def main(config):
    # unpack params from config
    SEED = config['SEED']
    TAU = config['TAU']
    TAU_M = config['TAU_M']
    TAU_C = config['TAU_C']
    V_REST = config['V_REST']
    V_REST_C = config['V_REST_C']
    V_TH = config['V_TH']
    W_IF = config['W_IF']
    W_FS = config['W_FS']
    W_FI = config['W_FI']
    W_FF = config['W_FF']
    W_FC = config['W_FC']
    W_MF = config['W_MF']
    W_MM = config['W_MM']
    W_CF = config['W_CF']
    W_CM = config['W_CM']
    N_UNITS = config['N_UNITS']
    S_DRIVE_AMP = config['S_DRIVE_AMP']
    F0_DRIVE_AMP = config['F0_DRIVE_AMP']
    F1_DRIVE_AMP = config['F1_DRIVE_AMP']
    T_F0_DRIVE = config['T_F0_DRIVE']
    D_F0_DRIVE = config['D_F0_DRIVE']
    T_F1_DRIVE = config['T_F1_DRIVE']
    D_F1_DRIVE = config['D_F1_DRIVE']
    T2_F1_DRIVE = config['T2_F1_DRIVE']
    D2_F1_DRIVE = config['D2_F1_DRIVE']
    T2_F0_DRIVE = config['T2_F0_DRIVE']
    D2_F0_DRIVE = config['D2_F0_DRIVE']
    T_S_DRIVE = config['T_S_DRIVE']
    DURATION = config['DURATION']
    FONT_SIZE = config['FONT_SIZE']
    # generate network nodes and weights using helper function
    nodes, weights = network_param_gen.wta_memory_combo(
        tau=TAU, tau_m=TAU_M, tau_c=TAU_C, v_rest=V_REST, v_rest_c=V_REST_C, v_th=V_TH, steepness=STEEPNESS,
        w_if=W_IF, w_fs=W_FS, w_fi=W_FI, w_ff=W_FF, w_fc=W_FC, w_mf=W_MF, w_mm=W_MM, w_cf=W_CF, w_cm=W_CM,
    # the order of the neurons in this network is:
    # s, i, f, f, ..., f, f, m, c, c, m, c, c, ..., m, c, c, m, c, c
    # there are N_UNITS f neurons, and N_UNITS*(N_UNITS-1)/2 m, c, c groups
    ntwk = network.RateBasedModel(nodes, weights)
    ntwk.noise_level = NOISE_LEVEL
    ntwk.store_voltages = True
    # setup network drive
    s_drive = np.zeros((DURATION, 1), dtype=float)
    s_drive[T_S_DRIVE:, 0] = S_DRIVE_AMP
    f_drive = np.zeros((DURATION, N_UNITS), dtype=float)
    f_drive[T_F0_DRIVE:T_F0_DRIVE+D_F0_DRIVE, 0] = F0_DRIVE_AMP
    f_drive[T_F1_DRIVE:T_F1_DRIVE+D_F1_DRIVE, 1] = F1_DRIVE_AMP
    f_drive[T2_F1_DRIVE:T2_F1_DRIVE+D2_F1_DRIVE, 1] = F1_DRIVE_AMP
    f_drive[T2_F0_DRIVE:T2_F0_DRIVE+D2_F0_DRIVE, 0] = F0_DRIVE_AMP
    i_drive = np.zeros((DURATION, 1), dtype=float)
    mcc_drive = np.zeros((DURATION, 3*N_UNITS*(N_UNITS-1)/2), dtype=float)
    drives = np.concatenate([s_drive, i_drive, f_drive, mcc_drive], axis=1)
    # run simulation
    ntwk.vs = np.array([n['v_rest'] for n in nodes])
    for drive in drives:
    # do some things before making figures
    rs = np.array(ntwk.rs_history)
    vs = np.array(ntwk.vs_history)
    f_idxs = np.arange(2, 2 + N_UNITS, dtype=int)
    m_idxs = np.arange(2 + N_UNITS, 2 + N_UNITS + 3 * N_UNITS * (N_UNITS - 1) / 2, 3, dtype=int)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(15, 12), sharex=True, tight_layout=True)
    axs[3].twin = axs[3].twinx()
    for ax in np.concatenate([axs.flatten(), [axs[3].twin]]):
    axs[0].plot(rs[:, f_idxs], lw=2)
    axs[1].plot(drives[:, np.concatenate([f_idxs, [0]])], lw=2)
    axs[2].plot(vs[:, m_idxs], lw=2)
    axs[3].plot(rs[:, range(m_idxs[0] + 1, m_idxs[0] + 3)], lw=2, ls='-')
    axs[3].twin.plot(vs[:, range(m_idxs[0] + 1, m_idxs[0] + 3)], lw=2, ls='--')
    axs[0].set_title('Fast units')
    axs[0].set_ylabel('Firing rate')
    axs[2].set_title('Memory units')
    axs[3].set_title('Conduit units')
    axs[3].set_ylabel('Firing rate')
    for ax in np.concatenate([axs.flatten(), [axs[3].twin]]):
        axis_tools.set_fontsize(ax, FONT_SIZE)
 def test_that_example_networks_get_made_correctly(self):
     # node parameters
     tau = 1
     tau_m = 2
     tau_c = 3
     v_th = 4
     steepness = 5
     v_rest = 6
     v_rest_c = 7
     # weight matrix parameters
     w_if = 1  # to inhibitory from fast
     w_fs = 2  # to fast from switch
     w_fi = 3  # to fast from inhibitory
     w_ff = 4  # to fast from fast
     w_fc = 5  # to fast from conduit
     w_mf = 6  # to memory from fast
     w_mm = 7  # to memory from memory
     w_cf = 8  # to conduit from fast
     w_cm = 9  # to conduit from memory
     # number of units
     n_units = 3
     target_nodes = [
