Пример #1
    def createObjects(self):
        self.driverStick = wpilib.Joystick(1)
        self.operatorStick = wpilib.Joystick(0)

        #CAN Talons
        self.lf = wpilib.CANTalon(2)
        self.lr = wpilib.CANTalon(3)
        self.rf = wpilib.CANTalon(4)
        self.rb = wpilib.CANTalon(5)

        #robot drive to eventually control our mecanum drive train
        self.robotDrive = wpilib.RobotDrive(self.lf, self.lr, self.rf, self.rb)

        #Intake motor
        self.intakeController = wpilib.CANTalon(6)

        #Shooter motor
        self.intakeController = wpilib.CANTalon(7)

        #Climber motor
        self.climbController = wpilib.CANTalon(8)

        # Maybe be deprecated because of a simpler solution
        self.aggitController = wpilib.CANTalon(9)

        # IMU Gyroscope
        self.navX = navx.AHRS.create_spi()

        #network tables
        self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable('smartdashboard')
        self.viz = NetworkTable.getTable('visiondashboard')
Пример #2
 def buildInto(self, parentTable: NetworkTable,
               metaTable: NetworkTable) -> None:
     table = parentTable.getSubTable(self.getTitle())
     for component in self.getComponents():
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, table: NetworkTable, field: str) -> None:
        """Initialize the NetworkButton.

        :param table: the :class:`.NetworkTable` instance to use, or the name of the
                      table to use.
        :param field: field to use.
        if isinstance(table, NetworkTable):
            self.entry = table.getEntry(field)
            table = NetworkTablesInstance.getDefault().getTable(table)
            self.entry = table.getEntry(field)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, table: NetworkTable, field: str) -> None:
        """Initialize the NetworkButton.

        :param table: the :class:`.NetworkTable` instance to use, or the name of the
                      table to use.
        :param field: field to use.
        if isinstance(table, NetworkTable):
            self.entry = table.getEntry(field)
            table = NetworkTablesInstance.getDefault().getTable(table)
            self.entry = table.getEntry(field)
Пример #5
    def setTable(self, table: NetworkTable) -> None:
        Set the network table.  Must be called prior to any Add* functions being called.

        :param table: Network table
        self.table = table
        self.controllableEntry = table.getEntry(".controllable")
Пример #6
    def setTable(self, table: NetworkTable) -> None:
        Set the network table.  Must be called prior to any Add* functions being called.

        :param table: Network table
        self.table = table
        self.controllableEntry = table.getEntry(".controllable")
 def __init__(
     self, table: NetworkTable, key: str, update: Callable, setter: Callable
 ) -> None:
     self.entry = table.getEntry(key)
     self.key = key
     self.update = update
     self.setter = setter
     self.listener = None
Пример #8
 def __init__(
     table: NetworkTable,
     key: str,
     update: Callable,
     setter: Callable,
     listen_local: bool,
 ) -> None:
     self.entry = table.getEntry(key)
     self.key = key
     self.update = update
     self.setter = setter
     self.listener = None
     # python-specific: sendable chooser needs to be able to hear local updates
     self.listen_local = listen_local
Пример #9
 def __init__(
     table: NetworkTable,
     key: str,
     update: Callable,
     setter: Callable,
     listen_local: bool,
 ) -> None:
     self.entry = table.getEntry(key)
     self.key = key
     self.update = update
     self.setter = setter
     self.listener = None
     # python-specific: sendable chooser needs to be able to hear local updates
     self.listen_local = listen_local
Пример #10
    def __init__(self):
        self.isCalibrating = False
        self.isCalibrated = False

        self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard')

        self.positions = [
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Arm/Bottom', 3600),
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Arm/Middle', 2635),
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Arm/Top', -20),
        self.position_threshold = self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue(
            'Arm/On Target Threshold', 25)
        self.wanted_pid = (self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Arm/P', 2),
                           self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Arm/I', 0),
                           self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Arm/D', 0))

        self.calibrate_timer = wpilib.Timer()
Пример #11
    def __init__(self):
        self.isCalibrating = False
        self.isCalibrated = False

        self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")

