
            ticks: pd.DataFrame = processor.process(parsed)

            # Write sample data using custom writer.
            # If there are any errors writing the data, then fail the test.
                processor.write(ticks, self.path_to_test_db, 'raw_ticks')

            except Exception as e: