def jaccard(network1, network2, d="directed"): """Returns Jaccard similarity coefficient and distance of two different networks of the same sets of nodes. Parameters ---------- network1 : first network edge list network2 : second network edge list d : directed or undirected type of graph Returns ------- j : float Jaccard similarity coefficient jd : float Jaccard distance """ if d == "directed": g1 = nx.read_weighted_edgelist(network1, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) g2 = nx.read_weighted_edgelist(network2, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) elif d == "undirected": g1 = nx.read_weighted_edgelist(network1) g2 = nx.read_weighted_edgelist(network2) union = nx.compose(g1, g2) inter = nx.intersection(g1, g2) j = float(inter.number_of_edges()) / float(union.number_of_edges()) jd = 1 - j return j, jd
def equivalent_permutations(self): """Return the permutations generating equivalent diagrams. Returns: (list): Vertices permutations as dictionnaries. """ perm_vertices = [ vertex for vertex, degrees in enumerate(self.unsort_io_degrees) if not self.graph.nodes[vertex]['operator'] and self.unsort_io_degrees.count(degrees) >= 2 ] permutations = [] op_nm = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_node_match( 'operator', False) for permutation in itertools.permutations(perm_vertices): permuted_graph = nx.relabel_nodes( self.graph, dict(list(zip(perm_vertices, permutation))), copy=True) # Check for a permutation that leaves the graph unchanged # (only way to keep the edge list of the same length) # (is_isomorphic could maybe be replaced by something faster here) if nx.is_isomorphic(self.graph, nx.intersection(self.graph, permuted_graph), node_match=op_nm): permutations.append(dict(list(zip(perm_vertices, permutation)))) return permutations
def intersection_all(graphs): """Return a new graph that contains only the edges that exist in all graphs. All supplied graphs must have the same node set. Parameters ---------- graphs_list : list List of NetworkX graphs Returns ------- R : A new graph with the same type as the first graph in list Notes ----- Attributes from the graph, nodes, and edges are not copied to the new graph. """ graphs = iter(graphs) R = next(graphs) for H in graphs: R = nx.intersection(R, H) return R
def plot_predicted_graph(G,H=None,name=None,node_shape="o",node_size=1000,font_size=14,node_color="white"): if H is None : return matrix_to_graph(G,name=None,node_shape="o",node_size=1000,font_size=14,node_color="white") G = nx.Graph(G) H = nx.Graph(H) I = nx.intersection(G, H) U = nx.compose(G, H) edge_color=[] edge_style=[] for edge in U.edges() : if edge in I.edges() : edge_color.append("black") edge_style.append("solid") elif edge in H.edges() : edge_color.append("black") edge_style.append("dotted") else : edge_color.append("red") edge_style.append("solid") labels = {} if name is not None : for i in range(len(name)) : labels[i] = str(name[i]) else : labels = None nx.draw(U,labels=labels,with_labels=True,node_shape=node_shape,font_size=font_size,node_size=node_size,node_color=node_color,edge_color=edge_color,style=edge_style)
def intersection_all(graphs): """Return a new graph that contains only the edges that exist in all graphs. All supplied graphs must have the same node set. Parameters ---------- graphs : list List of NetworkX graphs Returns ------- R : A new graph with the same type as the first graph in list Raises ------ ValueError If `graphs` is an empty list. Notes ----- Attributes from the graph, nodes, and edges are not copied to the new graph. """ if not graphs: raise ValueError('cannot apply intersection_all to an empty list') graphs = iter(graphs) R = next(graphs) for H in graphs: R = nx.intersection(R, H) return R