        self.positions = [
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Arm/Bottom", 3000),
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Arm/Middle", 2300),
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Arm/Top", -20),
        self.position_threshold = self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Arm/On Target Threshold", 25)
        self.wanted_pid = (
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Arm/P", 2),
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Arm/I", 0),
            self.sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Arm/D", 0),

        self.calibrate_timer = wpilib.Timer()
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, motor, sensor, limit_port):
        super().__init__(limit_port, -1)

        self.sensor = sensor

        self.motor = motor

        sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")

        self.positions = [
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|bottom", 400),
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|stack1", 4300),
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|stack2", 7638),
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|stack3", 9250),
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|stack4", 10200),
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|stack5", 11600),
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|stack6", 11600),

        self.wanted_pid = (
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|P", 10),
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|I", 0),
            sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Tote Forklift|D", 0),
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, limit_port, init_down_speed):
        self.target_position = None
        self.target_index = None

        self.init_down_speed = init_down_speed

        self.limit = wpilib.DigitalInput(limit_port)

        self.isCalibrated = False

        self.want_manual = False
        self.manual_value = 0

        self.want_auto = False

        self.mode = ForkliftMode.MANUAL
        self.last_mode = ForkliftMode.MANUAL

        # These need to be set by subclasses
        self.wanted_pid = None
        self.current_pid = (0, 0, 0)
        self.new_pid = None

        self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")
Пример #14
    def createObjects(self):
        # Joysticks
        self.joystick1 = wpilib.Joystick(0)
        self.joystick2 = wpilib.Joystick(1)

        # Motors (l/r = left/right, f/r = front/rear)
        self.lf_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(5)
        self.lr_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(10)
        self.rf_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(15)
        self.rr_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(20)

        # Drivetrain object
        self.robot_drive = wpilib.RobotDrive(self.lf_motor, self.lr_motor, self.rf_motor, self.rr_motor)

        # Left and right arm motors (there's two, which both control the raising and lowering the arm)
        self.leftArm = wpilib.CANTalon(25)
        self.rightArm = wpilib.CANTalon(30)

        # Motor that spins the bar at the end of the arm.
        # There was originally going to be one on the right, but we decided against that in the end.
        # In retrospect, that was probably a mistake.
        self.leftBall = wpilib.Talon(9)

        # Motor that reels in the winch to lift the robot.
        self.winchMotor = wpilib.Talon(0)
        # Motor that opens the winch.
        self.kickMotor = wpilib.Talon(1)

        # Aiming flashlight
        self.flashlight = wpilib.Relay(0)
        # Timer to keep light from staying on for too long
        self.lightTimer = wpilib.Timer()
        # Flashlight has three intensities. So, when it's turning off, it has to go off on, off on, off.
        # self.turningOffState keeps track of which on/off it's on.
        self.turningOffState = 0
        # Is currently on or off? Used to detect if UI button is pressed.
        self.lastState = False

        # Drive encoders; measure how much the motor has spun
        self.rf_encoder = driveEncoders.DriveEncoders(self.robot_drive.frontRightMotor, True)
        self.lf_encoder = driveEncoders.DriveEncoders(self.robot_drive.frontLeftMotor)

        # Distance sensors
        self.back_sensor = distance_sensors.SharpIRGP2Y0A41SK0F(0)
        self.ultrasonic = wpilib.AnalogInput(1)

        # NavX (purple board on top of the RoboRIO)
        self.navX = navx.AHRS.create_spi()

        # Initialize SmartDashboard, the table of robot values
        self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard')

        # How much will the control loop pause in between (0.025s = 25ms)
        self.control_loop_wait_time = 0.025
        # Button to reverse controls
        self.reverseButton = ButtonDebouncer(self.joystick1, 1)

        # Initiate functional buttons on joysticks
        self.shoot = ButtonDebouncer(self.joystick2, 1)
        self.raiseButton = ButtonDebouncer(self.joystick2, 3)
        self.lowerButton = ButtonDebouncer(self.joystick2, 2)
        self.lightButton = ButtonDebouncer(self.joystick1, 6)
Пример #15
    def createObjects(self):
        Create basic components (motor controllers, joysticks, etc.).
        # NavX
        self.navx = navx.AHRS.create_spi()

