Пример #1
def _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, remixgroup):
    # print ' ========================================= '
    # add to list the subgraphs(connected components) with the extra data
    node_list = sg.nodes(data=True)
    # pp(node_list)

    # sort by date (holds all subgraph nodes sorted by date)
    # we need this since we go forward in time (source older than remix)
        key=lambda x: x[1]['date'])  # I think ['date'] is not necessary
    # print ' ========== SORTED NODE_LIST ========= '
    # pp(node_list)

    # dict with key=sound_id, value=index, nodeName=original_filname
    # in the previous sorted by date list
    # FIXME: no need for all this data, can be simple dict, key=value
    container = dict((val[0], {
        'index': idx,
        'nodeName': val[1]['nodeName']
    }) for (idx, val) in enumerate(node_list))
    # print ' ========== CONTAINER ========= '
    # pp(container)

    links = []
    remixgroup.save()  # need to save to have primary key before ManyToMany
    # FIXME: no idea why nx.weakly_connected_components(sg) return list in list...
    remixgroup.sounds = set(nx.weakly_connected_components(sg)[0])
    remixgroup.group_size = len(node_list)
    # FIXME: seems like double work here, maybe convert container to list and sort?
    nodes = [{
        'id': val[0],
        'username': val[1]['username'],
        'nodeName': val[1]['nodeName'],
        'sound_url_mp3': val[1]['sound_url_mp3'],
        'sound_url_ogg': val[1]['sound_url_ogg'],
        'waveform_url': val[1]['waveform_url'],
        'group': 1
    } for (idx, val) in enumerate(node_list)]
    for line in nx.generate_adjlist(sg):
        # print line
        if len(line.split()) > 1:
            for i, l in enumerate(line.strip().split(" ")):
                # index 0 is the source, which we already know
                if i > 0:
                    link = {
                        'target': container[int(line.split(" ")[0])]['index'],
                        'source': container[int(l)]['index']
                    #print link
    remixgroup.protovis_data = "{\"color\": \"#F1D9FF\"," \
                               "\"length\":" + str(len(node_list)) + "," \
                               "\"nodes\": " + json.dumps(nodes) + "," \
                               "\"links\": " + json.dumps(links) + "}"

    remixgroup.networkx_data = json.dumps(
        dict(nodes=sg.nodes(), edges=sg.edges()))
    print remixgroup.id
    print remixgroup.networkx_data
def load_graph(ifilename=None):
    """Load graph from file

    G = None
    # Testing mode

    if ifilename is None:
        n = 10  # 10 nodes
        m = 20  # 20 edges

        G = nx.gnm_random_graph(n, m)

        # some properties
        print("node degree clustering")
        for v in nx.nodes(G):
            print(f"{v} {nx.degree(G, v)} {nx.clustering(G, v)}")

        print("the adjacency list")
        for line in nx.generate_adjlist(G):
            G = networkx.read_graphml(open(ifilename, 'r'))
        except Exception as ifile_err:
            print(f"Unable to load graph from {ifilename}: {ifile_err}")

    return G
Пример #3
def _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, remixgroup):
    # print ' ========================================= '
    # add to list the subgraphs(connected components) with the extra data
    node_list = sg.nodes(data=True)
    # pp(node_list)

    # sort by date (holds all subgraph nodes sorted by date)
    # we need this since we go forward in time (source older than remix)
    node_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]["date"])  # I think ['date'] is not necessary
    # print ' ========== SORTED NODE_LIST ========= '
    # pp(node_list)

    # dict with key=sound_id, value=index, nodeName=original_filname
    # in the previous sorted by date list
    # FIXME: no need for all this data, can be simple dict, key=value
    container = dict((val[0], {"index": idx, "nodeName": val[1]["nodeName"]}) for (idx, val) in enumerate(node_list))
    # print ' ========== CONTAINER ========= '
    # pp(container)

    links = []
    remixgroup.save()  # need to save to have primary key before ManyToMany
    # FIXME: no idea why nx.weakly_connected_components(sg) return list in list...
    remixgroup.sounds = set(nx.weakly_connected_components(sg)[0])
    remixgroup.group_size = len(node_list)
    # FIXME: seems like double work here, maybe convert container to list and sort?
    nodes = [
            "id": val[0],
            "username": val[1]["username"],
            "nodeName": val[1]["nodeName"],
            "sound_url_mp3": val[1]["sound_url_mp3"],
            "sound_url_ogg": val[1]["sound_url_ogg"],
            "waveform_url": val[1]["waveform_url"],
            "group": 1,
        for (idx, val) in enumerate(node_list)
    for line in nx.generate_adjlist(sg):
        # print line
        if len(line.split()) > 1:
            for i, l in enumerate(line.strip().split(" ")):
                # index 0 is the source, which we already know
                if i > 0:
                    link = {"target": container[int(line.split(" ")[0])]["index"], "source": container[int(l)]["index"]}

    remixgroup.protovis_data = (
        '{"color": "#F1D9FF",'
        '"length":' + str(len(node_list)) + ","
        '"nodes": ' + json.dumps(nodes) + ","
        '"links": ' + json.dumps(links) + "}"

    remixgroup.networkx_data = json.dumps(dict(nodes=sg.nodes(), edges=sg.edges()))
Пример #4
def _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, remixgroup): 
    # print ' ========================================= '
    # add to list the subgraphs(connected components) with the extra data
    node_list = sg.nodes(data=True)
    # pp(node_list)