def NodeIntersection(G_one, G_two): print() G1 = nx.DiGraph(G_one) G2 = nx.DiGraph(G_two) G1_Node_Removal = list() G2_Node_Removal = list() #Loop through G1's nodes and remove G1 nodes that are not found anywhere within G2 for key in G1: if (key not in G2): #print(key, "is not in G2 so remove from G1") G1_Node_Removal.append(key) G1.remove_nodes_from(G1_Node_Removal) #Loop through G2's nodes and remove G2 nodes that are not found anywhere within G1 for key in G2: if (key not in G1): #print(key, "is not in G1, so remove from G2") G2_Node_Removal.append(key) G2.remove_nodes_from(G2_Node_Removal) #print("{} nodes, {} edges".format(len(G1), nx.number_of_edges(G1))) #print("{} nodes, {} edges".format(len(G2), nx.number_of_edges(G2))) I = nx.intersection(G1, G2) print(type(I)) print(
def test_intersection(testgraph): """ Test the Intersection of the two graphs are same """ a = nx.intersection(testgraph[0], testgraph[1]) b = sg.graph_operations.intersection(testgraph[2], testgraph[3]) graph_equals(a, b)
def intersection(self, other_kg): """ Returns the intersection of the knowledge graph and other_kg :param other_kg: The other knowledge graph :type other_kg: :class:`.KnowledgeGraph` """ # Returns a KnowledgeGraph containing only edges that exist in both self and other_kg return KnowledgeGraph(nx.intersection(,
def test_intersection(testgraph): """ Test the Intersection of the two graphs are same """ a = nx.intersection(testgraph[0], testgraph[1]) b = sg.digraph_operations.intersection(testgraph[2], testgraph[3]) digraph_equals(a, b)
def network_intersection(G, H): Gnodes = set(list(G.nodes())) Hnodes = set(list(H.nodes())) cmnnodes = list(Gnodes & Hnodes) Gnew = G.subgraph(cmnnodes) Hnew = H.subgraph(cmnnodes) newnet = nx.intersection(Gnew, Hnew) return newnet
def main(): print("Processing Aqualung Wiki") Aq = Aqualung() print("Processing Ian Anderson Wiki") IanA = Ian() print("Generating Similarity rankings for Aqualung") As = nx.simrank_similarity(Aq) A = [[As[u][v] for v in sorted(As[u])] for u in sorted(As)] sim_array = array(A) print("Generating Similarity rankings for Ian Anderson") Ia = nx.simrank_similarity(Aq) IanAr = [[Ia[u][v] for v in sorted(Ia[u])] for u in sorted(Ia)] Ian_array = array(IanAr) AqL = list(Aq.nodes) IanAL = list(IanA.nodes) print("\nSimilarities for Aqualung") for x in range(len(sim_array)): for y in range(len(sim_array[x])): if x == y: break elif sim_array[x][y] >= 0.01: print(AqL[x], " | ", AqL[y], " | ", sim_array[x][y]) print("\nSimilarities for Ian Anderson") for x in range(len(Ian_array)): for y in range(len(Ian_array[x])): if x == y: break elif Ian_array[x][y] >= 0.01: print(IanAL[x], " | ", IanAL[y], " | ", Ian_array[x][y]) #removing nodes for networkx.difference for node in AqL: if (node in IanAL): continue else: Aq.remove_node(node) for node in IanAL: if (node in AqL): continue else: IanA.remove_node(node) print("\nComputing Difference") D = nx.difference(Aq, IanA) D.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(D))) print( #Computing Intersection print("\nIntersection") I = nx.intersection(Aq, IanA) I.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(I))) print(
def generate_output_matrix(self): M1 = self.input_matrix[:, 0:3] M2 = self.input_matrix[:, 4:7] G1 = nx.from_numpy_matrix(M1, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) G2 = nx.from_numpy_matrix(M2, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) OG = nx.intersection(G1, G2) output_matrix = nx.to_numpy_array(OG, dtype=int) output_matrix[output_matrix != 0] = 2 return output_matrix