         {'tau': tau, 'v_rest': v_rest, 'threshold': v_th, 'steepness': steepness},    # s
         {'tau': tau, 'v_rest': v_rest, 'threshold': v_th, 'steepness': steepness},    # i
     ] + n_units * [
         {'tau': tau, 'v_rest': v_rest, 'threshold': v_th, 'steepness': steepness},    # f
     ] + int(n_units * (n_units - 1) / 2) * [
         {'tau': tau_m, 'v_rest': v_rest, 'threshold': v_th, 'steepness': steepness},  # m
         {'tau': tau_c, 'v_rest': v_rest_c, 'threshold': v_th, 'steepness': steepness},  # c
         {'tau': tau_c, 'v_rest': v_rest_c, 'threshold': v_th, 'steepness': steepness},  # c
     # first column is s (switch unit)
     # second column is i (inhibitory unit)
     # next n_units columns are f (fast unit)
     # next triplets of 3 columns are m, c, c (memory unit, conduit unit, conduit unit)
     # there is one triplet for every pair of fast units
     # the ordering of the triplets is:
     # (0, 1), (0, 2), ..., (0, n_units-1), (1, 2), (1, 3), ..., (1, n_units-1), ...
     # within each triplet, the first element is the memory unit, the second element is the
     # conduit unit to the lower number from the higher number, and the third element is the
     # conduit unit to the higher number from the lower number
     target_weights = np.array([
         #   m     i    f0    f1    f2  # m01   c01   c10 # m02   c02   c20 # m12   c12   c21 #
         [   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # s
         [   0,    0, w_if, w_if, w_if,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # i
         [w_fs, w_fi, w_ff,    0,    0,    0, w_fc,    0,    0, w_fc,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # f0
         [w_fs, w_fi,    0, w_ff,    0,    0,    0, w_fc,    0,    0,    0,    0, w_fc,    0,],  # f1
         [w_fs, w_fi,    0,    0, w_ff,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, w_fc,    0,    0, w_fc,],  # f2
         [   0,    0, w_mf, w_mf,    0, w_mm,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # m01
         [   0,    0,    0, w_cf,    0, w_cm,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # c01
         [   0,    0, w_cf,    0,    0, w_cm,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # c10
         [   0,    0, w_mf,    0, w_mf,    0,    0,    0, w_mm,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # m02
         [   0,    0,    0,    0, w_cf,    0,    0,    0, w_cm,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # c02
         [   0,    0, w_cf,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, w_cm,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,],  # c20
         [   0,    0,    0, w_mf, w_mf,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, w_mm,    0,    0,],  # m12
         [   0,    0,    0,    0, w_cf,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, w_cm,    0,    0,],  # c12
         [   0,    0,    0, w_cf,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, w_cm,    0,    0,],  # c21
         #   m     i    f0    f1    f2  # m01   c01   c10 # m02   c02   c20 # m12   c12   c21 #
     nodes, weights = network_param_gen.wta_memory_combo(
         tau=tau, tau_m=tau_m, tau_c=tau_c, v_rest=v_rest, v_rest_c=v_rest_c, v_th=v_th, steepness=steepness,
         w_if=w_if, w_fs=w_fs, w_fi=w_fi, w_ff=w_ff, w_fc=w_fc,
         w_mf=w_mf, w_mm=w_mm, w_cf=w_cf, w_cm=w_cm,
     self.assertEqual(len(nodes), len(target_nodes))
     self.assertEqual(nodes, target_nodes)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(weights, target_weights)
     # make another one with more units, and make sure size comes out to be correct
     n_units_large = 15
     nodes, weights = network_param_gen.wta_memory_combo(
         tau=tau, tau_m=tau_m, tau_c=tau_c, v_rest=v_rest, v_rest_c=v_rest_c, v_th=v_th, steepness=steepness,
         w_if=w_if, w_fs=w_fs, w_fi=w_fi, w_ff=w_ff, w_fc=w_fc,
         w_mf=w_mf, w_mm=w_mm, w_cf=w_cf, w_cm=w_cm,
     target_len = 2 + n_units_large + 3*n_units_large*(n_units_large-1)/2
     self.assertEqual(len(nodes), target_len)
     self.assertEqual(weights.shape, (target_len, target_len))