Пример #1
    def specialize(self, memory=None, generationStrategy=None, presets=None):
        """Specialize and generate an hexastring which content
        follows the fields definitions attached to the field of the symbol.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=5))
        >>> f0 = Field(domain=Size(f1))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f0, f1])
        >>> result = s.specialize()
        >>> print result[0]
        >>> print len(result)

        You can also preset the value of some variables included in the symbol definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII("hello "))
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=(1,10)))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields = [f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = dict()
        >>> presetValues[f2] = TypeConverter.convert("antoine", ASCII, BitArray)
        >>> print s.specialize(presets = presetValues)
        hello antoine

        A preseted valued bypasses all the constraints checks on your field definition.
        For example, in the following example it can be use to bypass a size field definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field()
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=Raw(nbBytes=(10,15)))
        >>> f1.domain = Size(f2)
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = {f1: TypeConverter.convert("\xff", Raw, BitArray)}        
        >>> print repr(s.specialize(presets = presetValues)[0])

        :keyword generationStrategy: if set, the strategy will be used to generate the fields definitions
        :type generaionrStrategy: :class:``

        :return: a generated content represented as a Raw
        :rtype: :class:`str``
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.AbstractField.GenerationException` if an error occurs while generating a message
        from netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.Domain.Specializer.MessageSpecializer import MessageSpecializer
        msg = MessageSpecializer(memory=memory, presets=presets)
        spePath = msg.specializeSymbol(self)

        if spePath is not None:
            return TypeConverter.convert(spePath.generatedContent, BitArray,
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, channel, symbols):
     self.channel = channel
     self.symbols = symbols
     self.memory = Memory()
     self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory = self.memory)
     self.parser = MessageParser(memory = self.memory)