def intersect(self, g1, g2): g1_copy = g1.copy() g1_copy.remove_nodes_from(n for n in g1 if not n in g2) intersection = nx.MultiDiGraph() try: intersection = nx.intersection(g1_copy, g2) except: traceback.print_exc() g1_copy_2 = g1.copy() g1_copy_2.remove_nodes_from(n for n in g1 if not n in intersection) return g1_copy_2
def main(): print("Generating Aq") Aq = Aqualung() print("Generating IanA") IanA = Ian() print("Computing similarity") nx.write_edgelist(Aq, "aq.edgelist") #As = nx.simrank_similarity(Aq,max_iterations=5) #print("Done with simrank") G1 = nx.DiGraph() G1.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) G1.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (4, 5)]) #s = nx.simrank_similarity(G1) #A = [[s[u][v] for v in sorted(s[u])] for u in sorted(s)] #sim_array = array(A) #print(sim_array) #AqL = list(Aq.nodes) #IanAL = list(IanA.nodes) #for node in AqL: # for node2 in AqL: # print("Checking",node," ",node2) # sim_val = nx.simrank_similarity(Aq,source=node,target=node2) # if sim_val >= 0.01: # print(node, node2, sim_val) #removing nodes for networkx.difference AqL = list(Aq.nodes) IanAL = list(IanA.nodes) for node in AqL: if (node in IanAL): continue else: Aq.remove_node(node) for node in IanAL: if (node in AqL): continue else: IanA.remove_node(node) print("\nComputing Difference") D = nx.difference(Aq, IanA) D.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(D))) print( #Computing Intersection print("\nIntersection") I = nx.intersection(Aq, IanA) I.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(I))) print(
def test_intersection(): G = nx.Graph() H = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4]) G.add_edge(1, 2) G.add_edge(2, 3) H.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4]) H.add_edge(2, 3) H.add_edge(3, 4) I = nx.intersection(G, H) assert set(I.nodes()) == {1, 2, 3, 4} assert sorted(I.edges()) == [(2, 3)]
def compute_recons_accuracy(self, path): ### Compute reconstruction error G = self.G G_recons = self.read_networks_as_graph(path) G_recons.add_nodes_from(G.nodes) H = nx.intersection(G, G_recons) recons_accuracy = len(H.edges) / len(G.edges) print('# edges of original ntwk=', len(G.edges)) print('# edges of reconstructed ntwk=', len(G_recons.edges)) print('reconstruction accuracy=', recons_accuracy) return H, recons_accuracy
def test_intersection(): G = nx.Graph() H = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4]) G.add_edge(1, 2) G.add_edge(2, 3) H.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4]) H.add_edge(2, 3) H.add_edge(3, 4) I = nx.intersection(G, H) assert_equal(set(I.nodes()), set([1, 2, 3, 4])) assert_equal(sorted(I.edges()), [(2, 3)])
def test_intersection(): G=nx.Graph() H=nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from([1,2,3,4]) G.add_edge(1,2) G.add_edge(2,3) H.add_nodes_from([1,2,3,4]) H.add_edge(2,3) H.add_edge(3,4) I=nx.intersection(G,H) assert_equal( set(I.nodes()) , set([1,2,3,4]) ) assert_equal( sorted(I.edges()) , [(2,3)] )
def test_intersection_node_sets_different(): G = nx.Graph() H = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4, 7]) G.add_edge(1, 2) G.add_edge(2, 3) H.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) H.add_edge(2, 3) H.add_edge(3, 4) H.add_edge(5, 6) I = nx.intersection(G, H) assert set(I.nodes()) == {1, 2, 3, 4} assert sorted(I.edges()) == [(2, 3)]
def test_intersection_multigraph_attributes(): g = nx.MultiGraph() g.add_edge(0, 1, key=0) g.add_edge(0, 1, key=1) g.add_edge(0, 1, key=2) h = nx.MultiGraph() h.add_edge(0, 1, key=0) h.add_edge(0, 1, key=3) gh = nx.intersection(g, h) assert set(gh.nodes()) == set(g.nodes()) assert set(gh.nodes()) == set(h.nodes()) assert sorted(gh.edges()) == [(0, 1)] assert sorted(gh.edges(keys=True)) == [(0, 1, 0)]