    # sort by date (holds all subgraph nodes sorted by date)
    # we need this since we go forward in time (source older than remix)
    node_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]['date']) # I think ['date'] is not necessary
    # print ' ========== SORTED NODE_LIST ========= '
    # pp(node_list)

    # dict with key=sound_id, value=index, nodeName=original_filname
    # in the previous sorted by date list
    # FIXME: no need for all this data, can be simple dict, key=value
    container = dict((val[0], {'index': idx, 'nodeName': val[1]['nodeName']}) for (idx, val) in enumerate(node_list))
    # print ' ========== CONTAINER ========= '
    # pp(container)

    links = []
    remixgroup.save()   # need to save to have primary key before ManyToMany
    # FIXME: no idea why nx.weakly_connected_components(sg) return list in list...
    remixgroup.sounds = set(nx.weakly_connected_components(sg)[0])

    for sound in remixgroup.sounds.all():

    remixgroup.group_size = len(node_list)
    # FIXME: seems like double work here, maybe convert container to list and sort?
    nodes = [{'id': val[0],
              'username': val[1]['username'],
              'nodeName': val[1]['nodeName'],
              'sound_url_mp3': val[1]['sound_url_mp3'],
              'sound_url_ogg': val[1]['sound_url_ogg'],
              'waveform_url': val[1]['waveform_url'],
              'group': 1} for (idx, val) in enumerate(node_list)]
    for line in nx.generate_adjlist(sg):
        # print line
        if len(line.split()) > 1:
            for i, l in enumerate(line.strip().split(" ")):
                # index 0 is the source, which we already know
                if i > 0:
                    link = {'target': container[int(line.split(" ")[0])]['index'],
                            'source': container[int(l)]['index']}

    remixgroup.protovis_data = "{\"color\": \"#F1D9FF\"," \
                               "\"length\":" + str(len(node_list)) + "," \
                               "\"nodes\": " + json.dumps(nodes) + "," \
                               "\"links\": " + json.dumps(links) + "}"
    remixgroup.networkx_data = json.dumps(dict(nodes=sg.nodes(), edges=sg.edges()))                         
Пример #5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from networkx import nx

a, b, c, d, e, f = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f')
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edge(a, b)
G.add_edge(b, c)
G.add_edge(c, b)
G.add_edge(c, a)
G.add_edge(c, d)
G.add_edge(d, e)
G.add_edge(e, f)
G.add_edge(f, d)

for line in nx.generate_adjlist(G):

nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
args = parser.parse_args()  # realiza o parse

print ("### Gerando Topologia Genérica com %s switches e  %s links ###" %
       (args.s, args.l))
switches = args.s  # é a quantidade de switches
# é quantidade de enlaces ou o dobro de switches
links = args.l if args.l else 2*switches
output = args.output  # arquivo de saida
view = args.view  # indica se quer visualizar a rede

# manipulando o grafo
G = nx.gnm_random_graph(switches, links)  # grapho aleatório

edges = []  # lista de arestas

for line in nx.generate_adjlist(G):  # para cada linha das adjascentes
    nodes = line.split()  # quebra por espaços
    first = int(nodes[0])  # pega o primeiro
    for node in nodes[1:]:  # para cada node restante
        edges.append([first, int(node)])  # adiciona na lista o parte de node

# manipulando arquivo
with open(output, "w") as f:  # abre o arquivo para escrita
    dump(edges, f)  # escreve o arquivo

if view:
    nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold')

__author__ = 'Andrei Bastos'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
Пример #7
sometimes called the Erdős-Rényi graph.
# Author: Aric Hagberg ([email protected])

#    Copyright (C) 2004-2019 by
#    Aric Hagberg <*****@*****.**>
#    Dan Schult <*****@*****.**>
#    Pieter Swart <*****@*****.**>
#    All rights reserved.
#    BSD license.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from networkx import nx

n = 10  # 10 nodes
m = 20  # 20 edges

G = nx.gnm_random_graph(n, m)

# some properties
print("node degree clustering")
for v in nx.nodes(G):
    print('%s %d %f' % (v, nx.degree(G, v), nx.clustering(G, v)))

# print the adjacency list
for line in nx.generate_adjlist(G):