        # Initialize SmartDashboard
        self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard')

        # Joysticks
        self.left_joystick = wpilib.Joystick(0)
        self.right_joystick = wpilib.Joystick(1)

        self.secondary_joystick = wpilib.Joystick(2)

        # Triggers and buttons
        self.secondary_trigger = ButtonDebouncer(self.secondary_joystick, 1)

        # Drive motors
        self.fr_module = swervemodule.SwerveModule(ctre.CANTalon(30), wpilib.VictorSP(3), wpilib.AnalogInput(0), sd_prefix='fr_module', zero=1.85, has_drive_encoder=True)
        self.fl_module = swervemodule.SwerveModule(ctre.CANTalon(20), wpilib.VictorSP(1), wpilib.AnalogInput(2), sd_prefix='fl_module', zero=3.92, inverted=True)
        self.rr_module = swervemodule.SwerveModule(ctre.CANTalon(10), wpilib.VictorSP(2), wpilib.AnalogInput(1), sd_prefix='rr_module', zero=4.59)
        self.rl_module = swervemodule.SwerveModule(ctre.CANTalon(5), wpilib.VictorSP(0), wpilib.AnalogInput(3), sd_prefix='rl_module', zero=2.44, has_drive_encoder=True, inverted=True)

        # Drive control
        self.field_centric_button = ButtonDebouncer(self.left_joystick, 6)
        self.predict_position = ButtonDebouncer(self.left_joystick, 7)

        self.field_centric_drive = True

        self.field_centric_hot_switch = toggle_button.TrueToggleButton(self.left_joystick, 1)

        self.left_shimmy = toggle_button.TrueToggleButton(self.right_joystick, 4)
        self.right_shimmy = toggle_button.TrueToggleButton(self.right_joystick, 5)

        self.align_button = toggle_button.TrueToggleButton(self.right_joystick, 10)

        # Shooting motors
        self.shooter_motor = ctre.CANTalon(15)
        self.belt_motor = wpilib.spark.Spark(9)

        self.light_controller = wpilib.VictorSP(8)

        # Pistons for gear picker
        self.picker = wpilib.DoubleSolenoid(6, 7)
        self.pivot = wpilib.DoubleSolenoid(4, 5)

        self.pessure_sensor = pressure_sensor.REVAnalogPressureSensor(navx.pins.getNavxAnalogInChannel(0))

        # Toggling button on secondary joystick
        self.pivot_toggle_button = ButtonDebouncer(self.secondary_joystick, 2)

        # Or, up and down buttons on right joystick
        self.pivot_down_button = ButtonDebouncer(self.right_joystick, 2)
        self.pivot_up_button = ButtonDebouncer(self.right_joystick, 3)

        # Climb motors
        self.climb_motor1 = wpilib.spark.Spark(4)
        self.climb_motor2 = wpilib.spark.Spark(5)

        # Camera gimble
        self.gimbal_yaw = wpilib.Servo(6)
        self.gimbal_pitch = wpilib.Servo(7)

        # PDP
        self.pdp = wpilib.PowerDistributionPanel(0)
Пример #16
    def __init__(self):
        self._motor1_speed = 0
        self._motor2_speed = 0

        self.nt = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard')
Пример #17
 def setup(self):
     self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard')
Пример #18
 def buildInto(self, parentTable: NetworkTable, metaTable: NetworkTable) -> None:
     table = parentTable.getSubTable(self.getTitle())
     for component in self.getComponents():
         component.buildInto(table, metaTable.getSubTable(component.getTitle()))
Пример #19
    def setup(self):
        self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard')

        self._picker_state = 1
        self._pivot_state = 1
Пример #20
def appendData(key, data, table: NetworkTable):
    key = str(key)
    if isinstance(data, (str)):
        table.putString(key, data)

    elif isinstance(data, (int, float)):
        table.putNumber(key, data)

    elif isinstance(data, (bool)):
        table.putBoolean(key, data)

    elif isinstance(data, (bytes)):
        table.putRaw(key, data)

    elif isinstance(data, (dict)):
        table.putString(key, data)

        table.putValue(key, data)
    return True