def test_intersection_multigraph_attributes(): g = nx.MultiGraph() g.add_edge(0, 1, key=0) g.add_edge(0, 1, key=1) g.add_edge(0, 1, key=2) h = nx.MultiGraph() h.add_edge(0, 1, key=0) h.add_edge(0, 1, key=3) gh = nx.intersection(g, h) assert_equal( set(gh.nodes()) , set(g.nodes()) ) assert_equal( set(gh.nodes()) , set(h.nodes()) ) assert_equal( sorted(gh.edges()) , [(0,1)] ) assert_equal( sorted(gh.edges(keys=True)) , [(0,1,0)] )
def get_labels_networkx_edge(list_nx_graph, fill=['number']): """ get a dict of labels for groups in data (networkx graph edge version) @type list_nx_graph: list[networkx graph] @rtype: dict[str, str] :param list_nx_graph: data to get label for (list of graphs) :param fill: ["number"|"logic"|"percent"] :return: labels: a dict of labels for different graphs on edge """ N = len(list_nx_graph) sets_data = list_nx_graph.copy( ) # Add union nodes to all graphs to all networkx set operators s_all = nx.compose_all( sets_data) # simple union of all graph nodes and edges (compose) for i in range(len(sets_data)): sets_data[i].add_nodes_from(s_all.nodes) # bin(3) --> '0b11', so bin(3).split('0b')[-1] will remove "0b" set_collections = {} for n in range(1, 2**N): key = bin(n).split('0b')[-1].zfill(N) value = s_all sets_for_intersection = [ sets_data[i] for i in range(N) if key[i] == '1' ] sets_for_difference = [sets_data[i] for i in range(N) if key[i] == '0'] for s in sets_for_intersection: value = nx.intersection(value, s) for s in sets_for_difference: value = nx.difference(value, s) set_collections[key] = value labels = {k: "" for k in set_collections} if "logic" in fill: for k in set_collections: labels[k] = k + ": " if "number" in fill: for k in set_collections: labels[k] += str(set_collections[k].number_of_edges()) if "percent" in fill: data_size = len(s_all) for k in set_collections: labels[k] += "(%.1f%%)" % ( 100.0 * set_collections[k].number_of_edges() / data_size) return labels
def test_intersection_attributes(): g = nx.Graph() g.add_node(0, x=4) g.add_node(1, x=5) g.add_edge(0, 1, size=5) g.graph["name"] = "g" h = g.copy() h.graph["name"] = "h" h.graph["attr"] = "attr" h.nodes[0]["x"] = 7 gh = nx.intersection(g, h) assert set(gh.nodes()) == set(g.nodes()) assert set(gh.nodes()) == set(h.nodes()) assert sorted(gh.edges()) == sorted(g.edges())
def join2(source, target, joinBy): ''' returns a graph of a single 'or' condition which may contain inner 'and' conditions ''' conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db') cur = conn.cursor() G = nx.Graph() for i in range(len(joinBy)): graphs = [] if source == target: return join1(source, target, joinBy) if joinBy[i]['value'] == []: conn.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row[0] cur = conn.cursor() li = list( cur.execute(f''' SELECT DISTINCT {joinBy[i]["attr"]} FROM T ''')) conn.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row cur = conn.cursor() else: li = joinBy[i]['value'] for val in li: x = nx.Graph() query = f'''SELECT {source}, {target} FROM T WHERE {joinBy[i]["attr"]} = ? ''' print(val) s = cur.execute(query, [val]).fetchall() print(s) x.add_edges_from(s) graphs.append(x) if i == 0: G = nx.compose_all(graphs) else: G = nx.intersection(G, nx.compose_all(graphs)) return G
def get_stats(previous, current, result_file, weeks): vertices_intersection = set(previous.G.nodes()).intersection( current.G.nodes()) G1 = previous.G.subgraph(vertices_intersection) G2 = current.G.subgraph(vertices_intersection) H = nx.intersection(G1, G2) number_of_edges = len(H.edges()) if len(previous.G.edges()) == 0: percent_of_edges = 0.0 else: percent_of_edges = float(number_of_edges) / float( len(previous.G.edges())) * 100.0 number_of_missing_edges = len(previous.G.edges()) - number_of_edges write_stats(result_file, previous, current, vertices_intersection, percent_of_edges, number_of_missing_edges, weeks)
def join1(source, target, joinBy): ''' returns a graph of a single 'or' condition which may contain inner 'and' conditions ''' conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db') conn.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row[0] cur = conn.cursor() G = nx.Graph() for i in range(len(joinBy)): graphs = [] if joinBy[i]['conditionType'] == 'categorical': if joinBy[i]['value'] == []: li = list( cur.execute(f''' SELECT DISTINCT {joinBy[i]["attr"]} FROM T ''')) else: li = joinBy[i]['value'] for val in li: graphs.append( nx.complete_graph( list( cur.execute( f''' SELECT {source} FROM T WHERE {joinBy[i]["attr"]} = ? ''', [val]).fetchall()))) print(f'{val} is complete-networked') if i == 0: G = nx.compose_all(graphs) else: temp = nx.compose_all(graphs) G.add_nodes_from(temp.nodes) temp.add_nodes_from(G.nodes) G = nx.intersection(G, temp) return G
def test_intersection_attributes(): g = nx.Graph() g.add_node(0, x=4) g.add_node(1, x=5) g.add_edge(0, 1, size=5) g.graph['name'] = 'g' h = g.copy() h.graph['name'] = 'h' h.graph['attr'] = 'attr' h.nodes[0]['x'] = 7 gh = nx.intersection(g, h) assert_equal(set(gh.nodes()), set(g.nodes())) assert_equal(set(gh.nodes()), set(h.nodes())) assert_equal(sorted(gh.edges()), sorted(g.edges())) h.remove_node(0) assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.intersection, g, h)
def test_intersection_attributes(): g = nx.Graph() g.add_node(0, x=4) g.add_node(1, x=5) g.add_edge(0, 1, size=5) g.graph["name"] = "g" h = g.copy() h.graph["name"] = "Tests" h.graph["attr"] = "attr" h.nodes[0]["x"] = 7 gh = nx.intersection(g, h) assert set(gh.nodes()) == set(g.nodes()) assert set(gh.nodes()) == set(h.nodes()) assert sorted(gh.edges()) == sorted(g.edges()) h.remove_node(0) pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.intersection, g, h)
def test_intersection_attributes(): g = nx.Graph() g.add_node(0, x=4) g.add_node(1, x=5) g.add_edge(0, 1, size=5) g.graph["name"] = "g" h = g.copy() h.graph["name"] = "h" h.graph["attr"] = "attr" h.node[0]["x"] = 7 gh = nx.intersection(g, h) assert_equal(set(gh.nodes()), set(g.nodes())) assert_equal(set(gh.nodes()), set(h.nodes())) assert_equal(sorted(gh.edges()), sorted(g.edges())) h.remove_node(0) assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.intersection, g, h)
def test_intersection_attributes(): g = nx.Graph() g.add_node(0, x=4) g.add_node(1, x=5) g.add_edge(0, 1, size=5) g.graph['name'] = 'g' h = g.copy() h.graph['name'] = 'h' h.graph['attr'] = 'attr' h.node[0]['x'] = 7 gh = nx.intersection(g, h) assert_equal( set(gh.nodes()) , set(g.nodes()) ) assert_equal( set(gh.nodes()) , set(h.nodes()) ) assert_equal( sorted(gh.edges()) , sorted(g.edges()) ) h.remove_node(0) assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.intersection, g, h)
def crossover(t1, t2, graph): # here we get from |V-1| edges (when two graphs are identical) # to minimum 1 common edge edges = nx.compose(t1,t2).edges() shuffle(edges) # we select the largest resulting subgraph g = nx.Graph() g.add_nodes_from(t1.nodes()) for edge in edges: if g.size() == t1.order() - 1: break if not nx.has_path(g, edge[0], edge[1]): g.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1]) if uniform(0,1) <= 0.25: if nx.intersection(t1,t2).size() == t1.size(): mutation(g, graph) return g
def get_local_filtration(points, filtration_matrix, filtration_steps, m, nodes): G = nx.Graph() positions = {} for i, pt in enumerate(points): positions[i] = pt #positions.append(pt) H = make_k_community(m, nodes, points) G_ex = nx.Graph() G_ex.add_nodes_from(range(len(points))) G_ex.add_edges_from(itertools.combinations(H, 2)) filtration = [] for k, step in enumerate(filtration_steps): A = np.array(filtration_matrix <= step, int) for i in range(len(A)): A[i, i] = 0 G = nx.to_networkx_graph(A) R = nx.intersection(G, G_ex) #H = nx.ego_graph(G,nodes,radius=m) filtration.append(R) return filtration
def bayesnet_compare_plot(bayesmodel_true, bayesmodel_predicted, ax, pos): nx.draw_networkx_nodes(bayesmodel_true, ax=ax, pos=pos, node_size=800, node_color='g', alpha=0.6) nx.draw_networkx_labels(bayesmodel_true, ax=ax, pos=pos, font_size=16, font_weight='bold') nx.draw_networkx_edges(nx.intersection(bayesmodel_true, bayesmodel_predicted), ax=ax, pos=pos, width=4, edge_color='k', style='solid', alpha=0.6, arrowsize=25) nx.draw_networkx_edges(nx.difference(bayesmodel_true, bayesmodel_predicted), ax=ax, pos=pos, width=4, edge_color='r', style='dashed', alpha=0.6, arrowsize=25) nx.draw_networkx_edges(nx.difference(bayesmodel_predicted, bayesmodel_true), ax=ax, pos=pos, width=4, edge_color='b', style='dashed', alpha=0.6, arrowsize=25)
def _calc_tp_misorient(self, true_graph, pred_graph, satisfied_cs): true_edges = nx.edges( nx.intersection(true_graph.to_undirected(), pred_graph.to_undirected())) tp_mis = 0 for u, v in true_edges: if true_graph.has_edge(u, v) and true_graph.has_edge(v, u): assert not satisfied_cs, "True graph with CS is DAG" if not (pred_graph.has_edge(u, v) and pred_graph.has_edge(v, u)): tp_mis += 1 continue if pred_graph.has_edge(u, v) and pred_graph.has_edge(v, u): if satisfied_cs: tp_mis += 0.5 else: tp_mis += 1 continue if true_graph.has_edge(u, v) and not pred_graph.has_edge(u, v): tp_mis += 1 continue if true_graph.has_edge(v, u) and not pred_graph.has_edge(v, u): tp_mis += 1 return tp_mis
def intersection_all(graphs): """Return a new graph that contains only the edges that exist in all graphs. All supplied graphs must have the same node set. Parameters ---------- graphs_list : list Multiple NetworkX graphs. Graphs must have the same node sets. Returns ------- R : A new graph with the same type as the first graph Notes ----- Attributes from the graph, nodes, and edges are not copied to the new graph. """ R = graphs.pop(0) for H in graphs: R = nx.intersection(R, H) return R
def _calc_tp(self, true_graph, pred_graph): return nx.number_of_edges(nx.intersection(true_graph, pred_graph))
def test_mixed_type_intersection(): G = nx.Graph() H = nx.MultiGraph() U = nx.intersection(G,H)
def similarityoftwograph(A,B): inter=nx.intersection(A,B) union=nx.union(A,B) return nx.number_of_nodes(inter)/nx.number_of_nodes(union)
#[(1, 'c'), (3, 'c'), (1, 'b'), (3, 'b'), (2, 'a'), (3, 'a'), (4, 'd'), (1, 'd'), (2, 'b'), (4, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (4, 'c'), (1, 'a'), (4, 'a'), (2, 'd'), (3, 'd')] GH3.edges() #[((1, 'c'), (1, 'd')), ((1, 'c'), (1, 'b')), ((1, 'c'), (2, 'c')), ((3, 'c'), (4, 'c')), ((3, 'c'), (2, 'c')), ((3, 'c'), (3, 'b')), ((3, 'c'), (3, 'd')), ((1,'b'), (1, 'a')), ((1, 'b'), (2, 'b')), ((3, 'b'), (3, 'a')), ((3, 'b'), (2, 'b')), ((3, 'b'), (4, 'b')), ((2, 'a'), (3, 'a')), ((2, 'a'), (1, 'a')), ((2, 'a'),(2, 'b')), ((3, 'a'), (4, 'a')), ((4, 'd'), (4, 'c')), ((4, 'd'), (3, 'd')), ((1, 'd'), (2, 'd')), ((2, 'b'), (2, 'c')), ((4, 'b'), (4, 'c')), ((4, 'b'), (4, 'a')), ((2, 'c'), (2, 'd')), ((2, 'd'), (3, 'd'))] """ Complement """ #Graphe complementaire G1=nx.complement(G) G1.nodes() G1.edges() """ Intersection de graphes """ # Les noeuds de H et G doivent etre les memes H.clear() H.add_nodes_from([1,2,3,4]) H.add_edge(1,2) GH4=nx.intersection(G,H) GH4.nodes() #[1,2,3,4] GH4.edges() #[(1,2)] """ Difference de graphes """ # Les noeuds de H et G doivent etre les memes GH5=nx.difference(G,H) GH5.nodes() # [1,2,3,4] GH5.edges() # [((2,3),(3,4)] # Retourne un graphe avec des aretes qui existent dans G mais pas dans H """ Difference symetrique de graphes """